#Koa Skirata
thesummerstorms · 4 years
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Me: it's two in the morning, like, we should go to sleep now
Brain: Here's random out of context bullshit with no sequence or connections, better open the docs app!
I did decide that Mereel and Atin are Koa's favorite uncles when she gets older because they teach her how to do things.
Mereel is one of the people who finds it easiest to talk her out of things (because he's the scientist uncle AND the cool uncle and there's some hero worship going on there) but Atin also has a better than average shake because stubborn understands stubborn. Except sometimes instead of talking her down he, in Darman's words, "teaches her to be worse" (typically followed by an annoyed follow up comm call from her Dad to her Uncle).
And I think I like the idea of Darman calling her fish?
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etainlives · 4 years
Canon Divergent Blog History
Couple of other canon divergences for this blog while I’m at it. I’m probably missing some, but this is what I can think of off the top of my head.
(These are all things that directly inform my version of Etain’s main timeline, but that of course I’d be willing to talk about with a player who doesn’t feel that works for their version of the character!
The exception is that I’m typically always going to be Kal Skirata and Kylo Ren critical.)
The Clone Wars Era/Republic Commando novels Era:
Etain is part of a prolonged SpecOps project on Coruscant rather than going to Kashyyyk, so she’s in no way involved when Sev disappears. 
She is involved a part of the Battle of Coruscant and marries Darman during the siege via comlink.
Etain doesn’t die (obviously), and is struck down by a clone trooper with a Padawan’s lightsaber rather than the weirdness going on during the bridge scene.
More generally, this blog completely ignores Fi/Parja and Jusik/Arla as both have some serious caregiver/consent issues squick for me, especially with Jusik literally wiping Arla’s memories.
Rebels/ OT/ Rebellion/ Imperial Era:
Where ever you want to place it (during the Rebels episodes or just after the show) Sabine Wren becomes Mand’alor. I always felt a little cheated that isn’t how that arc cumulated and I really head canon both of Etain’s biological kids (Kad & Koa) becoming political allies of Sabine’s, if in very different ways.
Etain and Darman adopt Tallisibeth “Scout” Enwandung-Esterhazy in place of or alongside Mij Gilamar.
Clan Skirata doesn’t stay in hiding on Mandalore for the entire Imperial regime or all get up and run and hide on Kal’s planet of choice. The clan actually fractures somewhat for a lot of complicated reasons that ultimately boil down to Kal’s inability to learn from his behavior.
Darman and Etain actually distance themselves from Kal, eventually, and end up in old of Mereel’s old safehouses on Nar Shaddaa (as the massive size of the planet helps hide Etain and the kids’ Force-signatures.)
Etain raises her kids to be definitely Mandalorian and (with the possible exception of Scout, who asks to stay Jedi canonically) doesn’t teach them to consider themselves Jedi. However she does teach them to use the Force and to be more positive towards it than Bardan Jusik canonically raises Venku.
(She specifically looks into the legend surrounding Tarre Vizsla while grappling with her own dual identity, and it’s an ongoing internal conflict. She doesn’t hold any particular reverence for the Order at all, but she has a complicated relationship with other teachings/experiences.)
Instead of leaving Mird to Jaing, Vau leaves Mird to Etain upon his death. (As they actually had a really perfect set up for that in Triple Zero and True Colors.)
Callista Masana is rescued accidentally by Etain and possesses the body of a Fallanasi Rebel named Tisiphone.
New Republic:
TBH, I don’t have a lot to go on here. There’s not much from the new canon side other than Bloodline which I enjoyed, and I don’t remember ANY of the old NJO books. But there will probably be some kind of canon divergence, so consider this a place holder.
Sequel Verse:
TFA happened. TLJ & TROS did not.
Finn is a Force-sensitive who eventually trains as a Jedi.
(Etain would love to adopt and/or train any of the new trio tbh, though she doesn’t have anything to really teach Poe and I’m not gonna say that’s explicit blog canon.)
I’ll be straight with you; this is an incredibly anti-R*eylo, anti-”Ben*demption” blog. Both are a major squick, so safe to say this blog will never interact with that content.
Etain and Darman are still alive and do what they can to fight the First Order despite their age; any surviving Nulls are also especially anti-First Order. (I’d be unsurprised if this eventually leads to their deaths, but I don’t have a canon ending in mind for them.)
Etain’s grandaughter Etta joins the Resistance.
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jedirenascence-blog · 7 years
Relationships (as of 5/18/17)
R: Don’t Need a Hero Baby
This is my  Geith x Callista tag. Geith Eris iss Callista’s fiance during the Clone Wars. Although their relationship can be turbulent and Geith argumentative, Callista loves him deeply. They never have a chance to marry, and their relationship ends onboard the Eye of Palpatine. Unconvinced that they must sacrifice themselves to prevent the destruction of Plett’s Well and hoping to save both their lives, Geith abandons Callista on the Eye of Palpatine and is killed while attempting to go for help.
R: Only If For a Night
This is my Luke x Callista tag. Please note that I do not actively write Luke x Callista, except in the past tense. Their bond was one part mutual respect, one part infatuation brought on by the intimacy of mind-melding, one part desperation on Callista’s part. Maybe there was even the smallest seed of love- but it wasn’t enough to blossom into a real relationship. 
While I disregard most of the events of Darksaber by Kevin J. Anderson, Callista does quickly end the relationship when she realizes she’s leaning too hard on Luke to cope with her own loss and disorientation, to the point where the relationship is unhealthy.  Although she remains fond of Luke, Callista breaks off her ties to him in order to discover for herself what rebirth means.
R: Funny Little Ways
This is my Etain & Callista // Etain x Callista tag. In my blog canon Etain Tur-Mukan (played on my other RP account, @generalgraceless) survives the Jedi Purge, but is very badly injured. When the Skirata clan makes contact with the Altisians, Callista makes good on her promise of welcome and takes Etain back to the Altisian fleet for further healing, teaching, and the promise of help in training and hiding her son. The two eventually develop a strong friendship.
 In Ex Machina and Renascent, Callista stumbles upon Etain’s family by accident after leaving Luke, and they offer her shelter. Etain welcomes Callista into her family, and Callista befriends Etain’s youngest daughter, Koa, who is only a little younger than Cray Mingla had been. 
In Flaw in the Code, Etain is the one who discovers the Eye of Palpatine long before Luke was old enough to even consider leaving Tattooine. After Callista assumes the body of a Fallanasi rebel under Etain’s command, she returns home to Etain’s family while she gets back up on her feet and learns to inhabit the physical world again.
I play both Etain and Callista as polyamorous, so in some contexts their relationship is romantic, in others platonic. In future aus, I might write them together as a couple in a verse where Darman/Etain didn’t happen which would fall under this tag. This tag might also contain aspects of a polyamorous romantic relationship between Darman, Etain, and Callista when the post in question is focusing solely on Callista and Etain.
 Darman x Etain x Callista
Although I’m still brainstorming a decent r: tag for this, it at least one verse, The Glory of a Flame, and possibly in others, Callista is part of a healthy polyamorous relationship with Darman Skirata and Etain Tur-Mukan, though her bond with them both is more casual than their (very strongly committed) marriage.
Ahsoka & Callista
r: tag in progress. Building on the No Prisoners novel, Callista has an awkward but friendly relationship with Ahsoka Tano.
Mara Jade & Callista
I’m not currently working with any Mara Jade RPers, but I’m very interested in playing Callista as having a friendly and ultimately supportive (rather than competitive or catty) relationship with Mara.
Altis & Callista
r: tag in progress. Callista has a strong bond with Jedi heretic Master Djinn Altis, who took her not just as a student and member of his Order, but as his direct Padawan.
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thesummerstorms · 4 years
Under a cut, because this is beyond nerdy even for me, but I made a Koa in CAS:
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She’s a very sparkly, very muscley, very intense baby goth who wants a girlfriend, a musical instrument, and a science degree, and Etain and Darman are very tired. Not pictured: the purple beskar’gam she can and will wear to beat you up if you try something.
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Her personal role models are Atin and Mereel. Again, Darman is very tired. 
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This is expression is weird as hell, but! She has freckles!
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Also, she swims like a fish. 
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thesummerstorms · 5 years
 Koa is my OC, created to be the daughter of Darman and Etain, born several years after Order 66.
Name: Koa (Skirata) Tur-Mukan
Aliases: Koa Naast (based on her mother’s alias, Riye Naast), Koa Bralor (with her great aunt Rav & great aunt Kyrvhe’s enthusiastic support)
Birth Year:  12 BBY (for reference, Kad Skirata is 8)
Species/Gender: Female Human
Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Affiliations: Clan Skirata (in so much as her uncles are Kal Skirata’s formerly adopted sons; she has never met Kal himself); Rebel Alliance (peripheral only through her parents and brother); Mandalorian diaspora; Mandalorian Reconstructionist Movement
Physical: Green eyes, wildly curly black hair, taller than her brother through some quirk of recessive genetics, muscular, takes very much after her father and Uncles, visible floral tattoos from the age of 18 on, violet lightsaber, dark blue beskar'gam
as a child:  inquisitive, always seems to know and understand more than she should at her age, incredibly attuned to her family, the most stubborn (and at times most exhausting) little girl you will ever meet, somewhat emotional, incredibly cautious/weary of strangers to the point of being mistaken as shy or sullen, extremely interested in animals and music
as an older teenager/adult: sarcastic with a very dry sense of humor, knowledge seeking, still in love with music AND animals, no longer gives a fuck: she will argue with you and will confront strangers, still highly inquisitive and knowledge-seeking, fierce, not interested in long term romantic commitments or raising children but definitely the “cool aunt” (or second cousin or what have you), loyal to those she chooses as hers, a solid leader but also a little intense, experiences the Force freely without putting too much philosophy into it
Profession/Skills: Becomes the lead scientist of an ecology-aware diasporic Mandalorian colony; eventually steps it up to become the colony’s leader and gets involved in larger Mandalorian politics. Selectively open about her Force-using. Her side hobby/passion is music.
Background: Koa was conceived accidentally due to a genuine birth control failure during one of Darman and Etain’s trip in 13 BBY. While her parents had badly wanted to have another child for some time, they had resisted up until that point out of the fear of the danger to their family and the difficulties hiding another young, potentially Force-sensitive child from the Empire would entail.
When Etain realized she was pregnant, she and Darman initially debated an abortion, but their longstanding desire for another baby eventually won out over their caution. After a somewhat tumultuous pregnancy, Koa was born in a medical facility on Gatalenta in 12 BBY, just a few months shy of her older brother’s eight birthday.
As a child, Koa grew up between her parents’ safehouse on Nar Shaddaa (not far from the Neshurok Mandalorian enclave), Gatalenta, and (as an older child) various Rebel Alliance posts. She was also regularly watched by her numerous aunts and uncles. She developed a strong attachment to her extensive family, but as she was raised in the shadow of the Empire, it took until her teen years to feel safe with strangers.
Even as a child, Koa preferred Gatalenta to Nar Shaddaa, largely for its natural beauty and wildlife. Taking her favorite uncle as a role model, she declared herself a “scientist” and ruthlessly investigated every plant and animal she came into contact with.
Eventually, during the New Republic era, she pursued a double degree in ecology and music at a aruetii university. Upon learning of her grandfather’s treatment of her mother in particular, as well as his more subtle manipulations of her father and uncles Koa eventually took her mother’s surname.
As an adult, Koa cared little for the politics of Manda'yaim proper, nor was she overly concerned with Mandalorians who eschewed her for her Force-use. She immigrated to a Mandalorian colony and took a post as a scientist before eventually becoming the colony leader  
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thesummerstorms · 5 years
(this was part of that last ask I published, but I kinda like it too much to let it hide beneath a cut, so...)
One of Dar’s biggest regrets for Koa is that no matter what he swore when he held her as crying, angry newborn he couldn’t entirely stop her from growing up afraid. It still eats at him, even though by inheriting Etain’s Jedi powers she was always going to be more open to the truth than he ever wanted her to be.
He did everything he could. Cuddling with her on long, lazy afternoons, singing to her as he taught her how to cook, tucking her into sleep after spending the evening helping her govern her parliament of stuffed animals or run experiments on the spice garden.
Cheating to help her win some foolish game she’s playing with her Uncles while his brothers pretend not to notice.
Ordering her next set of armor six months, a year too early because he doesn’t want her unshielded in the midst of a growth spurt he didn’t see coming.
The deliberate slice of his knife through the neck of an Imperial agent who never saw him coming, never thought the father, the only one with out Force powers, could be the threat in a family full of Jedi until they made the mistake of threatening Darman’s little girl.
It isn’t always enough, and it’s one of the hardest things Darman ever has to learn to accept that. The galaxy would eat his daughter alive if it could, and eventually he can’t keep that from her. The Force would tell her even if he lied. So would the blasterfire, eventually.
But he gets her holos, smiling and full of singing when she goes off to study music and science at an aruetii university. Sees her name on the Mandalorian holonetwork, recognizing her accomplishments. Goes to visit her home only to have her cook a dish from her childhood, one he tweaked and perfect purely for her enjoyment.
And he thinks of the little curly-haired girl at play, surrounded by soft toys, or puttering in the garden, or being doted on by protective ba’vodu’e. Her gap-toothed smile and her tantrums, because she never had to hide her emotions the way her mother did, much less the way he and his brothers had on Kamino.
He has given her everything he could, and if she couldn’t grow up perfectly unafraid, then she has grown up as safe as he could make her, and loved in a way he never could have dreamed of on Kamino. Never once in her life did she ever have to doubt she was a person.
That’s not nothing, either.
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thesummerstorms · 5 years
Hi! Do you have more headcanons, writing snippets, anything about Koa? Do you have any specific hcs about her relationship with Darman? I'm really loving her character! Also, the more I look at your ideas for her, the more I feel like she might get along with Boss pretty well. :D
I’m sorry this took so damn long to answer. Thank you so much for all the Koa love! She’s one of my faves, tbh.
Truthfully, I’ve been in much more of a fantasy/vaguely period setting mood for a while and haven’t been as RepComm invested so I haven’t been writing for it recently. No new Koa snippets other than what was written already on the blog, though I’m always taking specific asks to help me develop the character!
I hadn’t thought much about Koa with Delta, tbh. I’d be interested to hear your take?
I do have a few head canons below the cut though:
Dar generally takes to hydroponics in a way that Etain doesn’t, and one of his bonding activities with Koa is taking care of the plants, a parent-child activity for them that Kad sees as a value-neutral chore and that Etain is neither allowed nor interested in involving herself in. 
When she was very little, Dar started talking to her about it mostly in the context of his cooking, teaching her which plants he would use in which dishes, which spices to pluck when she helped him in the kitchen, how to look after a certain vegetable and tell if it would be ready for eating soon. 
Koa has an intensely inquisitive mind though, and as she got older she started to ask a million questions Dar was unprepared for and would conduct her own “experiments”- either with or without Dar’s help, so it behooved him to be prepared.
Koa had a lot of scientific influences- Mereel is her favorite uncle; she’s the child the least afraid of (or annoying to) Uthan- but some part of that first memory of realizing this was a thing she liked is rooted in the memory of her father’s calm voice and patient hands guiding her tiny ones.
Koa’s teenage years were odd and exhausting in that they were her very long chrysalis from child who’s emotive and loving with her family but has to be afraid of the larger galaxy to the kind of woman who becomes an environmental scientist slash leader of a planet and tells her Mandalore to fuck off when her data says they’re wrong. 
She didn’t necessarily rebel in a typical North American “oh my god you don’t understand me!” way. Her family dynamic is massively different, and she grew up in the shadow of an oppressive regime that wanted her specifically dead or tortured on multiple counts- for being a Force-user, for being the child of Rebels, for being a Mando allied with Mandalorian independence rather than the alliance with the Empire. She knew from childhood that she wasn’t safe- so she gets why her parents are protective.
But man, that did not stop her from being sharp or sarcastic. She was always sharp and sarcastic, but as a teenager she started to become self-aware of her own intellect and experiences and somehow she asked more but why questions as a 14 year old than as a small child. Those often developed an edge to them, and it was a means of self-protection as she realized that the system she had always taken for granted as part of the background of her life- the Empire and her parents’ resistance to it- wasn’t actually automatic.
For a little while she’s angry with her parents and older siblings for taking the risks they do (as the baby of the family by a lot- she’s 8 years younger than Kad and 22 younger than Scout- it’s affected her normal perhaps the most spectacularly), but that doesn’t last long. It’s not in her nature.
Then she shifts into wondering why she can’t change more things, if this whole Empire thing is dramatically altering her life anyway. She has ideas and arguments about systems, and she’s always collecting data and floating hypothetical about how things could be if she just applied the right change, the right tweak, if the Mandalorians would just-, if the Rebellion could only-,
A lot of them are pigheaded because she’s just a teenager figuring out her own limitations, but sometimes Dar and Etain have to remind themselves that they were both trained for deeply serious responsibility by Koa’s age and that in some ways this was unavoidable.
One of Dar’s biggest regrets for Koa is that no matter what he swore when he held her as crying, angry newborn he couldn’t entirely stop her from growing up afraid. It still eats at him, even though by inheriting Etain’s Jedi powers she was always going to be more open to the truth than he ever wanted her to be.
He did everything he could. Cuddling with her on long, lazy afternoons, singing to her as he taught her how to cook, tucking her into sleep after spending the evening helping her govern her parliament of stuffed animals or run experiments on the spice garden. 
Cheating to help her win some foolish game she’s playing with her Uncles while his brothers pretend not to notice. 
Ordering her next set of armor six months, a year too early because he doesn’t want her unshielded in the midst of a growth spurt he didn’t see coming. 
The deliberate slice of his knife through the neck of an Imperial agent who never saw him coming, never thought the father, the only one with out Force powers, could be the threat in a family full of Jedi until they made the mistake of threatening Darman’s little girl.
It isn’t always enough, and it’s one of the hardest things Darman ever has to learn to accept that. The galaxy would eat his daughter alive if it could, and eventually he can’t keep that from her. The Force would tell her even if he lied. So would the blasterfire, eventually.
But he gets her holos, smiling and full of singing when she goes off to study music and science at an aruetii university. Sees her name on the Mandalorian holonetwork, recognizing her accomplishments. Goes to visit her home only to have her cook a dish from her childhood, one he tweaked and perfect purely for her enjoyment.
And he thinks of the little curly-haired girl at play, surrounded by soft toys, or puttering in the garden, or being doted on by protective ba’vodu’e. Her gap-toothed smile and her tantrums, because she never had to hide her emotions the way her mother did, much less the way he and his brothers had on Kamino.
He has given her everything he could, and if she couldn’t grow up perfectly unafraid, then she has grown up as safe as he could make her, and loved in a way he never could have dreamed of on Kamino. Never once in her life did she ever have to doubt she was a person.
That’s not nothing, either.
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thesummerstorms · 6 years
I randomly remember this thing exists so now I’m building a lightsaber for Koa instead of doing laundry...
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thesummerstorms · 7 years
Please imagine:
Darman buying baby clothes for his yet-unborn-daughter, marveling at the tiny feet and the cute animal patterns, wondering how a baby can really be that tiny
Darman with Koa in a baby carrier strapped to his chest, bouncing a ridiculously fuzzy plush fox up and down with both hands as he casually discusses the merits of Merr-Sonn breaching charges with Corr and occasionally, cooingly, asks for the infant’s opinions. “The conduit is just osi- just junk, isn’t it ad’ika? That’s right.”
Koa running around chasing a limmie ball at his feet, and Darman stops a very serious conversation with a surprised Delta, trailing off into an exasperated sigh. “C’mere, ad’ika. Manda, you’re a mess.” Koa giggling and squirming the entire time as he proceeds to brush the worst of the grass from her trousers, kisses her cheek, and starts to rebraid her wildly curly hair with a ribbon from his pocket.
Dar getting on his knees, down to Koa’s eye-level, voice calm and grip steady as he braces his daughter’s shoulders with one hand and starts to guide her through her first punches with the other.
Darman calmly moderating Kad and Koa’s argument about whether they should surprise Etain with Convoree-shaped flapjacks or Tooka-shaped flapjacks, trying valiantly but failing to keep batter off the floor and out of his hair.
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thesummerstorms · 7 years
So generally I think Koa was conceived on Gatalenta when Etain and Dar, disguised as pilgrims & tourists, got a little too relaxed by Gatalenta’s serenity and a long day in the waves, had a little too much wine, and,removed from their normal stressors, got a little forgetful.
The initial discovery that Etain is pregnant a day or two later, just before the end of their trip, more or less shatters that serenity. Etain is really not over everything that happened in her first pregnancy, as much as she has wanted another child, has never even really allowed herself to face it. Add to that the threat of the Empire and of Imperial Inquisitors hunting Force-sensitive infants, and...well. She and Dar extend their stay on Gatalenta, seriously considering an abortion and quietly making desperate comm calls for advice to a scarce few trusted vode while keeping their other children in the dark.
 The pregnancy itself is simultaneously much better than her first and yet still stressful. It forces her and Dar to both deal head on with some emotional things they hadn’t entirely wanted to face. It might be the first time Etain tells him all of the details of what happened to her the first time around, although he’s been generally aware of the broad outlines for a while. 
Etain does have some physical complications this time but, since she’s actually been receiving routine screenings and care from a specialist who knows her medical history, they aren’t anywhere near as severe as the chain of events that lead to her almost miscarriage. She is placed on some medication and physical restrictions, and Darman’s protective streak is riled like you wouldn’t believe. 
She sees a Mandalorian midwife on Nar Shaddaa at first, but after the midwife recommends further monitoring and a good medical facility for the delivery, they decide to move temporarily back to Gatalenta for the last two and a half months of her pregnancy.
It’s more dangerous, living somewhere closer to Imperial eyes, but Etain gets used to drinking the planet’s famed tea in the morning and going for short walks through the nearby water gardens and parks with Darman and eight-year-old Kad in the late afternoons. They choose a very small and unremarkable apartment in one of the cities, nearby a reputable medical center that, due to Gatalenta’s passive, philosophical resistance to Imperial dictate, doesn’t mind overlooking the kinds of blood tests that might accidentally reveal the baby’s midichlorian count or clone heritage. 
The whole thing costs a small fortune to arrange, but none of the family would ever let them worry about that even had it been an issue. Atin carves first a mobile, then an actual rocking chair, and arranges both in the nursery on Nar Shaddaa while they’re away. Scout flits in and out, distracting helping with Kad so Etain can have some peace and quiet now and then. Mereel actually arranges deliveries of uj cake and Corellian apple pie from long distance. They are never even sure which of their vode hacked the municipal and Imperial databases and scanners in the city, but a string of well-timed interventions and mysteriously deleted data convinces them it happened.
Koa is born a little early, only a handful of days after they finally settled on her name. Etain receives all the proper medical attention not only during but after the birth, but Darman is also present through the whole thing and watching very, very intently for any warning signs, entirely ready to fight the staff if they show any neglect towards his wife or daughter’s well-being. (He starts crying pretty much any time he looks at Koa those first two days, and there are lots of forehead kisses for her and Etain both.)
Scout and Mereel are the ones who bring Kad to meet the baby, and Scout immediately manages to rig her comm to take five million selfies of her holding the baby and five million more photos of Koa and Kad. She also brings Koa a receiving blanket with little yellow space!dinosaurs to go home in. They stay on Gatalenta maybe another two months so that Etain can have follow up care and the baby can grow a little sturdier before facing interspace travel and the Nar Shaddaa climate. Forever after that, the particular region of Gatalenta they lived in holds a special place in Dar and Etain’s hearts, and Koa grows up to half-jokingly refer to it as her “second homeworld- after Nar Shaddaa.”
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thesummerstorms · 7 years
 I imagine that when Etain actually does die, provided all her children are alive, she leaves Kad her lightsaber, Koa receives Kast Fulier’s, and Scout is given the butterfly knife Darman gave Etain as a belated wedding token.
 Symbolic bc Etain directly passed on her Force-sensitivity and philosophy to the younger two, but Scout was always going to be a Jedi, with or without Etain. Instead Scout receives the inheritance of something that, to Etain, represents choosing your own family even after a very difficult road to find them.
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thesummerstorms · 7 years
Darman and Etain made it all the way to the ninth month of her pregnancy before they finally found a name for Koa. Despite going through numerous possible conjugations of Mando’a names (none of which felt right) and abundant suggestions from increasingly bemused family members, they couldn’t find something that worked.
 It got to the point that they were seriously afraid they were going to have to continue to refer to their daughter just as “the baby”, even after she was born.
“Koa” was a name stumbled across entirely by accident. Etain was taking a break, reading a volume of poetry written by an author she frequently read who was both an environmental scientist and a poet. Darman, happening to see the author’s name, remarked that he liked the way Koa sounded when spoken aloud. 
Somehow, despite it being a very “aruetii” name, it clicked in a way that nothing else had yet.
 A little digging revealed that the name was a somewhat common one and meant “a joy”  or “joyful”.  And Etain had even known a Koa once at the Temple, who she had liked well enough. 
Which is how Koa ended up with a non-Mandalorian name (one that Kal likely would have disapproved of, had anyone bothered to inform him) a mere handful of days before Etain ended up going into labor. There was a not unsubstantial number of people in the family who found out about the birth before the name.
But it worked. It fit. 
Koa even ended up, eventually, at an aruetii university, studying science and music simultaneously before bringing of her knowledge of both back home to a new Mandalorian colony.
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thesummerstorms · 7 years
Dar and Etain have an overly enthusiastic astromech. Kad and Koa both take turns "decorating" it with little paint or marker fish, birds, stars etc. it goes with Koa to university, and when they're both in their sixties, it's still hanging around complete with all the drawings. Koa makes a point of bringing it to some of her brother's formal meetings from time to time. He always groans in embarrassment, but it's hard to stay annoyed in the face of the droid's cheerful "I MISSED YOU" beeps. He just wants his sister to give the thing a new paint job already. Which she will never ever do.
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thesummerstorms · 7 years
Been thinking about unhappy stuff for RepCom too much today, so happy stuff for when Dar and Etain have Koa:
once they decide they’re having a baby, filling the room with sunshine colors and soft quilts and quilted surfaces and lights that simulate sunlight unfiltered by smog, somehow dragging an actual carved veshok rocking chair back from the Mandalorian sector
Atin carves and paints Koa a little mobile of colorful fish and shatual and convoree  
Kad getting excited and saving up some of his pocket money to buy his new baby sister the softest plush toys
Scout haphazardly trying to baby-proof the Nar Shaddaa apartment, Darman going back behind her and fixing or undoing it all
Mird somehow ends up on at least one visit, goes hunting, attempts to bring Etain back a Gand
Etain complaining to Mereel and Ordo over holocomms that she and Dar can’t find a name still in the eighth month of her pregnancy. Ordo tries very seriously to help her work through Mando’a for suggestions; Mereel throws in crazy, off-the wall suggestions and takes bets with Scout as to who can make her laugh first
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thesummerstorms · 7 years
OC Name Thoughts of the Day:
I’m really set on Koa’s name meaning joy or joyful, despite Etain’s initial fear at discovering she was pregnant. A ward against misfortune, a token of her parents’ hopes. 
Also chosen at least in part/ early on because her parents thought it sounded pretty. 
But I don’t have an origin for it. Concordian? From Etain’s home planet? From Kast Fulier’s? After someone Etain knew once?
Sena Ruus (Ysenya Elyan)
Based on my decision that sen is the Mando’a root for “travel”, stemming from “bird”, I decided that my Socorran-Mandalorian OC, Sena Ruus, got her name in part because her nomadic clan traditions consider the bird/travel root to make it lucky
Her birth name, which she still uses on and off on Socorro is “Ysenya” is a rooted in a very archaic form of the old Corellian word for “River”, but has since come to mean something like “reservoir” or “oasis”. Given the importance of water on a desert planet like Socorro, “Ysenya” is also considered a “lucky” name
Ys’ika, while a plausible nickname, was a little difficult for at least one of her parents to pronounce, as was Seny’ika. They still called her Ysa, her Socorroan pet name, but her Mando’a form became Sen’ika.
One of Sena’s mother’s cousins (Mav’s mother) mistook this nickname for meaning that Ysenya was named the traditional nomadic Mando’a name “Sena”, and called her variants of this for some time before Sena’s parents caught on and attempted to correct her. 
Sena, however, took a shine to the name. It was enough like her old one that she wasn’t abandoning her identity so much as translating it while still giving herself distance from the tragedies of Socorro. It was a second dose of luck in the face of that  same loss, the first good portent she’d seen connected to her own future in a while. And being called  “little bird” across several languages by her family began to seem strangely...appealing.
She asked to formally change her name when she was officially adopted, and uses Sena primarily with non-Socorran non-Mandalorian aruetii. But her family still calls her Ysa and Sen’ika fairly accurately, her on and off-again girlfriend calls her exclusively Ysa in private settings, and she uses Ysenya and Sena both on Socorro depending on what role she’s taking on.
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thesummerstorms · 7 years
I imagine Koa as actually growing up, going to an aruetii university for something scientific and kind of grueling, coming back home, getting involved in Mando politics, and either founding or taking over leadership of/reconstructing a Mandalorian settlement somewhere outside the Mandalore sector. 
She never marries or has kids of her own, and is 100% devoted to her career and goals, but is also has good relationships with her extended family and neighbors and is a good mentor for her niece and her cousins’ children and her many, many students, all once they’re old enough to appreciate thinking skills. It’s her leadership and scientific roles that make her mark on the next generation. 
Statues are considered off for Manda’yaim Mandalorians, but normal for Mandalorians from some parts of the diaspora, including the settlers to the colony originally from Jateka’s homeworld, and someone makes a statue of her in the colony’s central city area when she’s old.
The colony has a large influx of settlers from Jateka’s homeworld, so it ends up matrilineal, there are reformist ideas towards children and education and the proper ages everyone has to commit to things based on actual nueroscience, and (given Koa’s own background) different ideas about the Force. Some Manda’yaim Mandalorians of course consider them heretics, but Koa doesn’t give a fuck and also still earns a lot of grudging respect for her ambition.
And to be perfectly honest, a lot of that developed because I’m still mad about Uthan.
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