#I think Yata would be the one who stops and tries to be mature
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Yata and Fushimi have been dating for a while, they're living together, they've talked about taking the next step but no plans have been made. Yata's been picking up more hours at work or working odd jobs where he can to save up money because he wants to buy Fushimi a really nice ring. Fushimi takes it the wrong way (Yata doesn't want to be around him) and argues with Yata the night Yata plans to propose. What happens from there?
Fushimi and fucking up his own life, name a more iconic duo. Imagine the two of them have been living together for a few months and dating for longer than that. Yata’s been thinking about proposing for a while now, which is actually why he suggested they move in together as like a way of ‘testing’ if he was ready to move to the next step. He’s definitely decided that he is too, he wants to propose to Fushimi as soon as possible. Except when he mentions it to the Homra guys and they all congratulate him they ask him what kind of ring he’s buying and Yata’s like ‘…shit.’
Intellectually Yata knows that Fushimi probably wouldn’t care much about jewelry but at the same time Yata wants to get him something, like not because you’re ‘supposed’ to buy engagement rings but because he wants something tangible that he can gift to Fushimi to show how much he wants Fushimi to marry him (and okay, maybe a little possessive, letting that creepy Blue King know that Saruhiko is taken thanks). Yata doesn’t have a lot of money though and maybe for the first time Yata is really aware that he’s never been rich while Fushimi is at least comfortable financially, that Fushimi grew up with rich parents and now has a cushy government job and how lame would it be if Yata gave him some cheap dinky ring. This is how Yata talks himself into getting Fushimi an expensive ring and to pay for it he starts taking extra hours at work, doing some extra errands for Kusanagi around the bar, maybe even adding on like a side hustle all so he can earn enough cash for a good ring.
Meanwhile Fushimi has obviously noticed that Yata isn’t around as much as normal. They probably have trouble finding free time to spend together as it is due to Fushimi’s work so now it’s even worse, some days Fushimi barely even sees Yata. When he asks about it Yata gets noticeably nervous and says he’s just doing some favors for people or that stuff came up at work, Yata probably thinks he’s being suave but he’s actually looking totally dodgy and suspicious. Fushimi being Fushimi he immediately starts suspecting the worst: they’ve only been living together a few months after all and Yata still complains about Fushimi’s diet and bad habits, complaining that he doesn’t do the laundry or that he could help with the cleaning and Fushimi’s suddenly like hyper aware of all his deficiencies, like maybe now that they’re living together Yata’s remembered what a mess Fushimi is and is trying to find a way to get out of this whole relationship.
With Yata being so busy and Fushimi’s own work schedule Yata doesn’t even notice that Fushimi’s been getting quieter and quieter, so focused on his goal that he completely forgets who he’s dating. Fushimi is just quietly going from self loathing spiral to self destructive and he’s started staying later at work to avoid Yata too, convincing himself that this was a stupid idea to begin with and why did he ever think Yata would love him. Finally Yata gets enough money to buy the ring and decides to go home early to surprise Fushimi, all ready to make a nice dinner and propose. Yata’s really nervous but excited, right until he steps into the apartment and sees Fushimi packing his bags.
Yata’s just shocked and also probably pretty hurt, thinking Fushimi was about to do like before and just disappear without telling Yata anything. Fushimi coldly says isn’t this what Yata wants, for Fushimi to leave him alone, and Yata starts to get angry because Fushimi’s just going to break things off without explaining again. Fushimi scoffs that Yata’s the one who was lying and playing pretend, going into full asshole mode to hide his own hurt and Yata starts to give in to his own anger and yell back…and then he puts a hand into his pocket and touches the ring and he stops, and takes a deep breath. 
Yata’s been through this before, after all, and didn’t he promise he wasn’t going to let miscommunication get between them again. So Yata takes a moment to calm himself and he sits down on the bed and asks Fushimi why he thinks Yata doesn’t want to be with him anymore. Fushimi’s caught off guard by this Misaki who won’t rise to the bait and he looks away, Yata reaches over and touches Fushimi’s cheek, making Fushimi look at him. Yata says they’re not gonna do this again right and finally Fushimi sighs and says Yata’s the one who’s been avoiding him.
 All of a sudden Yata realizes what this is about and he sighs and then says he’s sorry. Fushimi is just baffled by that one and Yata gives him a thin smile and says he forgot about how things affect Fushimi and he should know better than to keep stuff from Fushimi, even if it’s for a good reason, because Fushimi thinks too much and assumes the worst. Fushimi tries to act like he wasn’t assuming anything but Yata knows that’s exactly what Fushimi did and he says he’ll try to be better about that, if Fushimi can work on just telling Yata when something upsets him instead of immediately planning his escape. Fushimi shifts, obviously uncomfortable, and Yata says he’s serious, he thought maybe he’d done enough to help Fushimi realize that but there’s still stuff they need to work on, Fushimi can’t just plan to run at the first sign of trouble. Fushimi’s still tense but finally he sighs and mumbles out a ‘fine, I’ll try’ and imagine now he’s being clingy to hide the fact that he knows he did something wrong and doesn’t want to admit it. Yata laughs a little and says good, now do you want to see what I was doing all that time. Yata admits he’d planned something a little more romantic but this’ll have to do as he pulls out the ring, asking if Fushimi will marry him. 
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alicialeila · 4 years
I Saw Mikoto Kissing Tatara (Underneath the Mistletoe Last Night)
Merry Christmas & happy holidays, mikototsu folks! My nanowrimo fic isn’t ready to be posted yet, so I hope you’ll settle for some silly Christmas fluff. 
I look forward to another year of celebrating mikototsu together!
mikototsu, rated G, 1.4k
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Anna rolled over in bed. She was sleepy and warm, on the cusp of falling asleep, but she couldn’t quite. Maybe, she thought, it was because she’d had one too many sugar cookies tonight. Tatara had slid her the plate of freshly-baked cookies all night, and they had been so warm and sweet, shimmering with red sugar sprinkles, that Anna hadn’t been able to resist. “It’s Christmas Eve,” Tatara had whispered, like that meant she could do what she wanted. They’d had a Christmas party tonight, bar HOMRA decorated with pretty, sparkly garland and a tree covered with red ornaments.
Anna had never celebrated Christmas before she came to live with Mikoto, and she still doesn’t quite understand why they do now. When she’d asked Tatara, he’d grinned and said, “We should always take the opportunity to have a party!”
“But Christmas is tomorrow,” Anna had said.
Tatara had stroked Anna’s hair gently. “Then we can have two parties.”
So they’d eaten the sweets Tatara had made, and exchanged small gifts. Tatara has put on some music, and the HOMRA boys had tried to sing along, even though they didn’t know the words, increasingly off-key as the night went on. Mikoto had sat on the sidelines, like always, quietly watching, but Anna could sense that his red was warm and happy, and it had soothed her, too.
Perhaps that was why now, Anna didn’t want to fall asleep. She could still feel that happy red glowing downstairs, even though the party had dwindled. She always liked to see Mikoto like this, so she rolled out of bed and snuck her way to the top of the steps that led down to bar HOMRA.
From the top step, she could peer down into the bar and get a clear view of Mikoto and Tatara sitting at the bar. Rubbing at her sleepy eyes, she was about to get up from her perch, satisfied with her quick glimpse, until Tatara leaned over to kiss Mikoto on the lips. Anna tilted her head curiously. She knew what kissing was, of course; Honami used to kiss her on the forehead before bed, and princes kissed princesses in her storybooks all the time. But, innocently, she wondered, which was this?
Climbing back into bed, she let Mikoto’s red envelope her like a soft, warm hug, and told herself she’d just ask Tatara about it tomorrow.
*        *        *        *         *           *           *            *           *            *        *
The next morning found Totsuka at HOMRA, mixing pancake batter, humming one of the Christmas tunes that he couldn’t get out of his head. He was making enough to feed all the HOMRA boys, because there was no doubt they’d be wandering over this morning in search of food. They probably should have all just slept over so they could have enjoyed the morning together, but Totsuka wouldn’t complain, since the privacy meant he could have alone time with Mikoto.
Totsuka himself had slept on the couch last night. He had fallen asleep curled into Mikoto, and had woken up alone, to a blanket keeping him warm instead of Mikoto’s furnace-like heat.
The first to arrive was actually Kusanagi. “Morning,” he said, shrugging off his coat, cheeks pink from the cold winter morning. “You sleep here last night?”
“Yep,” Totsuka said casually. “Just fell asleep.”
It wasn’t that they were hiding the new state of their relationship. It was more that everything had progressed so naturally that they’d never really talked about anything, including when or how to tell everyone.
Kusanagi poured himself a cup of coffee from the pot that Totsuka had already prepared, and clapped Totsuka on the shoulder in silent thanks. “Anna not up yet?” he asked, taking a sip from his mug.
“No, not yet. I expected her up earlier than this, but I guess she did stay up pretty late last night.” Totsuka had red and green food coloring ready for Anna’s batch, because he thought she would enjoy a festive design.
The boys trickled in after that; Yata and Fushimi came in not long after Kusanagi, bickering about something or other, with Kamamoto trailing behind them. Eric was the last to arrive, quietly sliding into the booth beside Kousuke.
Finally, the stairs creaked as Anna led a sleepy Mikoto down by hand. Totsuka’s heart fluttered as their eyes met, so he quickly looked down to focus on his batter. He wondered how it was possible for someone to give you butterflies when you’ve known them for years.
“Morning, Anna,” Totsuka said cheerfully as she took her usual seat at the bar. “Are you hungry?” She nodded weakly, and Totsuka noticed that she was staring at him intently. He was long used to Anna’s peculiar moods and behaviors, and he knew that he would probably just have to wait her out. He slid her plate of festive pancakes in front of her and asked, “Everything okay?” She hesitated, and then nodded again. Totsuka considered her expression; she didn’t look upset, exactly, just thoughtful. “Okay,” he said, digging into his own plate. “You know you can tell me, whatever it is.”
Anna set down her fork, her face almost comically serious. “Tatara,” she said quietly, “why were you and Mikoto kissing last night?”
Totsuka almost choked on the bite of pancake he had just swallowed. He expected there to be a chorus of shocked gasps and confusion, but nobody had even looked up from their own plate, and Totsuka, relieved, thought that maybe nobody had heard her question. He met Mikoto’s sleepy eyes and then cleared his throat. “It’s Christmas,” he said with a forced chuckle. “There was mistletoe above us!” He pointed vaguely to the garland hanging above the bar. “It’s bad luck not to kiss when you’re standing under mistletoe.”
He patted himself on his back for the steady delivery, and internally fist-pumped when Anna merely nodded with a quiet, “Oh.” He thanked the gods for the gullibility of children, even one as intelligent and mature as Anna.
But then Yata made a noise of protest, slamming his fork onto the table. “Eh?” he said, mouth still full pancake. He swallowed, then said, “Then how come I’ve seen you kiss in HOMRA before we decorated? Right over there?” he pointed at Totsuka’s favorite couch, where he took most of his naps. Yata was grinning, and Totsuka felt a stab of betrayal.
Fushimi, sitting beside Yata, snickered. “And outside, too, when you go on ‘smoke breaks’.” Fushimi made air quotes.
Totsuka sputtered, but then Chitose piped in. “Or that time we were walking home and you said you had to stop at the convenience store, but I saw you kissing in an alleyway.” He chuckles. “Classic.”
Totsuka hadn’t noticed that Kusanagi had stepped out of the room, but when he came back in it was to Totsuka’s gaping mouth and a room full of laughter. “What are we talking about?” he asked warily.
“All the times we’ve caught Totsuka-san and Mikoto-san kissing,” Yata replied, and Kusanagi didn’t even bat an eye.
“Ah.” He grinned. “One time, we went to the movies, and I went to the bathroom, and when I came back they were making out like teenagers. I didn’t know what to do, so I went to get popcorn and hoped they’d be done when I got back.”
Everyone chuckled at Kusanagi’s story, and when Totsuka looked over at Mikoto, he was sipping his coffee, seemingly unbothered by the fact that they’d long been found out. After he’d willed his heart rate to slow, he said, “If you guys already knew, then why didn’t you say anything?”
“We were waiting for you to say something,” Kusanagi said.
“Right.” Totsuka bit his lip. He was strangely touched; that was almost respectful, he thought. “Well, I guess this is us, uh, saying something. ”
Kusanagi smiled, and then he turned to Yata. “So who won, then?”
Totsuka blinked. “Eh?” Kamamoto pulled a folded paper from his wallet and opened it up to scan its contents. “Fushimi,” he said. The boys all groaned, and Fushimi smiled smugly.
Totsuka watch as everyone got up to hand Fushimi their cash. “You guys…” Totsuka said in disbelief, then he pouted. “None of you deserve pancakes,” he said petulantly. “You’re all on the naughty list.” Internally, he was making plans for revenge against them all.
Everyone chuckled, and Totsuka heard Mikoto laugh beside him. The sound warmed him, and even Anna was smiling contentedly, no longer looking so serious. This, Totsuka thought, was why he liked celebrating every holiday he could, because it was an excuse for them to all be together like this.
(Meanwhile, Anna was thinking that Tatara hadn’t really answered her question, and so maybe she should ask Mikoto, instead.)
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Anna, being mature for her age, quickly realized who liked who around her (mikorei, izuseri, sarumi, + other ships) and since everyone else (minus izuseri, maybe?) are being kinda childish, she'd help them all get together discreetly (after all, who would suspect what a kid like her actually wanted?)
Assuming this is Everybody Lives AU, imagine Anna post-ROK happy that all her important people are alive and well but also aware that they’re having various relationship issues that no one can be honest about. Maybe her first matchmaking is something unintentional, like she helps Kusanagi and Awashima (who, being mature adults, have already kinda realized their feelings they just haven’t fully acted upon them) get together and realizes that as a kid she has opportunities that adults don’t to try and get people together. Like Kusanagi was supposed to take her to the museum one day and they spot Awashima on a day off while on the way there, when she stops to talk to them Anna asks if Seri wants to come with them. Awashima’s surprised and so is Kusanagi, Awashima tries to be polite and turn her down but Anna looks crestfallen so she decides she can come along. When they get to the museum Anna gets entranced by a very red painting and she doesn’t notice until a bit later that Kusanagi and Awashima keep blushing and almost holding hands. When she spots them kissing beside a decorative fountain Anna feels this odd sense of accomplishment and realizes that she was able to help Izumo find happiness, and now she wants to do that for the rest of her friends. 
She probably tries with Fushimi and Yata next, because they’re stupider than Munakata and Mikoto and easier to trick. She could even use the same tactic as with Awashima and Kusanagi, waiting until Fushimi comes into the bar to meet Yata one day before shyly asking Yata to take her to like an amusement park or something. Yata’s surprised that Anna’s asking him but he isn’t going to say no, Fushimi walks in at just that time and Anna says ‘Saruhiko too.’ Fushimi’s all ‘Eh?’ and trying to refuse but he can’t say no to Anna’s hopeful face and she knows it. Luckily the Tunnel of Love ride is very red so Anna has an excuse to want to look at it, but she can’t ride it alone so she tells Misaki and Saruhiko to ride it and she can watch from outside. Yata gets all red and Fushimi says this is stupid but they do it anyway (unfortunately they come out of the tunnel arguing rather than kissing because Fushimi teased Yata for being too much of a virgin to go on this ride. Anna eventually has better luck making them go around the ferris wheel a few times, insisting on going on her own around as many times as it takes until she finally spots Yata and Fushimi in the car below her making out). 
Munakata and Mikoto are definitely the most difficult, because I think Mikoto would suspect her of an ulterior motive, he knows Anna pretty well. Even so Anna knows how to use her hopeful face to its best advantage so she denies having any secret plans and asks Mikoto to take her to the bookstore. The one easy part of her plan when it comes to Munakata and Mikoto is that she doesn’t even need to make up an excuse to get them together, she just needs to get Mikoto out of the bar and then wait patiently for Reisi to show up. Once Munakata makes an appearance she grabs his hand and Mikoto’s and has them read her a story together, looking like a cute little family. Every time they start to argue she jumps in with a question about the story and tries to get them to talk, excusing herself to go to the bathroom at very calculated moments in order to leave them alone together. It takes a few day trips before they finally get on with it and stop arguing long enough to confess their feelings but Anna’s patient, as long as everyone is happy in the end that’s all she wants.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
I know it's a ship that doesn't get much attention so how do you think kusanagi and fushimi started dating and how is there dating live looks like ?
I imagine if they were going to hook up it would be post-ROK, Fushimi’s been coming to the bar more often and Kusanagi takes this as a good opportunity to get to know him again. Kusanagi’s always had a high opinion of Fushimi and while he doesn’t necessarily approve of some of Fushimi’s choices since leaving Homra he’s always wanted to see what kind of person that sullen kid but talented would grow up to be. Now that Fushimi’s reconciled with Yata and become more willing to be on good terms with Homra again of course Kusanagi can’t resist offering him a drink every time he comes into the bar. At first Fushimi only stops in when he’s meeting Yata but eventually he starts coming in on his own and Kusanagi’s always happy to serve him  and have a chat. Fushimi’s hesitant at first, because I think out of all of Homra he’s always respected Kusanagi the most and he’s sort of awkward about everything, that he knows the expectations Kusanagi had for him and that Kusanagi tried to make him feel like he belonged in Homra and all Fushimi did in return was burn everything down. Eventually though he loosens up, Fushimi appreciates being able to talk to an actual mature adult (who isn’t a weirdo) and Kusanagi is always interested in hearing Fushimi’s thoughts on things because he appreciates Fushimi’s level of insight. 
I imagine once they start dating Kusanagi would take it slow, like just starting off maybe with going out for drinks. Kusanagi definitely knows all the bars in the area and he knows which are more quiet and more to Fushimi’s tastes so he’s careful with where he takes Fushimi. Fushimi’s still picky but he’s slowly opening up so Kusanagi tries in his own way to make Fushimi a little more adventurous, I could see him suggesting drinks for Fushimi to try that he knows might be different but still within Fushimi’s tastes. Kusanagi also occasionally takes Fushimi to his own restaurants, so they can have a private table, and Fushimi admits that he’d forgotten how much actual non-Homra business Kusanagi does. Actually on that end I could see them maybe not having a ‘date’ exactly but Fushimi does help Kusanagi with his finances from time to time, like just imagine Kusanagi all harried one day because he can’t get the books to balance and without needing to be asked Fushimi just walks in and starts arranging things. Afterward Kusanagi can’t help but admit that this is one of the reasons why he thought of Fushimi as a successor — and more of a partner, now — because he’s always been aware of just how talented a person Fushimi is. 
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Yata tries really hard to come off as manly so one day while staring at Kamamoto he decides to grow a beard. It takes him forever and once it finally comes in it's like this ugly patch on his face but Yata's just so impressed with how manly he is. Later on boyfriend Fushimi sneakily shaves it off at night because of how unsightly it is. Later he totally just blames Kamamoto
Okay but Fushimi is totally in the right here, Yata would look awful with a beard he'd look like such a dudebro with a terrible soul patch. Maybe Yata gets tired of everyone mistaking him for being younger than he is, like random people in stores and such will still treat him like a kid because he's short and wears big oversized clothes and has a skateboard. Yata thinks there has to be a way he could look cooler and more mature, he doesn't have that charismatic aura that Mikoto-san did and he's not suave looking like Kusanagi. Yata's at the bar complaining that he got carded the last time he and Fushimi went out for drinks at a different bar and that's when Kamamoto walks in. Yata asks if anyone other than him ever gets mistaken for being a kid, like Kamamoto's wearing sweats and no one ever mistakes him for a child. Kamamoto laughs nervously and says he doesn't think anyone would make that mistake, scratching at his beard. Yata suddenly leans in super close, Kamamoto backs up asking why Yata's staring at him and Yata hits his palm with a fist like all right I've figured it out.
Fushimi's at their apartment waiting for Yata to come home and make dinner when Yata walks in all I've made up my mind. Fushimi looks over at him with a raised eyebrow wondering what's got him all fired up, Yata's fists clench with burning spirit as he says that he's going to grow a beard. There's this long pause and then Fushimi starts laughing, Yata's like what the hell Saruhiko it's not funny. Fushimi's like are you even able to grow a beard, a kid like Misaki getting facial hair is just too funny. Yata glares at him all who are you calling a kid I'm older than you are, Fushimi just shrugs like do you even shave as it is, there's no way you can grow a beard. Yata's extra determined now, he's going to grow the coolest beard and everyone will start treating him with respect.
Of course growing a beard turns out to be more difficult than he thought, like Yata didn't really shave that much anyway but he figured it must be doing something and if he stops then he'll definitely get a beard right. But that doesn't happen, a week passes and he doesn't even have the smallest amount of peach fuzz. Yata won't give up though, imagine him trying to look up like foods he can eat or skin creams he can use that will promote the growth of facial hair. After weeks and weeks of trying he finally gets his first chin hair and Yata's thrilled, imagine him running into the bedroom like look at this Saruhiko told you I could grow a beard. Fushimi clicks his tongue and says one hair isn't a beard, Yata's getting too far ahead of himself. Slowly more hair comes in though and Yata manages to get like this small scraggly patch of hair on his chin. Yata's very proud of it, he thinks he looks super intimidating and grown up now, people will definitely take him seriously with this. Fushimi is not quite as pleased, complaining that it itches when Yata kisses him and that it looks like Yata's got a growth on his face. Yata's certain that Fushimi's just jealous of his awesome new beard.
A couple days later though Yata wakes up in the morning and groggily heads to the bathroom, as he's brushing his teeth he suddenly realizes that something's wrong. He stares into the mirror and sees that his beard has totally disappeared, his chin is completely smooth once again. Yata runs back into the bedroom where Fushimi's just getting up, Yata's like Saruhiko look at this where did my beard go what the hell. Fushimi tells Yata to stop being so loud, isn't it obvious what happened. Yata's like 'it is?' and Fushimi gets this very serious matter-of-fact voice as he says some people biologically aren't equipped for facial hair, it will start growing but then eventually just fall right out even overnight. Yata's like wait really and Fushimi rolls his eyes and wonders if Yata knows anything at all about beards, like obviously that's what happened. Yata's all 'oh...,' a little bummed that this means he can't even grow a new one. He sighs and is like I guess I'm still cool like this too. Fushimi just nods and yawns, and makes a mental note to take the razor he used to shave Yata's beard off overnight to the office so he can throw it away without Yata noticing.
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
(Sarumi and mikotoxmunkata) so what if blue king decide to (sincerely) take misaki(agree because he want to forget saru and munkata also want to forget about mikoto)out for a date, everyone caught them, how would everyone especially mikoto and fushimi react? (Btw everyone is still alive)
Okay but just imagine Yata's face when the Blue King of all people asks him out XD So imagine this in Everybody Lives AU, maybe something similar to ROK happens and Fushimi and Yata make up afterward. Yata has feelings for Fushimi but since Fushimi has the emotional maturity of a blueberry he doesn't really seem to notice at all, like Yata's feeling a bit despairing because he kinda hoped Fushimi liked him back but he's not getting any positive signals here. Every time Yata tries to like hint that maybe when they go out for drinks it's really a date Fushimi will just shrug and nod and not even seem to notice that Yata's trying to hint at something more. Yata's starting to think that means Fushimi doesn't like him that way and he wants to be cool with it, like as long as they're friends he's happy with that. Really though he can't help but be frustrated and want more, after everything else that's happened Yata had hoped that the two of them would just hook up and live happily ever after but that doesn't seem to be happening.
One day he's drinking alone in a bar, drowning his sorrows a little and trying to tell himself that he needs to get over Fushimi and just be thankful that they're best friends. He finishes his drink and orders another and that's when he hears this 'Oya? It is rather early to be drinking so much.' Yata looks over and there's the Blue King just hanging out in this random seedy bar calm as can be, drinking what's probably some fancy frilly drink. Yata's surprised to see him here and stumbles out something about how isn't Munakata drinking too, Munakata notes that he is having only a single drink which is needed for drowning sorrows. Yata can't stop himself from wondering out loud what exactly Munakata means by that and Munakata says that it's nothing, simply that Yata's King is a singularly frustrating man and how it would be nice if Munakata had more control over his own urges so that he could direct his interest elsewhere. Yata isn't entirely certain what all that meant but he's pretty sure it means Munakata has a thing for Mikoto, and while Yata doesn't care for Munakata possibly insulting Mikoto he also kinda understands the feeling. He mentions that maybe he's drinking away some sorrows too, about Fushimi, and Munakata gives him an interested look for a moment before suggesting perhaps they should drink together, on a date.
Yata can't believe the Blue King just seriously asked him out on a date but he decides well why not, like sure he doesn't really like the Blue King but he also needs to get his mind off Fushimi. Yata agrees and Munakata suggests they move venues, Yata's like or we could find another bar too. Munakata smiles indulgently and says yes, let us do just that and together they get up and head off together to continue their 'date.' As it happens Munakata has forgotten his PDA back at headquarters, so he's unaware that there's actually some Strain thing happening nearby and the rest of Scepter 4 has been called in to deal with it. Homra ends up joining them, no one calls Yata because they think he's at his part time job. The situation ends up not being as serious as it looked, but it also happens to be right in the vicinity of the bar and the clans are just about to head back to their respective headquarters when out walk Munakata and Yata together.
Everyone's surprised to see them together and naturally Munakata gives this completely un-self conscious 'as it happens, we are on date.' The alphabet squads exchange confused glances, Kusanagi wonders if he misheard and Fushimi definitely chokes a bit. Mikoto's pretty calm just like 'is that so?'. Munakata gives him an annoyed look and comments that he does occasionally enjoy dates, something that Suoh would surely be unaware of. Mikoto smirks and is like yeah, didn't realize. Munakata snorts and suggests that perhaps is someone was more observant such things wouldn't happen, Mikoto's like yeah probably. While the two of them are busy basically flirting in public Yata walks over to Fushimi all awkwardly like yeah we were sorta on a date I guess. Fushimi clicks his tongue and looks away all why should I care, except he's clearly extremely annoyed and Yata has no idea why. (And then eventually Munakata abandons his 'date' to go argue with Mikoto instead, which probably ends with angry making out, while Yata continues to press Fushimi for why he's so annoyed. At some point Yata can't stop himself from snapping that he only dated the Blue King because he couldn't date Fushimi and Fushimi's all sullen 'who said you couldn't date me' and suddenly Yata realizes that Fushimi has in fact been entirely oblivious to all of Yata's advances so far.)
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