#I might be asleep YDUDBDHSHS
pinchbees · 1 year
"Hmm? Oh, come in. You must be the new agent transferred here, right? ... Well in that case, welcome to Harness Corporation. I'm your new manager, J... Eh, I still need to come up with a better intro... Anywho."
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"As your old manager should've informed, you've been sent over as a... uhh, nice way of saying you need to improve." Manager J idly taps their desk as they speak.
"We here at Harness take employees that could've been turn into scrap into some of the greatest workers. Either to be sent back their original facility... or kept here as a permanent agent. Hopefully the latter, hehe." They scratches their neck as they cocks their head. "We have many programs and projects that you can take part in. Rather it be researching uses for equipment we build here or fishing out materials for later use! ... Hm? ..."
Their face sours at the mention of 'junkyard'. Their kindly tone disappears as they begin to speak again. "I can assure you that this isn't a junkyard," J emphasizes with air quotes. Despite their audible annoyance, their expression is set with what can be assumed to be exhaustion. "I- Uh, we take great care into what we do here. We've had many people go from, let's say, depressive junkies to lively people! Hell, I was one of them and look at me now!" It's not easy to tell if they did so as a joke, but they snatch the mug on their desk to loudly sip from it. They slam it back down as they stand. Within the blink of an eye, they approach and plant a hand on my shoulder.
"But look, if none of that was true, no one would've let this corp's motto stay as it is. Reform waste into worth." They remove their hand, shifting it to their hip as they straighten up. "Now, let's put it into use. You'll be so good they'll come crawling back to you! ..." They tilt their upper body forward as they hold up a pinkie finger.
"I pinkie promise on it!"
Yeah... This will be something alright.
Which is all to say, I'm starting an AU RP server!
As implied by the text up there, H Corp's premise is taking lacking agents to turn them into better workers. Rather it be for logical reasons or for something stupid! It's entirely up to you on why they ended up there. But now, it wouldn't be a LobCorp fan thing if it wasn't fucked up in some way.
But where's the fun if I just tell you what's up with it? Come on! Jump into the trash river and fish out something. You might find destroyed E.G.O in there... or something else.
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