#I dont think Zen wants her in his cult after she tells him to shut tf up tho lmAo.
zheph · 1 year
I mean. I wanna hear your ramblings about Zenith getting control over the player. Please?
You ask for Zenith I deliver <3
This is mainly if Zen knew about the mc + their amnesia when he's already at utira library (im going to say the infernal grunt that tries to kill Jaern at the start of the game but ends up dead is the one that informed him, phones technically exist so maybe he was able to tell him something when he saw the first augur's kid looking lost af and not even knowing who or what the second augur was).
Anyways .
Even if the mc has amnesia they have already learnt about the cults and Zenith does know this especially because them+Nora+Damian come to the library asking about the prophecy, so he wouldn't be able to mention anything cult-related.
He would literally just be very nice to the player and gain their trust that way just like he did w the people living in Oranos (and even if not as extreme also Utira). His popularity among the people would also make him seem more trustworthy so he wouldnt have a hard time gaining the players trust— He would also try to separate the mc from Nora+Damian and probably make those two seem like bad people so that the mc stays away from them.
He wouldn't really need his powers at all either, if he wanted the mc to do something specific he could always just:
a: ask favours from the mc as exchange for favours he'd done for them (like helping them find the prophecy!)
b: gaslight them even more (?
c: peer pressure them into doing whatever tf he wants (since he CAN control everyone else)
Probably at some point he would slowly introduce them to the cult, not sure how he would manage that but oh well, he is a cult leader so definitely not the first time he's done that.
And fun fact: Even if the mc is immune to his powers bcs of Nyx, they arent immune to actual manipulation tactics so l o l . If Zenith knew they'd be immune to mind control from the start i can imagine he would've just gone the manipulating (tm) route.
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