#I love all of my trans siblings so very much and I'll scream that from the rooftops for all of my life
sothassil · 1 year
I went out for easter lunch with my granddad and halfway through, two elder trans women- gray hair and canes and all-walked in, and I have spent probably the last hour crying on and off because they reminded me that we get to get old.
we get to live long, beautiful lives. we get to meet up with our life long friends for lunch at some little diner and talk about good times and how our families are doing. we get to sip on iced tea, and smile, and live
I ended up paying their bill, and I really wish I'd have gone up to talk to them. unfortunately I'm fairly shy with strangers, but I regret not saying hello.
but I hope they know, that everywhere they go, they glow like a neon sign lighting up a foggy path with the message that we get to live
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the-acid-pear · 26 days
thinking about the Kennedy Parents. because Boy do i have headcanons.
so we've got Marshall Neil and Diane Reynolds Kennedy. lovely people.
some fun facts about these lil dudes:
- Marshall is Irish, technically! he's the son of some descendants of Irish immigrants :]
- he also fought in World War 2! only for a short time, though...considering he kinda got shot in the leg and had to have it amputated.
- Diane grew up in a sort of middle-class household. not...the Greatest people, i'll say that.
- neither of their families were the best. but in comparison to Diane's (emotionally and verbally abusive, as well as very misogynistic and sexist. because Housewives. basically they believed heavily in gender roles), Marshall's were Saints (they were very much "suck it up and deal with it" people)
- they both technically lived in/around the same town, but technically really met in Vegas. Diane was going there to get away from her family for a little while, and Marshall was there on a trip with his brothers (to uh. Distract Him From Some Things. such as his recently amputated leg).
- Diane's family never even Remotely approved of the relationship. things are still tense with them to this day.
- you thought either of these two were neurotypical? oh, absolutely not, where do you think Jack and his siblings got the autism from?
- Marshall swears frequently around the kids. which wasn't too much of a problem...until Jack started repeating them back.
- Marshall, having grown up on a farm but not living in a place where he Could farm, would usually garden. he's where Jack’s interest in plants and their biology comes from :]
- visits with Diane's family are always a nightmare, considering that they try to push their views onto her kids. Which She Doesn't Appreciate, By The Way.
- Marshall's family is better, but...they're all still loud and boisterous. doesn't help with sensory issues, but at least they aren't assholes to the children!
- the only extended family member that the Kennedy Siblings had contact with after their parents died was Aunt Jan, Marshall's younger sister and the Official Wine Aunt. absolute sweetheart <3
- both Diane and Marshall were accepting of Jack when he came out as trans <3
- i feel like if Marshall and Henry ever met, it would be...interesting. Henry would probably sit there for ten minutes and then suddenly go "Ah...I see where Jack gets his...personality from 😊" (< barely restrained annoyance) and Marshall just kinda has to deal with the sudden whiplash as he tries to figure out if that was just an observation or an insult (it is an insult).
- these two would have loved Caroline </3
- considering that i Have said before that Healthy Davesport could have happened earlier in the timeline if things hadn't gone to shit, i feel like they would've found Dave...Interesting. but hey, if This is the guy Jack’s into, who are they to get in the way of that? just as long as he doesn't hurt their little Jackie, they don’t mind it.
- they Do agree with Peter, though, that Jack has the weirdest(/worst) taste in men-
anyway! love these little guys <3
- dogboyjackkennedy
I'm gonna scream I fucking love this sm. These are so good I love these people so much and I'm simultaneously ripping my hair off over their passing. They sound like so absolutely lovely REUUAHUAAHH OT2
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