#I love they have the same music tastes 😭😭😭💚❤️
yuriko-mukami · 2 years
For my angel, Yuriko~
👀 🤓 🐦🐤 🍏 💍 🎶 🧲 ❤️ 🧡 💚 💙 🤍
💖 (Hmph, some things you post I really do not like)
💛 (But only the good things)
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(( I want too, but for Yuriko's admin.
(( 🤩 🤓 💞 🐦🐤🥀 🍏 💍 🎶 ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙
What do you think of me? (Ruki to Yuriko version)
👀 I stalk you
🤓 You're really smart
🐦 I'm following you
🐤Were mutuals
🍏We talk alot
💍I'm in love with you
🎶I like your music taste
🧲 I'm attracted to you
❤️ You deserve happiness
🧡I care about you
💙 I'm concerned about you
🤍 I have a crush on you
💖 I love you not your blog (Hmph, some things you post I really do not like)
💛 I love seeing you on my dash (But only the good things)
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“Ruki… oh my gosh! That’s so much! I… I… umh…”
You stalk me?
“Do you really think that I’m smart? That means so much to me! And your taste in music is so good too~”
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“Hehe, yes… well, as you know I follow you too and of course, we are mutuals… umh, much more than that. And I love talking with you! Conversations with you make my heart flutter and I love how deep we can dig. Oh, and about that poetry anthology —!”
Oopsie, I’m trailing off…
“You are the love of my life, I love you so much! And umh… I’m attracted to you too…”
You probably don’t even know how much I care about you and I always worry about you. I want you to be happy.
“You don’t have to love my blog. I’m happy if you keep loving me, Ruki~ You make my heart full~♡ And seeing you on my dash is always a joy.”
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(( What? Ruki, what are you thinking? I’m almost sure you’ve liked pretty much Yuriko's every posts here and yet you are thinking you don’t like some things… 🤭 Yes, yes, I know what you mean, blame me, don’t blame Yuriko~
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What do you think of me? (Admin to Admin version)
🤩 I'm a fan of you
🤓 You're really smart
💞 I love both your blog and your content
🐦 I'm following you
🐤Were mutuals
🥀Were friends
🍏We talk alot
💍I'm in love with you
🎶I like your music taste
❤️ You deserve happiness
🧡I care about you
💛 I love seeing you on my dash
💚You sometimes like my stuff and I love you for it
💙 I'm concerned about you
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(( Oh my… honey, now you made me cry so badly 😭😭😭 Thank you!
We do talk a lot and I cherish every conversation with you. A fan? Well, I’m your fan too~ And damn, you are smart! Plus your content really is a joy to read. I don’t show it all to Yuriko though for obvious reasons 🤭
About music… I just have to say how it’s always such a pleasure to notice how similar our tastes seem to be. And what nice songs we have found for Rukiko~
Honestly, you said so many sweet things that I don’t know how to respond to this all. You deserve happiness too and I care about you so much! My heart jumps with joy when I see you on my dash and the same happens when you like my stuff. But yes, I’m sometimes concerned about you too. I guess neither of us can’t help it 🫂
We are mutuals and we are friends. And I love you so, so much too ❤️🫂
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