#I have tons of yarn of the correct weight
the-fibre-stuff · 1 year
Any tips for teaching a grade 5/6 class (ages 10-12) how to knit? Had a request from Thing Two to come & teach her class, and the teacher has said he thinks is a great idea.
The good news is that there is a document camera we’ll be able to use to show everyone what I’m doing.
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knittinginfrance · 6 years
Hi there how are you? I hope you are doing fine and having a nice beginning of autumn.
It’s been two weeks since I last posted. I have been feeling a little overwhelmed by work and just all the going back to “normal” this month so far. The kids are back to school so now there is homework and making sure they don’t go to bed too late.
I haven’t had as much knitting time as I had hoped and planned for. I had such big plans for this month, joining in kals etc. But finally I have to face the fact that I simply cannot knit all the things I want and that I do have to make time for boring stuff like cleaning and laundry etc.
So what have I been knitting on these past two weeks?
First there is the Marie Curie charity sock knitting. So I managed to finish pair number one. A simple vanilla pair with contrasting cuff, heels and toes.
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And I cast on for pair number two. This time I thought I should do something different so I’m knitting a pair with some texture on the front. Nothing complicated though that would be fun but I have to be realistic which means simple is the way to go if I want to be sure I knit up at least 4 pairs in time.
I’m also not knitting them two at a time now. I find that I don’t really like two at a time on a  long circular needle. I feel it sort of breaks my rhythm always stopping to go on to the next sock. I really much prefer knitting on 9″ circulars where I can just knit round and round nonstop. So I’m doing this on 9″ and I’m also doing an afterthought heel too.
For pair number 3 I would like to do something different too. I feel the variegated yarn does not lend itself well to things like cables or lace so I feel a  little limited in choice. But maybe I am totally wrong. Are you joining the effort and if so have knit something other than plain vanilla?
As we are talking socks, let me show you the sock I’m knitting for the September/October Sock  Down in the Sockknitters Anonymous group on Ravelry. This is the first time I join one of their challenges/kals and this time the theme is Fandom!
I chose a pattern called Bella’s Truck socks by Rachel Coopey and I think they refer to Bella of Twilight. This is a simple textured pattern so not too time consuming. I would like to finish in a month but if not I do have October too.
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The front
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The back
I’m not very far but they do look nice I think.
Then there are the sweaters. I’m working on two at the moment.
First there is my Zweig sweater and it is close to being done. I am about to cast off sleeve one so there is just one sleeve left. But… I have an issue…
So I bought a total of 4 skeins for this project, 1 contrast colour and 3 main colour and I now know that is a little tight for my size (XL).
So I finished the body and almost finished the first sleeve and then realised that the ribbed cuff is extra long. Sooo I didn’t have enough yarn to finish to the correct length. The sleeve itself is the right length for me but I’m debating ripping back some and making the cuff longer as per pattern. As the sleeve is now, I probably knit the main pattern longer than called for and as I’m short on yarn I have started knitting the rib in the contrasting colour only I’m not sure I like it.
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And a close up of the sleeve ribbing
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I could stop there and bind off. The ribbing is about 2 1/2″ but the pattern calls for 5. Maybe if I rip back I could make the cuff longer as there are less stitches so the yarn might be enough for a little longer cuff.
Or should I keep it as is? Is the white part of the cuff ok? I’m just not sure. I would love to hear your thoughts on this and if you have knit the Zweig sweater yourself, did you make the cuff as long as the pattern calls for?
Do chime in!
My second sweater project is the Boxy Chevron sweater. This is a fun and relaxing knit. I like the fact that one begins by knitting the sleeves and then pick up stitches from there to knit the body. It does mean a ton of stockinette knitting but it so relaxing and just the perfect project to have along with everything else and I really enjoy picking it up at the end of the day when my brain is tired and I need some relaxing.
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I’m not very far yet but so far so good. The sleeves are short and I do wonder what they will look like once I wear the sweater. I haven’t tried it on yet. I just want to knit around and around. That’s all!
So those are the 4 things I am knitting on these days.
I do have future cast ons on my mind. For example I need to cast on for another Damejakka Lopa for my mother. It would be amazing if I could finish that in time for  Christmas for example.
And today as I watched the Espace Tricot podcast I discovered a shawl design by one of the owners and podcasters. It is just beautiful and simple and yet I think fun to make. It is knit using lace weight yarn and I do have a lot of that and not many ideas of how to use it.
The pattern is called Virevolte and I think this would be a great ward rope staple for myself but could also be a great Christmas gift though I don’t know if I will have the time to make one.
I also saw another shawl that looked very nice. Leslie of the Knotty Knit Wits just finished knitting one and I really like her version of it. She knit hers in two colours and I actually think that looks nicer than the single colour version the designer shows on Ravelry. So you never know, I might cast that on one day. This shawl has a very strange name (I think) It is called Hephzibah.
And last but not least, I fell for another West Knits mystery KAL. I have knit a few of Stephens West shawls and  I mostly like his patterns but not all. Some are a little too out there for my taste. I wonder about this new one. I was surprised by the colour combination shown for the kits for this shawl. They were mostly soft neutral colours. Not crazy neon, contrasting colours.
I think that what got me was that it mentions “texture” so I’m imagining something with a mix of garter and brioche and maybe cables and lace and all sorts. I would love to get a kit but the prices are way out of my budget so I will do some much needed stash diving later. The kal starts October 5th so I have enough time. Are you joining this time?
That’s it for today. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your time with me. I hope you have enjoyed your time here on my blog.
Until next time, HAPPY KNITTING 🙂
Sweaters and socks Hi there how are you? I hope you are doing fine and having a nice beginning of autumn.
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paulbenedictblog · 4 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Here's exactly how to get into Harvard Law School, according to the chief admissions officer, 2 students, and 2 admissions consultants
This yarn requires our BI High membership. To learn the corpulent article, simply click here to recount your deal and web access to all distinctive Business Insider PRIME thunder.
Kristi Jacobson, the manager admissions officer at Harvard Law College, Jeff Thomas, Kaplan Test Prep's govt director of admissions programs, and Anna Ivey, a talented admissions consultant, spoke with Business Insider about prepare and optimize your application to Harvard Law College.
Must you ship for your application issues, so applying strategically is smooth. 
HLS takes the GRE — but the LSAT is peaceable a more in-depth bet. 
Love titles don't make for greater letters of recommendation — and less is extra when it involves non-public essays and addendums. 
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Cameron Clark began training for a future correct occupation when he used to be peaceable an adolescent. In high college in Houston, he sharpened his rhetorical and extreme-thinking abilities on the debate personnel. In college at The University of Texas at Austin, he cultivated relationships with professors, interned, and saved his nose in the books and his GPA high. That diligence in the kill earned him acceptance-letter gold: entry to Harvard Law College. 
Even in mild of all his tough work, admission into the highly selective program used to be peaceable an spectacular feat. Clark graduated in 2018, the yr that, according to recordsdata from the American Bar Affiliation, the series of lawyers in the US reached a 21st-century high. Handiest a little piece are HLS grads: In 2018, the college — currently third in the rankings, in the abet of suitable Stanford and Yale — got 7,419 functions and equipped admission to suitable 12% of applicants. Kristi Jacobson, chief admissions officer at HLS, shared that there are currently a lean 561 college students enrolled in the 1L class of 2022.  
Cameron Clark.
Cameron Clark
Nonetheless whereas Clark's yarn sounds love an archetypal path to the Ivy Leagues, additionally it is miles much from the solely means to web there. Per law college admissions instructing consultant Anna Ivey, a customary dean of the University of Chicago Law College herself, "HLS admissions officers are very conscientious about recruiting minorities of reasonably just a few kinds: They wish a diversity of colleges folks and geographic areas," along side veterans and older applicants.
Which is all to recount: There would possibly maybe be no standard profile for an HLS scholar. And though the bar is incontrovertibly high, with the elegant preparation and recordsdata, it will most likely be extra reachable than you concentrate on. Read on for skilled perception about plan the LSAT, optimize your application provides, and live far from errors admissions officers ogle yr after yr. 
Some college students, love Clark, originate laying the groundwork years ahead of ever for sure applying. Others judge they must move to law college all over college after working for just a few years, or later in life. 
Nonetheless when it involves the application cycle for subsequent yr's enrollment: "All things being equal, earlier is extra healthy," explained Jacobson, HLS' chief admissions officer. 
Anna Ivey.
Anna Ivey
Historically, the college has admitted college students on a rolling foundation. Nonetheless in 2019, it made the shift to rounds of admission, posting the three dates applicants would possibly maybe maybe well be admitted on the detailed and informative Harvard Law College admissions blog: December 16, February 10, and March 16. The switch used to be designed to drag the volume of submissions as well as give dismay-ridden applicants extra concrete perception into the process. The concept is that if you're chopping it shut to one date, it is unlikely your provides will most likely be reviewed all over that round and thus it is extra shiny to are trying for the following window as an replacement of dashing. 
That being stated: Don't crawl, instructed Ivey. "With law college admissions, there [are] all forms of stuff that happens after you put up," she explained. Interviews, continually performed by process of video, has to be scheduled and carried out for those though-provoking onto the following round. 
Historically, the LSAT has been the move-to exam for would-be law college students. Nonetheless in recent years, a series of colleges all the plan thru the nation — HLS among them — non-public allowed college students to put up GRE scores as an replacement. Serene, extra typically than not, it is clever for college students to follow the LSAT, explained Jeff Thomas, Kaplan Test Prep's govt director of admissions programs. 
Jeff Thomas.
Jeff Thomas
The cause being that if you're applying to colleges that don't capture the GRE, you are going to non-public to capture the LSAT anyway. And if you capture the LSAT, the ABA solutions require that colleges factor in you the expend of those scores. 
"The bottom line is: Except the solely colleges you apply to capture the GRE, don't bother to capture it," stated Thomas. Plus, there is a silver lining to your entire LSAT work you would possibly maybe put in. The test is designed to mimic the abilities one makes expend of in law college, so give it some thought pre-training to your future scholastic pursuits. 
Folks typically inquire of Thomas if it is correct that the LSAT is any such heavily weighted component. "The retort, reasonably frankly, is yes," he stated. The fluctuate for the LSAT procure is 120 to 180, with 151 as the median 50th percentile procure; spots at elite colleges typically move to the discontinuance 1% to 2%, or those with a 170 or above. It's top to peaceable be in the ballpark to be aggressive — nor can you write or interview your means round heart-broken scores. 
The correct recordsdata is that observe makes … well, probably not supreme, but high probably for enchancment. 
"I equate it to learning play a sport or a musical instrument: Ethical which technique of you do not non-public the abilities lately would not mean you would possibly maybe well presumably not invent them the following day," stated Thomas. The test is given nine times every yr. Thomas encourages applicants to care for their date for a time after they'll exercise three months beforehand treating it as a high precedence. 
Mikaela Gilbert-Lurie.
Mikaela Gilbert-Lurie
Whereas it is tempting to at as soon as be a part of a prep path, factor in testing your abilities solo, equipped Mikaela Gilbert-Lurie, HLS class of 2021. "Sooner than you sink a ton of money right into a category or a tutor — or even the books, which shall be $50 every — concentrate on where you are. Now not all people needs to learn in a learn room environment," she stated. In her case, observe tests published that logic video games were her feeble level, so she doubled down on studying for that piece.
Clark added one more component to his studying. "It's top to capture [practice exams] in as tough of conditions as you would also," he stated. Put together for the nerves you would possibly maybe for sure feel on the day and try and mimic those all over observe checks, he instructed. In his case, that intended taking observe tests in distracting circumstances, along side chilly temperatures and a noisy Starbucks. 
It paid off: The day Clark sat for the LSAT, the room used to be freezing and the room used to be a chorus of sniffles, but he had no distress staying targeted. 
Thru asking folks to write a letter for your behalf, you would possibly maybe well presumably purchase that spectacular titles are a precedence. Now not so, stated Jacobson. "It be about substance over signature," she explained, adding that any individual who has extra to recount about you is a more in-depth replacement than any individual who you encountered solely temporarily. "The letters are for sure vital and they also're important extra meaningful if we non-public a substantial sense of who you are from any individual who's aware of you well," she added. 
Kristi Jacobson.
Kristi Jacobson
When reaching out to these folks, it will also be beneficial to share samples of your work or jog their recollections with anecdotes about your background together. Ethical guarantee you are giving them ample lead time — Jacobson recommends three months a minimal of. 
"I'm able to't portray you the series of times I've learn a letter of recommendation where the recommender says one thing love, 'I didn't non-public ample time to prepare this which technique of so-and-so asked me solely two weeks ago,'" she shared.
In total, there are four very vital components of the HLS application: the educational file initiating with college, LSAT (or GRE) scores, the interview, and the non-public assertion. HLS would not require that the non-public assertion be about why you would possibly maybe well presumably like to switch to Harvard or even why you would possibly maybe well presumably like to switch to law college, necessarily.
"The emphasis on the non-public assertion is 'non-public,'" stated Ivey. "It's essential not writing it as if it were a term paper or a dissertation: The precise matter is you." 
The two-paged, double-spaced essay mustn't be a rehash of your resume both, added Jacobson. Fairly, it would peaceable complement every little thing else you've got got submitted with out marching the reader thru recordsdata they've already encountered. She also instantaneous having any individual who would not know you well learn it over and summarize it abet to you: If their description would not expend what you are trying to lift, it is time to revise. 
Clark surmounted this utter by leaning on the tools of story journalism. His non-public assertion opened with a description of a Sunless Lives Subject die-in squawk he attended all over undergrad that took recount to occur all over a most most significant civil rights anniversary. Building on that constructing, he used to be in a recount to delve into his passions and targets and contact on Harvard's legacy of coaching civil rights leaders all the plan thru history. 
Clark also submitted an optionally out there assertion, one thing that applicants must peaceable solely attain in the occasion that they for sure for sure feel there is one thing that hasn't been covered in other areas of their application, according to every skilled Business Insider spoke with. This one-paged, double spaced supplement has an analog in the "diversity statements" applicants write for other law colleges. 
"It's probably you'll maybe even capture it in a total bunch directions. One of my favorites from last yr used to be any individual who wrote about being a unicyclist," stated Jacobson. 
In Clark's case, he wrote about what folks which shall be not white, male, or of means lift to the HLS community-at-substantial: "A couple of the time, you come right into a dwelling love that if you're gloomy, weird and wonderful, low-earnings, or an immigrant, and your experiences are the issues being debated," he stated. "You wish me to attain the unpaid labor of coaching your college students about gloomy custom and weird and wonderful custom and these issues."
Nonetheless additionally it is miles value remembering that suitable which technique of you can put up extra recordsdata would not mean you would possibly maybe perchance — or must peaceable. Ivey argued that one thing that appears so vital that it appears to advantage an addendum shall be greater integrated into your individual assertion.
"Even though a college invites you to put up one thing, if it is not required, it is advisable to peaceable for sure non-public a correct cause for sending it," stated Ivey. Overdoing it will ogle self-vital, and admissions staffers are already neck-deep in forms.
Clark recalled his interview as being for sure "anticlimactic" — a easy video session where folks are asked to keep in touch in depth about why they must move to law college. When counseling recent applicants, he reminded them to gain their on-line presence up-to-the-minute — in particular LinkedIn — and learn up on the one who will most likely be interviewing them.
"Mainly, be aware that folks are researching you," he added. 
Ivey instantaneous being willing to chat about why you would possibly maybe well presumably like to pursue a law degree and what you hope to care for out. "A spread of folks apply to law college as a path of least resistance, and admissions officers are having a request to weed out folks which shall be there for prestige or rankings," she stated. "The interview is less a pair of excellent or erroneous retort and additional about: Are you able to've got a dialog? Are you able to sound love a considerate particular person?" 
Final but not least, Jacobson added that applicants must peaceable recount in regards to the relaxation they included of their provides elegant sport, and to refamiliarize themselves with what they wrote. As soon as, just a few years ago, an applicant listed "baking bread" as one of their non-public pursuits — when Jacobson asked them about it, they blanked. If it is for your file, she stated, "It's top to peaceable be willing to chat about it."
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Easy Ways To Make WALL HANGING DIY Faster
The title of this tutorial might be a little deceptive due to the fact that weaving is never ever really a fast task. Nevertheless, if you've been dying to make your own textural weave and don't intend to invest 5 hrs sitting down making one, this tutorial is for you. Utilizing chunky yarns and these specific stitches, you could fill your impend in less compared to half the time it normally takes to make a medium wall surface hanging. This design can conveniently be customized to fit with your house's shades or would make an incredible housewarming gift for a friend. Comply with along to see how you can make your personal!
Tip One: Contort your impend so that you are using the complete width. Begin your knot on the bottom of your impend as well as finish with the other knot on the bottom of your loom as well for an also amount of warp rows. Brand new to buckling a loom? No concerns! Review this beginner's tutorial for those action in even more detail. As soon as you have actually distorted your impend, add in 4 rows of plain weave. This produces a foundation before we include rya knots. Unsure how to ordinary weave? Again, examine back because novice's tutorial for thorough actions.
Step Two: We're going to be making extra thick rya knots, so reduce about 20 strands of your neutral, worsted weight thread to measure about 20 ″ long. These don't have to all be also due to the fact that we'll be cutting them later. I made one rya knot package for every five warp rows. Other than I had 34 warp rows instead of 35, so I just fudged on one. If you're utilizing a more narrow impend, you could adjust accordingly.
Tip 3: Discover the center of your initial rya knot bundle and also lay it on top of your warp rows. Wrap completion closest to the external warp row completely around as revealed.
Tip 4: After that miss the next 2 warp rows as well as wrap the other end of your bundle completely around the fourth warp row. Think of both ends covering towards each other and afterwards away.
Step Five: Draw completions of your bundle to each other and also readjust points to ensure that they are focused and also carefully pull down. Your rya 'knot' ought to rest delicately on top of the fundamental plain weave you included action one.
Tip 6: Skip the fifth warp row then repeat. This implies your following package would certainly twist around the sixth warp row, avoid the 7th and also eighth, and afterwards cover the other way around the 9th. When completed you'll have a wonderful beefy fringe.
Step Seven: The next stitch is called soumak as well as will certainly develop a braided design. You could make use of one strand of thread but using five will certainly include a ton of structure and also take up even more room. This weave is all about going large!
Cut five hairs of beefy thread that are about 8 ′ lengthy each. Put one end down between the external warp row and the warp row next to it to make sure that you leave a 4 ″ tail on the back side of your warp.
Step 8: Cover all 5 hairs with each other around that external warp row and also bring it support between the outer warp row which second warp row as shown.
Step Nine: Miss two warp rows and then cover the entire bunch (all 5 strands with each other) over the top as well as around the 4th warp row. Ensure you draw it up over your cover each time to maintain things consistent.
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Step 10: Continue skipping 2 warp rows and after that covering completely around the next one. You need to begin seeing a stairway step pattern.
Tip Eleven: Gently press your stair action pattern down to make sure that it hinges on top of the rya knots. You could adjust your tension on these to make certain they are regularly spaced out. See just how they all slant parallel? When you reach the contrary end, wrap your number around the external warp row twice to accumulate your elevation for the following row.
Step Twelve: When continuing your soumak in the other instructions, continuously skip 2 warp rows and afterwards cover over the top of your following warp row. You'll see just how it starts inclining in the contrary instructions of your first row. This develops the knotted pattern. When you get back to where you began, put your tail ends around the outer row and act like you're starting a normal weft row by discussing and then under. This will certainly put your ends down behind your warp again. Trim to wind up with a 4 ″ tail.
Step Thirteen: Count your warp rows and also divide by 8. For this section, we'll be weaving figure with woollen roving. Each knotted section will be divided in fifty percent with 4 warp rows on one side as well as 4 on the other. If you have an added warp row or two, you can add them in with a set of 4 someplace. You'll intend to utilize about 24 ″ of roving for each knotted section.
Starting on the left side of your loom, tuck concerning 3 ″ of your roving down between the 4th and also fifth warp rows. After that cover the lengthy end of your roaming completely around the 4 warp rows closest to the side and back up in between the 4th as well as 5th warp rows.
Tip Fourteen: Then wrap your roving over warp rows 5-8 as well as back between the fourth as well as 5th warp rows. Essentially you are twisting around the very first 4 warp rows and then the next 4 warp rows to and fro to develop an upright braid.
Tip Fifteen: Do with an even intertwined, meaning you have actually wrapped around both sections of warp rows an even amount of times. After that put your tail up in between the 6th and fifth warp rows and then back down in between the 5th and also 4th. This will ensure your tail obtains woven in and also secured without it revealing.
Tip Sixteen: Nonetheless lot of times you intertwined on your very first upright row is how many you ought to intertwine on the rest of your rows. Don't hesitate to fluff your pigtails to ensure that they are consistent. This uses up a big section of your warp as well as adds tons of texture. The best part is it does not take long to weave!
Step Seventeen: Add an area of simple weave above your knotted roaming rows. I believe I added concerning 10 weft rows (each straight row is a weft row). Then include another 2 rows of soumak using the very same length and also amount symphonious 7. This keeps it balanced and constant. Then framework out the opposite of your soumak with 10 or 12 more weft rows of ordinary weave in the very same chunky yarn.
Tip Eighteen: You could not intend to weave to the top of your loom every time. No worries! Carefully draw individual pairs of warp rows off of the excellent. Develop a lark's knot by folding the warp thread back behind itself.
Tip Nineteen: Then bring the two loopholes with each other in front. Then slip this loop over your copper pipeline or wood dowel. Do this individually and do not pull your warp rows too much. You don't desire points changing as you're taking it off of the impend. Then gently draw it off of all-time low of the loom. Tie each of the loops at the bottom right into little knots to maintain points from shifting down too much.
Tip Twenty: As soon as your pipe is included, include a wall mount by slipping a 3 ′ size of cotton yarn with the pipe. Link a double-knot then hide the knot somewhere in the facility of the pipe. Flip your wall surface hanging over as well as put your soumak tails behind the revealed warp rows. Trim your roaming tails so they typically aren't as well cosy. These will certainly stay put.
After I'm completed with any kind of wall surface dangling I like to hang it on a hook as well as brush via the rya knots with my fingers or a weaving comb to correct the alignment of points out a bit. Then I trim up my scraggly ends for a much more completed look. Congratulations! You've simply finished a gorgeous wall surface hanging in half the time it can take due to the fact that you used the chunkiest of fibers!
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gdekatrina01-blog · 6 years
Alpaca Or Llama - Eat It Or Put On It?
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The device methods is the exact same idea, but just change the environment on the washer to a little load and position to wash with hot water. Start the clean procedure for 10 minutes and make sure that you check the felting procedure in the machine each ten minutes. If you depart in too lengthy, the result that you were hoping for may be a shock. So, remember that that device felting shrinkage must be observed at all occasions. Once you have the project looking at the preferred texture and dimension change the device to rinse with cold water to quit the felting process. Then the last step will to be form and pin the fiber to a shaping board and let dry.
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The Alpaca Silk Aran yarn is made up of eighty%twenty five Alpaca and twenty%twenty five silk. This means that it is extremely gentle but also has a beautiful sheen to it that comes from the addition of silk. The Alpaca in this yarn tends to make it extremely heat and with 20 colors you have fantastic choice. It is a very heavy yarn with a 50g ball becoming only 65m in size. The stress of the yarn is fairly much that of a standard Aran weight becoming 18 stitches and 24 rows on 5mm (US eight) needles.
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marcussharman0-blog · 6 years
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At this stage, you should focus on whether Alpaca Stuffed animal ranching is a great fit for you and your family members. There are tons of other businesses in which to make investments. If you determine that alpaca ranching is not for you, then your ranch visit was successful. You are totally free to transfer on and study an additional company. Nevertheless if alpaca ranching is a great match for you, you'll want to inquire questions that give you a realistic estimate of starting financial expense. The result of answering these concerns ought to be to help you write a 5-year business strategy.
Make your self about the phrases and circumstances of a website. Get the answers of these concerns this kind of as: Are there any import responsibilities or extra shipping adopt an alpaca delivery costs to be paid? How lengthy the shipping and delivery will consider? Make certain you know each and everything about the website.
Think about adoption for a moment. Okay.not that kind of adoption, but a animal adoption. You don't want this charity to go out with a bang do you? So allow's appear at the large image.if you had a symbolic adoption, which indicates you don't get the genuine polar bear, bald eagle, black bear, Canada lynx (aren't you type of glad you're not obtaining the genuine McCoy?), grizzly bear, grey wolf, and so on. Instead what you do get is a an undertake an Alpaca Stuffed animal with a picture of the animal that you have adopted, also playing cards. These costs begin at $20.00 for adoption and then if you contribute more, you get much more products.
Once an alpaca is loaded into the chute, they appear to relaxed correct down. This is very important as when an Alpaca Stuffed animal is pressured, it often prospects to other health issues. Stress is actually the biggest hazard alpacas encounter in our contemporary globe. Utilizing 1 will keep you from fumbling or chasing them about out in the field which will trigger their tension degree to shoot up.
The Peruvian government does not have the funds to preserve numerous of its endangered species. Nevertheless, assist is sought from international companies to protect these species. Companies such as the World Wild Lifestyle Fund sponsor the safety of these birds and animals.
Is Jewelery much more your graduate's style? Verify out the uber-cute creations made completely from recycled bottles, and other eco-pleasant supplies, over at Laura Astor's Etsy store. Each piece of art is handcrafted and feels amazing to put on. The lovable flower brooches, made from recycled PET, begin at only $35.
Howdy Campers. With only 3 months until Xmas, it's extremely all-natural for that present discovering stress to begin to established in. If you have a backpacker on your list, right here a couple of things you might think about.
Take a tour to Huacachina where sandboarding and higher speed dune buggy rides make a fantastic holiday. Sandboarding is comparable to snowboarding, only the rider wears boots and is strapped to the board whilst traveling down large sand dunes.
One of the very best attributes of alpaca fiber is that it is normally hypoallergenic. Not only is it gentle to the touch and mild on your pores and skin, it gained't trigger allergic reactions or irritations like many other fibers.
Coghlan's Time and Temperature Electronic Dangler is just the factor if that person on your list loves all those small devices that make lifestyle fun. Time, temperature, and even an alarm all constructed into one sturdy little package deal.
It's a great way to invest component of your afternoon, perusing the numerous tables and the samples they have to provide. Supporting the local economic climate, and finding delicious natural food is a real deal with. Many of the veggies developed there can effortlessly be developed in your own backyard, but if space or time is an issue, then perhaps the local farmers marketplace is just what you've been waiting around for!
I maintain a note book in each room, in every vehicle, adopt an alpaca in every purse (I know. how many purses do I have? Nicely it has to match the colour of my outfit correct?). Getting into the habit of writing down an idea when it arrives to you and then letting it go till you sit down to think about it that enables the unconscious mind to broaden on the concept.
This doesn't have to be rocket science you know. It can be as simple and painless as eating your favorite ice product. And No, no 1 wants to get that as an anniversary gift, so don't even think about it.
The Alpaca Silk Aran yarn is produced up of 80%25 Alpaca and twenty%twenty five silk. This indicates that it is extremely soft but also has a beautiful sheen to it that comes from the addition of silk. The Alpaca in this yarn tends to make it very heat and with twenty colours you have fantastic choice. It is a extremely heavy yarn with a 50g ball being only 65m in length. The tension of the yarn is pretty a lot that of a regular Aran weight becoming 18 stitches and 24 rows on 5mm (US 8) needles.
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Just when you thought it was safe to start hanging all the decorations, it hits- The Holiday blues.  They get me every year about this time.  I always start out so excited going into Halloween.  I make most of my gifts all year long, then around Halloween I start wrapping them up.  After that, Thanksgiving brings on all the warm feelings of family and friends.  Then something weird happens.
The days following Thanksgiving I start to get depressed.  I know that I am not the only one that feels like this, many of my friends have shared their mood swing at the same time.  The problem I used to have was how do I get out of the funk.  Well, I think I have finally figured it out.  The following is my top five big things that help me work through my Holiday blues:
Grateful: Now, when I get up every morning from Thanksgiving into the fifth or sixth of the new year, I lay in bed and think of the three things I am grateful for as of that moment.  I don’t care if they are the same things on several days.  It doesn’t matter.  I just need to say – out loud – the top three things that come to my mind before I get out of bed.  This little trick has helped me to at least start my day in a happy mood.  Keeping in mind, for me, the good things I have instead of the pains I have to endure later makes life a bit easier.
Song: I used to have a beautiful voice (at least I thought so), but years of colds and screaming at ball games have done their damage to my vocal cords. I never wanted to be a famous singer, but I do enjoy singing never the less.  I will purposely force myself to sing along to several songs during these dangerous days.  One of my favorites is not even a holiday song; it’s If I had a million dollars by Barenaked Ladies.  I don’t know if it is the melody or the lyrics, but the song just puts a bounce in my step. (Although the lyrics are very funny to me.)
Do Something: Not just anything, but something I can do well and am proud of.  My yarn works, paper crafts, and writing do this for me.  I pick up my supplies and just put something quick together.  Most times it is something that I can (and usually do) give away.  The creating, sense of accomplishment, and the warm act of giving all combined seem to perk me right up.  The best part is I can always see the feelings of amazing love and affection on the face of the recipient, especially when I surprise them with the handmade gift.  You’re not crafty – no big deal: bake, read, spend time, or drive someone to lift their spirits.  The whole point is you took the time to include them in your thoughts.
  Cry: I was a very emotional mess during menopause.  Men don’t understand this, but you women do (or will).  After that ended, I found fewer and fewer opportunities to release stress.  Women accumulate a ton of that nasty stuff, and if we don’t let it out somewhere safe, an explosion will happen.  Not the bomb stuff till it falls apart, but an explosion much worse.  We will blow up at someone (usually someone very close to us),   and without meaning to, we will hurt them with our words.  To correct for this, I have already pulled out It’s a Wonderful Life movie.  Not the remakes but the original black and white one.  I will ALWAYS break into a full-blown crying jag during this.  If you choose to go this route, two words of advice:
First – Have a hankie (look it up) or a box of tissues in your lap.
Second – Do it before bed.
You will cry hard and long until you are exhausted.  That is the whole point of this exercise.  This is one of my best depression releases.  When I get up the next morning, it feels as if the weight-of-the-world had been lifted.  Then I do #1 again.
Rip out weeds: You can just tear up some papers, scrub the floor on your hands and knees, or over-haul your furniture.  I love ripping out weeds in my gardens.  We cheat because we have an enormous greenhouse, so I can lash out any time of year as needed.  I will get to pulling and digging so hard that I break into a heavy sweat (Sorry dainty ladies, but I have never just perspired – I sweat.).  I do this on purpose for at least a couple of hours.  I wait until my body tells me that I am exhausted.  Then I go in and take a long hot shower.  Sometimes, if things are really low, I may cry in the shower too.  The more stress I can wash down the drain, the better my mood, and the less time the depression hangs on.  Helpful hints:
Keep a pen and paper handy. I have come up with some outstanding ideas while doing this.  When I forgot the pen and paper, I forgot the idea by the time I got back in the house.
Make sure you do not have good plants in the plot. I have torn out perfectly good flowers in a yanking rage.   Don’t do it! You will just feel worse after, and then angry because you will have to replant new ones.
The big picture here is to hold strong during these well-known hard times onto the things that make you happy.  Sad but true, sometimes we just have to fight to be happy (there should be a law against it.).
(FYI – Christmas has been cancelled this year.  I told Santa that I had been good all year, and he dropped dead laughing.)
You can also check me out on:  www.helbergfarmstories.com for fun stories from our farm.
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Top 5 Ways I Beat My Holiday Blues. Just when you thought it was safe to start hanging all the decorations, it hits- The Holiday blues. 
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knittinginfrance · 7 years
Hi there, how are you doing today? I hope your weekend was nice. Mine was very relaxed. I got a lot of knitting and spinning done and I’m super happy about that.
But before I dive into the show and tell, I wanted to remind you of my review of the new book Coffee with CC and Dami too that I reviewed last week. You can read the post here if you haven’t already and join in the giveaway and maybe win a copy of the ebook :)
Now on to the FOs. The first one is a shawl. I participated in the Snowmelt Mystery kal held by Helen Stewart of the Curious Handmade and I finally finished my shawl last week. I have woven in all the ends and just need to block it because currently it is way smaller (I think) than it should be. Also because there is some lace, this shawl really does have to be blocked. No way around that. I’m very lazy when it comes to blocking so there is no telling when I’ll actually get that done but hopefully sooner rather than later:)
So this is it unblocked. I really love the outcome. I’m very happy with the colors I dyed up for the shawl and I loved, loved the yarn I chose. I love the yarn so much that I’m dreaming of ordering tons of this non superwash fingering yarn for future garment and shawl knitting. It’s what I call Back to Basics and it’s a 100% merino non superwash.
The other FO for this week was one that almost didn’t make it. And if you follow me on IG you will have seen the pictures and probably already know what I’m on about. For the others, here’s what happened. I decided to join in the Sock Madness competition this year for the second time. The very first round began just over a week ago and it is the qualifying round. That means that you have 14 days to finish a pair of socks. If you finish in time you get to participate and depending on when you finished you will be put into a team with other knitters that knit at your speed so you are paired up with knitters of similar speed. Of course you may be a super speedy knitter but with a very busy life but it doesn’t matter. If that is the case then all the better for you if you get paired up with knitters that are in a similar situation because that increases your chances of making it to the very end.
So I was determined to knit a pair in less than a week. Last year I knit really fast and got into the second to fastest team which may have been an error on my part but hey, I made it to the second to last round so yeah! Anyway this year I may have less time so I was trying to hurry  but not too much. But of course the competition spirit got the better of me.
The first pattern was not a complicated one but a very time consuming one and hard on one’s hands. It also ate up yarn at an alarming speed and very quickly I started panicking and thinking I’d not have enough to finish. I know we are not allowed to do contrasting heels and toes unless the pattern calls for that so I would have to change yarns along the way. I asked how and if that was possible and unfortunately for me I totally misunderstood the answer. So what did I do? Well I cast on for the second sock and knit to the heel, turned the heel on both socks AND THEN changed yarns and knit on merrily without a care in this world. On day 4 I updated my Ravelry project page and sent my email. And went to bed happy as could be.
And then came the following day! Crashing news! I got heaps of messages on Ravelry both from other participants and the moderators explaining that I had totally misunderstood.
In fact yes I can change yarns if I have to BUT first I have to run out of my original yarn and that was not my case! At first I was in shock! Wow was I not going to qualify for Sock Madness? What to do? After some encouragements from fellow competitors I cut open the toes, ripped back to the heel and then put both socks on a long circular to knit them two at a time using the rest of my yarn. Even though my hands were hurting, I was so determined to make it that I finished in just over a day! And guess what? All this stress and mess could have been totally avoided! I did have plenty of yarn. After finishing I weighed the rest and I had 9gr left! Grrrr
But hey, I finished my socks for the second time and sent in my email on day 6. I don’t know if they will put me in a team that finished on day 4 or on day 6, we’ll see soon enough. Here are my finished and qualified socks.
This qualifying round comes to an end this Thursday I think so maybe round two will begin sometime next week. But until then I’m working on two projects.
My first wip is a secret test knit for a cardigan and I’m not allowed to share any pictures of that. I’m trying to get as much done of that as I can while I wait for round two of Sock Madness to start. It’s quite a simple cardigan in fingering weight yarn. I’m past the armholes and just knitting on in stocking stitch now for 6″ before the stitch pattern changes some. So this is a knit that I can easily pick up and work on anywhere anytime.
My second wip is the Grand Central Socks by Mina Philipp and they are part of her New York Sock collection. I have cast on for them using my Zen Garden yarn that I bought last time I was in Iceland. I’m past the heel on sock one and I’m knitting them on my Hiya Hiya Sharp 9″ circulars.
It is a fun stitch pattern and easily memorized making this a fun and easy knit.
I said I had done lots of spinning this past weekend and I did. I have been doing a sweater spin. I decided to join Sue of Legazy Fibre Arts and Andi of Andre Sue Knits on their sweater spin. It is the first time  I have ever spun for a particular project and the first time ever that I spin so much for a single project. I was not even sure I would make it to be honest.
Ì chose a 50/50 merino  and silk blend that I have spun as is, that is undyed, and now I have 5 skeins of that which together weigh 635 gr for about 1784 meters. That’s about a fingering weight yarn.
I’m really happy with the outcome. The yarn is quite consistent and looks good. I have washed it now and it is relaxed and the twist is correct so I think it will knit up nicely.
Next stage is to dye the yarn. I haven’t chosen my color yet. Dyeing all this yarn which is also hand spun and has cost me so many hours of work, is a little overwhelming. I have to get it right! So I’m hesitating between grey? Blues? Maybe a petrol/denim blue? Or should I do something subtle with a little bit of speckles? Or should I just leave the yarn undyed? What do you think?
And then I need to find a pattern. I have been thinking of this the entire time I have been spinning. I still have some fibre left so if I need more yardage I can spin some more before going to the dye pot. Here are the patterns I have been and still am, thinking about and maybe you can help me decide.
The Boxy Sweater by Joji Locatelli – This is a simple sweater to knit I think and Sue is knitting this one with her hand spun. This was the very first pattern I thought of but I’m not so sure any more.
Sammal cardigan by Joji Locatelli – this is a brand new pattern and currently is at the top of my list. I like the fact that it is a cardigan as I use cardigans much more than sweaters. I like the fact that it has all over patterning. As my yarn is hand spun it is not as perfectly smooth as mill spun yarn and so maybe an all over stitch pattern is better suited? Also I have enough yardage for my size.
Boathouse by Alicia Plummer. I really love her designs and this  is a simple short sleeved sweater/t shirt. I could of course knit longer sleeves. It has stripes and I could dye one of the skeins in a contrasting color for this.
Japan Sleeves by Joji Locatelli. I have admired this design for a long time and I purchased the pattern a while back. This also would require two colors but that’s fine. I’m a little intimidated by the lace panel on the sleeves but otherwise I think it is not a very complicated knit.
Tau by Melanie Berg. This is a beautiful cardigan with a mix of patterning and stocking stitch. I definitely want to knit this some time. Maybe with this yarn?
Threshold by Melanie Berg. This is a sweater with some patterning on the front. As always it’s a gorgeous design and I’m really tempted.
That’s a lot to choose from and of course there are millions more. I already own all of these patterns and a ton more in my Ravelry library. I feel that I have to choose something really special because this yarn is so special. My first ever hand spun and hand knit adult size garment! I’d love to hear your thoughts on the pattern choices I have mentioned. And if you have knit any of those I’d love to hear your thoughts on the pattern and the finished garment. Or if you have another pattern to suggest? If you have knit a garment with your handspun; do tell and share with us.
That’s all for today. Thank you for stopping by and spending some of your precious time with me. Do participate in the giveaway for CC’s ebook (I will draw for a winner on Friday) and share your thoughts on my future handspun sweater.
Until next time; take care and enjoy your knitting :)
  An FOs, a wip and a future cast on Hi there, how are you doing today? I hope your weekend was nice. Mine was very relaxed.
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