#I've heard of mazahs before but I haven't read those comics yet (still trying to catch up on all the other ones lol)
wolfsbanesparks · 30 days
I do not know if you read Forever Evil but it had a version of Lex Luthor who was the Earth-3 Shazam, Mazahs. I actually prefer the idea of an Earth-3 Captain Marvel being Alexander Luthor Jr instead, as a reference to the "child with an adult form" thing Billy has going on. Also he would get his powers from an evil version of the wizard, but would still be heroic. This is mainly as a joke that somethings are universal constants: like the wizard's sometimes poor judge of character, see Black Adam and Oggar. What do you think?
I don't think I've read that one!
But I think it's always interesting to see how other characters would deal with having the powers of Shazam (especially younger characters) so I would be on board with seeing what Alexander Luthor Jr. would do with the power!
And yeah, the Wizard's judgement isn't always the best but there is something so charming about the idea that an evil wizard gave this kid powers but the kid became a hero anyways. It makes for quite a fascinating origin story!
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