#I will be doing the opposite of being thankful for that asshole in the whitehouse
luanneclatterbuck · 3 years
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Since I can’t have my goddamn parents over for fucking thanksgiving (thanks trump and all his fucking cult members fuck you), we’re doing a curbside food swap. Mom’s making turkey and stuffing and sweet potatoes, I’m making casseroles and mashed taters and dessert and my once a year Watergate salad. Even though it’s in a throw-away plastic container, I still had to make it cute for them. 🍒💚🍒
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thegospelofnagisa · 7 years
Why Peaceful Resistance Works.
This might be a little strange and a diversion from what I usually do but, I can’t help to say something, it’s become worrysome to me how many riots and protests movements against Trump’s goverment are rising not just in the US, but across the world in some capacity, the sentiment of rebellion against the president is in full rise, and most of the time not in the best way.
Acussations of Trump and his cabinet of being “Nazis”, Dictator, Opressors and all those things, which has led to an increase of people thinking taking violent actions against the goverment is not only good, but necesary, even going as far as to justify said actions and frankly, it sounds absolutely insane to me when I hear this people downplaying the peaceful resistance and advocating that what we need is to go down and go into a massive brawl with the authorities and finally storm the whitehouse to sent Trump to the gallows.
I’ll explain why this should not be the attitute you have to take and why a pieaceful resistance is ultimately the best action, even if it might not look like it.
Firs you need to understand two things: The Way the Right Operates against the Left AND that this is not a 1v1 battle, there is a third player, one that is very numerous and the most important player in the field, The Everyday man, the common man who just wants to live his life, has no animosity or hatred to either the left or the right and its possitions, they’re mostly neutral on the matter...but should they see  change in the ambient, they will lean to either side.
Now that this is understood, let me explain, The Right portraits the left to these neutral party as “Savages, Uneducated Crybaby Socialist Terrorist who hate them and want to destroy their way of life”, just turn on Fox News, you’ll get the basics. So the Neutral Party is skepectical...but then they turn on the news and what do they see? SJWS rioting in the street, on the internet they see minorities being generaly agressive toward the usual targets (White Cis Hetero Male) acussing them of having priviliges and possitions they don’t hold and on top of that, doing everything in their power to censor and police their language...
Ask yourselves, put yourselves in this possition...you hear the right tell you that the left is full of hateful people that want to pretty much destroy them, then they see those very same atributes for themselves...what do you expect the everyday neutral man to do? OBVIOUSLY they’re going to say “Well the Right is correct here, these people are savages who hate me”, And here’s where the right comes and says “I have the solution, stick with me”, and of course the third neutral party will do this...it’s logical.
And that is how the right wins, that is how Trump gets to power and that is how Trump will get another term if things stay the same, by protesting in this extremely violent manner you’re not bringing a revolution or managing to stop the right, you’re doing EXACTLY what they want you to do, you’re not in control, you’re not fighting the man...you’re a pawn.
But here is how you trample their plans, do the opposite...Don’t be hateful, be loving and understanding, don’t riot, protest peacefully and if someone begins to riot, chain the motherfucker up and beat his ass to show that you DO NOT stand with this possition, if a racists come and says “Fuck you Nigger” you say “THank you, have a nice day”, If an Homophobe comes and says “Kill yourself faggot”, you tell them “Good Day to you sir”.
By doing this, when the third neutral party comes to confirm what the right is telling them, instead of confirmation, they’ll see the opposite, they’ll see pretty calm, civilzed and chill people who love everyone and just want to live their lives in peace...like them...and then the third party will say “The Right LIED TO ME! These people are super nice, I want to hang out with them” you win over the neutral party...if you do...you destroy the plan of the right and you pretty much win.
THIS is how Peaceful Resistance works, it’s not about convincing the goverment to do their way, they’re jerks, they won’t, it’s to convience the people in the country, the people outside of the country that YOU are the normal and rational one and thus, make them SUPPORT your possition, once you acomplish that, the right is doomed.
I know this is hard, I know it can be hard to look at an homophobe or a racist into their hateful eyes and smile and be kind to them, I know...but trust me...don’t see it as a chore...see it as an effort you have to make to achieve an ultimate goal, it’s not about convincing the homophobe that you’re a person with rights, it’s about convicing the guy sitting next to you two that YOU Are the beautiful human being and he is the jerk, but if you response with agression, he’ll think both of you are assholes or worst...that YOU are the asshole.
If you reply to Trumps actions with violence, slander and riots, you’ll give them the power they need to finally put you down, thus making your unfundded fears of Trump being a Nazi come truth, but it won’t be because he is, but because you FORCED him into that possition, it’s a self fullfilling prophecy.
So that’s what I wanted to say, sorry if it is long but I want you all to understand, it’s the harder way, protesting peacefully and showing restrain is HARD, but it’s only harder because it is the most rewarding of all paths to take, it is easy to be violent and fall to fear, but it will make things worst.
If you manage to keep this attitude of peaceful resistance, I can assure you, next term, Trump and the republicans will be kicked out, because the third party, the everyday man, the most numerous of all the players here will have decided that YOU are the ones worth fighting for, not them, you have four years to do so, you can do it.
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