#Isen and his D U M B hair
I’ve read UnO and I have headcannons
Be prepared…
Let’s talk about where they came from (in my head) :
Arlo is 100% English, you can’t tell me that he D O S E N T eat scones and Tea.
John is Half German, Part Thai and a tiniest bit of American.
Blyke has atleast has SoMe Russian in him, I’m calling it
Remi is from Singapore, I’ve been there and there the happiest people alive, fits her perfectly.
Isen is either American or Korean, haven’t really decided yet.
Elaine is definitely British, just not sure exactly where she would be. (Probably Wales)
Seraphina is Probably Polish, don’t know why but y e s. or Mexican
Arlo had an Emo/Alt phase (but quietly Ofc), that’s where the piercings come from
Arlo feels like he likes pastel gore, I D O N T K N O W W H Y
Remi definitely watches horror and mystery shows, like the most gruesome ones. It’s because all permanently happy people are into some really g0ry sh!t and you know it.
Isen tried to watch one and passed out (Blyke nearly did too)
John has stayed up till 3AM playing slappy pig
John probably runs on coffee, Him and Arlo look like the type to pull a Jake peralta and barely drink water. It’s coffee, Tea, boba or N O T H I N G
John, Seraphina and sometimes Elaine
Now time for some headcannons as them as children.
When he was like 11, John probably stabbed himself with a pencil. He would be the type of kid to flip a table over a juice box.
Arlo was either the super quiet kid who sat in the corner reading books and then the type to shove peoples heads down the toilet/sink as a joke. Quiet to MENACE
Isen was just crying 24/7
Remi and <redacted> were joined by the hip, people used to call them weird looking candy canes (don’t question this one, just go with it)
Remi had a stuffed bear named Rosa, given by her brother <redacted>
Blyke just I n h a l e d food as a child, every 20 minutes he just inhale food and then go back to sleep. (Eat, sleep , repeat)
Seraphina was just, stable.
Elaine played with dolls.
John threw cards at his dad for no reason, he swallowed one once.
Anyways pt.2
If Seraphina ever saw somone do something stupid she would just, stare. Like she would silently judge you as you break both of your legs somehow of a tree. (It was John after he threw something up there and a cat caught it)
Speaking of cats, every time he sees one, John pets it ^^
John has a Grenade, No questions asked
Isen had a pet ret, Blyke definitely called them siblings, he and his brother cried.
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