#I will die on the HoH steve harrington hill
steddilly · 2 years
So I have a festive idea for a sequel to my Steddie Cat Dads fic and it involves them becoming a two-cat household, but I’m struggling with name ideas and what kind of cat it’s going to be. Any suggestions about what readers would like to see join the Munsons for Christmas?
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acidic-dad · 2 years
I need Steve Harrington with more than just hearing loss from head injuries. I need Steve Harrington with a loss of motor skills getting frustrated because "It shouldn't be this hard to button up a shirt Ed's." Steve Harrington dropping things because he didn't realize his grip was too loose. I need Steve Harrington with brain fog. Forgetting the names and words of everyday things. Feeling like an idiot because "Of course it's called a can opener how could I forget that". I need the party to be there for him and never make him feel less than or like a burden. I need Eddie to be there with a reassuring smile and letting Steve take his time to process words and formulate sentences when he's having a foggy day. I need Robin carrying around Tylenol and sunglasses for when he gets the inevitable migraine. I need Steve Harrington to be taken care of like he takes care of everyone else.
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