#I dont want to clog up any tags that aren't for me so if anyone wants me to remove the post from these tags please let me know
athymelyreply · 2 months
Ok y’all, I have something to say: I've been noticing a lot of antisemitic under/overtones in posts regarding Palestine, as well as a lot of misinformation going around. I've recently felt myself orbiting a very scary rabbit hole, and I really did not want that to happen, and I think that a lot of online leftist circles have been descending into that same rabbit hole very quickly.
The trend I’ve been noticing in a lot of online spaces has been a very quick slide into antisemitism. There’s been so much *vitriol* and energy directed at hatred and hurt and this feeling of *revenge* that feels like it obviously stems from antisemitism, cognizant or not.
I’ve done a bit of reflecting and realized that I’ve been part of this problem. I was reblogging posts that use inflammatory language and invoked antisemitic tropes or spread misinformation without doing my due diligence in terms of fact checking and bigotry screening and I’ve definitely fucked up quite a bit.
I'm going to continue my thoughts in the reblogs of this, but I acknowledge that I'm not someone with any shred of authority on *any* of this. I felt a need to post this because of all the antisemitism i've been seeing in posts, and because I wanted to start a discussion or open a line of dialogue to learn more. If any Jewish people want to discuss this i would be so grateful to hear your input, though i know it's not at all anyone's responsibility to spend their time educating me, that is on me and only me.
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