#I would write down things regarding memento mori because that was very much my childhood interest and aspect even if I would be too young
uzunehitori · 3 years
4, 9, 10 , 23 , 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 39, 40,42 , 50
Okay, let's DO IT
4. Do you prefer painting or drawing?
I consider a lot of paintings as drawings and drawings as paintings, weirdly enough... I do like drawing though because painting can be a struggle sometimes.
9. What’s your current favorite show?
Because you mentioned YOI and it reminded me about the time I really could not stop oggling Yuri every scene of him just made me just stare so deeply in a trance... have not watched a lot of shows lately though... Taibani is pretty good!
10. What’s your go to comfort movie?
I got several from Monsters Inc. to Austin Powers to Cat in the hat to Shrek to Repo: Genetic Opera, they are really nice and comforting to watch sometimes. Chill and funny movies
23. What’s the last show you binge-watched?
Oh my god, the last show I binged-watched was with you ... Was Victorious is ALL I can remember and iCarly. Also that one terrible disney+ series with JOHN STAMOS.
30. Who’s your favorite fictional character currently?
Towa.... And Power & Denji! They really bring me a lot of joy and comfort as of late. There is a lot of characters I tend to just love all together like Kazuaki-kun, especially Kazuaki-kun!
31. What instantly come to mind when you hear the word “love”?
Shows like YOI and Sheith, and Ignoct really comes to my mind when it comes to "love"! They all have shown me different ways of love that are extremely connected and that is growing bonds between each other, as well as unconditional love and support... It's always such a massive comfort
32. What was your first fandom?
I would say Sonic, but I wasn't as deep as I was with Smash bros. Brawl because I was super into it more and for YEAARS on gaiaonline avi cosplaying as one of the fighters and interacted with a lot of the others that loved it and played online with them. Other fandoms that i think were "first" should stay in the dark however.
36. What was the first ship you obsessed over?
It's between Sonadow and FoxFalco... just between those two was the first ship I obsessed heavily over..
37. How old were you when Toxic by Britney Spears came out?
Big fan of Miss Britney Spears, I was 5 years old lmao... I think would listen to it non-stop when I was 6-7. I did not comprehend ANY of the lyrics what they meant, but was jamming to it on AOL Kids..
39. Tea or coffee?
Knowing that you live with me, I drink both... At times I refrain from drinking one of them, but I do love me some tea! I love tea a lot because love talking about the plants and herbs used to make them since you know I love plants.
40. Do you have any collections?
I used to collect bottle caps (Beer ones, sodas, you name it) and rocks... A WHOLE lot of rocks. Now I just collect buttons and figures! Current collection now is just out hatoful bird plushies!
42. Do you have any specific kind of style?
Hm... If in fashion, by default it's goth/lounging style. I like to wear a lot of long sleeves when I can, whether black or not... I do want to wear dress shirts when we are out more though, they are pretty comfy, but I like doing it in layers in which isn't weather friendly or me friendly because of weather. Also... Menhera.
50. What’s something from you loved your childhood that you still proudly like now?
What sticks to me the most is Persona and Yume nikki! The once obscured series Persona has become so big thanks to 4 and ESPECIALLY 5.. but I love just talking non-stop about Yume nikki since it's very much a part of my life and has helped me a lot even if it's just mere "pixel game with no plot than just collect effects", it's so much more than that to me. Plants and bugs (especially moths/Butterflies) are still my specialty enjoyment from my childhood!
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