#I'm not crazy about the older travis' casting because I think he looks too young and idk it just felt off
mlobsters · 7 months
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supernatural s10e2 reichenbach (w. andrew dabb)
truly didn't notice dean's jacket or the amulet just *squint* why is his face all smooth like the unfortunate cg choices in twilight breaking dawn
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forgot to look it up but yes padalecki injury from... wrestling with kevin at a con??
Sam's arm is seen in a sling because Jared injured his shoulder and had to have surgery. It was still healing when filming for the season commenced. The injury occurred while wrestling with Osric Chau at Jus In Bello Italy 2014. Watch video of Osric relating how it happened. The explanation given in the show is that Sam was injured by a demon while he and Cas were searching for clues to Dean's disappearance. Sam wears the sling in the first four episodes of the season. Jared had previously wore a plaster cast on screen in season two for episodes 2.05 Simon Said through to 2.11 Playthings, following an on-set injury to his wrist.
how old is this cole dude supposed to be? his actor (travis aaron wade) is older than jackles.... (born 1975 and 1978, respectively).
when he was 13, it says. okay but LOL. at the choices in the past to have young dean be a different actor so he was supposed to be some mid20s lookin dude at 18/19 😂 i get so hung up on these silly pointless details
COLE Now…I know Dean's family and all, but he gave you up. And you have no reason to protect him -- none.
aforementioned family surely isn't enough
kind of clever i guess technically cutting between sam getting tortured and dean beating the shit out of the dude at the strip club (to the same song dean had in his pg-13 stripper dream from whenever ago when anna showed up in it [s5e13]) but then kind of sucks any fun out of dean beating the shit out of the dude. which maybe they're making a point or maybe they're just being tonally confusing again :p or maybe i just have extra strong feelings about torture in media!
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SAM The Mark --I-I guess it --it just messed him up. I don't know. CASTIEL That is a vast understatement.
made me laugh
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also, like that j2 interview, i need someone to tell me to make my observations snappier
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i was wondering if dean knew he was a demon. brain scrambling desperately to figure out where he's looking. but it's all the same!
CROWLEY And I know that you want to keep the party going. You want to have fun, fun, fun till daddy takes the black eyes away.
is sam going to be daddy in this scenario?
HANNAH I understand the three beans, but...What's the surprise?
apparently we needed a lady angel to be clueless like cas too
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show sure is trying to act like it wants them to smooch. the very special episode where hannah learns why humans and their feelings aren't so bad after all and maybe she wants to smash cas? if smashable
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how i feel about the angel subplots generally 😔
DEAN Does it matter? He was a douche. Now he's a dead douche. CROWLEY Of course it matters! The deal was one dead wife for one soul. The wife's not dead, I don't get the soul. It's math.
also made me laugh. demon math ✅
DEAN Oh, whatever I want. CROWLEY Really? Because I think you don't know what you want. Tell me, Dean -- what are you? A demon? If so, why isn't Lester's wife dead? Did you feel sorry for her? So maybe you're human. Except you have those pretty black peepers and you're working alongside me. Why don't you do us all a great big favor and PICK A BLOODY SIDE?!
doesn't want sam but also rudderless
DEAN Or what? Hmm? Go ahead. Make a move. See how it ends. I ain't your friggin' bestie, and I ain't taking orders from you. When I need to kill, I'll call. Until then, stay out of my way. CROWLEY Fine. It's over. What can I say? Crazy ones -- well, they're good for a fling, but they're not relationship material.
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that does not seem like the most practical place to stow your special knife on your person
CROWLEY You're here for Dean. I'm here to give him to you. SAM What? CROWLEY The little prat's bad for business. He's...uncontrollable. Must be the Mark. Anyway, Dean's your problem now -- again, forever.
yes, the mark. that's it!
HANNAH Metatron. METATRON I knew you'd come back. That white-hot spark between us -- I felt it.
ew david
METATRON Well...Everybody wants something. Question is, are you willing to pay for it? Are you willing to...I don't know -- let me out? Oh, come on. don't look so shocked. You knew what I'd ask for. And you wouldn't have come here if you weren't willing to pony up. HANNAH It doesn't make it any easier.
.... what
METATRON Fair enough. So... Let me sweeten the pot. I have had time to... think. And I've decided -- screw earth. You pop that lock, I'll give you Castiel's Grace and then scamper off to another planet -- another galaxy, even --and you will never see me again. And in return... you get Cas back at full power -- large and in charge. And that's what you really want, isn't it? Somebody big and strong telling you what to do. Poor little Hannah. You're so desperate to be dominated.
double ew jfc
METATRON Ugh. You know perfectly well what she's doing, ass-tiel.
so childish but i still laughed
that piano does not sound like it's doing so hot lol
from wiki
The few notes Dean plays on the piano appear to be from the Beatles song "Hey Jude," which was the song Mary would sing to Dean as a lullaby.
and it's so few notes i figured lemme play the song to hear the piano at the beginning but then i'm just listening to it and crying because dead parent and hey jude
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SAM It doesn't matter, all right? 'Cause whatever went down, whatever happened, we will fix it. DEAN Will we? 'Cause right now, I'm doing all I can not to come over there and rip your throat out... with my teeth. I'm giving you a chance, Sam. You should take it. SAM I'm gonna have to pass. DEAN Well, I'm not walking out that door with you. I'm just not. So, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna kill me? SAM No. DEAN Why? You don't know what I've done. I might have it coming. SAM Well, I don't care. Because you are my brother. And I'm here to take you home.
was thinking earlier how sam had the whole soul being shoved back in thing and the gadreel being shoved in thing, about time dean had something forcibly shoved in him thing
DEAN Hmm. Ah! “You're my brother, and I'm here to take you home.” Yeah, what is this, a Lifetime movie? Huh? With your puppy-dog eyes? Oh, thanks, Sammy. I needed that.
i do like how he's made demon!dean pretty distinct from human!dean. so much smiling!
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COLE Nyack, New York, June 21, 2003.
okay so. he's supposed to be.... 24. and his actor is 39. he does have a young face! but. this reminds me of how i could not wrap my head around chiyoh's actor supposedly knowing hannibal when he was young lol other than ~magic~
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looking very well hinged there, dean-o
rolling my eyes at the extended staring at the picture of dean and crowley and hey there lonely girl.
DEAN You call that mercy? Imagine you spend your whole life hunting down the guy that knifed your father. When you finally find him... He whips you like a dog. How do you think that feels?
putting aside we saw cole bleeding all over the library for demon research for a second, unless they're the only special ones that double down and go back after the guy... :p safe to assume he's just gonna come after you again
DEAN And what I'm gonna do to you, Sammy... Well, that ain't gonna be mercy, either.
now see that is actually distressing! stakes i care about
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