#I’ve had so many people in my inbox telling me how retarded and brain dead I am for my stance on censorship
caughtonwebcam · 2 months
Aren’t you the person who doesn’t understand censorship
lmao what is my name getting passed around in the comshipper community? listen, my stance on it is that you can write about whatever you want however you want and nobody can stop or censor you because it’s free speech, even if it’s blatantly abhorrent (and not just to me, but to like thousands of other people.) That’s just the law. But just because you can doesn’t mean you should. You’re really gonna sit here and tell me drawing or writing nsfw of child characters getting incest raped for sexual gain is normal and fine because it’s “not real..”? ... okay. I personally don’t like it, but you can do that, but if you paint it as a ship or call it cute, I have the right to assume weird things about you. That’s just how it is and I’m not gonna change my mind on that. So with that being said, ig I’m “proship” in the sense that you CAN ship something cuz nothing is stopping you, but I REALLLLLY don’t think you should because you shouldn’t romanticize something like a child/adult relationship (and to those in the sp fandom or my followers, I’m talking to you randy/stan and kenny/his siblings shippers.) I know that there are many reasons people write about dark or gross topics, including trauma coping . It can be good to help shine light on a serious experience or topic, such as sexual content involving minors, rape, abuse or incest, which should not be left in the dark. It’s how you handle it that really matters, which can vary, as there is no one way to do it. The bottom line is that none of that stuff is “cute” or “romantic.” For example, let’s say you like the movie “Thirteen”. I believe that movie tackles serious topics in an honest manner that gets its point across without featuring child porn. Not to mention that the movie was actually co-written by a 14 year old girl sharing some of her experiences, which shows the purpose of the movie. However, if you are an adult and like the movie because you like the scene of Tracy and Evie kissing, two 13 year old girls in a heavily toxic friendship, and you find it “cute,” I’m going to assume weird things about you. Or let’s say you like the book “Lolita” for its insight into the mind of a predator. Now compare that to liking the book because you too find Dolores attractive, and you relate to the pedophile. I know these probably arent the best examples, but hopefully this clears some things up a bit. A lot of the time it’s not the media’s fault, it’s how people view it, so I don’t believe in censorship. Like banning “The Catcher in The Rye” because one guy read it and killed John Lennon is stupid. But at the same time, look more closely at the media you are consuming. Think of the movie “Cuties”. Sure, the director claims in was not made to exploit children, but definitely exploits children by using suggestive angles of their child actors twerking. And guess what? Pedos loved it, even if that wasn’t the intention. What I’m trying to say is be unapologetic, but don’t cater to those who gain a certain gratification from it either. For the love of god, normalize a topic, but don’t NORMALIZE IT in the way it’s viewed as okay.
(and before you call me a hypocrite for liking South Park, I am fully aware of the gross people in the fandom. i am fully aware that the child characters in the show are put in suggestive situations. But it’s so absurd that you can’t take it so seriously, and those who do have a problem. It’s done for comedy and satire. Just because it is normalized in the show does not normalize it in the real world. Don’t copy cartoons silly. But making shota/lolicon is trying to normalize other forms of child porn by using the work around of “it’s not real”. See the difference?)
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