#I'm always going to love how crunchy the HD Remix looks but I have to admit Ultra Deluxe is so pretty <3 <3
sysig · 1 year
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Also holy shit lol
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Loved this little rant, especially considering this
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happened immediately after lol. Honestly, I was more surprised that there actually was a floor to the Mind Control Facility!
And of course I had to return to the HD Remix, since I hadn’t actually ever been down there in the 2013 release! But first-
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I swear I have a talent for breaking these games. I don’t do it on purpose!
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I couldn’t even trigger the Coward ending, it was like the Escape Pod ending except there was no out!
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I also managed to get to a black screen on another restart, but this wasn’t another falling-through-the-floor situation?? I dunno what happened lol
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But I did get there eventually! It’s pretty <3 I actually landed on a platform so I was closer to the catwalk until I wandered off of it and got surprised haha
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You can see the platform there on the left, and how much further down I was. It’s pretty cool!
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Swirl <3
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