polar-equinoxx · 4 months
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someone gave Maverick a god complex
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gigglz · 3 years
The live
A/N: Hii this is my first fic so please be nice! Also sorry if its short!
Reader X Tom Holland
FT: some of the Avengers cast.
Warnings: this is a tickle fic (no its not sexual), bad grammar.
Prompt: You just finished shooting a scene on set with your friends, and you found Tom in your trailer, you decided to go live.
Word count: 1,305 
You had finally wrapped up a pretty long scene with Robert Downey Jr and Chris Evans. aka Iron man and Captain America.
You had been working on the set with the Avengers for a little over 9 months  now, so you havent been in any of the movies yet. Tho you have become really close with all the cast members. 
You had an especially good bond with Tom Holland.
“Hey, Y/N!” Chris called out to you, “wanna come get a coffee with us?”
“No, im good! Thanks! I have tea in my trailer, ill just go there and relax.” You replied with a kind smile.
“Suit yourself! Were going out, we’ll be gone for a while!” Robert tried to change your mind.
“Im good! You can go!” You assured him.
“Kk.” He said trying to copy your language.
“Hey! I dont talk like that!” You fake whined.
“Mhm, okayy! Can we just go now? I want coffee!” Chris was already out the door.
“Coming!” Robert scoffed, and went with Chris.
You started heading for your trailer, you opened the door and saw Tom sitting on  the couch.
“Y/N! Finally!” he whined.
“Oh! Tom! Hi, sorry had to retake the scene too many times.” You flopped on the couch next to him.
“Are they annoying you? Cuz that wouldn’t be suprising, they sometimes drive me crazy! But theyre fun to work with!” Tom said with a chuckle.
“No, no! Its fine, just wanted some tea.” You said as you stood up to go warm up some water.
“Hey! I already made tea!” he showed you the two cups of tea that were sitting on the counter.
“Thanks!” You flopped down on the couch and took the mug in hand.
“So... i’m bored! Wanna go live?” Tom said already opening instagram on his phone.
“Sure! I mean we got nothing else to do!” You said as you scooted a little closer to Tom.
“Alright! Let’s not make it too long tho, I wanna rest a little after this.” Tom said starting the live.
You nodded.
“Hey guys! We have a small break from shooting! So me and Y/N decided to go live!” Tom said nugging you.
“Hey! Don’t spill my tea!” You exclaimed, slapping his shoulder with one hand.
“Haha! Sorry!” He chuckled. He picked up his cup of tea and took a sip.
“Oh! Right! You don’t know who Y/N is yet! Maybe some of you do, that check the cast member list.” He talked to the camera while you took another sip. “Shes playing the role of the new character “Z” in the movie, shes a bit younger then me! So i finally have a friend here, unlike those old men and women.” He giggled, of course he was joking. He loved his other cast members.
“Rude! I like them more than you!” You said sarcastically and laughed at the face that Tom made.
His mouth was wide open and eyes big, he was just looking at you with disbelief. “Z! You can’t say that!!” He turned to you and fake whined.
“Did you just call be by my hero name? Hah! Okay, Spider-man!” You teased him.
The live was filled with the laughing emojis, they seemed to love you already!
“Don’t talk to me like that! I’m the mighty Spider-man!” He called out with pride.
You chuckled. “Okay, Spider-Boy!” you laughed.
He fake gasped while putting his hand to his chest. “How dare you! I could beat you in any battle!” Tom said getting into his Spider-Man character.
“Hah! Yeah right!” You scoffed and he looked at you with a glint of playfulness in his eyes.
“Watch me!” He exclaimed and tackled you to the couch.
He seemed to act if there were no people watching you do this.
“Hey! Tom! I-AGH!” You let out a squeak.
Tom looked at you. “... you ticklish?” He had a small smirk on his face.
“well.. I.. No?” You said with a stutter.
“So.. you wouldn’t mind if i..  DID THIS!” As he said that, he dug into your sides with both hands.
“AGH! TOM! NO! Stahahahap! Nohohooo!” You arched your back while trying to pry his hands off of your sides.
“Ha! You lied! It isnt wise to lie to Spider-Man! TAKE THIS!” He said as he dug into yout stomach.
“AAAAAGH! TOM! TOOOM! Ahahah! noOOo!” You cried out.
“Who is Tom? I’m Peter!” Tom said with a smrik that you could not see.
“OKOK! PETER! STAHAHAP! Nahahaaa!” You laughed your head off, and his teasing didn’t help very much.
“Hey, what’s so funny? Did I miss a joke? Tell meee!” Tom said as he dug deeper into your belly.
“NAHAHAHA! STAHAP! IM GONNA DIHIHIHIE!” You fell into histerics.
“Hey! You didn’t answer my question! Why are you laughing?? Z? Hello?” He teased you, he knew exactly what he was doing.
“PEHEHETER! YOUHAHAHA! YOU’RE TIHIHICKLING MEHEHEEE!” You screamed hoping he would stop, but you also didn’t.
“Ooooh! So that’s why you are laughing, huh? Didn’t take you for the type to be ticklish, Z!” Tom teased as the live was filled with laughing emojis and comments about your cute laugh.
“TOHOHO- I MEAN PEHETER! STAHAP! IHI CAHAHAN’T TAKE IHIT!” You were being pushed to your limit and Tom felt that, he started slowing down but not stopping completely.
Someone entered the live.. it was Robert Downey Jr.
Tom looked over at the live while he was still attacking your ribs, and saw Robert’s comment.
Robert wrote: “Hey, Y/N! You should’ve come with us! Regret it yet? Anyways.. were coming to save you.”
Tom read the comment and let go, “No, wait! You what? Robert!” he scrolled through the lives comments.
You were finally free and you could finally breathe. “Ehehh.. huff..”.
The comments were filled with “OOO!”, “You better run, Spider-man! Iron man is gonna get ya!”, and “OOOOH!”’s.
You sat up and looked over to Tom, when u saw his face in the camera you couldnt help but laugh. “Haha! what happened now??” You saw the You better run comment and realized.
“Hey, no! Y/N help me! He’s gonna actually kill me!” Tom looked over to you.
“Well.. i sujest-” KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK.
“Come in!” You said with a laugh, Tom looked at you like you had just stabbed him.
“Heyyy! Y/N, you alive?” Robert and Chris entered your trailer.
“Yeheah! I couldn’t say the same for Tom tho!” You said while turning to Tom who just looked confused and scared at the same time.
Tom was still live, you grabbed the phone from the table and turned the camera, you knew what was going to happen.
“Hey... uhm- I have to go..” Tom said while slowly standing up.
“no can’t do, sorry kid.” Robert said as he grabbed Tom and tackled him to the ground.
“HEY HEY HEY! NOO! Rohobert!! Plehease don’t!” Tom said trying to fight back.
Chris just sat next to you and enjoyed the scene that was about to play out.
“Kid, i’m not even touching you yet!” Robert laughed.
“Whyhy are you talking like Stahark?” Tom said giggling.
“what do you mean? Peter? Are you alright?” Robert said in a sarcastic tone.
“Noho doHONHAHAHAA! ROHOBEHEHERTTT! NAHAHAHA!” Tom broke out in laughter for his fans to see.
Robert dug into his belly, that was one of his worst spots.
“Who’s Robert? I’m Iron Man!” Robert laughed to himself as he quoted the same thing Tom said to you.
Rest of the 10 minutes were filled with Spider-Man’s laughter, as Iron Man wrecked him. Captain America and Z watched the scene with amusement.
After sometime had passed and it was time to go to lseep, you opened Instagram and saw that a lot of people had tagged you and Tom in videos of you getting tickled.
You smiled and went to sleep.
I hope you enjoyed the fic! I tried really hard to not make any mistakes, but theres probably a shit ton LMAO- That was it for now! I’ll be writing new fics as often as i can! Hope you liked it!
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