#I love my little gay symphonic metal tunes
vi-sigoth · 3 months
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lesbian-vmin · 3 years
Koala’s Music
Today, I felt like getting a little personal and talking about music outside of BTS. And it’s also just dawned on me that my love for BTS and this blog (which is how you guys know me) doesn’t really say a lot about who I am as a person or what I like. I also received an ask some time ago wondering what artists I listen to besides BTS.
I’ll get to some recommendations, but listen to ramble first because I like to.
There are a few “mainstream” artists I really like, but I don’t want to talk about them. I can say that I love Hailey Steinfeld, but I’m sure a lot of you have heard “Most Girls” or “Starving”. So...really what kind of a recommendation is that? If you guys want me to talk about my mainstream picks, I can. But that’s not what I wanna talk about here.
I don’t much like listening to songs that play on the radio all the time, and I don’t like listening to the same songs all the time. Of course, there’s nothing like a song that you can go back to and sing along with, so I do listen to songs that I know. Mostly while I’m driving or cleaning. Otherwise I want to listen things I’ve never heard before.
Also, the majority of artists I listen to are female. Maybe because I’m a lesbian, so I like listening to women sing more than men. Or maybe just because I like the female voice. Or maybe just because a majority of the songs that I listen to on the work radio, on a 12-hour daily basis, are sung by male artists. I also listen to a lot of music made by the lgbt community because songs that don’t fit into the cookie cutter are just the absolute best.
As for styles, I can listen to almost anything. I have yet to find a style of music that I haven’t found at least one song that I like, except 100% screamo. Not a fan of that. But I’m not religious, and I like a few gospel songs. I can jam to a good country song, and I love symphonic metal. Music that’s a mix between classical world music and modern is my absolute favorite.
Language also doesn’t matter to me. On my playlist, there are English, French, Korean, Japanese, German, Arabic, Maltese, Swahili, Mandarin, Cantonese, Thai, Italian, and more songs. When I like the way a song sounds, I’ll listen to it. I know what all the songs I listen to mean. Even if I don’t know the language, I do my research to make sure the lyrics are good and something I approve of, especially when recommending songs to others.
My favorite kinds of songs are the ones that sound like they were made with meaning, or something I can relate to. I really don’t need another song about slashing someone’s tires because they’re a cheater, or another generic love song/breakup song. There are more things in life worth singing about than just relationships and breakups, so a lot of songs that I really like are usually personal to me. And I might start doing occasional song recommendations if that’s something you guys want. Or if it’s just something I wanna do.
Anyway. Let me recommend some songs/artists right now.
Rina Sawayama - Chosen Family
I choose this song because, well. Any LGBT person would look at the title and immediately know what the song is about. Rina Sawayama herself is an LGBT artist, and she makes songs that clearly state that. My favorite lines are probably “We don’t need to be related to relate/We don’t need to share genes or a surname” and “So what if we don’t look the same/we been going through the same thing.” Because your LGBT friends are often people who you relate to more than your own family members. You can grow up in the same house with someone, but your experiences are so incredibly different. And this song kind of hits that feeling for me.
Zolita - Fight Like a Girl
I’m willing to admit that I’m a sucker for girl power songs. Take for example “Run the World” by Beyonce. Everyone knows that song, so it’s not the one I’m recommending. Instead, I’ll recommend this one by another LGBT artist, Zolita. I think Zolita is somewhat well-known, but I still don’t have a single analyst at work who knows of her unless they’re gay.
Also good to note, for anyone who might be interested, she is a witch. So there’s one more thing to love about her.
SHAUN - Way Back Home
And now for something that might be a little more everyone’s cup of Tea. This is a song by a Korean artist, and it’s a beautiful song. There’s a mostly English version of this song, with the English lines being sung by Conor Maynard, and it’s just as beautiful as the Korean version if you’re looking for something that has more lines you can understand but don’t speak Korean.
Yes. It’s a love song. But more than that, it’s a beautiful song with a beautiful melody. This song is on my daily playlist because I’m never not in the mood for the beautiful tune.
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