#lots of possibilities with this one
wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
I was gonna put this on my sub-blog but I think you could do something better with it. Let me share you a spoonful of my mind real quick
So crack fic idea. Some villain uses a spell to bring the children version of the Justice League into this timeline but before the villain can do anything evil, they realize how over their head they are. They chicken out and turn themselves in with a video message saying something along the lines of, "Hello Justice League. So I may or may not have your prepubescent forms with me because I was gonna try and [insert evil plan here] but I just realized how bad of an idea this is. I didn't realize how fuck up you guys are. What the hell were your childhoods!? Anyways yeah child you is here and I'm turning myself in and you get to fix it."
So now Billy from like a year and a half before he was brought to the rock, Bruce who was just mourning his parents, Clark who was just trying to learn how a tractor works, and Barry who is very confused how he got here (+whoever else you wanna add) are stuck with the Justice League as they try and figure out how to send them back. Also now everyone else gets to think "What the hell were your childhoods!?" while they try and figure out how to send them back
Okay, not gonna lie: I have had a very similar idea in my head for a while. Like kid versions of the characters being babysat by their older selves + coworkers? It sounds like it could be hilarious but also have the potential for angst since superheroes all have such tragic backstories.
I think it would be cool if the villain in question is Klarion the Witch Boy. Like he summoned kid versions of them because he wanted to cause chaos and show them all how much more fun being a kid is. But then he gets recently orphaned Bruce, Clark who has just learned he isn't human, homeless Billy, and Barry whose dad was just wrongly convicted of murdering his mom. (I'd have to think of who else to add, but preferably at least one or two female heroes too)
So Klarion is like "this was supposed to be fun but it's actually kinda sad. I'm out" and just dips to another dimension to let them sort it out.
There could be hijinks, but also a chance to literally heal their inner child and grow closer as friends. Love that for them💜
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pickled-flowers · 5 months
Sex positivity is also about not calling Ace people prude and using virgin as an insult 👍 hope that helps
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theminecraftbee · 5 months
I think it’d be really funny if the two new hermits are two guys basically none of us guessed btw. like that would also be rad as hell but more importantly it would be really goddamn funny,
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allgremlinart · 7 months
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not nearly enough South Pole vacay content imo.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 3: Enveloping Feelings.
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 4 (soon))
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#lan wangji#Yungmeng Jiang training arc AU#I wanted to try out a different paneling style for this one - sorry I'm a day late! (there will still be a post tomorrow to keep on track)#The original 3 panel comic idea was fine but the point of this new schedule was to take time to push myself a bit more.#I was taking a look back through some comic artists I felt inspired by#and I really loved how Lynda Barry fills her gutters with patterns and doodles!#Obviously I'm not going as absolutely wild with it as she does but it was a great exercise!#I truly think the gutters are the most important and most overlooked part of any comic. There's lots going on in that space.#It's the same with timeskips. The implied movement between moments that we don't see changes depending on how wide that gap is#You're here for the funny tags so here's some that ties this time talk together:#I think LWJ was thinking about that second note from day 2 but it took him 7 days of hazing to commit it to paper.#I think he sends it a day later and immediately regrets it. Chasing down the messenger and everything.#You know if something actually happened to his brother he would never ever forgive himself for putting the bad vibes out there.#Third time skip was the hardest because there was so many possible flavours of jokes here. Day 8/9 was a personal favourite.#day 14 was also funny (week by week). I think the debate on 'how long does lwj take to catch feelings' is more or less:#'how long does it take for him to arrive at a particular stage of grief and yearning (and awareness of it all)#This is a symphony. There is an act by act structure. Every day he is fighting to keep his old sensibilities. He is losing so badly.#(I'll be returning to the main comic soon but there is more of this AU to come!)
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mangozic · 3 months
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joy of creation
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theygender · 2 years
The more I learn about judaism the more I wonder where tf christianity got all its bad shit. Why is divorce a sin in christianity when judaism has recognized the right to divorce for nearly a millennia and has codified religious laws for it. Why does christianity consider sex to be dirty (to the point where puritans considered it a sin to enjoy having sex with your own spouse) when in judaism it's considered holy and it's a literal mitzvah to have sex with your spouse on the sabbath. Why does christianity consider it a sign that you're faithless if you question your religion when in judaism that's considered an essential part to developing your faith. I'm probably stating the obvious here but I still can't get over the fact that there's no historical basis to any of this shit before christianity started, it's like christians just said "hey guys what if we took the torah and built a new religion around it but this time it was actively hostile to human life"
#rambling#disclaimer this isnt about individual christians im speaking about the religious trauma i experienced in my own life etc etc#these are just a few examples that I've noticed but they're definitely something#the part about sex in particular shocked me bc sex is pretty much viewed as actively evil in a lot of christian denominations#like you should only do it to create children and if you take pleasure in it (even if its with your own spouse) youre a dirty sinner#there arent as many examples like this nowadays but if you read puritan laws about sex it's like#you're allowed to have sex with your wife basically 10 times a year but you have to be fully clothed with the lights off#and you cant have sex on a holiday or a sunday and you cant touch each other and you have to try as hard as possible to hate it#literally WHERE did that mindset come from?? like for real#in judaism having sex with your spouse is basically considered a celebration of everything holy#and if you have sex on the sabbath (the holiest day in the jewish calendar—above every holiday)#its considered TWICE as holy#make it make sense#this is one of the things people mean when they say that lumping judaism in with christianity as 'abrahamic' religions is meaningless#theyre literally nothing alike#the only similarity is the torah but thats only half of the christian bible and one third of the jewish one#AND christianity interprets most of it completely differently from how judaism does#im tired#greatest hits#hall of fame
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beaulesbian · 2 months
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more one piece (mostly zolu) + text posts [2/?]
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maskofnova · 4 months
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I think its a rite of passage to make an au at least once, and ive been thinking super hard about how Sonic raised tails lately. So obviously an age swap au had to happen. Aka, the au in which they are both team turbo nerd and Tails needs a Vacation as a dire medical suggestion. (more rambling in tags)
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dailyhatsune · 23 days
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ever since tumblr let people put images in their asks i have been swamped with images in general
shoutout to the people who sent me pictures of their pets
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offkilterkeys · 2 months
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The world isn’t ready for my alpha kid readings.
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 month
I do not know if you read Forever Evil but it had a version of Lex Luthor who was the Earth-3 Shazam, Mazahs. I actually prefer the idea of an Earth-3 Captain Marvel being Alexander Luthor Jr instead, as a reference to the "child with an adult form" thing Billy has going on. Also he would get his powers from an evil version of the wizard, but would still be heroic. This is mainly as a joke that somethings are universal constants: like the wizard's sometimes poor judge of character, see Black Adam and Oggar. What do you think?
I don't think I've read that one!
But I think it's always interesting to see how other characters would deal with having the powers of Shazam (especially younger characters) so I would be on board with seeing what Alexander Luthor Jr. would do with the power!
And yeah, the Wizard's judgement isn't always the best but there is something so charming about the idea that an evil wizard gave this kid powers but the kid became a hero anyways. It makes for quite a fascinating origin story!
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one of my favorite things about zedaph is that on a server full of people that find strange and oft-overlooked minecraft mechanics or rare events and then see just how far they can push them in the name of spectacle or efficiency or world-breaking, zed is over here finding these mechanics in order to do the weirdest things he can think of in as entertaining a manner as possible
like i 100% have faith in zedaph's theoretical ability to be just as efficient or spectacular or world-breaking. if he wanted to do that stuff, i trust that he absolutely could. but thats so far from being his priority. instead, hes going to spend around a week of irl time focused entirely on eventually having the good luck to spawn in something insanely rare so that he can convert it into something even rarer, the result of which being something that 99% of the server reacts with complete and utter shock that it even exists in the first place, just because its zany and funny and he wanted to. and i love that
#zedaph#hermitcraft#genuinely i adore the clucky few project im not even done watching the episode and i had to pause and make this post#i saw impulses video first and went ''that HAS to be some sort of datapack or something-''#only to immediately go ''no. no it cant be. because this is zed#and its practically a trademark of his to push the limits of the game as far as possible in the direction least expected#not for the purpose of efficiency or spectacle or intimidation or whatever like some players who push limits#but purely for the purpose of making something so funny you cant help but laugh at whats going on#and maybe being a bit impressed that he ever thought of it in the first place''#at which point i went ''holy shit. since its zed doing this. somehow he ACTUALLY got a villager on a chicken. with no cheats. thats INSANE'#i was relieved when i checked my subscriptions to see what the next video i had to watch was and saw he would be next in line#bc if i had to sit through 19 other hermits videos before i could watch his and find out what the fuck he was doing i would have been so sa#sidenote but i feel like a zed video where he interacts with this many other people all in the same video is so rare#idk i didnt watch season 9 and i know he started collabing a lot more w/ other hermits then#so maybe its not nearly as rare these days#but like the last one that *i* saw where he interacted with this many people at once was towards the end of season 8#when all the people he experimented on earlier in the season came back to experiment on him#and like i would like zeds videos with or without the collabs. but its a lot of fun to see him interact with people#so its very cool to me when he does it with a lot of people all in the same video
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heartorbit · 4 months
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i'm sending this endless melody to a nameless you
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crabussy · 11 months
for the record I think wind turbines are beautiful and are not a stain on any landscape and the sounds they make are beautiful and whenever I see one I am filled with love for human innovation and hope for the future of clean energy and if they needed to be built close to my house I would go YAYY ^_^ WAHOO ^_^ WIND TURBINE!!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Wei Wuxian 🤝 Maleficent: Not being invited to a child's birthday party but showing up anyways (to make things worse).
(for @youremysunshine8)
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