#I don’t know what y’all’s media taste like but mine is delicious
deliciousdietdrpepper · 9 months
I mean I had theories about bigtop burger, sure, but an alien clown getting banished from his homeworld because he got stage fright during a ritual production of the musical cats, (by getting shot out of a cannon,) and slingshotting into the path of earth and killing the dinosaurs on his way to the core of the planet, was not on my radar for some reason
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sherlollydramoine · 4 years
Welcome to the Tumblr-Dome Bitch! Pt 3
Tumblr media
Warnings: smut-ish, mostly implied. Fluff with a cute ending. Also, don’t come for me because online friendships are very real. 
Okay y’all so I had to break this ish up into three parts, because well.. This idea got away from me. This is the conclusion. I realize that some of this is very out of character for Rami but this idea got away from me and it was making me laugh. So I’m sorry. I hope you can enjoy this ridiculous thing for what it is.
Word Count: 1342
You both decided for your sanity to just avoid Tumblr for the rest of the day/evening. 
You showered and got ready for your evening with Rami, while he was texting you on and off the entire rest of the day.
Making dinner turned into something interesting, since you weren’t really sure what to cook.
Settling on one of your faves, you made a pot roast. You already had the roast thawed since you wanted to make it for dinner anyway. The prep went quickly since you just had to pop it in the oven.
He had agreed to come over around four-thirty to five, and you still had a little bit of food to finish. 
You let him into your building and told him your door was unlocked. 
When he showed up he was holding a bag that sounded like glass bottles clinking together. 
“I brought several different kinds of alcohol as an apology for the shit storm I created for you. I really am sorry.”
You just laugh and tell him that it was okay. 
He places a small kiss on your temple while you finished working on the potatoes.
“It smells delicious in here, what did you make?”
“Pot roast. It’s a comfort food of mine and one of my favorite meals ever.”
“Smells heavenly, so alcohol, pick your poison. I’m honestly down for some tequila right now.”
“God, me too!” you exclaim as you pull out a couple of glasses and some ice. 
Why don’t you take your drink and meet me at the table, I’ll be there in just a few minutes. With dinner.”
You gathered up all of the food and slowly brought everything to the table, while he sat there sipping on his drink.
Once you were both seated you ate and chatted. Mostly about the interesting turn of events of the last eighteen hours, upcoming work projects, and life. 
Conversation between you two somehow was easy just like it was when you two met last night. 
After you finished eating, clearing the table, and putting the food away you both settled on the couch. You both had, had a few drinks already and you weren’t sure if he was being funny or not but suggested you do something that is really going to set people into a frenzy.
“Why don’t we take a selfie and post it on my Tumblr blog? I don’t know why. I know this is stupid and could cause a frenzy but maybe I should settle something. Maybe I should just let the world know it’s me. You said there is a way to disable messages right?”
“Oh Lord Rami, this is stupid, but yes it is possible. I can show you, but you might have to do it from a laptop.”
“Well good thing yours is right here YN.”
“Most of my followers don’t even know what I look like anyway so I don’t see how this can hurt, unless you tag me in it.”
He brought out his phone and the two of you settled into a comfortable position on the couch before snapping a selfie. 
He opened the Tumblr app and posted the photo and he tagged you in it. Shortly after hitting the post button he opened the Twitter app and posted the picture of the two of you with the caption “Dinner, drinks, and snuggle time with my new favorite person. Just posted this on my new Tumblr blog ItsMeRami” Your jaw nearly hit the floor.  
You watch as he hits post, and then you open the Tumblr app on your laptop and allow him to log in. You show him how to disable anons, which he does and then closes the laptop.
“Rami, this is going to blow the fuck up and-”
He just smiles at you before capturing your lips in his. 
The panic subsided as his lips began to work yours, tasting a mixture of pot roast and tequila.
All the possible Tumblr drama forgotten as his hands slowly work their way from your hair all the way down your body before settling on your waist. 
The soft moan that escapes you as your body instinctively moves closer to his. 
Your hands end up tangled in his hair, while you straddle his hips, your lips still locked together in a heated kiss. 
You feel yourself grinding down on him through his jeans his little hums of pleasure vibrating through his chest and into yours. 
You almost laugh as he flips you both over and catches your top with his teeth before pulling. 
“In that piece of fan fiction that I read, I must have been strong or the top flimsy because there is no way I am ripping your shirt off with my teeth.”
You laugh for a second, as his hips grind into yours the pressure from his jeans feeling amazing against your center. 
“Oh my God. I don’t care what you do just please…”you whine out unable to form any other words.
His hands quickly work his jeans open as he pulls his cock out of his jeans. Your eyes wide at the gloriousness that is his cock. 
You had forgotten panties with your skirt and you were glad that you had, as his hand finds your core. 
“So wet darling. So wet already.”
“Fuck me please?”
And with that he slides himself into you slowly. Your eyes locked as you moan at the sensation of him filling you. 
He doesn’t just fuck you, no, he loves you. Several times that night and almost every night after. 
This is a night that you both remember forever, and that selfie you took that night now sits on the mantle of your house four years later. It was just after Christmas now, not quite New Year’s Eve, your belly rounded with the evidence of the late stages of your pregnancy. 
He comes into the living room, his hair wet from the shower he had just taken as he stops to admire you from afar. 
“Who would have thought that would have turned out to be one of the best nights of our lives?”
Your head turning to look at him as you smile, hands unconsciously rubbing your belly. 
“Yeah I know. And I can’t believe that we both still have our damn Tumblr accounts. The girls say ‘hi’ by the way. And Peen is glad you gave permission to post that  photo that I snapped. Always glad for more content, because your dick is glorious even clothed. Those jeans look so good on you. She really is grateful for the ‘exclusive’ content that we give her.”
He just laughs.” I’ll message her and free-rami later about the baby shower ideas they had, they both said that they will be able to be here for it.”
You laugh again. Who would have ever really thought that a chance encounter in a bar and a random foray into Tumblr, would lead to having the best friends and the best husband ever?
“Yeah it took like six months for the Tumbly drama to die down. Man, some of those people came for you hard babe.Glad you mostly just blocked them or deleted them. My publicist also wasn’t super thrilled that I did what I did, but she did find it hilarious. My fans think that my people run my Tumblr blog, but they don’t realize it’s still just mostly you and I that do all of that. And your fanfiction has definitely gotten better, maybe it’s because you write what you know?” he smiles into your hair, you roll your eyes. Even after four years he is still the same.
“Oh my God! You have no idea how many anons I get asking me what your dick is like, since I never really give full descriptions of it. They all want to know how big it is, and if I could upload any photos. People are weird and so is Tumblr. I think your fans are just glad that you engage on social media now, even if it is still very limited.”
“YN, you first told me that Tumblr is a cesspool of the weird and bizarre. Is it any surprise?”
“No.” you laugh again, settling your body back into your husbands.
@the-real-ramimalekpeen @r-ahh-mi @mrhoemazzello @txmel @xmxisxforxmaybe @ramimedley @free-rami @hissom1933​ @spacedustmazzello​ @ramimedley​
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1milzine · 4 years
As we celebrate over 200 followers on tumblr, here’s round two of favorite rarepairs!
@lurkerwithcomputer said: Still taking fave rarepair asks? I have a slowly growing love of Toga Himiko/Kaminari Denki. I'm honestly surprised it's so rare considering all the Traitor Kaminari theories. (I mean, there are only *2 fics* - I kid you not - on Ao3 with this ship and one of them is mine...)
Mod Muse: Oooh, good point. This will be a very valid ship if the traitor theory turns out to be true! Heck, even if it doesn't, I could see the dynamic being a lot of fun. Toga's chaos, empathy, and undercurrent of cunning combined with Kaminari's raw chaotic dumbass… chaos squared.
Mod Echo: I’m fond of the “Kaminari is the traitor” theory just because Kaminari is cool but like he could be even cooler with a shadowy past, and Toga and Kaminari would just be amazing to see together in general. I feel like these two are a pair I would not want to meet in a dark alley. @_@
Anon said: this is gonna sound weird but bakugo and that friend he had in middle school (the one w the long fingers) they WERE childhood friends, nd i feel like theyd have a very “no homo” kinda relationship (but secretly Yes Homo) nd angst bc the friend ISNT a hero student and esp w bkg rebuilding his relationship w deku, he could feel like hes not Good Enough to act on his feelings 4 bkg. idk i think itd b cute bc hes the friend bkg had a consistent good relationship w/ and i wanna explore that dynamic
Mod Muse: I don't think it's weird at all! I could definitely see that sort of vibe coming from them and the potential for angst, character development, and all those other things is… delicious. I love rebuilding old relationships type ships, and this hits that mark perfectly. :D
Mod Echo: “Childhood friend” ships are A+ in my book; I love those wholesome moments of “Remember that time when we…” Doesn’t seem like a weird ship to me at all!
Anon said: Dunno if you’ll do another round of fav rarepairs but I think ShinIzuOcha is so cute!! Also Kendo x Momo x Jirou are adorable
Mod Muse: Oh gosh, you're right, they are cute! I should have thought twice before suggesting this event… i'm… gonna end up with too many ships. RIP me
Mod Echo: Y’all ever look at canon and go “Wow, you’re just not trying hard enough. There are 505607920 ways you could be infinitely more awesome.” And here’s two of them right here! I’m a big fan of Shinsou in general so sign me up for ShinIzuOcha, and Kendo, Momo, and Jirou just seems like a totally natural ship--their connections all have good development!
@fleurdesamione said: I love the big three as a polyship! They're just such a good balance for each other and so sweet in their friendship! The idea of them sharing a romantic bond just makes me soften!
Mod Muse: *teary eyes* Too right OP… too right
Mod Echo: L I S T E N they’re not called “The Big Three” for nothing, okay??? There are some characters yah just don’t separate and this is it right here, gold standard. Nejire and Mirio’s outgoing natures balance out Tamaki’s shyness and Tamaki’s determination gives the others motivation to keep going. So good, just so good.
Anon said: Todoroki/shinso has got a killer vibe going for it right now with me! I love the idea of the two who declare from the start they don't want to make friends coming together and finding a warmth and love from each other.
Mod Muse: That sort of dynamic is always nice! I’ll admit, I probably wouldn’t have thought of Todoroki/Shinsou on my own, but now that you mention it, it sounds like it has a lot of potential.
Mod Echo: Yesss, let’s continue to further the Shinsou agenda… I think there’s so much good stuff that could happen in a ship like this--they both have elements of their quirks that they hesitate to use or don’t view as heroic, so finding a way to make their quirks into something they love and feel great about TOGETHER is just flawless. 
@coffee-craving-canine said: I have A LOT of rarepairs, but currently, my favorites are Frozen Marbles (Rei/Compress) and DabiHawksMiruko. Compress, despite being a villain, is much more of a gentleman than Endeavor ever could be and would treat Rei so much better; plus he's very charming. Rei deserves good things. The scandal with Dabi secretly dating two heroes is angst heavy, making it fun to plot how it could work out. Hawks and Rumi can relate to each other with their animal instincts (plus "Dabi is a furry" jokes)
Mod Muse: Is now the time to say that I actually ship Dabi/Miruko myself? So yes, Coffee, I definitely understand where you’re coming from! And you’re dead right about Rei deserving good things! Compress may be a villain, but at least I have little doubt that he would treat her right.
Mod Echo: YOOOOO, I love this!! Mr. Compress more like Mr. Steal Yo Girl!!! He should totally go save Rei; Horikoshi get on this stat! DabiHawksMiruko is hilarious to me because I’m imagining how such a situation would happen in canon and what people’s reactions would be… Great stuff.
Anon said: My favorite rarepair (and just bnha ship in general) is Setsumori! (Setsuna/Kinoko) They have such a cute dynamic: Excited tol and shy smol (in the most simple terms). They're also just both cuties!!
Mod Muse: You have me intrigued. Excited tol and shy smol girls is a worthwhile shipping investment indeed! 
Mod Echo: Class 1-B needs way more love! There are so many fun characters and dynamics there and then the comic just glances right over them. I want to see some interactions with these two in canon!
Anon said: Inko/Yagi/Naomasa! All Might and Naomasa have such a good rapport in Vigilante! But Toshinko is such a wholesome ship! So why not make a ot3, you know?
Mod Muse: I do know! Naomasa deserves more love, and Inko and Toshinori both deserve nice things. Ship them all together and let them all be happy and warm and wholesome. ^.^
Mod Echo: There are so many shippers with great taste submitting responses here. I love All Might/Inko, and I also love All Might/Naomasa--Inko/All Might/Naomasa is like double the love! We all know Toshinko is A+ but man, I feel like Naomasa’s calm and just generally kind demeanor is a great match for Inko too. This was a great idea for acquiring new ships....
Anon said: Shipping Fuyumi with Miruko is popular but I'm also intrigued by Mt. Lady and Fuyumi together, considering they also have such clashing personalities. With Mt. Lady very self-assured and attention-seeking and Fuyumi tends to throw her all into supporting others.
Mod Muse: Oooh, I could see them making lovely foils! I approve! Also, imagining the surprise of Fuyumi’s family and friends finding out she’s dating Mt. Lady… lmao
Mod Echo: I like Fuyumi with like… everyone. XD She’s just a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world… But Fuyumi with Mt. Lady could be really cool! I feel like Mt. Lady is really good at putting on a media personality, but having to be herself around Fuyumi could be very interesting challenge!
Anon said: i have such a soft spot for kirishindeku ;;w;; shinsou and deku already have a friendship in the series, and kirishima would absolutely get along w shinsou as well!! they make me all sorts of emotional, haha
Mod Muse: S o f t. I think that Kirishima and Shinsou would balance each other out really well, and then Deku falls really nicely somewhere in the middle of the relative soft-stale cinnamon roll spectrum.
Mod Echo: I see you, fellow Shinsou fans; I see you. Kirishima and Deku are already adorable together just by themselves, but Kirishimi and Shinsou is a dynamic I hadn’t even thought of. I could totally see Kirishima hyping Shinsou’s joining the hero class, and can we just talk about the sheer amount of motivation contained in a KiriShinDeku ship???
Anon said: I really like Mei/Himiko/Iida! mostly because of how hilarious it would be to pair off Iida, one of the most intense and serious members of class A, with two of the wackiest, one-track mind characters.
Mod Muse: O-oh my gosh. I have no words, this is… this is just utterly fantastic. Bless Iida and, in this scenario, heaven help him. I could actually see this relationship being good for all three of them though! 
Mod Echo: RIPPPP Iida! XD There are some ships you like because they’re serious and deep and thought-provoking… And then there are some ships that you love that are just plain comedic genius. The potential for wacky hijinks here is truly and completely off the charts. Just yes, please.
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this is going to be unnecessarily long and there are probably a million variations on this floating around but Sophia @thisstableground got me thinking about it, so! here is a not-at-all comprehensive list of British-isms and their US/Canadian counterparts (for reference, I am a Canadian living very close to the border, raised on a steady diet of almost exclusively American media) and some tiny bits of context about various things, enjoy 
I’ve only ever heard politicians call it America, Americans (usually) call it the US, and Canadians call it the States (here, anyone pronouncing it “Murrica” is making fun of it)
crisps = chips, chips = fries/french fries
biscuits = cookies (this is a biscuit, this is a scone, this is a bun/roll) 
tea = this is a meal, to you, I think? mid-late afternoon? we don’t really have an equivalent to that - tea means the drink
further, iced tea can mean actual brewed tea poured over ice but usually refers to a bottled cold drink that can be made with powder, bears only a passing resemblance to actual tea and contains enough sugar to kill a small child (Americans call this sweet tea) 
pudding = dessert (pudding is the specific thing)
pint = beer. like we drink beer in pints but usually would refer to it as “going out for a beer” or whatever 
treacle = molasses
what a lot of ppl call maple syrup is pancake syrup or table syrup and is basically nothing more than vaguely maple-flavoured liquid sugar. real maple syrup is made from sap tapped from maple trees and is delicious. there are labeling laws here regarding what can be called maple syrup
macaroni and cheese baked in the oven isn’t unheard of but usually ppl mean this which comes in a box and is made on the stove, it’s cheap and barely cheese (see: iced tea) but popular with kids or adults who eat like kids/broke students etc.  
braces = suspenders (these are braces)
vest = undershirt, muscle shirt, tank top, wifebeater (usually tank top refers to women’s and wifebeater men’s but not always, and this or a waistcoat is a vest)
knickers = underwear/underpants (or the specific thing: boxers, briefs, panties, etc.) 
trousers = pants. technically trousers is a specific term for what you would wear with a suit or tux but most ppl just say pants as an umbrella term (pants are also underwear in the UK, I think? this one is weird)
post = mail, parcel is not unheard of but usually package
A&E = ER, emergency room, emerg 
also in hospital/to hospital etc. is in the/to the hospital 
school - this one is a little complicated but basically, age 2-3 is daycare/preschool/pre-k, age 4-5 is kindergarten (at least in Canada - we have 2 years of this, referred to as junior and senior kindergarten), age 6 through 17 or 18 is collectively grade school, starting at first grade and ending at twelfth. generally, ages 6-10 (1st-4th grades) is called elementary school, 11-13 is middle school or junior high, and 14-17/18 is high school. Americans call them first through twelfth grades, in Canada they’re grades one through twelve
college/university is kind of complicated and I’m not totally sure how it works in the US but here there’s a difference - generally, colleges grant certificates/more trade and vocation-oriented stuff and universities grant degrees (bachelor’s, masters, etc.) here you can do either or both, most ppl go to college first (2-4 yrs) and then university (4 yrs). somewhat confusingly, Americans seem to refer to this entire endeavor as college, even if the school itself is named X University. I’ve never heard anyone call it uni
shops = usually we would call this going shopping (as opposed to like “going to the shops” which I think is the UK term?) and “store” is the more common catchall term, although a handful of speciific things are more commonly called shops - barber shop, tattoo shop, etc. a shopping centre/complex is a mall, not to be confused with the National Mall in DC
kerb = curb
pavement = sidewalk (pavement here is asphalt/blacktop)
flat = apartment, bedsit = studio or bachelor apartment
mobile = cell phone, rarely cell, usually just phone 
football = soccer. that and rugby are not as common here as “American” (gridiron) football which is full-contact and looks like this 
technically Canada uses the metric system but (and this might just be an age/generational thing) most ppl I know use a weird mix of that and imperial; I think the States uses imperial pretty exclusively. Canada is Celsius and the States is Farenheit
“the West Wing” is the west wing of the White House, which houses the offices of the President and his senior staff. the Oval Office (aptly named) is his official office and the part of the property he and the First Family are supposed to live in actually live in is referred to as “the executive residence” or just “the residence” 
Canada’s Prime Minister lives at Rideau Hall, officially - Trudeau actually lives in Rideau Cottage on the grounds which is traditionally the home of the governor general (also, Canada is a Commonwealth country but frankly don’t expect me to be able to explain any of that, I suspect you all know more about it than I do)
realise = realize; technically practise is the verb and practice the noun but I usually see ppl use the latter. British spellings are common here (colour, neighbour, etc.) but not in the States
film = movie and cinema = the movies unless the person is being pretentious. sometimes cinema is movie theatre or just theatre, but usually theatre is where you go to see plays and musicals (both spellings are acceptable, imo) 
(there’s also operating theatre but that’s, y’know, different) 
TV programs, plays/musicals, and concerts are all variously referred to as shows (my mom calls going to the movies “going to the show” but I think this is an old-person thing)
mum = mom. names for grandparents vary but I call mine grandma and grandpa, which is common
there are a couple quirks of phrasing/sentence structure that strike me as particularly British but one that jumps to mind is the way y’all use have/has - I’ve got, I’ve not, I’ve not had, etc. the first is common enough but the other two are pretty much nonexistent - it’s I have, I haven’t, I haven’t had
also of, as in smells of/tastes of, is usually like 
also “sat” as an adjective - “he’s sat on the couch” or whatever - would be “is sitting on” or just “is on” 
anyway this post is way too long so I’ll stop now thanks bye
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60 Random Questions for January 13th, 14th & 15th!
 Context: I missed two days in a row because I am a forgetful human being so now, as a result, I am going to answer 60 RANDOM QUESTIONS!!1
1. Name the first song that comes to mind that starts with the letter H.
Answer: Happily by One Direction
2. Name the first song that comes to mind that is instrumental and starts with a vowel.
Answer: Ascendance by Lindsey Stirling
3. Name a song that you that starts with the letter Q.
Answer: Quitter by Carrie Underwood.
4. Top 3 favorite Carrie Underwood songs?
   1. Cowboy Casanova - Play On
   2. Two Black Cadillacs - Blown Away
   3. Relapse - Storyteller
5. Top 3 favorite Christina Aguilera songs?
   1. Fighter - Stripped
   2. Let There Be Love - Lotus
   3. Stronger Than Ever - Bionic
6. Top 3 favorite Britney Spears songs?
    1. If U Seek Amy
   2. Radar
   3. Womanizer
7. Top 3 favorite Instrumental Artists?
    1. F-777  https://jessevalentinemusic.bandcamp.com/
   2. DVJI  https://www.youtube.com/user/DJVITechno
   3. TheFatRat   3. TheFatRat https://www.youtube.com/user/ThisIsTheFatRat
8. Top 3 favorite songs from your childhood?
   1. Lay All Your Love On Me - ABBA
   2. Ain’t No Other Man - Christina Aguilera
   3. Fly - Hilary Duff
9. Top 3 favorite One Direction songs?
     1. They Don’t Know About Us - Take Me Home
   2. Little White Lies - Midnight Memories
   3.  Up All Night - Up All Night
10.  Top 3 favorite Falling In Reverse songs?
     1. The Drug In Me Is You - The Drug In Me Is You
   2. I’m Not a Vampire - 
   3. Raised By Wolves - 
11. Top 3 favorite All Time Low songs?
   1. Old Scars/Future Hearts - 
   2. A Love Like War - Don’t Panic
   3. Get Down On Your Knees And Tell Me You Love Me - Dirty Work
12. First song that comes to mind that starts with the letter A?
Answer: Absolutely Final Goodbye - Christina Grimmie
13. First song that comes to mind that starts with the letter E?
Answer: Everything You Are - Ed Sheeran
14. First song that comes to mind that starts with the letter I ?
Answer: I don’t Care - Fall Out Boy
15. First song that comes to mind that starts with the letter O?
Answer: Obsessed - Gwen Stefani
16. First song that comes to mind that starts with the letter W?
Answer: Walk Away - Christina Aguilera
19. First song that comes to mind that starts with the letter Y?
Answer: You Lost Me - Christina Aguilera
20. Name the song that makes you cry every time?
Answer: Hurt - Christina Aguilera
21. When’s the last time you were very excited?
Answer: last night at around 11:40 pm when i heard that the other friend was going to join the skype call
22. When the last time that you felt scared?
Answer: This evening when I witnessed my niece’s father verbally abuse her when she wanted to show her makeup.
23. When’s the last time that you felt embarrassed?
Answer: I-I don’t know actually. That’s a first.
24. When’ s the last time you were really happy?
Answer: When I called @sweetapple01​ for the first time on Skype.
25. When the last time you were nervous as balls?
Answer: When @floofiemark​ called me on Skype for the first time.  I shouldn’t have been though. She’s like a different version of me that lives too far away from me.
26.What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Answer: A teacher. It’s always been something I wanted to be.
27. How tall were you when you were ten?
Answer: 4′0″ tall. I was very small for that age.
28. Are you an extrovert or introvert?
Answer: A literal mix of both. I can be both at anytime. Even though, I gotta be honest, I lean more on the introvert side.
29.  Favorite social media?
Answer: Tuuuuuumblrrrr!
30. When is your birthday?
Answer: It was yesterday! I turned 19!
31. How does one know how to adult?
Answer: I don’t know. I literally do not know.
32. What makes you weird?
Answer: Talk to me on skype for more than an hour and you’ll see what makes me fucking weird.
33. Name an annoying thing about yourself.
Answer: I talk waaaaaaaaay too much.
34. Name an amazing thing about yourself.
Answer: My singing! It’s awesome y’all!
35.  Who is your Celebrity crush?
Answer: Fucking Leigh Daniel Avidan cause jeeeeeesus christ that man is fucking everything.
36. What are your favorite make up brands?
Answer: NYX & Too Faced cause they’re awesome as shit.
37. Talk about your first kiss.
It's not my first kiss, but it's my first kiss with a guy I truly loved. It was on thursday, june 26th 2014 and it was with him. It was the first time that me and him were alone in his house. When his mother told me that he was waiting in the basement, I went down there. And I just ran to him, who was just coming out of the bathroom and I hugged him. Once I pulled away, he lift my head up so he could look at me right in the eyes. He kissed me. It was sweet, passionate. It was perfect.
38. Talk about something that happened in middle school.
Answer: Where I grew up, there was no middle school. In the province of Quebec, high school starts at grade 7 and finishes at grade 11.
39. Talk about things you do when you're sick.
Answer: Basically, I lay in bed, I eat a fuck ton of soup and I watch youtube videos till I fall asleep.
40. Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of? 
Answer: Bubblegum Bitch by Marina & the Diamonds reminds me of Rubberbang for some fucking reason...
41.  What are your favorite male/female ships?
Answer: Arin Hanson/ Suzy Berhow . Best married couple: hands down.
42. What’s your favorite quote of 2016?
Answer: “I can be happy cause I be not dead”-Crankgameplays
43. Name 5 youtube series that made you helplessly happy.
   1. Mega Man X - Game Grumps (just the Arins)
   2. Uncharted 4 - Jacksepticeye
   3. The Walking Dead: New Frontier - Pewdiepie
   4. Astronner - Jacksepticeye & Pixlpit
   5. Raft - Crangameplays
44. Name 5 Game Grumps videos that won’t fail at making you laugh:
   1. Super Mario Galaxy PART 77: Thinky Pinky https://youtu.be/wtaCjauhDQU
   2. Kirby and The Rainbow Curse PART 19: Dropping Deuces https://youtu.be/bhnIFWeg3Pc
   3. Zelda Ocarina of Time PART 72: Movin' to the Stratosphere https://youtu.be/8WhwU_Zbt6M
   4. Bloodborne PART 9: Delicious Human! https://youtu.be/7kA6_vbbrUI
   5. Super Mario Maker PART 50: On Fire! https://youtu.be/qcO2G6ALo_c
45. How old were you when you learned to ride a bike?
Answer: Age 7, I think. Before i moved to France, anyway.
46. What was the name of your first pet?
Answer: Ti-Loup, which means “ Small Wolf”
47. Have you ever consumed drugs?
Answer: I was a speed addict from ages 12 - 16. It’s been 3 years that I’ve stopped.
48. What color do you associate yourself with?
Answer: Red but it expressed anger and passion which are the twom ain feelings that consume me.
49. Do you still sleep with stuffed animals?
Answer: I stopped sleeping with them when my mother died, which going to be 5 years ago in May 2017.
50. Sweet or bitter?
Answer: For taste, I’ll say sweet.
51. Sweet or Salty?
52. Who was your first celebrity crush?
Answer: Justin Bieber, sadly.
53. Do you prefer tea over coffee?
Answer: Yes, yes I do.
54. Did you ever have an imaginary friend?
Answer: Oh my...I don’t think that i ever did have imaginary friends. I had imaginary bullies though. Those fuckers are still here to this day and they are the voices in my head.
55. Are you more of a tomboy or girly girl when it comes to your outfits?
Answer: It really depends of the days honestly. I can be a horrible mixture of both.
56. What is the most recent wet dream you've had?
Answer: It’s about myself and a muse created by this friend of mine and it’s really kinky and the muse itself has been haunting my fucking dreams since last monday...
57. Are you exhausted?
Answer: The making of this post has brought my sore eyes to exhaustion.
58. At what ages did you learn to swim?
Answer: Around the same time that I learned to ride a bike...so like age 7 as well...
59. Do you bite your nails?
Answer: Yes, I do. Curse my anxiety.
60. How many years have you been into therapy?
Answer: 11 years, my dude. 11 fucking years. And I ain’t close of getting out of it.
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