#I got v emotional when they closed the show with gotta get back to Hogwarts
secondstar-acorn · 23 days
can’t think of anything to say other than it was everything I could have ever expected and wanted and hoped for. seeing them perform truly is an electric experience and I am so, so grateful I got to be there. I’ve never felt such overflowing joy and love in one room before and that truly is down to what a one-of-a-kind group Starkid is. I’m so happy and a little emotional that it’s over but like it’s sung in days of summer, “don’t wanna see you go but it’s not forever, not forever” ⭐️💜
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modernlcve · 5 years
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*  —  stats —   veronica ortiz !
* — basics !
full name:   veronica simone ortiz. nickname(s):   v.  hates any type of that ronnie bullshit.   age:   twenty - seven. date of birth:   january twenty - ninth. place of birth:   new york city,   new york. gender:   female. pronouns:   she / her. sexual orientation:   pansexual. level of education:   high school graduate. recipient of a certificate in cosmetology.
* — physical !
tattoos:  three large roses on her rib cage piercings:   ears pierced twice. notable features:   she’s just beautiful. weakness(es):   none, probably. scar(s):   none notable.
* — domestic !
occupation:   hairdresser. residence:  a little apartment just her n mila. social class:   lower middle class. parents:   rosa ortiz,   age 49,   a high school teacher. she raised veronica on her own,   her father left the picture before she was born.   they’ve never met. siblings:   none. children:   mila ortiz,   age 3.   veronica’s top priority. extended family:   her mother has a large family,   she’s not particularly close with any of them,   but they’re  scattered throughout the city.
* — personality !
positive traits:   sociable.   sympathetic.   authentic. negative traits:   insecure.   temperamental.   bit crybaby. myers-briggs ( x ):   enfp;   the campaigner. temperament:   sanguine. moral alignment:   neutral good. horoscope:   aquarius;   the water-bearer. hogwarts house:   hufflepuff.
* — favorites !
movie:    the notebook. tv show:   the bachelor. book:   forever... by judy blume. drink:   lime sherbet punch with vodka. food:   chocolate chip cookie dough. animal:   peacocks. color:   magenta. song:   i wanna dance with somebody. artist:   jennifer lopez. celebrity crush:   ryan gosling.
* — impressions !
first impression:  she tries Very hard to present as very likable and it probably shows.   she comes off as a little annoying maybe because of it but generally she’s just chipper and trying to be your friend so cut her some slack. self impression:   she thinks she’s a person who’s always trying to be a better version of herself,   and that’s admirable. that being said,   she doesn’t think she’s at that best version of herself by any means,   she second guesses herself a lot. lover impression:   she’s currently in a place where she gets into relationships for the wrong reasons:   namely,  validation. she’s a little clingy and expects that to just be Okay.
* — et cetera !
turn ons:   taking risks,   pda,   nice hair. turn offs:   bossy people,   judgy people. drink/drugs/smoke:   yes/no/vapes. dominant hand:   right. clean or messy:   messy. early bird or night owl:   night owl.   attempting to convert. hobbies or special talents:   she used to do roller derby for the Community of it all.
01. where was your character born? what brought them to new york? what do they like most about the town?
veronica is a new york native.   she’s thought about leaving a few times,   sometimes it is a little exhausting,   but overall,   new york is where her family is.   it’s where her life is and,   regardless of how she feels about it now,   she has great memories of growing up here and she wants that for mila.   she’s sticking it out for now.
02. who are your character’s friends and family? who do they surround themselves with? who are the people your character is closest to?
for most of veronica’s life,   her only discernible family was her mom.   her parents weren’t married when her mom got pregnant,   and her dad split that fucking scene.   she and her mom have always been close,   at the end of the day,   she’s one of those “my mom is my best friend” people.   outside of her,   she used to roll with a bunch of people who liked to party   ( keely and gen included if im remembering right ),   but she’s fallen out of that crowd since mila was born.   she mostly hangs out with her coworkers or people she meets at the gym.   i picture her hanging around kaleb and jacob’s place more than one would expect in their situation,   because they’re her friends too.
03. what is your character’s biggest fear? who have they told this to? who would they never tell this to? why?
veronica used to be very afraid of not being likable and not being the Cool Girl she was always used to being,   but,  her fears have shifted since mila was born.   her fears more revolve around making sure she’s being the best mom she can be and just generally Not Screwing Her Kid Up.   she hopes that she’s cleaned herself up enough to be a good mom and that the unconventional nature of their family setup isn’t going to make thinks complicated for mila.  she’s had a lot of long talks with her mom over it.
04. has your character ever been in love? had a broken heart?
for six years,   veronica dated the same guy.   his name was brent and he was from indiana,   he came to new york for college and stuck around after for work.   a year after he graduated,   he decided he and his Bros were going to go on a soul searching trip in europe.   he dumped veronica before he left,   with some vague excuse about how maybe when he came back,   fate would bring them together,   but by the time he was back she was decently pregnant and he wasn’t signing up for that.   she was in love with him and he Really broke her heart,   but as soon as mila came into the picture,   she stopped dwelling on it as much.
06. it’s saturday at noon. what is your character doing? give details.
saturdays are the day she spends with her mom.   her and mila head over for brunch and then spend a few hours hanging around,   just being together.   sometimes if it’s pretty,   they’ll all go to the park or they’ll just help her mom run errands,   but its a standing date all the same.
07. what is one strong memory that has stuck with your character since childhood?
she remembers getting to sit and watch her mom and her aunts in the kitchen at family get togethers.   an only child with a Throbbing desire to fit in and be a part of something,   she thought it really was some kind of magic to watch them all talk and work together and be so in tune with one another.   to this day,   she feels like she still hasn’t found her Group like that,   but boy golly gee does she want to.
09. what is something that upsets your character? where do they go when they’re upset?
she’s bit emotional anymore she’ll get upset over little things.   she’s taken to going and working out to get out those Feelings,   but typically,   she’s a romcom and ice cream kinda girl.   just gotta bleed the pipe  ( when mila’s out of the House of course ).
10. when your character thinks of their childhood kitchen, what smell do they associate with it? why?
her mom liked to have a bowl of cookie dough in the fridge at all times,   as they frequently had company drop by,   and it was a quick and easy snack that made people happy.   she associates her childhood kitchen with the smell of fresh baked cookies.
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