#I've fudged around with giving Inarius other bratlings and/or giving Rat siblings
fluff-writing · 1 month
Thinkin' about Dragons, Wyrms, and Wyverns as they are in Cantankerous.
Dragons are mythical beings; the only two we know of are Tathemet, the literal Sum of All Evil, and Trag'Oul, the Sum of Humanity's Souls (among other things).
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They are epic things, and so different from one another that to call them the same thing seems false, at the very least. There's no better word for them though.
Because dragons as a concept are very cool though, I thought Diablo deserved More Dragons. But like. Less mythical-aetherael, more terrifying-beast-that-you-could-slap-a-saddle-on-if-you're-batshit-enough. So, Wyrms.
Sanctuary, and everything in it, was made by angels and demons. Inarius himself had a big part in sculpting the planet, but everything else was made by his host and Lilith's followers. (No one talks about her followers enough smh.)
For the purposes of Cantankerous, Inarius did not make much else. He worked on the oceans, he created Arreat, he had a hand in the forests that became the planet's lungs. But when it came to life on Sanctuary, he left that to everyone else.
Except for Wyrms.
They started small, like little scaley winged snakes, but quickly grew larger and larger.
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Large enough to ride even, by certain dour nephalem.
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Why he made wyrms is very fanficy (maybe I'll get to it one day), but suffice to say he wanted these things to be powerful, and he wanted them to be his in a way not much else on Sanctuary was. He wanted big living WMDs bound to him by 'blood', such than an angel has it.
All it took was a little light-blood, a bit of willpower, and the worldstone, and Sanctuary had its own dragons. Wyverns were not intentionally made by Inarius, but rather a result of the tuning of the worldstone. Turned out in addition to dampening the nephalem it dampened the planet on the whole, and this included the offspring of his Wyrms.
So Inarius made Wyrms. Initially he made three, one of his own, one for Linarian, one for Lilith. Maybe he made more after that, or maybe he left the lizards to their own devices.
All this to say that this thing
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And this thing
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Might could be considered half-siblings bcuz of this thing.
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Inarius made them both by way of donating his own essence (not like that, step away from the gutter). If that makes him Rathma's father, stands to reason he's the father of anything else made that way. The wyrms just have the worldstone for a mom, where Rat has a Lilith.
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