#I also gave the twins some soul link shit so now when wendy is below half health abby will take 50% of damage given to wendy for him
arolesbianism · 6 months
I have officially updated my Wendy skilltree concept 👍
#rat rambles#starve posting#I didn't change it too drastically but I did change the lunar and shadow aligned skills a bit and replaced certain skills#for the alignment stuff I decided that if burnie gets to be a planar entity so does abby cause fuck you#also because I think thats not too game breaking for her either due to her much lower health#I also gave the twins some soul link shit so now when wendy is below half health abby will take 50% of damage given to wendy for him#I think its fair game given that willow gets spells lol#I also decided to go fuck it and slap a abby gets to have 3 elixir effects at once skill on the elixir branch#I also decided that fuck it the previous skill is double length of effect now instead of 50% longer#the sisturn branch remains fairly untouched but the alignment based sisturn skills have actual concepts now 👍#I also decided itd be fun to add some actual wendy skills but specifically for sanity aura related stuff#its his token 'not rly worth it most of the time but it's an option you could take advantage of' skills lol#basically I have 4 skills abt different types of sanity auras with the simplest just being stopping night sanity drain#the other 3 are creature auras landmark auras and equiptable auras#notice how I say sanity aura and not sanity drain. this is where I tap into kind of risky territory but also kind of cool territory#basically my thought is that these would be situational admittedly but also rly powerful sanity control tools#basically making it so youre theoretically in near complete control of wendy's sanity levels at any given time#I say theoretically and near because theres still a lot of sanity effecting things that arent auras or nighttime#I also think it's the best compromise Im willing to make with making a wendy skilltree that has actual wendy centric skills on it lol
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