#I think vocx also has a fleet of sex workers on payroll for his people as well btw
vroomian · 2 months
How powerful is Vocx compared to Vox? Is either more powerful than the other? How differently is the Voxtech run and what's their reputation like in Hell?
Vocx is more powerful by far. I picture vox as one of those people who smiles on the surface but attempting to teach him anything makes him resent the fuck out of you. Vocx doesn’t have that problem. He’s got pride but he’s got no problem putting away to learn from his betters. So he both has more tricks just from the other overlords and more social connections and powerful friends. Letting other people teach you things is a sure fire way to make friends. People, no matter how awful, all like feeling smart and helping.
Plus I’m kinda yanking the Yrz method of contracting and having Vocx be one of the fairest overlords to work for (except without yrzs moral objections to literally owning people lol. When in rome etc). He treats it like an actual job, with performance reviews and everything. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, so being one of Vocxs people is considered pretty desirable. The grunts in the company don’t get contracts but above a certain level, being promoted means being contracted to Vocx.
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