#I say as I start running headfirst into a project that requires me to learn 2 different skills
killbent · 1 year
So I recently learned about the Minecraft mod Cobblemon, and they have a full tutorial on how to add custom pokemon so now I suddenly have several fakemon ideas that will require me to design, model, and animate and also learn some Java probably
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paulckrueger · 3 years
How to Motivate Yourself: Even When You Don’t Feel Like It
The lie we most want to believe is that we’ll have motivation tomorrow. We’re sold the fantasy that tomorrow we’ll be a better version of ourselves and miraculously start meal-prepping and read two books a month. In fact, a billion-dollar industry rides on our ability to dream, but not act. Wondering how to motivate yourself? 
Motivation allows you to build systems to keep you going even when you don’t feel like it. Think of motivation as the hyperdrive switch that helps Han Solo and Chewbacca traverse galaxies. Now, hyperdrive isn’t sustainable when it’s on all the time, but for short bursts, it gets the team from A to B. Or Ɣ. You know what I mean? So let’s activate our internal hyperdrive. 
Step 1: Plan for Failure 
Now, this seems counterintuitive, doesn’t it? But the great BJ Fogg, founder and director of Stanford University’s Behavior Design Lab, says that we’re to assume that our future self will be lazy. It’s okay. Take a moment to catch your breath and chant affirmations in the mirror. This statement is in no way designed to dissuade you from embarking on the ultimate “how to get motivated” journey, but rather highlight why we so desperately need it. 
Make it easy for your future self
It’s important to start thinking of your motivation reservoir as a tiny little vessel with random bursts of refilling. Better yet: 
Motivation = short term 
So what the heck do we do? Well, there’s always endless streaming and online shopping. But that’s not sustainable, amiright? So what’s the long-term solution? The equation looks a little like this right now: 
? = long term
Back to BJ Fogg. A popular anecdote he likes to use is where he was on a journey to drink more tea. So instead of waking up in the morning shuffling through the cabinet and putting a pot to boil for some of that leafy goodness, he realized that motivation wouldn’t last. So he set up a tea station including his favorite variants of tea. An electric kettle and easy access to cups meant it was easier for him to reach for tea. Even when he felt for coffee. 
And herein lies the key. He set up a system that allowed him to continue his new behavior even when the motivation was low. He made it easier for his future self. So this is what the formula looks like now: 
Systems = long term 
Bonus: Want to fire your boss and start your dream business? Download my FREE Ultimate Guide to Business.
Be persistent 
How long does it take to form a habit? Well, the jury’s out and we know the 21-day standard is not only inaccurate but dangerously ridiculous. Imagine training an athlete who never ran long distances before to run a marathon. In 21 days. So if it’s farfetched for the athlete, why would you put yourself under such a load of stress to change something so ingrained in your everyday routine? 
Research reveals that it can take far longer for your brain to adopt a new process. 66 days is the new minimum and close to a year for the max, but here’s the kicker, the research was done way back in 2009! So why are we still touting the 21-day habit mumbo jumbo? Because it’s convenient, and it feeds that billion-dollar motivation industry by keeping you on an endless rollercoaster of motivation to attempt to failure to guilt to shame, and you guessed it, back to motivation.  
Now, if you know that it will take you anywhere from two months to a year to form a new habit, you’re far less likely to kick it after a month. Right? 
So here’s the thing. Even if you have a system, it won’t work until you do. That’s where persistence comes in. 
Step 2: Put it on your calendar
Forget all the gizmos and gadgets that supposedly help you become more productive. I’m talking about those tools that actually distract you from the task at hand. 
Repeat after me: Calendar is king. 
Once you learn how to effectively use your calendar, there’s no need to clutter your phone with apps that will drive you crazy as you discreetly dismiss yet another ping. 
Keep motivational tools to a minimum
Bet this heading caught you by surprise! You were probably expecting a long list of tools, books, podcasts, and conferences that you simply had to attend to get you going. But no, Mando, this is not the way. 
Before we plunge headfirst into this, we’re not saying that motivational tools are bad. What we are saying is not all motivational tools are created equal. You should only use the tools that actually give you a boost and not take up more of your precious resources, such as time and money. 
All these do is add to your already enormous pile of things you won’t get to, which just increases your guilt. So what the heck are we supposed to do? 
Use the bare minimum. Don’t get distracted by the shiny lights and glittery icons. This is a good time to harness your inner minimalist and only use what you absolutely need. A pen, a notebook, a calendar. For those who are fully digital, sure, the Notes app will do.
You’re also going to go through a real big purge. If your biggest area of zero motivation lies in cleaning your house, the job isn’t going to get done by watching 50 YouTube channels that tell you how to clean. Purge, purge, purge. Whittle it down to the one that inspires or motivates the most and you’re done. Spend the minimum amount of time boosting your motivation and when your tank is full, you go for it! 
Just think of it this way, it’s hardly worth going through your stack of motivation tools when it takes 3 hours to build up motivation for a half-hour task. 
How about the wannabe fitness fanatic who has the best gear, books, and videos? Subscription to a gym with all the amenities you could ever dream of? Yet still lacks the motivation to get their kit and caboodle on an exercise bike? It might not be the motivation that you need but focus. 
Let’s talk about focus for a second 
What if the area you’re looking to improve is your overall fitness? You’ve got all your systems in place, gear laid out in the mornings, etc. but you’re still failing to launch. It could be that there is a small component missing: focus. 
Noah Kagan, founder of AppSumo says that the key to reaching his goals lies in the ability to whittle the goal down to its simplest form. Let the simplest form of your goal become your sole focus. 
Now let’s look at your fitness journey. What if you focus on one element and say that you want to be able to run 5 miles in 6 months. Now, it becomes easier to set monthly, weekly, and daily targets to meet that goal. That means that when it’s time to go to gym, you know what is expected of you and what the goal is. 
How about cleaning your house? What if the goal is to be clutter-free every night before bed? Once this becomes habit, it becomes far simpler to add to the list. Before you know it, in a couple of months you’re finding it easier to keep up with the Martha Stewarts. 
Plan ahead and set reminders 
It’s the day before the deadline and you know it takes around ten hours to complete the project, only, it’s 10 PM and the project is due first thing in the morning. If you can relate, it’s either a case of work overload or, dare we say it, procrastination. Yes, that despicable “p” word has landed many of us in a fair load of trouble. 
Face it, when you’re rushing to get the job done, is it up to standard? More importantly, is it up to your desired standard? Prolly not. 
When you plan ahead, you’re able to accommodate pitfalls and distractions more effectively because you’re doing the bulk of the work over a period of time. When you don’t, the bulk of the work likely gets done at number 99. 
So the only natural thing to do is download a productivity tool that… No. You’re going to get out your calendar. A month to view is a good place to start if you have fixed dates for certain projects. Set reminders along the way that encourage you to reach certain milestones by certain dates. It’s hard to ignore reminders when they’re specific. 
When you slowly incorporate this system with persistence, you’ll unlock pockets of time you didn’t know you had. 
Those who are in control of their projects may find it hard to set a clock on a workday. Think project managers or business owners. When you’re able to set mini-goals along the way and you persistently meet those goals, you can put a start and end time to your workday. 
Anyone who has found themselves burning the candle at both ends will know how precious a start and end time is, especially when it feels like other areas of your life are suffering. Work your system before it works you. 
Bonus: Want to finally start getting paid what you’re worth? I show you exactly how in my Ultimate Guide to Getting a Raise and Boosting Your Salary
Tips for getting started 
Getting started is always the hardest part. Knowing how to motivate yourself will require the most amount of effort at the beginning because this is where you’re implementing your systems. Knowing where to start will help a great deal. 
Tip 1: Break down big goals 
It’s a mountain. We know. But waiting until tomorrow, or when you have the perfect pants, or the right color pen is not going to make the mountain any smaller. You know what will make the mountain smaller? Chipping away at it. So cliche, right? But with good reason. 
Before embarking on a project, it’s important to break it down to its simplest form. For instance, cleaning the kitchen after a dinner party. Yes, I know, hire a cleaning service would be simpler. But it doesn’t help my example. So back to the kitchen cleanup. Take a few minutes to create a list and tick it off as you go: 
Pack away or throw out all non-food-related party decor. 
Clear plates and cups of food and drink. 
Pack away leftovers, if any. 
Rinse dishes and place them in the dishwasher. 
Get the dishwasher cycle going.
Wash remaining dishes, set to dry. 
Clean counters of clutter and give them a wipe down. 
Sweep the floor and wipe other surfaces. 
Mop floor, clean sink, and pack away cleaning materials. 
Seems simple enough but until you can see a project broken down in its smallest details, it’s hard to think of the finished line. Any project can be broken down this way and if you still find it hard to get started, it might not be broken down enough. Take that first step and see if you can break it down some more. 
Tip 2: Set a timer 
When you’ve broken down your steps, put a timer to each section. This will help you remain focused because you know you only have a set period in which to complete the task. A great example of a big, hairy goal that needs a timer is saving up for a wedding. Nothing motivates you faster than working your way through a wedding planner. 
Book this by a certain date, buy that by another, and the list goes on. If you’re going to meet your financial milestones, it means placing deadlines on your savings. For instance, if you need $10,000 for the venue in 6 months and you haven’t saved anything yet, you need to put away almost $1,700 per month to reach that goal. 
Tip 3: Eliminate competing motivators 
I know we’re tooting BJ Fogg’s horn in this piece, but the man’s a genius! He knows a little secret about motivation that tends to bite us in the booty because good intentions evaporate like mist on a scorching day when confronted with road bumps. And no, it’s not just social media and endless streaming that compete for your attention.  
For instance, ever wanted to go for a run the next morning only to wake up to a burst water pipe? Or how about finishing your course material ahead of schedule, but your laptop flashes the blue screen of death? 
There are always going to be competing motivators that can potentially derail you from your goals. But the key is to get back on that train as soon as possible. You may also want to consider a plan B or C to ensure you stay on track. In fact, those who are serious about their goals always make another plan. Runners have an extra pair of running shoes, writers have various platforms to get words down on, even moms carry an extra diaper in their handbag. 
But what about those competitive 
Tip 4: Set yourself up for success 
We’ve told you to plan for failure and that is an enormous leap in setting yourself up for success. But the other part that doesn’t have to do with failure, is accounting for all the variables that might come into play. For instance, the weather, a financial emergency, a health issue, family crisis, or even something terrific such as a paid-for vacation. 
Planning for the variables gets you to the finish line. While you may not be able to prepare for everything that might knock you off course, it’s a good idea to start with the most obvious ones. 
Think about the successful people in your life. People who have achieved greatness such as top athletes, academic wizzes, and career moguls. What do they have in common? Self-discipline. Only, with self-discipline, you need to grow it like a long-distance runner grows their lung capacity and endurance over time. That small investment will make a world of difference while setting yourself up for success. 
In a Nutshell 
You already have everything you need to motivate yourself. Be kind to yourself and make it easier to reach your goals by putting systems in place. In fact, the combination of systems and persistence will allow you to build new habits. These two levers, systems and persistence, are critical in building new habits as we know now that a habit takes way longer than the 21 days we were led to believe. 
While motivation innovation vies for your attention, stick to the basics and kick it old school with your calendar and magic marker. If you’re really serious about ticking off those goals, have a look at Ramit’s Ultimate Guide to Habits. Works for him, it’ll work for you!
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How to Motivate Yourself: Even When You Don’t Feel Like It is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Surety Bond Brokers? Business https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/how-to-motivate-yourself/
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samuelfields · 3 years
How to Motivate Yourself: Even When You Don’t Feel Like It
The lie we most want to believe is that we’ll have motivation tomorrow. We’re sold the fantasy that tomorrow we’ll be a better version of ourselves and miraculously start meal-prepping and read two books a month. In fact, a billion-dollar industry rides on our ability to dream, but not act. Wondering how to motivate yourself? 
Motivation allows you to build systems to keep you going even when you don’t feel like it. Think of motivation as the hyperdrive switch that helps Han Solo and Chewbacca traverse galaxies. Now, hyperdrive isn’t sustainable when it’s on all the time, but for short bursts, it gets the team from A to B. Or Ɣ. You know what I mean? So let’s activate our internal hyperdrive. 
Step 1: Plan for Failure 
Now, this seems counterintuitive, doesn’t it? But the great BJ Fogg, founder and director of Stanford University’s Behavior Design Lab, says that we’re to assume that our future self will be lazy. It’s okay. Take a moment to catch your breath and chant affirmations in the mirror. This statement is in no way designed to dissuade you from embarking on the ultimate “how to get motivated” journey, but rather highlight why we so desperately need it. 
Make it easy for your future self
It’s important to start thinking of your motivation reservoir as a tiny little vessel with random bursts of refilling. Better yet: 
Motivation = short term 
So what the heck do we do? Well, there’s always endless streaming and online shopping. But that’s not sustainable, amiright? So what’s the long-term solution? The equation looks a little like this right now: 
? = long term
Back to BJ Fogg. A popular anecdote he likes to use is where he was on a journey to drink more tea. So instead of waking up in the morning shuffling through the cabinet and putting a pot to boil for some of that leafy goodness, he realized that motivation wouldn’t last. So he set up a tea station including his favorite variants of tea. An electric kettle and easy access to cups meant it was easier for him to reach for tea. Even when he felt for coffee. 
And herein lies the key. He set up a system that allowed him to continue his new behavior even when the motivation was low. He made it easier for his future self. So this is what the formula looks like now: 
Systems = long term 
Bonus: Want to fire your boss and start your dream business? Download my FREE Ultimate Guide to Business.
Be persistent 
How long does it take to form a habit? Well, the jury’s out and we know the 21-day standard is not only inaccurate but dangerously ridiculous. Imagine training an athlete who never ran long distances before to run a marathon. In 21 days. So if it’s farfetched for the athlete, why would you put yourself under such a load of stress to change something so ingrained in your everyday routine? 
Research reveals that it can take far longer for your brain to adopt a new process. 66 days is the new minimum and close to a year for the max, but here’s the kicker, the research was done way back in 2009! So why are we still touting the 21-day habit mumbo jumbo? Because it’s convenient, and it feeds that billion-dollar motivation industry by keeping you on an endless rollercoaster of motivation to attempt to failure to guilt to shame, and you guessed it, back to motivation.  
Now, if you know that it will take you anywhere from two months to a year to form a new habit, you’re far less likely to kick it after a month. Right? 
So here’s the thing. Even if you have a system, it won’t work until you do. That’s where persistence comes in. 
Step 2: Put it on your calendar
Forget all the gizmos and gadgets that supposedly help you become more productive. I’m talking about those tools that actually distract you from the task at hand. 
Repeat after me: Calendar is king. 
Once you learn how to effectively use your calendar, there’s no need to clutter your phone with apps that will drive you crazy as you discreetly dismiss yet another ping. 
Keep motivational tools to a minimum
Bet this heading caught you by surprise! You were probably expecting a long list of tools, books, podcasts, and conferences that you simply had to attend to get you going. But no, Mando, this is not the way. 
Before we plunge headfirst into this, we’re not saying that motivational tools are bad. What we are saying is not all motivational tools are created equal. You should only use the tools that actually give you a boost and not take up more of your precious resources, such as time and money. 
All these do is add to your already enormous pile of things you won’t get to, which just increases your guilt. So what the heck are we supposed to do? 
Use the bare minimum. Don’t get distracted by the shiny lights and glittery icons. This is a good time to harness your inner minimalist and only use what you absolutely need. A pen, a notebook, a calendar. For those who are fully digital, sure, the Notes app will do.
You’re also going to go through a real big purge. If your biggest area of zero motivation lies in cleaning your house, the job isn’t going to get done by watching 50 YouTube channels that tell you how to clean. Purge, purge, purge. Whittle it down to the one that inspires or motivates the most and you’re done. Spend the minimum amount of time boosting your motivation and when your tank is full, you go for it! 
Just think of it this way, it’s hardly worth going through your stack of motivation tools when it takes 3 hours to build up motivation for a half-hour task. 
How about the wannabe fitness fanatic who has the best gear, books, and videos? Subscription to a gym with all the amenities you could ever dream of? Yet still lacks the motivation to get their kit and caboodle on an exercise bike? It might not be the motivation that you need but focus. 
Let’s talk about focus for a second 
What if the area you’re looking to improve is your overall fitness? You’ve got all your systems in place, gear laid out in the mornings, etc. but you’re still failing to launch. It could be that there is a small component missing: focus. 
Noah Kagan, founder of AppSumo says that the key to reaching his goals lies in the ability to whittle the goal down to its simplest form. Let the simplest form of your goal become your sole focus. 
Now let’s look at your fitness journey. What if you focus on one element and say that you want to be able to run 5 miles in 6 months. Now, it becomes easier to set monthly, weekly, and daily targets to meet that goal. That means that when it’s time to go to gym, you know what is expected of you and what the goal is. 
How about cleaning your house? What if the goal is to be clutter-free every night before bed? Once this becomes habit, it becomes far simpler to add to the list. Before you know it, in a couple of months you’re finding it easier to keep up with the Martha Stewarts. 
Plan ahead and set reminders 
It’s the day before the deadline and you know it takes around ten hours to complete the project, only, it’s 10 PM and the project is due first thing in the morning. If you can relate, it’s either a case of work overload or, dare we say it, procrastination. Yes, that despicable “p” word has landed many of us in a fair load of trouble. 
Face it, when you’re rushing to get the job done, is it up to standard? More importantly, is it up to your desired standard? Prolly not. 
When you plan ahead, you’re able to accommodate pitfalls and distractions more effectively because you’re doing the bulk of the work over a period of time. When you don’t, the bulk of the work likely gets done at number 99. 
So the only natural thing to do is download a productivity tool that… No. You’re going to get out your calendar. A month to view is a good place to start if you have fixed dates for certain projects. Set reminders along the way that encourage you to reach certain milestones by certain dates. It’s hard to ignore reminders when they’re specific. 
When you slowly incorporate this system with persistence, you’ll unlock pockets of time you didn’t know you had. 
Those who are in control of their projects may find it hard to set a clock on a workday. Think project managers or business owners. When you’re able to set mini-goals along the way and you persistently meet those goals, you can put a start and end time to your workday. 
Anyone who has found themselves burning the candle at both ends will know how precious a start and end time is, especially when it feels like other areas of your life are suffering. Work your system before it works you. 
Bonus: Want to finally start getting paid what you’re worth? I show you exactly how in my Ultimate Guide to Getting a Raise and Boosting Your Salary
Tips for getting started 
Getting started is always the hardest part. Knowing how to motivate yourself will require the most amount of effort at the beginning because this is where you’re implementing your systems. Knowing where to start will help a great deal. 
Tip 1: Break down big goals 
It’s a mountain. We know. But waiting until tomorrow, or when you have the perfect pants, or the right color pen is not going to make the mountain any smaller. You know what will make the mountain smaller? Chipping away at it. So cliche, right? But with good reason. 
Before embarking on a project, it’s important to break it down to its simplest form. For instance, cleaning the kitchen after a dinner party. Yes, I know, hire a cleaning service would be simpler. But it doesn’t help my example. So back to the kitchen cleanup. Take a few minutes to create a list and tick it off as you go: 
Pack away or throw out all non-food-related party decor. 
Clear plates and cups of food and drink. 
Pack away leftovers, if any. 
Rinse dishes and place them in the dishwasher. 
Get the dishwasher cycle going.
Wash remaining dishes, set to dry. 
Clean counters of clutter and give them a wipe down. 
Sweep the floor and wipe other surfaces. 
Mop floor, clean sink, and pack away cleaning materials. 
Seems simple enough but until you can see a project broken down in its smallest details, it’s hard to think of the finished line. Any project can be broken down this way and if you still find it hard to get started, it might not be broken down enough. Take that first step and see if you can break it down some more. 
Tip 2: Set a timer 
When you’ve broken down your steps, put a timer to each section. This will help you remain focused because you know you only have a set period in which to complete the task. A great example of a big, hairy goal that needs a timer is saving up for a wedding. Nothing motivates you faster than working your way through a wedding planner. 
Book this by a certain date, buy that by another, and the list goes on. If you’re going to meet your financial milestones, it means placing deadlines on your savings. For instance, if you need $10,000 for the venue in 6 months and you haven’t saved anything yet, you need to put away almost $1,700 per month to reach that goal. 
Tip 3: Eliminate competing motivators 
I know we’re tooting BJ Fogg’s horn in this piece, but the man’s a genius! He knows a little secret about motivation that tends to bite us in the booty because good intentions evaporate like mist on a scorching day when confronted with road bumps. And no, it’s not just social media and endless streaming that compete for your attention.  
For instance, ever wanted to go for a run the next morning only to wake up to a burst water pipe? Or how about finishing your course material ahead of schedule, but your laptop flashes the blue screen of death? 
There are always going to be competing motivators that can potentially derail you from your goals. But the key is to get back on that train as soon as possible. You may also want to consider a plan B or C to ensure you stay on track. In fact, those who are serious about their goals always make another plan. Runners have an extra pair of running shoes, writers have various platforms to get words down on, even moms carry an extra diaper in their handbag. 
But what about those competitive 
Tip 4: Set yourself up for success 
We’ve told you to plan for failure and that is an enormous leap in setting yourself up for success. But the other part that doesn’t have to do with failure, is accounting for all the variables that might come into play. For instance, the weather, a financial emergency, a health issue, family crisis, or even something terrific such as a paid-for vacation. 
Planning for the variables gets you to the finish line. While you may not be able to prepare for everything that might knock you off course, it’s a good idea to start with the most obvious ones. 
Think about the successful people in your life. People who have achieved greatness such as top athletes, academic wizzes, and career moguls. What do they have in common? Self-discipline. Only, with self-discipline, you need to grow it like a long-distance runner grows their lung capacity and endurance over time. That small investment will make a world of difference while setting yourself up for success. 
In a Nutshell 
You already have everything you need to motivate yourself. Be kind to yourself and make it easier to reach your goals by putting systems in place. In fact, the combination of systems and persistence will allow you to build new habits. These two levers, systems and persistence, are critical in building new habits as we know now that a habit takes way longer than the 21 days we were led to believe. 
While motivation innovation vies for your attention, stick to the basics and kick it old school with your calendar and magic marker. If you’re really serious about ticking off those goals, have a look at Ramit’s Ultimate Guide to Habits. Works for him, it’ll work for you!
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How to Motivate Yourself: Even When You Don’t Feel Like It is a post from: I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
from Finance https://www.iwillteachyoutoberich.com/blog/how-to-motivate-yourself/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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thedannyfirth · 7 years
Design practice blog
week 1
The introduction to design practice fundamentals was great, I can honestly say I am looking forward to this semester a great deal as it seems that all of the lessons will eventually assemble into one project which I will delve into shortly, essentially everything that I will learn in each of the four sessions will be invaluable in the long run as I will have to apply it to the main project.
The lesson covered the basics of what we will be required to do throughout the 12-week project date, firstly Juan told us how we will be delving into and working with the AGILE development method which is from my brief knowledge on the subject; the process of working in sprints, for example, in a group of people you would all be assigned work then in a week’s time bring it all together, review it and then make amends and move on to the next part and then repeat this process. The short periods of time from which you have to work and then review are called sprints and I believe most if not all companies will work using this development strategy.
After the brief introduction to the agile baseline we then went onto what we will be covering in the lightweight document for the project, and how this time it will be longer and include more fine points such as narrative and engines. The project itself is, in a group of 5 to create a 2d basic playable game using unity, sounds like an easy task when you say it like that but anyone who knows the ins and outs of a game making process will agree that it is very hard even at this basic level.
The group of 5 I am in is made up of myself, Paddy, Brad, Gary and Toby. Gary and Toby I worked with last time in and we did quite well so we are all eager to begin with this new project.
This project will require each of the members to take on a more specific role, primarily artist of programming or ideally both, this is a hard challenge as we will have to learn to use many programs in depth such as, unity, Photoshop, visual studios and any other miscellaneous programs needed for the creation of a game.
The programming this semester will be very full on which I am glad about and I have set a goal to watch between 2 - 3 hours of programming tutorials per night as well as working with visual studios along side that and hopefully I will be able to make something of myself and learn the required skills to apply myself to this project and future as I hope one day I will make it into the programming game.
week 2
Design practice today with Juan was great and quite a productive session independent to our group. We covered a brief introduction to the Agile development which is basically what I described in my previous post, how each group works in a sprints of around 2 weeks, the methodology behind the agile process seems very structured and organised, it seems to entail you to work often but if you’re passionate about a project you wont see it as work load.
For the rest of the session which was fairly short we discussed our game idea, first of all was the theme so I suggested creating a Japanese samurai based game, this would offer advantages for the narrative, music and artwork as the theme could reflect all of them.
We each got assigned roles then from our group leader Gary, I’m going to be one of the main programmers which is great but will require a lot of work and personal time as I need to apply programming skills to the work itself which is hard enough but also learn and up my programming game in my own time which is why I bought a book titled, Headfirst C#, apparently it’s a great book and so every night I will spend around 2 – 3 hours working on this by creating minor projects and experimenting.
We then came up with our idea for the game which we decided on a western themed game with a brief narrative which would also incorporate a steam punk genre the further you progress through the game.
For the remainder of the session we just tried to fledge out our idea as much as we could and the idea is looking good though I know it will be very hard to complete.
week 3
Design practice was a good session but a short one, it started off by having a scrum meeting which each of us stating what it was exactly that we’d done in the past week, my personal contribution along with toby’s was configuration of the play control.
We managed to achieve a moveable player character with the jump ability as well as incorporating the camera follow. As well as this in my own time I am doing my own programming practice and just touching up everyday so its fresh in my head and I get all the practice I need as it is very challenging.
We did some more work on the game concept in session as juan came over to each group individually to have a talk and see where we were at. He really likes our overall concept idea as I think he’s a very big western fan much like myself. He told us to try and come up with a story concept which is mine and brad’s job as I replaced Gary as narrative director. The personal work load that I am responsible for is lead programming though toby will still be working very closely in this, sound assistant as well as narrative director which I think is great.
I really do like a good story so I will try and build one up with my friend for the game along with brad’s input.
I have a few ideas and I spent the lesson making ideas up with brad as I’m trying to get down all of the things a like and then I will be able to mix and match them up in order to achieve a very well thought out narrative structure.
Juan also mentioned how we could incorporate the story in the game itself by using a pop up in game cutscene method like many 8 bit and Nintendo games do. Basically when the player confronts a crucial AI it will initiate the story to pop up at the bottom of the screen with both opposing character at either side with their dialogue, at the start of the game there will be a brief introduction to the world in which the player is set.
For the rest of the day I went home and worked on the story as well as going a little programming practice to get me in tune for the coming lessons.
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ourmrmel · 6 years
Mel Feller Looks at Things to Avoid as a Startup Business by Mel Feller
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Mel Feller Looks at Things to Avoid as a Startup Business by Mel Feller
 Looking at American statistics, which are resounding true for even a dynamic economy like the one we are experiencing now. A sobering thought is that according to the Small Business Association, roughly a third of startups last just two years, and about half survive to five years.
 Therefore, if you are planning to begin a small business, 50/50 odds for survival past five years is not pleasing news. If there is any good news of the reasons they do not survive it is because the problem comes from small business owners who do not have a succinct plan; a roadmap not just for survival, but also to flourish.
 We all know that even the best ideas will not succeed without proper planning. In addition, many startups are caught up with the same distractions that have taken out other great business ideas before they were even able to accomplish their goals.
 Not Knowing Your Market
A common obstacle hits startups before they have ever opened their doors for business. The most common obstacle is market knowledge.  It seems whether a brick-and-mortar location or online business, business plans must include market research. An entrepreneur absolutely needs to know how large their local market is, their target demographic, and most importantly, how saturated the market currently is.
 Considering that, market knowledge can help determine how a business needs to roll out the product or service. Should you focus on better quality, faster service, lower price, or another variable? Most of all, market research will give the entrepreneur an idea if there is market space in the industry for their particular business.
 Reinventing the Business Concept
Ideas scratched on a note pad can feel like the innovation idea of the century. However, many ideas you think are ‘innovators’ and ‘disruptors’ have been done before and by many other people.   The majority of entrepreneurs can be caught up in the idea, planning, and launch without looking for others who have previously had the same concept.
 I am not trying to say it is not a sound business idea that was thought of. However, anguish and despair comes when the patent is filed, the VC pitch is presented, or possibly the lawsuit is served. Alternatively, it might be that the idea had been tried and has failed.
 Another very real possibility is the startup can use the structure or knowledge gleaned from someone who has done it before. Whether it has to achieve the same level of success or to improve upon it, there is no need to reinvent the same business concept.
 Opening the Doors too Soon
Small businesses tend to open their doors as quickly as possible, diving in headfirst without testing the market. These businesses soon discover glaring flaws in their structure, product, and or service. It leaves them vulnerable, requiring either a shutdown or restart, or more likely, shutting the doors for good.
 A lesson can be learned from all business and their early beginnings. Much can be learned from a soft launch can help expose weaknesses and flaws before the startup hits the ground running. The product or service can be improved and there is even time to work out kinks ahead of a hard opening.
 Neglecting Marketing
It is so easy to get excited about a great business idea, product, or service offering, however, does anyone else know about it? Even the best business idea can fail if the flow of customers just is not there due to a lack of marketing.
 Therefore, a  fundamental part of any startup is a marketing plan. For a startup, it is suggested to set aside three to five percent of sales for your marketing and advertising expenses. Please note that initial startup marketing is beyond that three to five percent. Thus, you must plan for approximately three to six months’ worth of your expected sales for pre-launch marketing in order to gain market exposure.
 Consistency is a key component to making money in business. You have to consistently keep doing what is necessary to be successful day in and day out. This will create long-term positive habits that will help you make money in the end.
 Whatever type of business you want to start, using these nine tips can help you be successful in your venture.
 Mel Feller – Personal Development, Business, Execute, Internet and Real Estate Investments Coach/Mentor and Business Owner
 Mel Feller was a senior staffer for over 5 years with both United States Senator Jake Garn and The Senate Banking and Finance Committee.
 Mel Feller is a speaker at entrepreneurial forums training business professionals on marketing strategies and the “Secrets of Online Marketing”. He provides consulting services on all aspects of business including organizational performance, sales and marketing strategies, employee productivity and retention, successful solution implementation, technology leverage and customer service in all business and fields.
 Mel Feller's areas of technology expertise include emails and social media, solution development discipline and methodology, business process leads and project management.
 Mel Feller has twenty-five years’ experience with companies, nonprofits and individuals in the research and writing of both government and private grants.
 In addition to his regular consulting and management responsibilities, Mel Feller was published in the Top 100 Mentors; he has published two books on "Creative Real Estate Financing" and “Multiple Secrets to Success”, and presented numerous executive lectures for Fortune 500 corporations on “leadership and business practices”.
Visit him at www.melfeller.com and www.melfellersuccessstories.com
 Mel Feller’s dynamic presence, instinctive strategic vision, and creative thinking produce effective, sustainable bottom-line results for his clients. His “Can Do” attitude generates confidence in his executive coaching clients and strategic consulting corporate clients. Throughout Mel Feller’s career, he has increased the profitability of nearly every organization with which he has worked.
 Mel Feller has a unique ability to relate to his clients because he came from The United States Senate, where Mel was the Chief of Staff for a United States Senator and was always meeting with prominent business people or politicians.  His main love was dealing with constituents that were the grass root voters!  Since founding Coaching For Success 360 In 1989, he has effectively translated that experience into results for his clients. He focuses on separating daily distractions from the real issues in order to put the executive and/or business on the right path to grow and prosper. Results are immediate, growth sustainable, and profitability long-term.
 Dozens of Mel Feller’s clients have been on Inc.’s 500/5000 list and many have been named as a “Best Places To Work.
Using Mel Feller’s intuitive, systematic approach, and our proven strategic and tactical tools, we help you plan for profit.
 Mel Feller believes that what gets measured is improved. Therefore, he is continually developing processes and systems that allow you to easily measure, manage and maintain a highly profitable business.
 Mel Feller is  ready to help you increase your sales, trim and manage your operating costs and see your profits soar and/or leverage your time for Business or Real Estate!
  “Truth telling, honesty, and candor: I loved you Mel Feller! You have so much energy and knowledge! I truly hope I get another opportunity to be coached by you. I see myself a little clearer now, and it’s not so bad.”
Lisa Mathews
 “Mel Feller you added more value than we can possibly see right now. Mel Feller, you are warm, inviting, and accommodating. Thank you for coming alongside us in this transition!”
Vanessa Cavanaugh
“Mel Feller the best education session that we have attended in many years! Thank you so much — I am very excited to put everything you have taught us into practice!”
Michael Randolph
 “Mr. Mel Feller, Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving a marvelous keynote at our Symposium! While we have not yet collected the official feedback, the unofficial feedback was that You Were a Hit! I heard nothing but compliments regarding your presentations. Thank you for making such a positive impact on our attendees! ”
Lyle Cunningham VP
 "Mel Feller uses his humor, compassion, and direct nature to help bring out the best in me. Mel Feller is committed to helping me live...I mean, really live, life to its fullest."
Jose Rodriguez
 Mel Feller Links
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