pencil-for-a-dog · 3 months
So, the golden enclaves.... They were... Qn experience
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madphantom · 5 years
The Sound of Life - Chapter 12
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And so it happened that Winslow and Phoenix were finally invited to the Music Industry Winter's Ball, along with every musician that was considered a living legend. Winslow was crazed. Phoenix was planning her outfit. They both arrived in black because they were just that Goth.
They had just gotten themselves something to eat when somebody new entered.
"The Sorrows, Ladies and Gentlemen!", the newcomers were announced. Winslow turned around in interesting to take a look at them.
Sidney August was a pale Irish Redhead. John Samuel Sobek was short, thin, Canadian and had platinum blonde hair. And Juan Miguel was a Mexican with Emo bangs and piercing grey eyes. They looked ridiculous. Phoenix suppressed a chuckle. "Alright, Imma head out and question our concurrents."
"Have fun." Winslow smirked.
She laughed. "Ooh darling, I will." And disappeared in the crowd.
Somebody tapped Winslow's shoulder and he turned around. Behind him was a petite young man with light brown skin and black curls. He was smiling shyly. Winslow recognized him immediately. "Michael Jackson, right?"
The young star nodded. "Hi. You're Winslow Leach, am I correct?"
"Yep. I have your first solo album. Really good. I loved She's out of my Life and Don't stop til you get enough so much."
"Haha, thanks." Jackson blushed a little. "I had a lot of help. I'm a huge fan of yours, by the way."
"Thank you."
"I was wondering whether maybe we could collaborate some day." Jackson looked increasingly nervous.
Winslow smiled. "That sounds like a wonderful idea! I'd love to."
Jackson handed him a little note. "My number," he explained shyly. "I know, I'm younger than you, but I've been in this business for a longer time. It can be quite rough at times. If you need help just call me."
"Thanks," Winslow replied and put the note in his pocket. "I will."
Jackson gave him a shy smile, then Paul McCartney popped up next to him. "Mike, c'mon, you gotta meet Prince!"
"I know him already...!"
"Publicity, kid." McCartney pat the young man's shoulder. He gave Winslow a nod. "Winslow Leach, am I correct? I heard your last single on the radio. Good stuff. If your next one is just as good you'll probably have a splendid career in front of you."
Winslow smiled. "Thank you, Mr McCartney. Big fan of yours, by the way."
"Thanks. Mike, don't run away!" He caught the young man by the sleeve and pulled him along. "It was nice to meet you, Leach."
"Winslow Leach?"
He turned around to see a tall man with long red hair and reddish eyes. "Yes?"
The man bowed in an old-fashioned way. "What an honour to meet you. I am Loki Lilson. You may have heard of me."
"I may have."
Lilson smiled, revealing a row of perfect white teeth. Winslow felt slightly attacked. His tongue wandered over his own metal teeth. Well, at least they wouldn't break off if he got into a fistfight.
Lilson was taller than Winslow.
"I've heard your first single," he said. "The Hell of it. Interesting title. Any experience with hell?"
Winslow laughed. "Yeah, could be called that."
Lilson smirked. "Oh yes, I forgot. Your little adventure with Swan." He sighed. "Swan as a person may have been a genius, but his music...confidentially, it was horrible. The man had no taste."
Something in Lilson made Winslow want to run away and hide. There was a cold aura around the man, filling the air with frost.
Suddenly Phoenix appeared by Winslow's side. "Hey, Winsy, you wanna dance?"
She glared at Lilson.
"Sure," he said and gave Lilson a nod. Then he followed.
"Phoenix, it's a terrible confession but I can't dance," he whispered halfway to the dance floor.
"Me neither," she whispered back. "I just wanted to get you away from that guy. He was... creepy."
"You thought so too?!"
"Yeah. I don't know, I felt so cold around him."
"So did I."
"Let's go and get ourselves some food. Also... have you seen Harold's partner?"
"No. Who is it?"
"You won't believe it." Phoenix led him to the buffet where he spotted Harold with a short frail girl with black curls and a Gothic black dress. It was only when she turned around that he recognized her. "Ellie?"
She grinned. "Eyoo, bro."
Harold blushed a little. "I hope you don't mind, Winslow..."
"No, no, of course not! Where's Sandy then?"
"Having the slow dance with Archie."
"Oh my gosh."
Phoenix laughed. "You know what?", she finally said. "I need some fresh air. Let's get our asses outside."
Literally the second they were outside Phoenix realized she'd forgotten her coat and hurried back in, leaving Winslow alone outside. He was looking for Orion among the stars when he heard a familiar voice.
"Mr Leach."
Winslow turned around to find Lilson standing there, with a smile on his face. "Hi."
"I've been looking for you. Where's Mrs Leach?"
"She went back in to get her coat. Should be back any minute." Please hurry, Winslow thought.
Lilson smirked. "Ah, yes. The cold. It's quite a surprise how cold a Winter's night can be here in the city." He walked over to Winslow. "We didn't finish our talk twenty minutes ago."
"Right. The talk. Uhm...what was it about again?"
Lilson laughed a little. "Oh, right. Forgive me. I have a little offer. A deal."
"I'm listening."
"I know that our singles were both treated as hits." Lilson smirked again. "Most tabloids are already wondering whether we'd team up or become bitter enemies."
"What I'm offering is: We leave each other in peace. No collaboration, we're way too different for that. But no rivalry either."
Winslow raised an eyebrow. "Scared a rivalry might be bad for your business?"
Lilson chuckled. "Oh, no no no. My business is in safe hands. No, I just want to save us some nerves. Think about it - no negative comments in interviews and everything's alright."
Winslow smirked. "I'm tempted, Mr Lilson, but I'm worried you won't keep your word."
Lilson raised his eyebrows. "Oh dear. I guess you know me too well then."
"No, actually I just have some experience with people not keeping their word."
Lilson smiled. "Oh, yes. Swan."
Phoenix appeared behind him.
"Why the fuck is he here?!", she signed.
"Help, get me out," Winslow signed back while saying: "You're absolutely right, Mr Lilson."
Phoenix hurried to his side and faked a laugh. "Oh dear, Winslow, I've been looking for you everywhere!" She was about to say something else when suddenly Winslow heard a ticking noise in the bushes.
"Get down!", he yelled and pushed Phoenix away.
The garden exploded.
Instinctively Winslow grabbed Phoenix and covered her. He felt the heat on his back. The light of the explosion illuminated everything for a terrifying second, then it was over.
"Oh my God, what was that?", Phoenix whispered.
"I don't know," Winslow replied shakily. "Are you okay?"
"Good." Winslow turned around. The garden was destroyed. A cloud of smoke was floating above the burned grass. A bomb, he realized.
"Oh my God!" Michael Jackson appeared next to them. "The explosion was right next to Loki Lilson! That must have killed him!" Jackson was pale and shocked. For a treehugger kind of person like him this had to be a horror.
Somebody appeared in the smoke. A person was walking towards them. They flinched.
And suddenly Lilson stepped out of the smoke, perfectly unharmed, not even a burn mark on his suit.
Phoenix' eyes widened. "But... I...I saw the explosion...Mr Lilson, you were right next to it!"
"Nonsense," he snarled. "I wasn't. What are you waiting for? Contact the police!"
As it turned out, the bomb had been laid by some anarchist who was protesting against the luxury of the ball. He was arrested and the cops drove off. Winslow and Phoenix left.
"He was right next to the bomb," Phoenix said in the car. "I saw it. He was standing in the middle of the flames and yet nothing happened to him. How is that possible?"
"I don't know," Winslow replied.
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