#I’m thinking about that INSANELY GOOD fic that came out on Satan’s bday that focuses primarily on how he was eventually born
rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
So are people forgetting about the old chat about Asmo asking the brothers how frequently they bath. Levi responded he takes an hour long baths because his snake-like skin will turn dry and he can't have that. So yeah those headcanons about Levi being dirty are dumb. And you have proof about him bathing in that picture.
This is a bit of a rant but I seriously hate how Levi is written in fanon. It's either he's stinky, a crybaby or just a hermit and that's not even the scent of his character. I at least do write him according to his character. Sure he 's much more sensitive than his brothers and easily cries but he doesn't like do it all the time. That is why I seriously dislike fanon things they usually ruin everything. So yep those are my points, I don't intend to be a jerk to the creators just pointing out how I feel with Levi in fanon. Or fanon in general.
Omg?? Do you remember which chat and what chat name? I tried looking but I don’t think I’ve played the game long enough to get it yet :((
And honestly yeah sadly every character’s kind of reduced to some over-simplified version or even straight up mischaracterized by fanon to some degree. It doesn’t help that a lot of content is locked away either by time (chat messages), effort (the fucking grind to get your cards strong enough to get through main story), and luck and/or money (the Devilgrams). And even then what sticks is usually the very obvious and the easy to portray—like how Lucifer ends up a boring boomer workaholic even though he definitely has a playful side that just wants to let loose, Satan gets reduced to being a cat-obsessed bookworm even though he’s much more than that and has interests outside of books and cats, Asmo turns into the queer trendy bestie that everyone forgets is also the most openly unhinged out of the brothers, and the most baffling of all, a super innocent and shy Simeon that seems to be based purely on the fact that he’s an angel.
Also Diavolo isn’t stupid. He’s sometimes clueless but the man’s just sheltered, not an idiot. Depending on how you understand some chapters, it becomes clear that there’s a very good chance that he intended for everything in Ch 12-16 to happen just to help out Lucifer and his family. Yet he also has some semblance of regret in him as seen in S2 in that conversation with MC in the Coliseum, though it’s up to you whether you think his regret involves what he did in S1 or of it’s just him wondering if it was a good choice to emotionally blackmail Lucifer into become his right hand man forever.
It gets frustrating when it becomes all you see. Sure, there’s content where it’s fun but when it becomes clear that it’s actually what most fans think of them, it gets old and makes you wonder if people are looking at the same material as you. And, well, it makes things repetitive and boring and sometimes it makes the devs bite and pander, thereby reducing your fave’s complexity over time instead of fucking adding to it. So I get your frustration because it frustrates me sometimes too :/
Like people can write what they want and do what they want, in the end it’s all just good fun and everyone’s desperate to get their share of serotonin to get by. But I also can’t help but wish that, y’know, we get to see more dimension written into the characters in fandom-made work more often. I deeply enjoy world-building and theorycrafting and character analyses for this reason, plus work that explores parts of the cast that are only mentioned in passing or by other characters. The Admiral Levi talk I’ve been seeing is really nice and I’ve seen someone trying to create and flesh out Beel’s fangol team, which I honestly wish the devs would get into too. Would also kill for more canon Asmo and Beel character development >.>;; They really need it.
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