#I also ADORE the jester but sadly he is useless against this boss =(
so I'm playing darkest dungeon 2 again, mostly because my computer couldn't handle bauldur's gate and I feel left out lmfao. Dd is technically campaigns as well and there's some aspects of customization so it's helping me fill the need.
so anyway. I've been renaming the characters based off fandoms and friends.
do y'all want me to add yours? 👀
there's a bunch of classes but right now I'm using:
The Hellion (high dmg, leader/1st rank. An exiled warrior trying to gain back her honor, because in the face of war she was a coward)
The Highway Man (range and melee, any rank. Your standard hardened ex-con looking for redemption. Meow Meow flavored. Best character idc idc)
The Plague Doctor (healer&debuffs, back rank. Gremlin scientist that tried to defy death despite her professor's warnings. Also meow meow flavored tbh)
The Vestal (healer & party buffs, back rank. A warrior nun that was exiled from the church because she wanted to watch people getting FREAKY. Probably the weakest backstory out of all the characters, but I still love her and she's a based healer. so.)
The Occultist (debuffs & range, back rank. Astral traveled to the void and it seems the void talked back.)
The Grave Robber (range with toxicity, any rank. Your standard rich lady with an abusive drunk of a husband that mysteriously wound up poisoned. She spent all his money and then robbed his grave for more. Serves absolutely CUNT and is my other favorite character.)
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