#Her and I spook each other most the time because we both bumble about back there doing our human thing and cat thing respectively
incompleteninny · 2 years
The fifty-sixth free, unedited chapter of my upcoming book, “The Heist at Cordia Aquarium” is now available on its website (or click here to read from the beginning).
Shit, shit, shit.
Waylon can feel his heart beat inside his eyeballs; his vision seems to bulge on every thump.
On the second reminder to present their credentials, Ivan slaps the back of Waylon's head. "Don't just stand there! Shut it up!"
It stings: enough to pull him out of his own head. Waylon claps a protective hand over the spot and jerks to his feet. "I'm thinking!" He says, glaring at the solitary, rectangular outline on the panel's display. There has to be a way to stop it. He rubs a hand around the thin crevice where its set into the wall. No bumps, no seams. No hints at where he might be able to wedge open its matte, metal housing. Calm, stay—
It blares another reminder. "Please state your name and place your credentials against the pad. An alarm will sound in ten seconds. Are you struggling to find your credentials? If so, please check these common places: back pants pocket; briefcase; inner coat pocket—"
Waylon presses his palms over his ears. Think, think. Come on! What do they do in the movies?
Another character sheet this week. This time, Frank! We won’t see him for a bit in the free chapter releases, but he’ll pop back up toward the end of the book. As reference I gave Stella a picture of Baloo from The Jungle Book and holy cannoli I love this big bear of a man sitting at his pottery wheel.
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