#I'm a mess about the soongs ok
mandala-lore · 1 year
My personal timeline/headcanons for the Soongs based on nothing other than vibes:
This became incredibly long. I'm not sorry.
I AM sorry that I can't figure out how to do a read more on mobile. 😓👈
Adam Soong does his little cloning nonsense, leading to the Eugenics Wars (thanks for that, Adam), but while he's at it, he decides to also clone himself because Adam has exactly one self-aware criticism and it's that he probably shouldn't have kids because he's a terrible dad.... But that doesn't mean he can't clone himself and let it be somebody else's problem! The clones are augmented, obviously, with increased lifespan and intelligence, but not the brute strength or other advantages of augments. Adam calls this modesty.
I think it would be satisfying if Khan himself kills Adam, but whatever. Something goes wrong and all those frozen Soong clones are lost. Some Federation authority finds them many decades later and secrets them away, realizing how dangerous but also important these clones are.
Decades or maybe centuries later (I don't know how time works), somebody (maybe in Section 31) activities a clone and names him Arik. They tone down much of the augmentation but Arik is still.... Yknow, Arik. They raise him and educate him but never tell him about the other clones. They also don't reveal that their motivations were to prepare for Khan's return or some other unspecified augment threat.
Arik does not do as he's told (shocking) and finds himself a fugitive. He does his little cloning nonsense and bad fathering until he winds up in prison. Section 31 disavows him. Realizing at least some of his errors, Arik attempts to address the ethical problems of eugenics (no, he doesn't see the irony) by adding more diversity to his genetic-augmentation portfolio. Hello, Dal R'El, my precious son. ❤
After several prison breaks and his adventures with Archer, Arik manages to learn about the other Soong clones. Maybe the person who raised him takes pity on him and sends him the information, idk. This is a little while after Arik swears off cloning in favor of cybernetic research. When Arik is much older though, he recieves a mysterious distress call. He follows it and gets to meet his "little brother," who goes by Noonian.
Noonian was activated from one of Adam's clones (with more severe changes, like increased empathy) and raised in a much stricter environment than Arik. This did not make Noonian more obedient but rather more devious. He uncovers his history, learns about his much older counterpart, and sends him a message asking for his help escaping. When they finally meet, Arik is an old man and Noonian is a precocious preteen. Noonian, coincidentally, has a particular interest in and talent for cybernetics. Arik and Noonian have an informative chat about their family's downsides and break out of the top secret and definitely not officially sanctioned facility. They have Shenanigans.
Unfortunately, the brothers quickly get on each other's last nerve. Through a series of terrible decisions, they end up fleeing some dangerous foe (probably an arms dealer who wants the Soong augment technology to start more eugenics wars). Arik is prepared to sacrifice himself to help Noonian escape, but Noonian comes back for him at the last minute... And is cornered into taking his first life (their enemy).
The Soongs control-crash land on a planet in the Briar Patch... with some interesting de-aging properties. Here, they are hidden (presumed dead) and able to live out insane lifespans while perfecting their new project: fully synthetic humans. Arik is content to settle here and fade into obscurity, knowing someone else can carry on his research. He's much older (only a little wiser) but he has no desire to live forever. Noonian, however, is restless. He grows up with better socialization than Arik ever had, but he's hungry for new experiences. He's also guilt-ridden and absolutely terrified of becoming or creating the next Khan. This formative fear keeps him grounded.
Noonian feels they hit a dead end with their work and wants to travel and learn after the decades they've spent hidden away. They decide to leave forever and keep the Briar Patch a secret. Only a small number of the locals knew their real identities and they keep that secret in return. Arik dies eventually and Noonian knows to use aliases wherever he goes. On his deathbed, Arik asks Noonian to find and protect the various augment projects he left unattended (hello, Dal R'El). Noonian no-object-permanence Soong agrees and promptly fails that promise.
Under various names, he continues the android research he started with his brother. He doesn't spend much time worrying about the other Soong clones out there, not even Arik's various augment projects. Eugenics are simply not interesting to Noonian; clearly it never ends well. But androids! What could possibly go wrong.
When he feels age creeping in and he's no closer to discovering how to perfect his work, Noonian finally returns to the Briar Patch. He de-ages, takes a vacation, and, after the dust settles on his old persona, he takes a new name and returns to pick up and start again. He does this countless times over decades that turn into centuries. He is an old, old man with a young face.
He's also wiser than Adam or Arik ever had a chance to be. He's gentler too. That's not to say Noonian is perfect, but he lives a long, complicated life. He sees the damage he and his family have caused and he earnestly, wholeheartedly wants to make the galaxy better when he leaves it. Centuries pass and he's so close to figuring out this android thing, he can feel it. The hatred and fear of augments has also loosened, although they're still banned from Starfleet, so he takes one last trip to the Briar Patch and returns using his own name.
Dr. Noonian Soong sets up shop and meets Juliana. Falling in love is as restorative and reinvigorating for his soul as any visit to the Briar Patch is for his body and mind. Section 31 has never quite stopped searching for Soong augments, however, and Noonian feels a noose tightening. He asks Juliana to flee with him under an alias. They get married and finally manage to finish Lore. Then Data.
Lore, Noonian realizes quickly, is too much Soong. He's arrogant, brash, desperate for recognition. It takes Juliana a lot longer to accept, but they soon realize Lore is beyond their control and increasingly dangerous. Noonian's greatest fear, of making the next Khan, seems dangerously close to fruition. Noonian wants to fix Lore... But Juliana makes an emergency call and deactivates Lore when he vaguely boasts to her about how he could hypothetically summon a giant alien to kill them all.
The plan is always, always to make adjustments and reactivate their son, but they simply run out of time. The Crystalline Entity attacks and in the rush to escape, Juliana convinces Noonian to leave Data behind too. They can't be sure Data won't be a second Lore, but Noonian really agrees because he feels he's cursed to always fail, just as his ancestors did. Juliana dies. Crushed and traumatized, Noonian crashes again in the Briar Patch. He only stays long enough to build a Juliana android.... Who he programs to divorce him.
He loves her and he wants to know that some version of her is out there somewhere... But being with an android copy is not enough. Noonian settles into obscurity and finally understands why Arik felt prepared to die all those centuries ago.
He's able to keep track of Data's development and feels vindicated that Data adjusted so well with significantly less Soong family input. Noonian is convinced that his presence, his parenting was what damaged Lore, so letting Data go was the only way to save him. He's only half right.
Right around this time, Noonian learns of his other great failure: abandoning the Soong clones and augments, some of whom have now been adopted or captured by less than trustworthy authorities. Instead of returning to fix Lore or make contact with Data, Noonian accepts that they're both probably better off without him. He owes Arik this final favor.
Old man Noonian spends a long time doing what he can to repair the damage of his forefathers. He sends inactive clones to Section 31 (or destroys them). He liberates captured Soong clones and their offspring from various work camps or prisons. He puts down a particulary violent and ambitious Adam clone that was somehow activated and wants to restart a eugenics war on a galactic scale. After killing him, he discovers the last Adam clone, an infant named Altan. Noonian does a lot of good, although he's not perfect. And he gets so very old. Somewhere in here, he misses the batch with Dal R'El, but Noonian never gives up tracking every loose thread.
He feels death coming upon him like exhaustion after a long day. He makes the emotion chip for Data and fills it with memories too. He never gets a chance to express the unabashed joy and gut-punching irony of seeing Lore again, his greatest failure, his first true success, his clone, his shadow, his son. And only when they're both so lonely and broken. Noonian dies at peace in so many ways, but he doesn't get to see Data's greatest moments or know for sure that everything will be ok. He dies with regrets, but he's content to die.
When Lore tries to use the emotion chip, the surge of memories overwhelms him. As does a sudden, violent urge to conquer and lead. 😬 Whoops! It's genetic.
When Data finally gets the emotion chip, he studies it carefully and installs it the way it was intended. He gets the memories his father intended for him, all of Noonian's life and Data's own earliest records. He also gets memories from Arik. And Adam. And Juliana (the real one). And Lore. And Kore. And on and on. Noonian included all the information he could find on every Soong, particularly the stuff the Federation didn't have access to. Noonian also sent whatever information he had collected about various augments and clones he wasn't able to track down before dying.
Data has to decide between finishing his father's work or setting all this Soong stuff aside to live his own life. He is overwhelmed, which is an understatement, but there are crises that need his attention. He buries it and buries it but it's harder now that he has... Feelings. Ultimately, he decides his family is here, on The Enterprise, not out there in various dangerous and illegal situations. His first priority is Starfleet. Maybe someday he'll make time to honor his father's legacy.... He'll have a lot of time. He's an android after all.
It's imperceptible to all but his closest friends, but these memories change Data. He's never felt so conflicted or so human. Generational trauma will do that to a person. So when Data has to decide between watching Picard (his chosen father) die or sacrifice himself to save one of the best men he's ever known... Well, it's not an easy decision... But Data feels there's only one ethical choice. He does what other Soongs have always struggled to do. He puts the good of the many ahead of the one. Sure, all that legacy will end with Data, but human life is more important than one man's ego.
When Data dies, he inadvertently takes all that information about the Soongs with him. That whole record of one family (really, one man) wrecking havoc, pursuing science that maybe shouldn't be pursued, then working for decades to set things right... It's all lost. Altan only knows the barest outline of these details. He knows he too had a difficult relationship with his father, who was too busy with androids and clones to be a good parent. But he doesn't know how hard Arik and Noonian worked to fix their mistakes.
With help though, Altan continues the work. Data's legacy is what lasts, not Adam's.
At SOME POINT, Dal R'El NEEDS to hear Data's speeches in Measure of a Man. Because I need Dal to understand that he is special and deserving of life and dignity and love. He comes from a place, yes of arrogance, but also love and joy of learning. I want him to see his place in this long, messy line (just as Data did) and choose to do better. Data's legacy, not Adam's.
Maybe he can meet Soji too. That'd be nice. ❤
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gayshrug · 6 months
episode 1 brainrot
this show is gonna be so much fun. i was vaguely uncomfortable and embarrassed throughout the entirety of the episode but the vibes and absurdity and "twists" (and cock) kept me 100% entertained.
thoughts i want to immortalize:
that entire first bit before the intro, with the monologue and crass imagery (and first wanking it out to set the tone)? 10/10, loved that.
the intro itself was horrendous. they couldn't have chosen worse photos for the cast if they'd tried. congratulations.
some of these dialogue choices are hilarious. bad-hilarious and great-hilarious and i had to pause. a lot. "i can feel your dick on my arm" broke me
the friend group is messy from the get-go. like, we're not witnessing The Entire Messening through the show, the mess has already happened and we're only adding to it. i'm so intrigued by the captain thing... but it might just be a red herring.
CAPTAIN. the prettiest flower (to me). i feel a bit cheated.... could we have maybe swapped one or two scenes of first jerking off to get a bit more of him............
i feel very ambivalent towards zouey. i feel for him, i do, but he's WEIRD. in an endearing way hopefully but that scene of him jacking off to the painting was super unsettling. idk if that was meant to be the missing twin but...... hello? (i'm a weirdo artist who's into hentai and yaoi myself so i kinda get it to a certain extent but girl.........) (also stop jacking off in class) (still don't want you to get your heart broken though) (love the laptop stickers)
got VILE vibes off tits man the moment he got off that motorcycle. glad to be proven right. HOWEVER.... tits.
first and soong are so...? ik the twist of the baddies drinking and scheming wants to make me believe first is gonna suffer like zouey's gonna but. judging by the teasers... aren't first and soong basically gonna swap roles? they're gonna switch haircolors even. is that gonna be another bait-and-switch, soong getting caught and pretending he changed his ways and then betraying first a second time? can't wait
someone PLEASe tell me how they interpreted the pizza scene because i still. think it looked like first was watching porn and looking at anatomy books and jerking off onto his dad's desk and i don't know how to feel about it. i support you though, baby
i CANNOT believe the evil (? righteous?) twin showed up like that, bad colored contacts and all, and read all of his brother's friends like that??????????? WHAT'S YOUR TACTIC? it was hilarious though
the preview for the next episode looked great. i think i might be in this till the end.
also, not to pit two pretty girls against each other but first's head game was SO strong compared to zoueys. wait... zouey's a virgin so it makes sense actually but re: believability.... first/ chat you're a fucking champ.
the way those briefs were stuffed HELLO why does soong have a bulge the size of a softball
ok i've gotta stop but. it's gonna be soooo messy and ridiculous (and hopefully dark). i'm very much into it
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