#Ask Zheph
zheph · 9 months
Because Zenith mentioned in the Fiery Caverns he didn’t like having to use hair dye means this dude used straight up box dye. Or Kool-Aid because he’d seem like the kinda person to do that and never got all the dye out of his hair.
Im sure he did a shitty job at dyeing his hair lmao. He (probably) usually goes to a hair stylist or smth.
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yaikat · 1 year
The Game.
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crimsoncrim · 2 years
Im legally forced to ask for 1 bastard with a side of fries,, pweas
ofc <3 the He
sexuality headcanon: bisexual! no lean or preference
gender headcanon: amab, cis, he/him~ sometimes enjoy HCing he/they as well!
a ship I have with said character: orazen owo. I have an old OC ship as well, although I don’t talk about that one as much ><
a BROTP I have with said character: him + oracle with takace of course >:3 their chaos lives in my head rent free
a NOTP I have with said character: I don’t particularly think I have any..? I don’t usually have a lot of thoughts about ships minus the ones I really love hehe
a random headcanon: genuinely enjoys books and reading and does enjoy working at the library, he’s a closeted big nerd. a few of the cultists also work at the library in their off time as well (one of my old infernal OCs totally doesn’t do this exact thing!)
general opinion over said character: v beloved and dear to me, I’d push him off a cliff but in like, an endearing way. another beloved has moved in and stolen the fav fangame character spot in my head but he’s still probably my second fav!
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rakofelo · 2 months
♦ ☼ also give us a little bit abt zeph hwhehahe
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Zhephyrie 🖤
Headcanon Asks
Thank you for the prompt!
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
We're gonna go deep Zhephyrie is cheeky and quippy. This boy is so unserious. He loves to joke and will always have a sarcastic retort. He's boisterous and charismatic, and never shies away from a crowd. He grew up charming his way out of trouble in the streets. While he puts up a very warm and inviting facade, he tends to keep his personal life very private.
He will often push aside his own feelings to be a solid shoulder to cry on for his friends. He's supportive to a fault. Opening up about his needs is a foreign concept; as a result, he has lost out on a lot of opportunities for love. To compensate, he's quick to indulge in casual affairs. After all, isn't that what a bard is supposed to enjoy?
Enough probing! His more superficial quirk is being super fidgety. He's always playing with loose threads on his clothes, spinning jewellery, grooming his friends' hair or clothing, or chewing on straw or herbs.
Of course, music and poetry are his main hobbies. He has picked up a knack for a few instruments, but his favourite remains the lyre. He also loves stargazing and tracks the constellations in a little journal. He's learned a few party tricks such as impressions and card tricks, and is the first to bust out a few Lindy Hop moves on the dance floor.
☼ - appearance headcanon
My lil Half-drow himbo. Big height, big muscles, big heart, bigger empty space between his ears. He has red hair cropped just past his chin that he wears pushed back - because Astarion told him it looks sexy pushed back. He also rocks silly dapper little Friendly Mutton Chops.
A large scar runs across his face and over one eye, which has altered the appearance of his eyeball. The story of how he got it changes with every tavern regalement for flavour, but really he just mouthed off to the wrong tiefling sorcerer as a saucy pup.
He decorates his body with tattoos of his adventures. His most noticeable one is the green beholder on his neck, but he also has his back and part of his leg covered. He's also got a variety of body and facial piercings. He loves to play "guess which ones they are" with flirty strangers.
Zheph digs the pirate aesthetic so out of armour, you can find him lounging with his lyre in a loose drawstring linen top tucked into fitted trousers. He usually rocks a few sentimental rings and a talisman. He loves smudgy eyeliner. If Klaus Hargreeves and Jack Sparrow had a baby, it would be Zhephyrie.
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zheph · 1 year
I really feel like Zenith would think it would be easy to get the player away from Nora. Especially in Utira when she tells Damian off for basically being dead weight.
Oooh and about Damian, I would think Zenith might maybe dig out that Damian is Audrey’s son and probably do something with that if he cared to throw everyone under the Pika-Taxi at once.
Zenith would get 2 pixie users for the price of 1.
And I dont think he knows Damian is Audrey's son buT I think that might make it even funnier since I hc them to actually get along, so seeing Audrey's reaction to Zenith having Damian in his cult would be funny JQJDIQJD
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zheph · 1 year
Ah so he’s an honorary theater kid.
He would never admit it tho
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zheph · 1 year
Do you believe Zenith was a theater kid?
As much as id like him to be i dont think he was.
I do think two of the characters i ship him with were theater kids so he gets dragged around to see musicals JWBXIJSF he acts like its the worst thing ever but then as soon as they get home he starts mumbling the songs and shi (he likes music and knows how to play instruments i dont make the rules)
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zheph · 1 year
Okay let’s take one step back on the Damian being in the cult, would Zenith let him keep the Shaymin bandanna? I think he’d probably would. And Zenith would also maybe get like a special outfit for the Mc and Damian. Idk because he felt like being nice to his two most important weapons/allies.
I also think Zenith, even after getting the Mc to join him, would still be nice to them with getting small memories back here and there. Nothing huge, but you know like smells of favorite food or a book they liked.
I do think he would allow it bcs its just a bandanna. I don't think he would give the mc/Damian any sort of special treatment though.
He'd almost surely see them as puppets to manipulate and use to reach his goal instead of actual "friends". Like, he wouldn't have befriended them because he enjoyed their company, they're only in infernal to be mind controlled (literal or not) so he would fake being nice until needed, but after that? (Aka when they're pressured enough to stay in the cult) Zenith would have no regrets of being his true self and ordering them around. No more "Mr. Nice Guy" only "Mr. Will-Threaten-You-If-You-Dont-Finish-This-Task Guy" left.
(Bear in mind that Zenith thinks he 100% can beat those two in a pokemon fight. Even if not actually true, at least not for the mc.)
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zheph · 1 year
Jaern’s a bit stupid let’s be honest.
Audrey is more than likely fine, but if Damian is there a bit worried.
Persephone is probably back under Zenith’s control, if she was lucky she’s somewhere in the forest.
Reukra is basically being Taen’s dad while making a Mewtwo to do it for him. But otherwise fine.
Nyx is contemplating what went wrong.
Nora is on the run probably.
Nyx, staring at Torren: This dimension is screwed.
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zheph · 1 year
Yes. Make it an AU. And maybe Jaern can actually do something good for once.
Imagine if he just runs away at the sight of Zenith tho
I've always wondered why he doesnt do anything to stop the vaccine/mind control thing
Is Zenith THAT good at gaslighting that Jaern also trusts librarian-Zen like bro—
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zheph · 1 year
This AU is just;
Nyx wanted Zenith to do get the crystal, gets bored, gets up to go do something else, and then comes back to see Zenith on a power trip and the person Nyx chose because Zenith took too long on his side.
Dont leave your Zenith unattended for too long he will start doing evil things
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zheph · 1 year
Reukra is the one holding Taen’s child leash.
Also I think it’s anyone who has a pixie like Pokémon because Diana had Cresselia to get her out. Which is why Persephone was so mad at her in the base.
JQJDIQJD he'd just create like. A mewtwo to hold the leash for him or something.
Also i just checked
Its only the mc. . . Oh shit
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zheph · 1 year
I have a feeling Reukra would more than likely stay out of whatever Zenith is doing. Because it seems like he’s the kind of man who just wants to be alone in his lab playing with genes. Taen however would probably be have to basically be on a child leash because he’s like a little angry puppy.
Zenith @ Taen
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zheph · 1 year
I mean. I wanna hear your ramblings about Zenith getting control over the player. Please?
You ask for Zenith I deliver <3
This is mainly if Zen knew about the mc + their amnesia when he's already at utira library (im going to say the infernal grunt that tries to kill Jaern at the start of the game but ends up dead is the one that informed him, phones technically exist so maybe he was able to tell him something when he saw the first augur's kid looking lost af and not even knowing who or what the second augur was).
Anyways .
Even if the mc has amnesia they have already learnt about the cults and Zenith does know this especially because them+Nora+Damian come to the library asking about the prophecy, so he wouldn't be able to mention anything cult-related.
He would literally just be very nice to the player and gain their trust that way just like he did w the people living in Oranos (and even if not as extreme also Utira). His popularity among the people would also make him seem more trustworthy so he wouldnt have a hard time gaining the players trust— He would also try to separate the mc from Nora+Damian and probably make those two seem like bad people so that the mc stays away from them.
He wouldn't really need his powers at all either, if he wanted the mc to do something specific he could always just:
a: ask favours from the mc as exchange for favours he'd done for them (like helping them find the prophecy!)
b: gaslight them even more (?
c: peer pressure them into doing whatever tf he wants (since he CAN control everyone else)
Probably at some point he would slowly introduce them to the cult, not sure how he would manage that but oh well, he is a cult leader so definitely not the first time he's done that.
And fun fact: Even if the mc is immune to his powers bcs of Nyx, they arent immune to actual manipulation tactics so l o l . If Zenith knew they'd be immune to mind control from the start i can imagine he would've just gone the manipulating (tm) route.
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zheph · 1 year
Hey so just a thought. If Zenith was even the slightest bit aware of the fact the player character had amnesia. Maybe I can bet he’d totally take the opportunity to actually chase the chance he could have the player character on his side so he maybe wouldn’t have to use his abilities. Maybe. He’d take their DNA as insurance anyways.
Oh yeah i could totally see him keeping his facade of being the nice guy and trying to manipulate the player.
Mfer is a professional gaslighter after all.
Im not fully confident that he knew the player was Adam's kid. Maybe??? He doesnt mention it but i guess he would know some things about the first augur for obvious reasons jidkwkdkqd (not that it'd matter since the player still has a pixie and thats probably much more important to him bcs of the "prophecy" blah blah blah)
If he teamed up with Persephone and Jaern (impossible) he would have definitely been an even bigger threat tho my god.
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zheph · 1 year
I asked because I usually pronounce the Zen-ith. I feel like it sort of makes him… I don’t know, more dangerous or mysterious? I don’t really know.
Either way when I draw him he ends up looking a bit like a dork. But that’s because I just can’t resist drawing him with slightly longer hair.
Currently staring at you in disapproval, a single teardrop falling from my eyes
Good fuckin' taste tho, sometimes i also doodle him with slightly longer hair and it suits him very much... And he IS a dork so you are drawing him correctly and im proud of you
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