#Heleana just trying to help her brother out but he playin
randomlyexisting · 2 years
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Paper Hearts (I signed it with love from me to you)
Aemond ‘one-eye’ Targaryen x Jacaerys ‘Jace’ Velaryon
Modern au
Part 1/2
Warning: bad writing
Soft Aemond.
Unrequited love.
Cute Heleana.
Daemyra mentioned.
Jace loves flowers. But he’s allergic.
Aemond hates paper cuts. But he loves Jace.
“You know, Even if you cut your own heart out and shape it into a flower,” Aegon snatched one of the paper roses he had finished , inspecting it for a second and then throwing it back to the table carelessly.”Our dear nephew won’t reciprocate your feelings .”
Their nephew, since a young age had a fascination towards flowers. The natural beauty of it just captured his heart. But Jacaerys learned one day, when Daemon had gifted his mother,Rhaenyra ,a huge bouquet of red roses for their anniversary ; that he was allergic. Not a pretty sight.
So his little ole self made a origami flower at school, a crappy one if he remembers correctly kinda weird looking, and gave it to Jace. The way Jace eye lit up like fireworks took his breath away and when Jace hugged him, Daemon had to pull his son away so Aemond could breathe .
Aemond always came in second in everything but he was the first to make his nephew smile so big and eyes sparkle. So he mastered in origami over the years just for him. Paper cuts were and are a bitch. But it didn’t matter to Aemond.
Aemond had years of practice of shutting out Aegons harsh words . Everything that came out of his mouth goes into his left ear and leaves his right. This time it’s about Jace. Everything is different when it’s about Jace.
His fingers freezes, along with his heart. Only for a second, Aemond can’t let his brother know that his words affected him. Aegon and Heleana were the only ones that knew of his feelings for Jace. Helaena didn’t judge him. Aegon is a different story.
“He’s too infatuated with that guy, what’s his name, Corg Stork.” Aegon snorted. Not bothering him that Aemond was trying his best to ignore him.
Aemond would really love to bash his brother head on the table. But he won’t , Heleana would get scared and she might tell Jace. He balled his fist until his knuckles turn white and the red paper crumbles in his grasp.
Aemond knew exactly who he was talking about. His nephew’s friend that always seem to be around , Aemond loathe seeing that guy. The near mention of his name with Jace’s made him see red.
Aemond kept his jaw clenched tight and shifted in his seat.
“Don’t know what he sees in that guy. He’s no Aemond Targaryen.” Aegon eyes widen comically and shook his head in false despair of feeling bad for his little brother. His lips began to curl, Aegon glances at Helena, who shakes her head pleadingly, that just makes Aegon smile wider.
“Then again, He has two eyes.” Aegon shrugs as if saying ‘What can you do’.
Aegon loves to remind him with his stupid childish jokes that he had only one eye. As if Aemond needed reminding because the eyepatch wasn’t enough. Aemond slammed his hands on the table, Aegon jumped out of his reach and a thrill runs inside him seeing Aegon eyes flash in fear as he ran behind their sister.
Aegon mumbles quietly to her ‘protect me’ and his sweet trapped sister looks at him not knowing what to do. The fucker knew he wouldn’t do anything with Heleana in the way.
Aemond simply hums ,a constant habit of his, and leaves the room.Desperately in need of air. His ear pick up soft footsteps that he instantly knew belonged to Helena .
“I snitched. Mother grounded him.” Helena smiled proudly knowing she made Aegon pay for hurting her brother feelings. Aemond returned the smile and thanked her. She sat down with him and played with a ladybug she found .
“ Aemond, don’t believe Aegon’s cruel words.” Helena broke the silence. She gave him a soft smile , in her outstretched palm stood the ladybug. Aemond accepted the ladybug, confused.
“I will tell you a secret…but you can’t tell no one,” She says timidly. Embarrassingly, he points out his pinky finger with hers.
“Jacaerys said butterfly…” Heleana whispers.
“…….what?” Aemond lift his brows confused. Is he suppose to know what that meant. Is it a code?
Helena explains to him about the sleepover that Rhaena and Baela invited her , girls only, Aemond remebers how big his sister smiled and how all she can talk about was that sleepover. Heleana didn’t have many friends. Aemond could count them with one hand. Baela , Rhaena and Jacaerys.
Helena explained how Jace and Luke ended up crashing the sleepover , Baela and Rhaena only let the both boys stay if they agree to let the girls do their makeup. Aemond tried to not sound that desperate when he asked Helena if she possibly had pictures of Jace that night.
Helena just gave him a side eye glance, and ignored his question , too invested in telling her story to deal with Aemond crushing on Jacaerys. Aemond is not embarrassed. She got to the part where Rhaena brought up the topic of boys and girls.
“Baela said that we could get any girl or guy since we were all tens… It got me confused … I’m not 10 years old ….but Jace explained and then we played butterflies and spiders with the yearbook!”
Aemond tried not to look dumbfounded at the useless information Heleana was proudly sharing but all he got was how much fun she had at the sleepover. Aemond wondered if it was her plan to distract him from exploiting of anger and doing something reckless . It was useless because Aemond is back to square one.
He felt stupid for getting his hopes up. Of course Jace wouldn’t have feelings for his uncle. It’s wrong to have feelings for a nephew. Even if his mind supply with the information about Daemon and Rhaenyra .
His guts twisted in embarrassment and felt his fingers twitch to pick on his skin.
“Here’s your ladybug. I’m happy you had a great time with Rhaena and Baela.”Standing up, Aemond brushed the dust from his jeans and hoped his voice didn’t show how he felt. Angry, embarrased, confused, stupid.
He kisses her forehead and heads back inside and straight to his room. He jumps into bed and shuts the world out.
Jace said butterfly. What the hell did that mean. It’s confusing the shit out of him.
Butterfly. Butterfly. Butterfly.
Aemond dreams of Jace, flowers, and butterfly’s.
Aemond decided it’s time to move on. He’s been stuck with these feelings since he was 12. And in these years Jace didn’t magically fall in love with him. His plan was to avoid Jace , except it was kind of hard since they were related and went to the same school. To prove his point right now Jace stood in front of him looking annoyingly cute.
And since he was trying to not focus on how cute his nephew looked, he had to get his nephew eyes off of him.
“Here.” Aemond threw him the paper butterfly he worked on in English class instead of paying attention. Stupid butterfly couldn’t leave his head.
“No flowers today?” Jace held the butterfly between his fingers.
“I think it’s time to give up on that stupid hobby.” It time to give up on these stupid feelings I have for you. It’s what he really meant.
“It’s not stupid.” Jace said seriously . His eyes were back on Aemond. Shit. Why were they looking at him so……..
“Hmm” Aemond went with aloofness. He shouldn’t care what Jace thinks either way.
“Thank you for the butterfly.”Jace smiled as he tugged on Aemond’s sleeve like a little child wanting attention.
Aemond cracked and smiled back at him. How can he not, when Jace is looking up at him all cute with his pretty smile. It was his first day of trying to get over him, and it was going to shit. Aemond points to the paper butterfly and tries to tell him about what Heleana told him.
“Helena told me about the butterflies and spid—“
Jace smile falls . His mouth falls open and looks mortified. His nephew brown eyes are so wide they seem ready to fall out .Aemond’s own smile vanish. Jace cuts him off ,“SHE TOLD YOU!”Jace yells again, “Oh my God!, She promised!”
Jace face turn red , it quickly followed to his ears and down to his neck. Jace looked embarrass and ashamed. Aemond try to grab him , to make him look at him , to get him to explain what was wrong that Heleana told him about the butterfly and spiders.
But Jace just runs . Aemond loses him in the crowd of other students. Jace was short so he could easily hide.His own face turn pink when he realize people were staring at him, probably when Jace screamed.
Aemond gave them all a glare. Maybe it’s a good time to leave. His shoe steps on something making him stop. Aemond takes a step back and peers down . He crouches down and picks up the butterfly . Jace dropped it.
“What did you tell the poor guy to scare him off? Your feelings for him?”Aegon pops out of nowhere, staring at the direction where Jace fleed, resting his elbow on Aemond shoulder.
Aegon should’ve graduated by now but he flunked all his classes.
“Aegon, brother , if you don’t learn to keep your stupid comments to yourself , I will literally murder you.”Aemond pushes Aegon off of him and throws him a menacing glare.
“Oh ,ok ,but for Jace your all sappy and nice but to your older brother —-”Aemond pretends to throw a punch making Aegon flinch “Sorry!” He screeches.
He pretends to not hear Aegon mumble behind him,’Anger problem much?’.
What the hell was that? Maybe Heleana was on to something. Butterfly and spider. He had to investigate. Aemond thought.
Next part will be in Jace pov.
Sidenote: Thoughts?? What do you guys think butterfly and spider is ???? It’s a game but what game?????
Do you guys think Jace has feelings for Aemond or nah??? Thoughts on Heleana lowkey judging Aemond for being too thirsty???lol
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