#Happy Wynnsday! 🥳
runninriot · 27 days
and i'm back with another one because @steddiemicrofic dropped a bonus round to celebrate @wynnyfryd 's birthday 💜
from the bottom to the top
prompt: bottom | wc: 345 | rated: M | cw: language, implied sexual content | tags: first time, newly established relationship
Top, bottom, bed, counter, floor - Eddie doesn't care how or where. It doesn't matter. He wants Steve and he wants him now.
"Bottom or top?" Not the most romantic thing he's ever said but excuse Eddie for having his dick do the thinking right now when he's got Steve in his lap, deliciously grinding against his middle, not even trying to hide his own hardness.
Steve pulls away at his words, two big, hazel eyes staring innocently back at him.
"I- I don't know? I've never-"
Right, shit. Eddie knows Steve has never had sex with another guy before. Least he could do is to be a little more tactful. Slow things down a bit and give Steve some time to-
No, actually? Fuck that.
"I want you, Steve. Don't care how. You can-"
"Bottom. Want you inside me."
Eddie feels like it's his birthday and Christmas combined, feels like one of his many daydreams has finally come true when he lays Steve down on the sofa, his shirt already lost somewhere on the floor, and starts to unbutton Steve's jeans with trembling fingers.
The sight of Steve's naked body is enough to take his breath away and suddenly, he doesn't feel as cocky anymore.
"What's wrong?" Steve asks concerned and Eddie realises he's been hesitating, staring for too long at the perfection in front of him.
"Uh, actually…"
What the hell was he thinking?
Steve deserves better than this. Deserves to be laid down on soft sheets instead of this worn-out sofa. And lube, they'll need lube for fuck's sake! Eddie can't just dive in like that.
"Want to take my time with you, baby. Want to do this right."
Eddie kisses him again before dragging him to the bedroom.
There, on the bed, in fresh sheets and with the evening sun painting Steve's skin golden, Eddie falls in love all over again.
And when they finally become one in a mess of tangled limbs, Eddie takes Steve to a height unlike any he's ever been before.
"Bottom." Steve smiles blissfully. "Definitely a bottom."
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