#I figured out I was bipolar 10 years ago and then fought for another 4 years to actually get diagnosed so I can’t imagine going that long
heisttheblackflag · 28 days
I know someone on here posted Lindsay’s reel/clip from yesterday talking about their recent mental health diagnosis and the way that vtubing as RWBY has helped them deal with it and like. I have a lot of emotions about that as I’m sure we all do (and I’ll find it to rb on here later) but. for me personally this is extraordinarily impactful because there are so few people that are known creatives that are open about being bipolar that for them to just come out and say it absolutely floored me. bipolar disorder is probably one of The most stigmatized and demonized mental illnesses out there and it is so hard to come to terms with that diagnosis, even if getting the diagnosis means you can struggle less in your daily life thanks to medication and therapy, so I don’t blame anyone for hiding it or keeping private about it, but as someone who has made a point of being pretty open about being bipolar as part of my creative…mission statement, I guess, it’s deeply meaningful and impactful to me to have someone like Lindsay Jones be open about being bipolar as well. the only way we can reduce stigma is to keep talking about it, so I genuinely hope this can help reduce the stigma of bipolar disorder in the small corner of the world that watches Lindsay/RWBY because even that little bit can make a huge difference.
happy mental health awareness month!
support Lindsay, support anyone else in your life who is struggling with mental health especially bipolar disorder (I, II, or cyclothymia), and if you have any (respectful) questions about what it’s like to live with bipolar disorder my askbox is open with no judgement 💙
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