#I just absorb info from the Gallery and the wiki and from perusing around the fandom
magic-magpie · 8 months
Word vomit here but thinking abt like y'know how Lee is Extra and Eccentric and Lavish and all that and I mean ofc he likes all that otherwise he wouldn't indulge in it but also what if it's also fuelled by a desire to make his mark and be his own person, 'cause like he was an orphan boy on the streets so he would already have experienced a kind of loss of individualism back then, but then also when he was adopted he was adopted solely to serve as a rival to Kazuya, like that's gotta fuck you up, your existence in your household and everything you do is to be compared to your brother, if you do well in school it isn't 'Well done, Lee!', it's 'Get your act together Kazuya, Lee's performing better than you', if you perform exceptionally in training it's 'Kazuya you're becoming sloppy', you are not your own person you are just an extension of your brother, and so maybe he buys the big mansions and gets the fast cars and dresses loudly and sparkly and emblazons everything with unicorns and roses and purple because these things are 100% hIM, these are solely part of him and who HE is, you see him and you see his things and you will think of Lee Chaolan before you think of anyone else
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