mandajiu · 1 year
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So, it doesn't look like he's declaring his love to princess rubs-a-lot anywhere that I can see.
Our possible key word of the new spring "高” tall or high, comes up when talking about Alpine Cloud Tea which is, yup 800 meters high (remember those 800 paracetters). So, I looked up the phrase and it's not terribly common (probably a rounded number), but it's part of an ad so hard candy again.
As for the NSS laboratory shirt, the N looks a bit like an 8 in Chinese characters according to wb bird Pekomi: 八. The other side likes the two SS's, but honestly isn't is SongSanChuan his new character which he happens to be doing double advertising duty for in this commercial with it's tennis theme?
My non-CPF guess: This year 30 is going to do lots of cycling, release his travel vlogs for Dali and hopefully Finland, and most likely will be sharing his life with us that way or through a variety program (the rumor is an all-male variety show or one with Ba - we will see - there has been no formal acceptance of any show as of yet that we know).
My CP heart, which I'm trying to squash because if they are be then they obviously are taking their sweet time and if they are not it is best to just observe casually, is this is the year we will know if something is going on with them (or other partners): 88 started off with a wedding dress (from the 2019 Feel the World show and the Milk Tea tour during Glory). It was a paid advertisement but then said in a recent AnMuxi commercial something about all lovers getting to marry. Now we have 30 saying he will "bring more of the original and authentic me" so my guess is a vlog still, but who knows - maybe he will have a friend with him. For real though, IF they really are single we need a second drama stat, something with no focus on age like a fantasy time travel!
As a 30 fan, I also would love for WL to release exercise videos. He is the perfect fitness instructor. Vitality is the keyword too - just so you know 88 said it was one of her favorite words. It does repeat quite often, so there is that hard candy. Let's break our teeth together.
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I'm working on a series for Finland, but still eyeing the "candy." I believe this year the color for 88 is cherry red. 30 will have to wear red because he is a rabbit and superstition says he needs to wear the color to bring good luck (usually it's red underwear or socks; remember he got all those socks in the Spring Festival? Of course someone, not our 88, has been seen in red socks. The other side also had a Christmas theme in their little red book (Chinese social media) today. 30 snuck away to the home of Santa Claus yesterday; I hope he got to capture the aurora in Lapland. We missed it when we went to Finland. Honestly if that dead end couple is real, then they should let their fan fans know because 30's square is getting bloody with lots of old stuff being brought up today. Pretty much every weifan I talk to says it is impossible, but who knows?
Everyone knows how polite 30 is, so trying to attack him for being mean is just the dumbest plan ever.
All of this is speculatory. CPF is a form of entertainment and we never dance in front of the master. This is the first rule of CPF etiquette!
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mandajiu · 1 year
Test. Can you see this post? --> https://at.tumblr.com/leidinest/love-is-on-the-plate/uu1o1z9an3dh
I have many posts on my private Leidi group, but honestly I forget passwords too much for this to last. I will keep more private content there which needs to not be shared (like their history with Goose etc) but this is okay. I love how they are like bookends with these gestures.
We all know Ms. Copies-a-Lot has taken these things shared between 3088, so it's up to you to see the CP as you want. I anticipate that the new Blizzard CP if they set it up will have Birds feeling deja-vu. Let's face it. There are so many common gestures and clothes in C-Ent already between every star, so it is easy to tie CP. If the rumor is true and they are tying true business CP - which is expected in idol romance - then I think we can safely assume our ship is not going to sale or will be tightly anchored at port.
Rock candy. Chew responsibly.
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mandajiu · 1 year
Send a photo to show you know nothing about 30 without saying it:
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I'm going to be a lil acidic today because I just saw someone on 抖音 try to imply that a certain someone's rice ball post with GOJI BERRIES and jujubes was love candy. The actress is telling 30 that she is eating well...
by cooking with something that pretty much terrifies him?
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30 has a fear of small round things like goji berries and in Hello Refrigerator in 2022 I even saw him get uncomfortable around ZYL's candied mayhaws.
This reminds me of a livestream when 88 talks about drinking boba milk tea WITHOUT tapioca balls. Either they both share the quirky fear of small, round things - which seems odd in a person who promotes pearls, loves cherries, and is famous for her love of little ball-shaped objects - or someone is very considerate of their friend. Either way....awwwh... that seems to be a real soft non-round candy for an Egg to chew on.
Speaking of fears; I feel like 30 is getting a bit better in that department if we look at the Spring Festival Gala jacket he wore complete with pearls. Hmm....I acknowledge this is hard candy, yes, but it's rather odd for a men's jacket to have that many pearls.
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Keep using those scissorhands 30. We think we know what you mean!
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A reminder that the blue bottle 88 promotes and her favorite pineapple buns appeared in a casual video by 30 last year, so it's not altogether strange to think the pearls could be deliberate.
I dislike being petty, but posts that show no awareness of one of the people in the CP really irk me because if you really are a CPFan you support both equally, you help hype their CP's if possible (unless you have to object on moral grounds as many Eggs did for xhcl and I get it), and you don't drive one through the muck while uplifting another without prefacing every post with a disclaimer: This is an imaginary couple of a CPFan; nothing is true unless a formal announcement is made. Keep the enclosure and chew responsibly. We have no clue; our couple might have signed a long-term business contract. Who knows. But we love their apparent friendship if nothing else. They always talk so respectfully about each other without any prompting.
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mandajiu · 1 year
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That cute, cheeky smile. IF our couple were real, she would be holding the cheering colors for Bird Eggs, 30, and herself and even 30's fans (blueberries lol - seriously that's a stretch, only joking). It was in this yogurt commercial she talked about wishing everyone a good marriage (could be a friend got married or is getting married and she couldn't go to the wedding - who knows).
So, I am going to explore a new Code Word today:
Key words are shared copywriting between 3088 and can sometimes even be found on clothes. Now, the other side is very good at picking up on these things so you will often see it across CP's. It's up to you to decide which one is more likely to be BE (the real deal). Since this is the Bird Egg Enclosure, you probably are open to this perspective.
It can be speculated that if it is a shared code word then given all that is going on perhaps it is a code that says everything is okay, much like 30's special Loewe perfume last year that was a cool cucumber scent.
LATEST SIGHTING OF COOL: 2/25/23 - 88 arrives at the Beijing airport and leaves her car in Shanghai with this hat. I wasn't sure what the word was, but then I remembered having the same exact problem before with the same hat with cursive print before. I will dig and see where else she wore it. So what is the message on the hat: "Cool Attitude." Strong woman! 30 or no 30, this is a great response to all the ridiculous nonsense going on with salacious rumors these days STILL despite lawsuits pending. This is the hat.
This matches 30's first post from Finland outside of the famous thumbs up one which we have been over before, 8 letters to make cool. Of course it is cold in Finland, so all of this is just a bunch of hard candy, even if it repeats so many times it seems too coincidental. This is what CP Brains do - it's not really healthy, but I'm in too deeply now, so I'll just share and hope everyone chews responsibly.
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The photo was taken in November I believe, but posted in January.
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The family dog Xiaobei is not to be left out, look at what was posted 11/16/2022. Looking up, looking down, looking straight - some birds see a code there as well, but it's too much. I will just go with words for now.
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In 2022, on 9/22 we see the same hat Cool Attitude hat, and then again on 9/29.
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In the fall, 30 posted about "autumn cool" cool boy and 88 was cool girl. I have to find those.
Now, are they just friends who have set up a long-term CP because they feel comfortable with each other? I don't think the goose has anything to do with it since their collaboration was a co-production with Huace. I think it is best to be a rational egg and hope for the best. I think 2023 is the year we might finally see them in the same frame. Let's wait for the flowers to bloom.
This will be edited. Loads more "cool" connections between these two and Xiaobei lol
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mandajiu · 1 year
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No word yet on where 30 went, but I did see a melon about him going all over Europe. One said Helsinki - I think it is the best place to capture the Northern Lights. Maybe he is still be collecting 88's favorite sunsets (for her maybe?)
88 was feeling the glare today lol she kind of flubbed the card point, but her next one was apparently very loving.
In other news, NBY might have picked up a Comfort as a sponsor (happens to be 88's endorsement) and 30 is rumored to be wearing DIOR for Weibo night. Hmmm...wonder if someone will copy that. I want him in a high-end brand and to jump the Bvlgari ship very much honestly although it is full of perks like a hotel on the Bund or anywhere in the world really, but yeah.
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mandajiu · 1 year
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30 has gone to film ASSOL already; presumably he will drive to the venue since we know from last year's Weibo night which both missed is not that far.
Tonight, (3/22), our imaginary couple posted suddenly. I'm not sure who was first because I was in Mandarin class and y'all know dyscalculics aren't the best with dates, so go check.
88 posted a cute video with 9:38 numbers about twirling in an elegant red dress: "Oh pretty baby, now that I found you...let me love you" song in that trademark unusual finding of music that she has. The duration of the video was 29 seconds.
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30's studio posted a quote from Herman Hesse from his book Demian:
Google translated version: "If he has the desire to believe at the moment of jumping will realize the psychic power, and he will fly into the sky united with the stars." - Herman Hesse, Demian
Discussion of the book I stumbled upon taken from https://hesse.projects.gss.ucsb.edu/forum_archive_new/forum_archive/746~showflat.html Retrieved on 3/22/2023 at 9:00 pm
"I love the fact that Frau Eva is almost neutral in sex, although still basically feminine. It is interesting that Sinclair finds her boyish charm to be seductive in a spiritually, physical, out of reach kind of way...(Kiki, reader of the book)
"And she told me about a youth who had fallen in love with a planet. He stood by the sea, stretched out his arms and prayed to the planet, dreamed of it, and directed all his thoughts to it. But he knew, or felt he knew, that a star cannot be embraced by a human being. He considered it his fate to love a heavenly body without any hope of fulfillment and out of this insight he constructed an entire philosophy of renunciation and silent, faithful suffering that would improve and purify him. Yet all his dreams reached the planet. Once he stood again on the high cliff at night by the sea and gazed at the planet and burned with love for it. And at the height of his longing he leaped into the emptiness toward the planet, but at the instant of leaping "it's impossible" flashed once more through his mind. There he lay on the shore, shattered. He has not understood how to love.
If at the instant of leaping he had had the strength of faith in the fulfillment of his love he would have soared into the heights and been united with the star. (Quoted by Kiki)" This is reference to the quote on the wall.
QUOTE FROM THE BOOK: Note that Frau Eva is kind of a yin/yang all mother figure too, so Freudian/Jungian ickiness also present. We try not to take toooo literally lol
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The part that confuses me is I think he is also referencing Beatrice here along with Eva (the star), which is another woman in the book. In the end, they are probably one and the same as its an allegory. This is the text written for the post which has been Song SanChuan-ized
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END of deep discussion points.
I am going to read the book myself, but let's say this is the character SSC who has to go through a lot of change; moving from badminton to tennis and falling in love with an older woman while he has yet to establish himself etc... I am wondering if this book will appear in the drama? Let's all keep a look out. Honestly this quote feels "My Little Prince"-y, but I honestly didn't like that book very much so I have to read that second hahahaha
Does everything have to have such deep meaning? Well, yes and no.
What do you think? IS 30 that deep of a thinker? Is the book mentioned in NBY and it's something one of the characters references. Hmmmm...either way this quote feels very applicable to our imaginary CP. Take the leap; well, I assume he already has!
Again, if not, let's have a second match!
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mandajiu · 1 year
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So the rumor of 30 staying in Finland is not true, but he is staying in Europe and probably going home on the 19th of this month. Where is he going?
Rumor 1 Spain. Rumor is he will advertise something, potentially Loewe clothes as they are headquartered there. Key Term: Loewe. This may not happen - Switzerland/England or another country are also possible. IF it has anything to do with Loewe than this works though! hahah Let's wait and see!
More interesting? Let's take a look at the lyrics from 88's new video drop from this morning: Take a look at the end. I've been bee-bopping to this song all day.
Hold tight and don't let go on the night And keep it you close we're alright Oh, cause if we don't know it, where go in Good vibes the stars well know where it's right So pull me close at a night Oh we got this over, this moment Oh, oh Chances feelings running slow, oh Taking chances living high, LOW This a ever getting LOW (Oh this a ever getting LOW)
So, if he goes to Loewe....lol
Just another coincidence, right?
Stay cute. Don't dance outside.
This part is still good, no matter the destination.
Take a look at the airport clothes heheheh
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and miss cool with her three fingers, eyeballing someone (all the card candy and staring back and forth with google eyes all day y'all - if this isn't be NOTHING IS lol I'm 99% convinced now. 1% that this is a business show.
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Protect our sweeties.
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mandajiu · 1 year
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Surprised? No one guessed it. hahaha 30 re-using his dress from the Spring Festival - good on you for re-using formalwear, not the National Drama Festival. Too funny.
30 will be giving a special nod to Chinese astronauts and aeronautics.
Just a coincidence I guess, but 88 is also looking very interstellar these days with the Mikimoto star and planet jewelry and the whole Luna flower theme for Clarins. huh...
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Moon rock hard candy this!
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mandajiu · 1 year
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I got the finest of coincidence candy for you, even better than getting low (Loewe and 30 going to Spain to presumably film a Realme cellphone commercial, but as Madrid is the headquarters of Loewe it is logical to guess he might have met reps there)
I've been hearing rumors about a possible car endorsement. Since Cadillac just shared a video of the NBY trailer, I'm assuming the car used in the drama is from that brand - so I'm guessing this could be a new endorsement? That's the fuzzy part.
The clear part.
Recall that really very sensual song with the Lux photoshoot with the green exit sign? Do you remember the lyrics? Let me refresh your memory (Note: these particular lyrics are part of the song not featured as it was a remix, but many know this song):
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Grind Me Down - Lilliana Wilde
Grind me down, roll me up Press me up against your lips Let me fill, fill your lungs Then breathe me out California grown, rap songs You see the best comes out the west Let me blur, blur your lines You won't regret it
I'll take you to the moon and back Back seat of my Cadillac
Start out slow then play it faster I'll fly you out to paradise Take a hit and close your eyes I know what you fantasize about
lol The sheep fans can also drink the moon. 30 fans can do the same because of the aerospace thing for Weibo night.
Protect the children!
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mandajiu · 1 year
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So, this is some interesting sugar all over the 3088 groups; screenshot from Pekomi. The screenwriter (or a screenwriter) of Nothing But You (Nothing But 30 etc) just posted something said by 88 in sharing a video about NBY!
Honestly I'm not sure if I get the joke - assume it is implying that 88 is hot in the day and cold at night or vice versa lol Someone going to have to walk me through the meaning of this “temperature difference.” I feel you have to know the language pretty well to get the nuances of this fun fact about why Xinjiang Hami melon is so sweet.
But why would the screenwriter of the drama share this?
INTEResting though.
Today everyone is waiting for the stars to promote 30's drama! Let's see if 88 dares to do so this week. I suspect she will wait. Maybe Huge, Yangmi will do it first then she can share it or post? Who knows. Let's see.
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cr @迪脱脱 
This new official photo of 88's seems to be sending some kind of message with the hands lol Lots of interpretations. Could be WWF-related but no one else is doing this. Points to 5 and 3 to me, but I'm biased.
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mandajiu · 1 year
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Cr @吴磊时尚科普 combined with a photo from Ternura吴磊
So, 30 indeed went to Spain to the island of Mallorca for some kind of shoot. There are Reuters of him there. I did see a melon that he went to Norway on the 16th - the day his co-star and all the crew flew back to China I think - so hopefully he saw the Northern Lights!
Off-White is a shared brand 88 has worn more than 5 times and of course Hermes. The shirt harkens to both ASun (the horse likeness is also a bit cheeky).
88 just dropped a super sexy video with some love you forever type card candy - if he does shoot a car commercial I will share the lyrics lol
The family seems to say there is an escape hahaha
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(It seems this exit sign was used quite a bit in 2021 as well around the time our imaginary couple might be having a break together hmm)
30 should be home on the 19th; word is 88 will be flying to Beijing soon. All just melons. Chew responsibly.
Protect 3088. Until Weibo night!
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mandajiu · 1 year
Don't excite the eggs Master Kong! Please tell us, what is the sound of flowers blooming?
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OK then. I found a very long poster from 30's new yet old green tea endorsement and I have to admit the copywriting got me feeling some kind of way. "Sit and watch the clouds, LISTEN TO THE FLOWERS BLOOM and fall, enjoy the spring in the way of camping..."
Remember 30 promised to share more of his real self this year. I feel a variety show coming on or something. Hmmmmm.
I'm sure this is common language for spring, but the level 5+ member knows what we like to hear.
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And our 88 is rocking the blue and red with the same 1986 Spring Break W est Virginia hat in a different color. OK then.
Youthbath - what a name!
Wait for the flowers to bloom if they are going to. Safe and happy return to China to our younger brother and sister filming in Finland and happy domestic travels to 88.
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mandajiu · 1 year
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Credit marked
Our beauty is leaving Chengdu after a one-day stay. She has many events coming up and a Dior Makeup endorsement to snag tomorrow. Yay!
I couldn't help but notice a pattern not only continuing, but getting more deliciously dare I say planned looking? She still has her 3 stone, 5 planet case. Grey pants and white top matching 30's flight from Geneva to Helsinki yesterday a bit. The Uggs are a shared love; 30 wore his on the first flight to Finland.
Take a look at 88's hats! We have 8W and Spring 1986 W est Virginia, Okay then. This is a bit toooo coincidental, no? All CP brain. Stay cute. Keep the enclosure.
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mandajiu · 1 year
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Ms. 88 flew to Chengdu today. I hear there is a delay on Prosecution Elite (the one we were told would come out on the 12th 哭哭哭哭)
Another shared brand appearst, this time in an awesome blouse Maison Margiella - wow I want this top!
This green hat says "8 ways to keep time capsule." Hmm... well then.
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My new mantra: Wait for Weibo
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mandajiu · 1 year
ABOUT THOSE HIGH END INGREDIENTS: I have a Brain hole for you all!
Found a coincidence, but as usual it's shared. Who follows whom is the question. As far as I can see our couple is most up to date!
1/20/2023 Biotherm our "High End" man [高端男士] 30
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and here on February 3rd "Valentine's Day, start for love, run in both directions. What's the coolest gift this Valentine's Day" haha new term high-end, old term "Cool" and running in both directions powered by love. Well, then...let's check with 88.
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For 88, she has multiple high-end references as does the other side, but let's try to be up-to-date. Keep in mind Biotherm is one of his newer endorsements along with Condense.
September 2022 near the new year.
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High-End and her appear from 2019 to now with yogurt (2021), nutritional supplements (2022), and things like luxury brands like Dior (2023) so this is the most recent.
Indeed, these "high end ingredients" make a great pair, don't you think? Remember this is the same line from sweeping the building about 88's lovely drawing. The cutest part of that whole thing was their expression when they learned they couldn't keep the drawings - they truly looked upset. Poor, cute things. @Pekomi captured it so well.
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"gao" might be a key term this year! Let's all try to keep up with the trends.
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mandajiu · 1 year
Valentine's Day. Let's call this "Coincidence Day"
Personal studio's have yet to post. So far, Nobody But You has issued so much beautiful footage today. Our candy is usual in the tidbits but we have some honorable mentions in the main photoshoot today. So, here we go:
OFFICIAL RELEASE candy tied in with other drama. 30 as San San Chuan likes the heat “热”(re of dilireba) of summer and -pictured - to hear the chirping of birds lol Well, that's metaphysics for you fellow Bird Eggs. I am feeling him expressing indirect affection towards the Eggs here, but this just my imagination.
Oh, yes forgot: he's in a clean white shirt with another white dress shirt.
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In the official Douyin page for NBY in one of the many tidbits bts, we find our favorite hand signals explained to the tune of the song that 88 tried to have for her Kuaishou end-of-the-year retro red dress blockbuster. (Just saying since the other side sees such meaning in a certain song - this one seems to have been intentionally used by the studio, not used without permission).
Double thumbs up = double the happiness (it's explained in the subtitles on the next shoot)
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Double Scissorhands? = 88's symbol, double the love? Cheeky 30.
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Speaking of cheeky 30, we got this very familiar pose: Wonder if it was on purpose? (IMO one of 88's sexiest looks in 2021 for the Suisse Sep? post-live tidbits where she couldn't stop laughing)
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There is still more - the ties that bind 30 in his new photoshoot are very similar to 88's purple scarf, purple ribbon, and the LED lights she "untied" this past winter. The color is of course not purple - that would be insane at this point. @Pekomi gave this lovely reminder today.
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From tying the bow, to .... My, my 30 has grown up.
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ALL THIS and we don't even have the personal postings of the two. They may lay low; they may bust out with something sweet - who knows! Next door posted on the 13th just so you know - I didn't look but there was a rabbit emoji...anyway.
Can't wait to watch 30's new drama in March (I hear) and when will we meet 88's Anle and Anni?
All is speculatory, wait for the flowers to bloom and let's trust whoever it is that is in their heart is good soul too no matter what. Most of all, support all their work and new CPs equally!
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