#I plead the fifth in case some thing was transcripted wrong
Pearl: I am feeling very exposed
Iskall: "I am feeling very exposed" Pearl you are walking out in the open world-
False: -Naked
Iskall: With a salmon head on you.
Iskall: And naked, what is there to not stare at
Pearl: I am not naked if I have a salmon head on my face.
Pearl: Would you like to join?
Pearl: Here you go (Drops salmon head at Iskall), I have plenty more than from where this came from.(Gives one to False and Stress too)
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God is good.
May 23, 2017.
I’ll be honest. It’s been a stressful few weeks. And not for the reasons you might expect either. Assignments were no problem, classes went smoothly, life has been genuinely good and I am so thankful for that. But, there’s always been a little bit of stress in every day.
I’ll give a quick summary of the past few weeks. I switched from a psychology major to a business major my sophomore year of college, which is quite the drastic change. I found that being a year behind meant that the next few years had to be tightly packed with specifically chosen and meticulously planned classes (something I’m quite good at). But, in order for me to study abroad, I had to do it spring semester of my sophomore year and I had to make up a core business class that summer. The consequence of failing to do this: another whole year of tuition---another whole year spent at my university. In other words, time I couldn’t waste and costs I couldn’t afford.
Naturally, I was aware of this, and I planned well (or so I thought). I had set in stone by April a way to take the necessary class over summer. However, seven days into May, the class was canceled due to low enrollment.
I was frantic. I spent the next 3 weeks sporadically applying to community colleges and shoving my transcripts and prerequisite clearance forms down their throats to no prevail. Every single one of my community college options fell through. 
So, I had one last desperate attempt to avoid spending another year in college. I emailed my home university (where I had originally planned to take the class over summer before it was canceled) and I asked if I could take the class during the same semester as the class for which it was a prerequisite---an option I had tried before that was already denied.
That was this morning. And all of today I’ve been a weird mix of frustrated, yet completely calm. I knew the situation was out of my hands at that point, that I had done everything I could do, and so I just kinda spent the whole day thinking, “Alright God, what’s going on?”
I wasn’t angry with Him. In fact, I had come to terms with paying for a fifth year of school. If that was the plan He had for my life, I’d be okay with it. I told Him, “I really want this class thing to work now, but Your will be done, not mine.”
And then the strangest and most wonderful thing happened.
At lunch today, when I was sitting on a bench by myself minding my own business, I noticed a fellow student that I had never seen before. After 12 weeks at a school with less than 300 students, I saw someone new. And the thought popped into my head, “He’s going to come pray for me,” immediately followed by a, “No, that’s dumb, why would a stranger do that?”
Lo and behold, he did approach me, and he said, “Pardon me if I’m wrong, but I feel very strongly that the Lord wanted me to come and pray for you.” And I said, “Funny you should say that.”
So I explained my whole situation and he told me, “Well, considering how the Lord specifically called me to pray for you, I think it’s clear that He’s got a plan for you. He’s got this under control.” And he prayed for comfort and for some kind of solution.
His name was Joe. We talked for a bit after he prayed for me, and when he left he said, “I hope you feel comforted.” And I did, I really did. I walked into my next class smiling and bubbly, understanding that God is the only one who should be worrying about my problems, because they’re out of my hands. Even though it was still likely I’d have to drop another huge chunk of cash on my university, I was in such a good mood. Why? Jeremiah 29:11.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
That verse kept running through my head all throughout class, and I came to realize that whatever happens, it is all a part of God’s plan to prosper me---not to harm me. It might not be the outcome that I want, but it will be the one that I need. He knows what is best for me, and having confidence in that is such a relief.
So, I went about my day, happy as ever. I got home, pleaded my case to the dean at one community college, bugged the administration office at another community college, and went on to do some homework.
And then another strange and wonderful thing happened.
At 6:31pm I received an email from the Dean of Accounting at my home university. It read,
“Hi Alyssa, I will grant you an exception to take both classes simultaneously in Fall 2017.”
I was ecstatic. And in all of my excitement, I realized to the extent how intricate God’s plan was for me: when I originally petitioned to take these classes simultaneously, I was denied because the material in the prerequisite was necessary information that I would not know if I took both classes at the same time. But it took my home university’s cancellation of my original plan and the explanation of my strenuous efforts to create back-up plans that all fell through for my university to allow me the option that was the most favorable all along---the one in which I could work more hours over summer (due to one less summer class), in which I could still graduate in 4 years, only have to deal with the stress of 1 summer class, and gain a scholarship that I would have lost if I was unable to take the class.
This was the only thing that I had worried about when deciding to study abroad in Australia. But through it all, something in me knew I had to come here---something I couldn’t explain. And now I know why.
God has provided me with the best possible case scenario, all because He wanted me to come to Australia. Why? Because He knew I would find Him here.
God is SO good.
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