#Its a perfect day for some mayhem!đŸ”„IC post
oooh-shinyyy · 4 years
Fang-tastic! {TheRoadhogRides}
It has always been somewhat difficult to read Roadie’s facial expressions under that infamous mask of his. But being paired with the man for all these years now helped the smaller of the Junkers pick up on signal cues as to when he was expecting to get punched by the larger man or if he had time to run before so.
Despite all of that, Junkrat could not for the life of him figure out what could be going through Roadie’s mind right now. The larger man had caught Rat mid-feeding on a maybe innocent bystander. Junkrat kept his fangs sunk into the unconscious victim’s neck, eyes fixed on those empty eyeholes of Roadhog’s mask. He had no excuse. I dont think “I was thirsty” is gonna work here. So rather than being a logical being who tries to get himself out of his predicament, he takes it in a completely different turn.
Junkrat detaches his fangs from the victim’s neck and holds the figure out to Roadhog. “Want some?”
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oooh-shinyyy · 4 years
The Junker’s entire face lit up. A kiss from the doc!! It was...unexpected!! But nontheless, a smooch is a smooch no matter how much he didnt deserve it.
“Thank ya fo’ tha smooch!! ‘M feelin’ healed already!!”
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oooh-shinyyy · 4 years
I MCCREEally love you
The Junker’s face went beet red and he let a sheepish smile run across his face.
“Awww ya really know how ta make a bloke look like a real mess, eh? Love ya too, cowboy!”
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oooh-shinyyy · 4 years
A new Junkrat, a new Junkrat, A New Junkrat! Roo practically vibrated with excitement as he bounced over to Rat, and thrust forth his mech hand for a shake. "Me name's Junkroo, Roo fa short. How's it hangin' in yer neck'a th' down under, eh?"
Junkrat’s eyes widened as he watched the vibrating Roo. Finally...someone who seemed to get just as giddy and excited as he did. He quickly accepted the hand, shaking it with just as much as excitement. “Nice ta meet ya, Roo! Real wicked name ya got there!” He grinned widely. “Everythin’s aces ‘ere! Tons more fun now tha’ ya ‘ere!”
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oooh-shinyyy · 4 years
My muses’ first thoughts about your muse:
Junkrat was in complete awe. She was so...pretty. Lot prettier than most women he’s encountered. A large part of him was intimidated. Another part of him confused. Why’s she talk ta a bloke like me?
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oooh-shinyyy · 4 years
BOLD >> habits my muse has
nail biting | throat-clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens | smoking | swearing | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | binge drinking | oversleeping | snacking between meals | skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming/singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot-tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye-rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking | putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind ears | chewing lips | crossing arms over chest | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back of their neck | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair | overreacting | teeth grinding | nostril-flaring | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | fist-clenching | pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling shoulders
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oooh-shinyyy · 4 years
“I GET TA SHOW MORE O’ ME SHINY TREASURES? ALRIGH’ GIMME A SEC!!” He scurries off and returns moments later with a small wooden box with a pig face carved into it. “Alrigh this one’s kinda sappy but I’ve been collectin lil pieces of junk from each o’ me an’ Roadie’s heists an’ such.” He undoes the latch on the box and flips it open, sticking a hand in and digging around. He takes out a newspaper clipping and gives a big grin. “Clips from ou’ first big break.” He shows the clipping. It’s his and Roadhog’s first mugshots together. “Real good times...”
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oooh-shinyyy · 4 years
🍀 regale a time when luck was on their side
“Hmm ‘notha time I was lucky?” He taps a crooked finger on his chin. “OH WAIT I ‘MEMBER ONE! This one time I was workin on one o me favorites o me smilie bombs an’ tha’ poor thing jus’ wasn’ workin.” He wipes a fake tear from his eye. “I went out a gave ‘im a proper buryin an layed ‘im ta rest. Then in the middle o’ tha night, THA DAMN THING BLEW UP!! BIG OL’ CRATER IN THA DIRT! An’ I was jus thinkin bout how lucky I was tha I didn’ let Duck keep it as a chew or somethin.”
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oooh-shinyyy · 4 years
👄 whisper a secret no one else knows uwu
“‘M guessin I can reveal more o me secret projects. Now this one’s wicked SO LISTEN UP!” He takes a deep breath. “‘M makin...A BONE MONSTA!!!” He jumps around excitedly. “I been collectin’ bones an’ teeth an’ jus’ whateva remains I can find ‘round tha wasteland and been gettin em together ta form a big ol monster. Now hear me out...if I can collect all the pieces an’ put em together then I can make a KILLA MONSTA!!” He grins widely.
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oooh-shinyyy · 4 years
🎁 show off something they have
The Junker holds up his juvenile bearded dragon wearing a cowboy hat. “Told me ta tell ya somethin...Yeehaw.”
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oooh-shinyyy · 4 years
🍀 regale a time when luck was on their side
“Alroight so I ain’ neva really considered me self a lucky person bu’ I gotta few stories tha tell otherwise. This one time I was boutta fight this real big bloke. Knew ‘mmediately tha’ there was no way I was winnin’ tha’ fight. AN’ THEN THE GUY JUS’ STARTED SHAKIN’ AN’ FOAMIN’ AT THA’ MOUTH AND FELL TA THA’ GROUND!!” He bursts out cackling similar to that of a crazed hyena. He calms down after a few moments and catches his breath. “Ha..ha...yah. Then I took ‘is socks and ran off.”
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oooh-shinyyy · 4 years
~Junkrat Shower Thought #1~
“Dogs really like bones. I wonda wha’ would happen if Duck eva’ found out bout tha’ bones in me body...” He glances over to the mutt nawing on a heavily dented antler.
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oooh-shinyyy · 4 years
👄 whisper a secret no one else knows
“Secret...secret...” He scrunched up his nose. Oh this was a good one. “Alroight so Roadie dont know this one so keep em on tha hush.” He looks around to assure the coast is clear. “E’ry day fo’ tha’ past month, I been drawin’ lil’ junkie smilies on Roadie’s things. Got ‘is boots, gun, an’ hook! Was thinkin’ of really steppin’ up me game an’ seein’ how far I can go.” His eyes glance over to his partner’s Hog. “Got some big plans in store.” He holds up a crooked finger to his wide grin.
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oooh-shinyyy · 4 years
đŸ± talk about their favorite animal/pet
Meet Duck:
The Junker’s eyes light up with excitement. It was finally time to let loose his pet ramblings. “FINALLY GETTIN’ TIME TA TALK ‘BOUT ME DUCK AN’ FAWKES JR!!” He clears his throat. He’s preparing himself. Take a seat, this might take a while. “I found me good ol’ pal Duck ou’ in tha wasteland! Kept breakin into me hideout an takin me snacks and leavin ‘is piss on me things. Finally caught ‘im and saw he had a missin leg like me!! I took ‘im in an’ now he’s my right hand man!” He lovingly looks over at his mutt. “Now he pisses on me things with permission.”
Meet Fawkes Jr:
He snaps back to focus and gestures down at his tool belt. “An’ the otha bugga in me life’s Fawkes Jr.” He lifts open the small flap to one of his compartments and a juvenile bearded dragon pokes its head out. “This ‘eres Fawkesy!! I also found ‘im out in tha’ wasteland.” He reaches in and pulls the reptile out, laying it flat on his hand. “He bit me pinkie toe so I kept ‘im. Nothin’ much to it. But now e’s my second right hand man an’ one o’ me best pals.” He holds the beardie up close to his face and grins widely. “Isn’ tha roight, Fawkesy?” The reptile reaches out and lazily begins to nibble on the Junker’s nose, an excited squeak escaping the man’s lips.
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oooh-shinyyy · 4 years
Got possums native to Oz an’ New Zealand that get their fur harvested an’ spun into yarn for knitting an’ shit. Possum facts. {theroadhogrides}
“Their fur?” He stares blankly at the floor then his head snaps up as his eyes widen. He had an idea. “‘M thinkin’ we get into tha’ possum fur business. Makes lotsa dough tha’ way! An’ plus there’s an added bonus! We can ‘ave a big ol’ POSSUM FARM!!” He nearly vibrated with excitement as he already began scheming.
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oooh-shinyyy · 4 years
"Where's ya treasure Firecracker?"
“‘M not quite sure whatcha talkin’ bout there, cowboy.” His eyes dart all around as he attempts to steer the conversation elsewhere. “Tha’ only treasure I got’s me endless knowledge o’ possum facts. An’ tha’s somethin’ tha’ ya jus’ cant stick a price on.”
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