fatuismooches · 6 months
I am hurt mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. THE POSTLUDE KILLED ME I AM NOT JOKING I CRIED SO MUCH I WANTED TO THROW UP. 😭 WHO HURT YOU SMOOCHES I NEED TO KNOW SO I CAN PUNCH THEM!! Ughhhhhh im reading so much Zandy fluff my poor baby :( what if he was the one pounding on your door before disappearing 😭 AHHHH IM NOT SUPLOSED TO BE THINKING THIS!!! it was so well written from beginning to end im looking forward to the fluffier ending!! :c Zandik and fragile!reader both being together in their final moments 😭 it was so sweet BUT THE ANGST!!! Imagining just the building collapsing above you…knowing Zandik was the one to see the rubble inevitably fall as he looked up at you while you looked down on him 😭 AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I love Zandik and fragile!reader so much :(((( I need them to be happy in every universe 😭
I love you so much smooches I hope you’ve been taking care of yourself and I’m so proud of you for doing so well on your finals!! I ended up passing all of mine which I was so happy about honestly! mwa mwa I give you loads of smooches and kissies n cuddles. It’s so cold!! :c wanna cuddle up next to you like two kittens cuddling next to eachother hehe >.<
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon! ౨ৎ
About the segment at your door, I specifically didn't name who it was because i wanted to leave it up to the reader's imagination, also for you to imagine your favorite segment :3 And yes if it was Zandy... well, he would try his best to get to your door, try his best to see his favorite person in his last moments, feel how it feels like to be love and cherished one last time before he disappears... but he was too late... *runs away*
NOOOO DOTTORE LOOKING AT YOU SMILING WHILE THE RUBBLE IS MERE SECONDS AWAY FROM FALLING... He's sorry he couldn't save you. But in your last moments, he can still see how beautiful you are despite it all... he's truly thankful he met you, and was able to experience a sense of "normalcy" and what "love" means while you were around.
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BTW THIS IS US 🎐 ANON!! US FR!! I love you too and i'm so proud of you as well for passing your finals too!! I hope you take care of yourself and relax lots after all that hard work!
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fatuismooches · 1 year
As promised! Here’s a little Drabble I thought of before going to bed:
What if one day fragile reader were to witness one of Dottore’s, fits of anger? They were only out for their small walk like daily, as it helps circulate blood in their body and makes them feel better that they at least can have some peace of mind without being stuck to their bed. And like usual, they’re hugging the wall trying to balance themselves as their weak body can be quite clumsy, as shown throughout the years where they’ve tried to help the clones or even Zandik but it’s always futile. Especially since on more than one occasion they’ve ended up hurting themselves due to the thing they’re holding shattering or cutting themselves accidentally.
Of course it always leaves them with a heavy heart since what good of a lover/companion are they for Dottore and the clones? They always wish they were stronger and better like before, but it’s of no use.
But as they continue their small walk, they’re reminded of how earlier that day Zandik had come visited them and check their vitals, and give them their medicine. Although it was usually always the clones doing these small things, so why was Zandik doing it all of a sudden? It had already raised their suspicions when he was the one doing it. But what raised more concern was how Dottore seemed more…agitated? Of course he tried his best to hide it from his usual serious and expressionless demeanor, but after centuries of being together they could easily tell whenever their husband was in a bad mood. But they didn’t want to upset him any more, so they didn’t ask.
Yet, while they’re on their walk through the hallways of the ginormous lab, they walk past Dottore’s personal lab, until suddenly they hear crashing sounds. Quickly alarming them and concerning them, they turn back and walk up to the door. (Although clumsily) Hesitantly grabbing the handle, they slowly open the door and see many vials of unknown liquids and scattered papers, which seem to have been ripped from a notebook? It concerns them as they’ve never seen Zandik like this. In all the years they’ve known each other, never would they expect to see their husband standing in front of his desk, slightly panting and taking deep breaths. It instilled somewhat fear into them as sure they know Zandik is feared and powerful, but to see a small portion of anger from him makes them want to quietly close the door.
But of course, before they even have the chance, Dottore turns and sees their lover. Their frail frame at the entrance of his lab, slightly shaking from what seems like, fear? His own lover fearing him? No, that can’t be. He promised to cure them, to protect them from the cruel world that is Teyvat. And yet he’s failed to even do anything. He’s only been able to accomplish things for himself, like becoming the 2nd Fatui Harbinger, but his lover? He can’t even fulfill the one promise he made..
And yet, their soft voice breaks his train of thoughts as they say his name, “Zandik…” they can barely mutter under their shaky breath as they look up at him. Zandik sighs as he takes off his mask and rubs his temple. How does even explain such an event to them? He’s obviously scared them, and yet they still stand there with concern laced in their eyes. He walks up to them with calculated steps and gently moves them so he can lock the door, before gently picking up their body. “Why are you walking all the way here? My laboratory is too far away from your room.” He says with a cold tone, but you know that he only has concern for you. To which you let out a sigh, “I’m sorry…” you say almost timidly as you turn your face away to not directly him. But with one gloved hand, Dottore gently pets your head, not speaking another word.
It’s silent for a few minutes, just the two of you close together, enjoying the silence of the laboratory, despite the occasional humming or beeping from machines. Until you finally break said silence, “Zandik, what happened…? Your laboratory is a mess…” you say with a concerned voice as you look up at your husband, but Dottore can’t help but look away as he stays silent for a while. Trying to figure out what to even tell you.
Eventually, he does speak up, but it’s not many words. His tone less cold than before, “I simply lost myself to anger, I apologize you had to see that side of me.”
Although his words still came out a bit cold, you knew that deep down he was actually sorry. Especially by the way he’s holding you so firmly yet gentle says otherwise. You softly smile before gently reaching up one of your soft hands to his scarred face, “Do these happen often…? Is it because of me…?” You say with a worried tone as you start to feel a mix of emotions, but Dottore is quick to speak, “Do not blame yourself, you aren’t worth such degrading words. I don’t wish to hear those things come out of your mouth ever. Do you understand?” Dottore says sternly as he looks at you, to which you nod as you gently place your head on his chest, hearing the soft beat of his heartbeat. It almost wants to make you fall asleep, but you’re in the middle of a serious conversation!
As you’re thinking, suddenly Dottore’s voice breaks you out of it. “I’ll take you back to your bedroom, you need rest. Especially due to the medication running in your body making you more vulnerable and exhausted.” He says with astern expression, but you can’t help but nuzzle yourself into his chest, before speaking up. “No, let me stay, please…you worry me too Zandik. Just a small break.” You say as you then look up at him, to which he lets out a groan and mumble of “what an inconvenience”, but you know he’s rather happy if the tiny bit of blush laced on his cheeks says otherwise.
Dottore carries you over to his desk, sitting down and letting you rest on his chest as you sit on his lap. Eventually dozing off from the small workout of even walking exhausting you so quickly. As you sleep, he lets out a deep sigh as he looks over all the scattered papers and broken vials on his desk and floor. It angers him how after centuries of trying to find a damn cure still seems unreachable. How you continue to remain weak and frail, and dependent on others. Compared to before where you would run around all happy and force him to accompany you to some place in Sumeru.
It’s what angers Zandik most. Seeing you continue to lie in bed, having to even be hooked up to many machines whenever your body becomes unstable. He’s the failure, he never wants you to blame yourself. Because how can you when you have never been at fault? He is the sinner here, not you.
So in the meantime, Zandik holds you firmly in his arms. Deep down he knows you may truly die, but he wont allow it. No, you will never leave his side. No matter what.
I’m sorry this is so long I was listening to some Laufey songs :c and honestly I just couldn’t help but write in sorry smooches! Anyways I hope you enjoy this tiny Drabble and do with it as you will! Sorry if it got a little angsty the end I’m just a sucker for fluff with tiny bit of angst. But I hope you’re doing amazing and doing lovely!! I luv u mwa mwa big kissie!!! Im sorry if this is messy it’s like 11 PM while I’m writing this and it took like 30-40 mins to write but it’s okie ;3 drink lots n lots of water sweetie I lub lub u!!! (AND IM SORRY IF READER IS SEEN AS DAINTY ;; i cant help it)
From your dear little boo boo 🎐 anon! (ㆀ˘・з・˘)
You have known Zandik for a very, very long time. The day when he first became a Harbinger seemed like an eternity ago, the days of the Akademiya even further away. Being with anyone for such a long time would cause you to know them in and out, and you liked to think that you knew Zandik quite well.
Key word: think. One day would would learn that you didn’t.
Even before you got sick, you always liked to walk. Except then you were taking in the lovely breeze and air of Sumeru instead of the mono-colored walls of the lab. Laying down all day made your numb legs itch for some kind of movement, even if it made you tired, so you persevered nonetheless. Though as the days went by you couldn’t help but feel worse at your useless state that served as only a burden to everyone else.
The recent appearances of your lover only served to further your worries. What’s more, he did not seem to be his usual, cocky, smirking self. Did he have something to tell you? Did he give up? Found out there’s no cure? Found out something worse about your illness? You were worried, and you could see by the expressions of the clones you weren’t the only one who knew something was up.
(You wanted to tell him that even if he couldn’t cure you, you’d never be mad at him. His efforts that spanned over countless years mean the most to you. You may have to keep living the same fragile life until you lay on your deathbed, but you could say with confidence that he had made you happy. But you knew he’d get upset at you. Scold you for having such thoughts and then restate his declaration of curing you.)
Your thoughts were confirmed one day when a loud crash scared the living daylights out of you. Loud noises were not very good for you or your heart, so although you were tempted to ignore it, you quickly realized that it had came from Zandik’s lab. You’re a bit nervous about peering into his lab - even the clones aren’t allowed in there without his permission - but something compels you to check on him.
Beyond the door was a complete mess. It wasn’t the organized Dottore-kind of mess that you were used to, but rather a sort of enraged and planned mess. His notes and papers were stained by whatever liquid had fallen with it, so you knew instantly that he had done it on purpose, as he always kept his research material pristinely intact.
You had never, ever, seen Zandik like this. Irritation? Check. Annoyance? Check. Cockiness? Check. Hell, you’ve even see happiness. But this? Never. Not the balled fists and gritted teeth. It almost makes you dizzy, hits you straight in your heart, quickens your breath, and makes your throat dry. You want to slip away quietly but it’s already too late because Zandik has locked eyes with you. You can’t read his expression, but you know he’s not mad at you. He never is. And as much as you wanted to reassure him that this wasn’t what it looked like, no words can come out besides his name. When he picks you up in his arms, you can’t help but cozy up in them unconsciously. They always felt better than your bed.
Zandik often speaks coldly to hide his emotions. Whether it was excitement or concern or curiosity, you knew what he actually meant. But this time you can’t bring yourself to tease him, merely looking away to which he turns your chin right back to him. You always thought Zandik’s face was beautiful. Red eyes that seemed to pool endlessly. The sight of it has you calming down but the urge to question him rises in you.
Anger. Anger, anger, anger. Dottore had always been ahead of anyone. He never had a reason to be angry. No one could get a leg up on him. (Except this illness, you realize. That he had been taking this on much more than you initially thought. You clearly weren’t the only one suffering. And that hurts you. But he is adamant about his command to you. He does not want to hear you or anyone else ever speak ill of you. You are the sole person who is worthy to stand with him. No one else.) 
When you fall asleep, Zandik can’t help but put his pen down and look at you for a bit. Many, many years ago, you’d be collapsed on top of him from running about and dragging him around the place. But now you are sleeping from a mere walk. When, he asks himself. When can he have you back? See you wield your weapon flawlessly again, indulge in those hobbies of your? Become his dedicated assistant again and have you throw yourself at him shamelessly?
Celestia be damned. No one is taking you from his grasp.
No matter what has to be done. His sins can never be forgiven, so what’s some more? 
OMG… WHY WAS THIS BRAINROT LITERALLY TOP TIER… I LOVEEEEE FLUFF WITH PINCH OF ANGST TOO 🎐 ANON 😭 Nothing better than feeling sad but then being comforted by your fav… Anyway I LOVE THIS?? YOURE LITERALLY AN AMAZING WRITER I CANT. I feel like fragile!reader would be at a loss as well because they can’t exactly comfort him as best as they could when they were healthy. I mean, there’s not too much they can do without getting tired. And the worst part is that Dottore knows this too because he remembers how as students you would go out of his way to comfort him when he was annoyed or to make him crack a smile. Dottore being cold and stern af but you know thats just how he speaks and you arent hurt by it 😭And the way he shuts down your self doubt and worry in 1 second??? I love the way you wrote his dialogue omfg. And let me just throw some clone fluff in here too? That crash was def loud enough for at least one of them to hear it so they probably got the gist of what happened so they’re more intent on treating you like royalty for the next few days 😭 you are NOT dying on their watch 🙏
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fatuismooches · 7 months
SMOOCHES!! Hello hello again my cherub!! ૮꒰ ˶´ ꒳ `˶꒱ა
Fair warning: suggestive content!! I mean this in the fluffiest non horniest way possible but I think after some time that fragile!reader wakes up, they’ll feel down and like a burden. And I’m sure that there are always many days where they feel undesired or that they’re not as good looking as they were before in the Akademiya. Making them wonder if Dottore would even want them in such an intimate act. But I like to think that Zandik shoots down their ideas and decides to show them just how much they mean to them. I can only imagine that the first time that they do have intimacy after so many years have passed that it would be so so gentle and soft :(( maybe a few tears here and there from the fact that Zandik still loves them despite the changes their body has gone through and how it continues to deteriorate. And Dottore probably praises them in the way that he can, the Dottore way LOL. They probably couldn’t let Zandik go after that and they probably had him stay in bed with him. (Despite Dottore’s constant protests of wanting to check their vitals and make sure such an act didn’t affect them negatively. But it’s all sort of an excuse as he actually does want to stay 😭!!!) but yeah I like to think their first time was probably so tender and sweet especially with how frail fragile!reader is. And Dottore probably makes them always look at him so they can see just how perfect they are and that there’s no reason to hide from. He’s your husband :( why would you want to hide yourself from the only person you have now in this world. When he shows his love and care for you, he absolutely means it. (Also they 100% got bitten AT LEAST once during it.)
But you can completely ignore this if you’re not comfortable with adding on/writing about it completely understand smooches <33 but I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day and week!! December is almost here!! >_<
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
IM SOBBING GOOD NIGHT (Warning: Under the cut for suggestive content, nothing explicit is mentioned though. Also reader has some insecurities about their body/looks.)
OH MY GOSH I REALLY CAN'T I JUST LOVE THIS TREMENDOUSLY 😭😭💗 i know the majority of people write him as being pretty rough and mean during this (which is totally understandable lmao) but!! i just want to think about him being soft!! Especially with his darling fragile lover!! :(
Though you were always a bit self-conscious, it only amplified after you came down with your illness, and especially after you woke up. It was just... genuinely hard to look at yourself sometimes and you couldn't help but compare yourself to other people. There were so much other pretty people in the Fatui, noble too, and Dottore could surely have any of them if he tried. Especially since he was exceptionally handsome himself. But instead, he was stuck with you, the one who was still so plain and ordinary, not attractive in the slightest. At least that's what you thought. So you shied away from your lover as much as possible. You couldn't bear to see the look on his face once he finally saw you for who you were. No one special.
Though Dottore is an extremely observant man so your thoughts won't go unnoticed for long. And he just doesn't understand. Why would you see yourself in that way? He thinks you're beautiful. And that's not just him speaking, no, he can prove it scientifically too (which manages a small chuckle out of you, but he's dead serious.) Even still, you two don't engage in intimacy until a long time later, but when you do it's very... well, uncharacteristically romantic. He's very prepared, considering how he must make sure he doesn't hurt or overwhelm your already frail body with it. Has to stop every now and then because you cry from all the emotions that you're feeling. Because sometimes you still can't believe that someone like him could love someone as insignificant as you.
You're definitely pretty weak after that, but you still muster all your strength to cling to him. And although you're not strong enough to hold him down your eyes beg and plead for him to stay with you. He's so warm too. And his arms are so comfortable and run over the sore parts of your body so nicely. So you beg him to just stay for a bit... just a bit more... well, he doesn't have to wait long because you're out like a light rather quickly. At least now you can't hide your beauty from him. He can gaze at you all he wants, and gaze he will.
I love this so so much 🎐 anon! He's just so *screams* i hope you're doing well my lovely 🎐 anon!! And yes December is almost here hehe (and my hands are constantly being frozen every day now 😨)
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fatuismooches · 10 months
SMOOOCHES!! Hii cutie patootie!! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
Okay just really a tiny brainrot idea for tonight: but we all know Zandy for being a *very* clingy child/clone, right? Especially to fragile!reader, since he does have Zandik’s old ideals and memories from when he was kid. (Since Zandik was always an outcast) Which in turn results in him always wanting to be by your side since you’re the only person who’s really shown the poor bb love 😭💗. So sometimes whenever you wake up you’ll see little Zandy curled up next to you or to your chest for warmth. Which always makes your heart melt when you also see him clinging onto your shirt and one of his books placed on your bed side table. (He most likely wanted you to read it to him for when you would wake up) — Also you doing his hair whenever you’re actually feeling well? Making sure to brush it softly and style it the way he likes. Maybe even putting some cute little pins of ruin guards or other things he enjoys. (He always wants you to brush his hair everyday, but he knows that sometimes you’re too sick to even get out of bed. So he usually does it on his own, leaving him upset for most of the day) which you always sincerely apologize to him about and make it up to him by letting him help you bake some cookies or other sweet treats to gift him and the other clones. (And ofc your hubby)
I hope you enjoy!! Im writing this close to midnight since I can’t sleep (I need Zandik or Zandy to just cuddle me </3) but I hope you have a wonderful day my little dove!! Lots of chu chus n cuddles. Who needs Zandik when I have u !! ><
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon! ౨ৎ
HI 🎐 ANON!! MWAHSS! AHHHH This is the perfect fluff I need before bed 🥺 Baby Zandik is definitely clingy, he’s just a little kid after all and little kids usually crave attention, but for him it amps up a lot since he never received much in general 🥺 He’s always trying to be with you!! Yes, even barging in your room sometimes in the middle of the night because he had a bad dream. (Can clones dream though? I think little Zandy can at least.) Though he wants comfort from you, he tries not to wake you up because he knows rest is really important for you. Leading to you waking up to the little boy clinging to you. It always makes your mornings so much better :) 
Oh Zandy’s hair definitely needs brushing 🥺 He’s a rowdy bb, always trying out new things and annoying the other clones in the process, and often his clothes and hair get all ruffled up! You have to straighten him out and fix him back into a presentable young boy. The other clones can’t understand him well, always leading to conflict, but you do completely. You know the way his hair likes to be brushed, the clothes he likes to wear, his feelings… Zandy just wishes you were healthier because then his life would be easier too. He looks up to you a lot and loves spending time with you, even if you two aren't doing anything fun 😕😣
GOD I 100% enjoyed this 💖💖 I love your writing!! And haha I know the feeling, sleep evades me too 😔 But i hope you get your rest you need it! I am giving you virtual cuddles 🫂🫂 big hugs for u love!
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fatuismooches · 10 months
SMOOCHES!!! Hii my dove!! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
OKay so! Since fragile!reader was in a coma for like a really reallyyyy long time, it means Dottore didn’t really have anybody to cook for him. 😭I’m glad we all agree this man probably can’t/couldn’t cook well, so you were the one always cooking his meals before you got sick. And sure ! Maybe you did teach him a few recipes but they won’t taste the same! Or how he wasn’t able to enjoy the sweets you would bake for him before whenever he would stay up working on his experiments in your dorm. I Can just imagine that while you’re in your coma, he probably tries baking/cooking so that when you do wake up from your coma, he can treat you to perhaps some food he made. Would it be burnt? Obviously…but I feel like whenever he does have free time and you’re baking/cooking, he would try to help you instead of Zandy helping you. He probably shoo’s the child away LMAO. I really enjoy that one HC that someone made about him taking an hour out of his day. Since just the both of you baking and talking over simple things </3 I’m very delulu as you can see. I just wanna bake chocolate chip cookies with my love and talk about the most generic things while we wait for the cookies to bake. 😭
Anyways I hope you’ve been enjoying Fontaine! I was able to finish the archon quests and plan on starting exploration the day I’m writing this. I really think Fontaine is my fav region bc of how gorgeous and fun it is. But have a wonderful day my love! Lots of cuddles and chu chus
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon ೀ
Yup yup, do NOT let Dottore cook 😭 It will not go well. The first time you let him cook dinner in the dorm was also the last time. From then you tried to teach him some basics so everything he knows is from you, but even still it's not the best... only the bare minimum. So Zandik had always left the kitchen stuff to you which he had no problem with. He never admitted defeat... but in this particular skill he had to.
But he only realizes the extent of his ineptitude when you're not here anymore. I feel like his lab wouldn't even have a kitchen a first lol he only got it put in since he knows you'll want to cook when you wake up from your coma. And even though he gets it for you he avoids the room like a plague because it somehow reminds him of you cooking in that cramped dorm kitchen from long ago.
Until finally after a long period of time and no signs of you waking up Dottore bites the bullet and tries his hand at your forte. Truthfully he never understand why he wasn't good, he thought of cooking as a sort of experimental procedure, just follow the directions in the cookbook and surely the food would turn out fine, right? Wrong! No matter how much he follows the directions down to the wire it turns out horribly. Even if he wings it, it's much worse. He swore he could hear you laughing and making fun of him... even though you had been asleep for centuries.
UGH YES ZANDIK HELPING YOU 😭 Hey, he may not be able to do all of the actual cooking but he can still slice and cut things up pretty good (he has experience if yk what i mean) which is quite helpful to you since your hands are shaky. You have to comfort bb Zandy that you'll hang with him later before hugging him (he throws the meanest look and sticks his tongue out at Dottore)
Oh yes that was 💌 anon's hc !! <33 Sometimes you feel guilty for "wasting" his time so you try to not make it a habit but he always lectures you for thinking that way. I mean surely he has more important things to do than doing some silly little baking with you but he always reassures you in his gruff to the point way of speaking that he likes it.
Yup, I've been loving Fontaine very very much! The story has been my fav part and I also love the underwater scenery 💖 Good luck on your exploration! I think it is a lot of fun doing stuff in the sea, it feels so new and unique ❤️ (Sumeru desert flashbacks)
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fatuismooches · 10 months
Warning: Below the cut contains mentions of an eating disorder which may trigger some.
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Gosh this hit me in my feels ☹️ Dottore would definitely be really observant of you and what you're going through :( Love you so so much 🎐 anon, I hope you're taking care of yourself <33
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fatuismooches · 11 months
💌 anon…NOT talking about dottore??? yes but no he’s always gonna be mentioned bc i have some thoughts
but! it’s childe’s birthday. i think that man would 100% always be bringing his reader home to his parents, and if they were his childhood friend that would be even better 👀 (he definitely was the kind of kid to propose or be like ‘youre def gonna be my spouse in the future :)) u cant date anyone else!!!’ and he takes it SERIOUSLY).
on dottore…there was a trend going around on “fanart trope of you meeting your partners younger self” and we technically already have that with fragile reader! probably holding tiny zandy in their hands and clutching him close to read him something (to help keep their development sharp!) unless it gets painful but…dottore meeting younger reader (like akademiya reader) and just getting a little sad bc he misses his reader being able to do whatever they wanted freely. Even if that meant he had to get jealous because “how dare they set up reader with another lab partner for this project. theyre *my* lab partner for life” and for life it is :)
- 💌
Ahhh yes 😫😫 Going to see Childe's family has become kind of a tradition for you, you go to them to celebrate the holidays, birthdays, or literally for no special reason at all, etc. Courtesy of Childe who always escorts you on the boat ride there, and is telling you the whole time how excited they are to see you and that they've missed you so much! (You saw them last month)
Omfg childhood friend Childe 💖 THE ANGST + FLUFF POTENTIAL... Going from little kids playing in the snow to when he falls in the Abyss and he starts acting way different and you get kind of pushed away when he joins the Fatui and you think he doesn't like you much anymore/doesn't remember that oath he made as kids...😶 But yea DEFINITELY It's very emphasized how Childe neverrr breaks promises so when he promises that to you, he's being 100% serious and he always fulfills his promises... Dw the Fatui is covering the costs for the wedding! Also consider: Childe + promise rings, I think he'd want to wait to marry you after a lot of the hardcore Fatui stuff dies down just for your safety so he gifts you that ring as a reminder to wait for him 💖💖
NOT U HITTING ME WITH THE DOT FLUFF TO ANGST... 😧 But omg... I can just imagine little Zandy sitting on fragile reader's lap as they read him a story! Well sometimes the story is a lengthy textbook but that's fine since you gotta keep your brain active sometimes!
For story purposes... let's just say an experiment went wrong... and Dottore suddenly sees the familiar grounds of the Akademiya in front of his very eyes, more specifically the library, and most importantly, you. You, who donned the familiar green, gold, and white hues of the Akademiya's uniform. You, who were hanging off a ladder looking for a book on the high shelves like it was no big deal. You, who were smiling and giggling even though you probably had a 20-page essay due before midnight. You, who looked so happy... just like how he remembered you. Ah, how many centuries ago that was. It seems even he must grow weak to time sometimes.
... And then his eyes travel down to some person calling for you. Who the hell is that? Why are you working with someone besides him? And then he thinks, this scene is probably from before he got to know you. But still...
He idly wonders if he killed that pest in the past, but he can't remember because he doesn't care about his irrelevant victims.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
SMOOOCHES!! Hii my lovely dove!! ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ʚ🍓ɞ
Okay okay! I know I’m flooding your inbox again but I have some fluff! (With angst) so if you don’t mind! —Okay I just have to say that soft Dottore is <3 especially since he’s cold and serious all the time (and doing evil man things) so him being soft for his lover could make me cry!! (especially since although he may have a soft spot for you him actually being full blown soft is like once in a blue moon) Okay okay so! Dottore most likely takes a few weeks or maybe more than a month to make new medication for Fragile!Reader whenever his last prototype fails. And with it I’m sure he gets frustrated, of course never to sweet little you. But, at times these medications he makes can have their side effects. Which is why Dottore almost always supervises you himself whenever he injects you with these medications. Since well, your fragile body sometimes may reject them, or lead to you on some occasions feeling fatigued or nauseated. So usually when you do receive a new medication you find yourself in his lab for most of the day. Always having to inform him how you’re feeling and if something feels off. Zandik of course is always keeping a keen eye on you even if he might be busy with some experiment. As one moment you can be talking about some fun thing you had done with the clones a few days ago, and the next you could be vomiting or worse, faint. So to say that Zandik isn’t concerned about you is an understatement. He really wishes he didn’t have to experiment new medications on you every few weeks or so to hopefully cure your illness. (He has injected at times some of his “patients” with the medication he’d use before giving it to you, but since your body is frail and weak the outcomes are always much different than compared to a regular healthy person) but Zandik would definitely let you sit on his lap while he works. Since he knows you’re very very vulnerable in this state. Which he doesn’t mind (as much as he hates to admit it Dottore is quite possessive over you) and he’ll even gently caress your hair with his free hand while the other writes away. So although you may feel yucky and absolutely exhausted. Zandik tries his best to alleviate your pain. Since you always say that being near him or being held by him makes you feel 1000% better. (Which he knows may not be true in actuality, but he just wants to make his lover happy) ૮꒰ྀི⊃´ ꒳ `⊂ྀི꒱ა
But I hope you enjoy this brainrot I thought of this at like 12 AM at midnight since the power in our neighborhood was out for a whole 2 hours this past Sunday. It was kinda creepy seeing all the houses and streetlights have no lights turned on. The heat was unbearable Ꮚ ᵒ̴̶̷̥ ‸ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥ Ꮚ but I hope you’re doing absolutely wonderful! I love u so so much I give you so many hugs and chu chus!! I just wanna squeeze n cuddle u smooches !!! >< may you have an absolutely wonderful week and continue enjoying the rest of your summer!
-From your dear boo boo 🎐 anon! ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১
I am happily consuming soft Dottore, thank you for this sm 😭 (soft dot has been on my mind lately, I'm just. I need him to cuddle me) You’re so right, if he isn’t being serious, he’s being cunning or mocking too, so seeing him being actually genuine with his love for you!! Is so! <33 You can’t help but feel special because you’re the only person who will ever witness him like this!
It’s kind of funny actually. Dottore, the mad doctor, spending this much time on a cure. Helpful medicine. Everyone else would guess that instead he’s concocting poisons and injections to hurt others with (which they aren’t wrong) but they would never guess he’s carrying out genuine doctor things. Which he honestly couldn’t blame them for. If anyone saw how softly he acted with you, well… either they’d be dead, or he’ll never live it down if it was one of the Harbingers.
You dread taking new medications or getting shots, but you can’t help but feel you owe it to Zandik. You know how hard he works on these things, only for them to not work. His expression remains the same but you know he feels disappointed every time nothing seems to change in your condition. At the very least, you have a good amount of time to finally hang around him uninterrupted. Archon knows how challenging it is to be a Harbinger’s spouse, much less Dottore’s, with his schedule and lack of time. And to have his undivided attention on you? Phew.
Being treated by him so softly is enough to make you swoon!! But too bad you feel too tired to do that, so you have to opt for snuggling into his chest on his lap (which is arguably more comfy than your bed.) Feeling his gloved hand stroke your hair along with the soothing sound of pen against paper is far more relaxing than you thought it’d be. It felt like you could sleep for hours. Seeing him so concerned about your needs was so <3 to you, even though you felt crappy and down, he still wanted to be in your company and comfort you too <3
Omfg I love this crazy psycho doctor man so much. He would be so good with you too, he would have all the necessary equipment and such when you start to show certain side effects, already have his bed prepared for you to nap in if you get tired. He has many notebooks dedicated to you and how your condition, mental and physical, has changed over the countless years, he even has a section for new things he noticed about you and certain things you told him that he found amusing. Of course the lengths he would go to for you is limitless and he’d have some unwilling test subjects ready for whatever batch of medicine he’s working on next 🚶‍♀️(This is a little hc I thought of literally just now, but I was thinking, since he’s a doctor and all, he probably draws diagrams of the body every now and then, so what if he doodles you sometimes ;( he finds himself drawing your hand with your wedding ring on it!!)
I’m so sorry about your power! I would be so scared, I hope you’re okay now 💖 I am doing fine, I hope you are too my dear boo boo 🎐 anon 🫶🥰 GIVING YOU MORE HUGS AND KISSES SMOOCH!!! ILY!! ENJOY YOUR WEEK TOO!! As for me, I just hope I’m able to move around this summer. Whenever it’s hot, all my energy is sapped out of my body lol🧍‍♀️
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fatuismooches · 11 months
SMOOCHES!! Hii cutie pie!! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
I hope you’ve been doing well and enjoying your week! I’ve had this small thought of fragile!reader for a while now so I now give this to you! I hope this doesn’t seem nsfw/suggestive it’s just fluffy fluff ><
Okay okay enough of my rambling! But fragile!reader and Dottore taking a bath together I think would be so so sweet. I think you’ve done something similar to this in the past (I’m not 100% sure so correct me if I’m wrong!) but I think that both of them being so vulnerable and being able to see each others body’s. Dottore most likely was forced into taking a bath with you, as with how fragile you are, he’s scared he would somehow hurt you. But you always reassure him that you love taking baths with him and that it’s something you always look forward to! With how fragile and weak reader is, I would imagine a clone or sometimes Zandik himself, helps them clean up and get all nice. Since your body is probably littered with bandages due to how much Dottore constantly injects you with medicine. But, they’re always so so gentle whenever they gently scrub your body n wash your hair with some lovely scented shampoo <3 (on more than one occasion you’ve definitely accidentally fallen asleep when a clone washes your hair because of how nice and relaxing it feels) but onto the main focus (sorry I went completely off topic there ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১ )
But I think when you and Zandik do take baths, you two usually just admire eachother. Or well, you admire Zandik’s body. Since you always get to trace the many scars littered across his arms, hands, and chest. Sometimes if you’re even in a teasing mood, you kiss a few scars, which in return usually leads to Zandik having his ears tinted pink. (Yet he just blames it on the hot water) and I think Zandik would also in turn do the same. Gently caressing your body and soft bites on your neck or cheeks. Or even just admiring how perfect you are in his eyes, even if you may have scars, stretch marks, or things about your body that you don’t particularly like. (He always shoots down you talking negatively about your body because you’re literally perfect!!? Like there’s a reason he chose your and only you!) but this wouldn’t be a boo boo bear fic without angst. I think whenever you two do take baths and you’re just sitting in silence with your back pressed against his chest, he most likely notices how more bandages cover your frail body because of the injections. Or the bruises/cuts that you get whenever you trip or fall because of your weak legs not being able to hold you up. It only encourages him to focus more on your cure than his other experiments or Fatui related duties. And it only makes him to want to go for weeks on end without sleep. But of course, he’ll just have to enjoy these sweet tender moments he gets to enjoy with you. Even if most of the time you’re already asleep, he gently picks you up from the tub and wraps a soft fluffy blanket around you. Eventually changing you and tucking you into bed. Giving you a soft forehead kiss and leaving your bedroom. Only more determined in curing you soon.
Okay this brainrot was all over the place please excuse how horrible it is 😭!! (AND I REALLY HOPE THIS ISNT BREAKING ANY RULES OR MAKES YOU FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE I DONT MEAN TO MAKE IT NSFW/SUGGESTIVE IF IT DOES COME OUT THAT WAY) It’s 11 PM right now but I’ve been feeling a little sad, and writing Dottore brainrots always help in distracting me. I hope you’ve been having a wonderful start to July and having lovely days everyday!! I give you so many chu chus your cheeks become sore hehe!! Okay okay I won’t talk much longer! I hope you enjoy it though!! >< I love u so so much mwa mwa!!! Many kisses and huggies
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon
૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
CRYING I FEEL SO HAPPY READING THIS… yes yes you two definitely take baths together ;( Vulnerability is something that’s hard for both of you. Hard for you because your illness has made your insecurities about yourself increase. Hard for Dottore for obvious reasons, even now he still finds it hard to lower his guard this much around someone (but he still does, and continues to be confused and surprised by how nice it feels.)
You always have to drag him into the bath with you. In reality he would really like to. But when he sees how fragile you are, inwardly he curses himself for not hurrying up with your cure. Not to mention he is not the best with comforting you especially when you’re such in an open and vulnerable state. So he tends to let you be and trust the clones to take care of you. Luckily you’re smart about it and you always drop the idea of it when the two of you have already spent some time together, so this way he can’t escape you. (You always love the royalty treatment you get when he rolls his eyes and comments at your neediness but picks up you with ease and lets you rest while he sets the bath, making sure the temperature is just right for your body and health.)
It just felt so nice. And not just the soothing feeling of sinking into water and letting your worries float away. To others it may sound like a silly thing to be so excited over. But for you this was some of your highly cherished moments. It was where you felt you could be yourself with Zandik. You wouldn’t be judged about anything. There was nothing that could disturb the two of you. No sounds besides the splashing of the water. All responsibilities and troubles drifted away with the soap suds. It even felt like the concept of time didn’t exist. Only the two of you mattered right now. Not to mention Zandik takes his mask off so you could stare at his pretty face for a long time :) It was always a sight to see. Even though it was scarred he was still the most handsome to you.
Though a lot of the bath is simply you two appreciating each other’s body wholesomely. You’re always the one to initiate it (you can’t help it, sometimes you wonder how you got so lucky) and you always rest your head on his wet chest, gently kissing the scars there, snaking your arms around him and tracing the ones on his back too, while he just looks at you in amusement. When you’re feeling playful you’ll kiss the ones on his neck too and you can feel him to the same too ;( The gentle graze of his pointy teeth is strangely pleasant and he knows it. (Once during the Akademiya you were curious as to how sharp his sharky teeth were, and you asked him to bite you with force. You needed to put a bandage on it after that, and he had the audacity to be surprised at his own strength.) You always take the chance to wash his fluffy hair. You don’t know how he gets it so nice with so minimal effort. Turns out even he doesn’t know. But he looks quite cute when his hair is completely damp and it’s no longer bouncy, sticking to his face.
Of course you are the epitome of beauty for Zandik. No other being, human or not, comes close to you. This is extremely high praise from him considering he doesn’t see beauty or perfection in anything else. He doesn’t care about others in the slightest. He only sees you, and how you embody those traits. If you ever try to hide your body from him, he’ll just trap you in his arms so you can’t run away. And just tell you straight up not to be ridiculous. That since your days in the Akademiya he’s only had eyes for you. That every single part of you is alluring and makes him want more. He doesn’t mean to hurt you with his tone or anything. But he’s very serious when he says stuff like that. If it were possible he’d give you his eyes so you can see how he sees you (I mean it quite literally)
Even though you’re the one dragging him into this you always fall asleep first on his chest. And it’s this time when he fully gets to take notes of your body. Once again he wishes that you didn’t need to go through this. He longs for the day he holds the cure in his hand. When he gets to see you do everything you used to with ease. Maybe get a bruise from running so fast without a care in the world this time instead. Unfortunately you’re not awake to distract him from these thoughts. He takes a look at your face, it’s tired but you’re still smiling. And now he is a bit too, because you’ll always be by his side regardless. He knows you probably wish that he’d cuddle with you right now. But for your sake, he needs to press on.
As for the clones, they have created a schedule between themselves on who helps you clean up on which day. I feel like they exchange notes on which soaps and body washes and scents you like the best - they actually made it themselves, tailored to your likes and body and in case you have sensitive skin. Also, they are blowing the budget on the fluffiest soft towels for you! (Don’t let Pantalone know) I imagine they are always willing to help you since even the simplest tasks can feel exhausting and challenging for you sometimes. If you’re in the mood, sometimes you’ll be really talkative, asking them about lots of things. Or sometimes you’ll let them do all the talking and just listen happily. Or sometimes it’s just silence but comfortable. Either way, it feels very very soft and nice especially when they’re working the soap into your body and scalp (honestly it feels like a massage, depending on which clone you’re with, the older ones are more methodical and slow with it.)
I honestly can't remember writing something like this (if I have it's just been way too long 😭) BUT OMG I LOVED IT SM IT WAS LITERALLY AMAZING SHUSH. And I'm so sorry you're feeling sad :( I'm sending lots of hugs and kithes your way, Dottore is too <3 I hope you have lots of good days too!! Ily more!! Lots of smooches for you!! 💖💕💕💖
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fatuismooches · 1 year
SMOOOCHES!!! Hello my adorable n most favorite writer!!! ꒰♡˃̶̤́ ꒳ ˂̶̤̀ ꒱
I hope you’ve been doing absolutely amazing! I give you another brainrot of mine tonight! I hope you enjoy!!You had mentioned in one of your recent replies to one of my smol Dottore brainrots that Fragile!Reader and Zandy would have matching ruin guard plushies. And it got me thinking on “what would happen if you ended up losing the plushie?” So here it is!
Fragile!Reader most likely always has the plushie in their grasp (like when eating, taking small walks, anything!) since it brings a lot of comfort to them. It was after all a gift from Zandik, and you always held his gifts to a high regard. And this plushie was no exception. Since it helped you cope with any of your stress, anxiety, etc. it was usually the first thing you’d grab whenever you were feeling such negative emotions. And if the plushie was alive, it would definitely comment on how you would cry most nights due to you feeling upset about your condition on some nights. So to say that this plushie is very meaningful to you is an understatement. (It even has yours and Zandik’s initials sewn into it on one of its tiny legs.) But, one night when you’re about to head to bed, you realize your favorite plush is missing. So, you look all throughout your bedroom, but unfortunately you can’t find it. And eventually, a few clones see you looking for it, and do their best to help you find the plushie. Even trying to retrace your steps, yet to no success. But, as the night wears on, your body starts to get tired (being that you’re not really used to staying late since your condition doesn’t let you stay up on most days, and your body requires lots of sleep.) and although you do try to endure, it ends up failing when as soon as a clone picks you up, your head resting on their shoulder, you quickly fall asleep. Eventually sent to your bedroom and tucked in (as well as hooked up to the many machines to monitor your vitals ໒꒰ྀི ◞ ◟꒱ྀིა ) the clones still continue their search for your dear plushie. Yet there’s no success that night, especially since they all still have work to complete. So even though you’re a priority to them, they also don’t want a scolding from Zandik..
So you end up waking up to no good news that morning. Yet that doesn’t stop you from continuing to search the lab. You could ask Zandik yes, but you also don’t want to disturb his experiments for a petty thing like your plushie. So you continue your search alone. And it remains that way for a few days, and you’re left quite anxious during these days without it. Since it is your comfort item, and how will you explain to Zandik you lost it? Sure he could probably make a new one, but it wouldn’t be the same as the original. Just like his clones, you love and hold all of them dearly close to your heart, but deep down you’ll always save a spot in your heart specifically for Zandik. However, your plushie is eventually found. (It had been left in the library behind a bookshelf) and you go back to your normal happy bubbly self. Overjoyed to have your plushie back. Although, you couldn’t really remember when you had left it there since you don’t remember ever walking into the library…But either way, you found it and that’s all that matters, right?
(Just trying to slip in the concept of Fragile!Readers memory slowly deteriorating every few years or so. Although it’s really subtle, and you just blame it on having bad memory as a kid.) But I hope you enjoy this brainrot of mine!! I’m sorry if it got a little long and slightly angsty I couldn’t come up with a fluffy ending besides you and little Zandy being able to play with your plushies again. (But I think during the time that your plushie is missing, Zandy would try and offer his like the good boy he is ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა ) but I hope you’re having a lovely day/night! May you get a lot of chu chi’s n kissies n hugs n everything nice in the world bc u deserve it so so much! i give u a million chu chus !!
-from your dear boo boo 🎐 anon! ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎
To say you adored your plushie was a severe understatement. It was a gift from your beloved, so of course you’d hold it in high regard! Not to mention how much comfort it brought you whenever you weren’t feeling the best. It was like a reminder that Zandik was always by your side, even when he couldn’t physically be there. It was something you could reveal your deepest darkest emotions and secrets too and not be judged. You loved it so much, and you didn’t care if that seemed childish or something. Often you’d trace your and Zandik’s initials and giggle at the thought of him.
So when one night you couldn’t find your plushie to cuddle with, you were on the verge of going crazy. At first you thought, maybe it fell under the bed or you dropped it somewhere strange, but nope, you tore apart your whole room, and nothing. And the clones kind of have a strange detector instinct for whenever you’re distressed (or maybe they just heard the noises from your room) and of course they assist you in your quest to find your plushie. But to no avail, which disheartens you. But you’re determined to find it until… zzz, your body is getting all the more tired from all of this walking. You silently cursed it for being so weak all the time, but there was nothing you could do. You probably would have fallen asleep on the floor were it not for the clone that carried you back. You muttered an apology and held onto him and you think his body heated up a bit.
You didn’t want Zandik to know that you lost it. First, it was kind of embarrassing to be this distraught over a plushie and you didn’t want him to think you were overreacting childishly or something. Second, you didn’t want him to possible feel bad you lost his gift, because you didn’t really mean to! You swear, you have no recollection of even leaving it somewhere. So strange… but you just mope around for a few days without your plushie to cuddle and talk to :( But when your plushie is found you’re overjoyed!! (The clones are relieved that you’re back to normal now because all of them were greatly concerned and sneaking looks at you) Maybe you should ask Zandik to put some kind of locator on it. Just in case this happens again. Speaking of him, maybe you should go visit him. He might get a bit huffy and tell you to go and rest but he’ll never say no to you <3
I’m heavily enjoying your angst, the tears are coming but its the good kind 🫡 It’s so *chefs kiss* amazing! I love the goodest of boys Zandy. He does not let anyone touch his stuff, except you of course <3 He excitedly shows you the stuff he collected from other nations and tells you the story of how he got it (may or may not be brutal.)
As someone who sleeps with plushies I loved this sm. I dont think I could fall asleep without them 😅 and I’d be so upset if I couldn’t have them anymore lol. I love holding soft things especially in bed, really puts me into relaxing mode 💖 (I also really want a high quality dottore plush lol) and OMG IT WAS GOING SO HAPPY UNTIL THE MEMORY DETERIORATING- 😭😭 Omg I remember a long time ago I wrote a little thing about fragile reader’s memory, that one day you forgot about them completely. So now im just thinking about them forgetting Zandik and the clones completely and them being in absolute shambles because not even the genius doctor predicated that, and now he has no idea what to do. On top of searching for a cure now the love of his life doesn’t even remember him. 🫠
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fatuismooches · 5 months
Im so happy to have spent this year talking with you and sharing all my ideas with you! Honestly 2023 was such a year I’ll have many memories of, but I can’t wait for 2024. (My genetics appointment is tomorrow as of writing this so those results will kinda determine how my year goes I suppose!) you’re literally the sweetest, most wonderful creator I’ve ever met and I can’t help but be honored to be your dear boo boo bear🎐 anon! I hope we continue to interact this year and hopefully more Dottore crumbs please Mihoyo!! I desperately want Dottore crumbs so we can both talk about them together! I hope you know how much I love and appreciate you so much, your writings always lift up my mood and your add-ons to my stories make my days so much more special and brighter. Honestly, I never expected Zandy to become so popular on this page and yet he did! He was honestly just a little thought that ended up blossoming into more and I love seeing others expand on Zandy. I always feel so giddy seeing others talk about Zandy it makes my heart all happy!! With how happy your page and anons make me you all could cure my chronic illness if that was even possible! However, I have a little drabble to start the new year. I’m giving you so much many chu chus! Expect a lot of those this year hehe, it’s been SO COLD I need cuddles T_T but I love you so so much smooches please take care of yourself and make sure you get loads of rest! I’ll always be here to tuck you in and cuddle with you >.< Definitely expect more this week hopefully if m not too busy!! Moving on to drabble:
Seeing as a new year has finally arrived, I like to think that on New Year’s Eve, fragile!reader would be reminiscent of the past year and somewhat happy knowing they can hopefully live to see another year despite their fragility. However, Dottore sees it as a punch to his face. Another year has passed, and he still cannot cure his dear lover. Empty promises of curing them, but when? The year has already ended, and he fears they won’t make it to the next. Their time is limited if he can’t cure them, but he has to find a way, he promised them. So while they both stand next to each other waiting for the countdown, they both think of opposite views of the year. One filled with happiness for making through it, while the other filled with anger for failing once again.
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon!
HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎐 ANON!! 🥹🥹 I'm so happy you're my boo boo 🎐 anon too, whenever I see you in my inbox I always smile and I'm so glad you're here too! (I really hope your appointment goes well my dear! I'm wishing only the best for you! 💗💗) But me? I don't just want Dottore crumbs. I want a whole MEAL 😤 I'm tired of waiting!! And I can't wait to talk about them with you too 🎐 anon hehe it's gonna be so much fun! NWJDEWJD I think we all have to thank you for baby Zandy... 😭 he's literally the cutest munchkin ahh we love Zandy in this house... Giving you much mwahs and hugs more! *cuddles you* Please make sure to rest a lot too! AND AHHHH THE DRABBLE IM GOING INSANE-
ARGGGGH THE ANGST SO GOOD... I imagine Dottore does not care at all for New Year's and all of that, i mean, after all, he has been alive for centuries. The years passing just pass, they don't mean too much anymore. But you? You still love them! Your conception of time is a lot different from his, you have been asleep for centuries so you appreciate the New Year's for what it is! Another year of being with your dear Zandik! Yeah, there's been a lot of ups and downs this year but, you're just grateful to have another chance with your lover. (You probably let Zandy stay up late for the New Year!! 😭) BWJDBWED i can't. Poor Dottore, I imagine he despised the New Year even more when you were asleep because it was yet another year of being along. Of not having the one person he cared about with him. At the very least, although he's upset at himself for failing you, you're here with him now. At least, that's what you say to him when you see his expression. (He didn't need to say it out loud. You just knew.)
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fatuismooches · 1 year
SMOOOCHES !!! ଘ(✿˵•́ ᴗ •̀˵)
So I was re-reading one of the brainrots that I had sent on Fragile! Reader waking up from their coma, and one of the sentences you had said at the end caught my eye! The sentence in particular being “he doesn’t know what he’ll do when he sees you struggling every day” and it got me thinking. What if Zandik avoids you at times because he hates seeing you be so weak. I’m sure he never tries to do it on purpose because he loves seeing you, but it can get frustrating when the promises and attempts of curing you never work. And instead he’s left continuing to see that same tired face of yours whenever he goes to see you. He loves you but even your illness makes it hard for him, not just you. After all, it was never your fault that such a curse fell upon such a person like yourself… </3
I hope u enjoy this tiny brainrot! Do with it as u will (I know you’ve done smth similar to this where Dottore sometimes doesn’t enter your room when he fails so I’m sorry if it’s repetitive (´•̥ ᵔ •̥`) but I hope you have an amazing night/day! i give u soft kithes and warm huggies hehe (≧.≦❁)β
-from your boo boo 🎐 anon
He doesn't mean to hurt or offend you. Zandik truly enjoys your company, more than he'd like to admit. But many times he just needs to be alone because seeing you in pain makes his teeth grit and eyebrows furrow. He always going to be there to help you. But he can't help but be frustrated at how his research is going nowhere. And even when you reassure him that it's fine, you're fine, with a smile on your face, he still can't but feel upset at your reaction. No, you're not fine. You shouldn't need to pretend for him. This is his fault. So sometimes when you invite him to spend time with you, he just pats your head and moves it to a later date. You write it off as him being busy but the clones know better.
He loves you. Something that he never thought he'd admit. But seeing you reminds him of how he's failing every day. How his failure is not just a few times but prolonged for centuries. Failing with no success anywhere in sight. Zandik doesn't mean to project his failures onto you whatsoever. But he can't help but feel something uneasy stir inside of him whenever he sees how fragile you are. He wonders what it will take, what he has to do for you to be free.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
SMOOOCHESSSS!!!! ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭
Just like you had asked, here it is!
“what if Fragile! Reader decided to leave Dottore?” I KNOW THIS SOUNDS HORRIBLE (and may be ooc for fragile! Reader) BUT HEAR ME OUT!
What if at some point of Fragile! Reader’s life, they got so sick of the life they were leading that they just wanted to run away? To let Dottore find someone new and no longer have the burden of having to take care of them. And the clones no longer having to worry if whether their meal is “too hot” or if the bath water is “too cold”. They wish they didn’t have to be treated like a baby, but what more can you do when you’re trapped inside your own body? The only reasonable option you could think of was running away, although you’re not sure where you would even live or even work at to earn money. You dropped out of the Akademiya long ago when Dottore was exiled to the desert, and you were too weak to do any hard labor anyways. But you also couldn’t bring yourself to stay when all you were doing was causing harm to others around you. ‘You are a burden’ you keep telling yourself every night. Crying into your pillow to stifle your cries. You couldn’t bring to like yourself, you hated yourself for being such a useless excuse of a lover and companion. At times you could hardly understand or think whenever the clones were ranting about their experiments, and you can only look at them with a soft smile. Or when Dottore continues to pester you on whether the medication is working, or if you’re feeling better. Your mind was always fuzzy, and you hated it. You wanted to be free from this curse, and no longer confined to your cold bed, or the multiple wires that you adorn every night that are there to track your vitals and ensure you don’t suddenly collapse in your sleep…
But eventually, you become bold enough and leave at night. Somehow not alarming any of the clones or Fatui Guards. (which you were slightly relieved at) You end up taking a small bag with you with a few weeks worth of medicine and a few clothes. But, that morning when a clone comes to your room to wake you up, he soon realizes you weren’t there once checking the closet and bathroom. And soon, panic struck. Quickly sprinting out of your bedroom and to the main laboratory to inform all the other clones, as well as rushing to Dottore’s lab to tell him as well. The only thing you had left behind to indicate where you had left to was a small note. Although your writing wasn’t the best as your hands were always shaky whenever you tried lifting up anything, even something as small as a pen. Which in the note, you kept apologizing for being “useless” and that you hoped that Dottore and the clones would live a better life without you… But the clones and Dottore could care less. You were so important to all of them, and the light of their lives. Sure maybe it always did pain them to see you barely be able to get out of bed or having to struggle to pour even milk or juice. Yet it didn’t mean they didn’t love you any less, no matter what state of condition you were in. And it doesn’t take long for many clones to leave the palace in search of you. Dottore knew well your body could collapse on itself at any given point due to how harsh the cold is outside. (And how bad your condition has been as of late despite you trying to hide it all with a faux smile) Making everyone all the more determined in finding you in time before it’s too late.
And they do find you collapsed on top of snow a few hours after your departure. They’re relieved to find you still breathing, although your pulse is barely there. They quickly bring you back to the palace and to Dottore’s laboratory. Getting you hooked up to many machines in the matter of a few minutes. Although Dottore didn’t show it, deep down he was so worried for you, that during your search he wanted to go look himself. But, he knows he wouldn’t be able to hold back if he saw your pale form laid out on the snow. And the only thing he can do now is try and stabilize your unsteady condition. He doesn’t want to- no, he won’t lose you. Even if it means putting you back into a coma just so you’ll get better. He could care less, he waited for so many years just for you to wake up from the first one, who’s to say he can’t wait another few? Although, he knows how lonely those years were when he couldn’t tease you, or scold you like always. And instead only be able to look at your unconscious body continuing to be in its dream like state, letting out soft murmurs of his name sometimes even smiling. He sometimes wished you would smile more whenever you were awake, but of course he’d never admit that to you.
Or, alternative ending (less angsty?) : You do end up waking up shortly after being brought back, and well…let’s just say you’re heavily scolded that day and are put under heavy supervision. Although you are treated like royalty, and find that the clones keep following you like small kittens trying to attach themselves to your legs. And you do end up having to talk with Zandik on how you had been feeling the past few weeks, explaining how your mental health had been deteriorating and you continued to blame yourself for everything. And once comforting you, (which Zandik wasn’t the best at, but you were just happy he at least held you close and listened, even if his “comforting” was really just scolding you and shooting down your harmful thinking.) you were thankful for everything he had done, even if you had acted rashly and put yourself in danger. You knew it was stupid, but you no longer wanted to burden the people whom you loved and held so dearly. But after this situation, you knew you couldn’t let them go. Not when they all worked so hard to bring you back and saved you from frostbite. You definitely had to come up with a big apology, whether it’s in the form of cuddling each clone, or baking them cookies…
‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵
Waaa!! I’m finishing this up close to 2 AM, but being able to see you adding onto it and critiquing it makes it all the more exciting and always motivates me to finish my brainrots! I know this is super long and I feel so embarrassed that my writings are always the longest ones on your page in comparison to other anons. (I cant help it Im sorry !!) ( ˃̣̣̥o˂̣̣̥ ) but i hope you enjoy it Im sorry if it’s a little messy and not the best I honestly always have something bad to say about my writing since whenever I look back I always think “I should have done this instead” (and I apologize if there isn’t much angst in this I’m not sure if I did well enough when writing since I’ve only ever written angst twice, so I’m sorry if it’s not that great!) LOL but I hope you’re having a wonderful day/night! N you are eating n drinking plenty of water this summer! I can’t have my one n only favorite writer getting sick! i would cry :c i love you soo much smooches always seeing you post makes me so giddy n excited i rlly cant help it! okay I should stop writing so much now but big big Chu chus n hugs n cuddles n everything nice in the world!! Please take care of urself smooches!
-from, your dear little boo boo 🎐 anon ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˶
Being sick was something you had accepted. It was something you had grown accustomed to, unable to deny the reality of your current state. But something you had trouble accepting was how burdensome you were to your lover, convinced that this was a fact. It was already hard having to deal with your health complications, but to be honest, what hurt more was being helped with everything. Many people would kill for a life where they did not have to lift a finger. But you despised it. You didn’t want this life. You hated having to rely on Zandik and the clones to live. To put it simply:
Uselessness. That feeling circulated within every inch of your body.
No matter how much you tried to keep your spirits up, everything was slowly starting to feel useless. You hated not being able to live up to expectations anymore, no longer the quick thinking, intelligent assistant from back in your younger days. Sometimes it hurt to even look at your lover because of how brillant he was. Strong, intelligent, handsome. And then… there was you. The only thing you had to offer was eating up his valuable time. So, you decided, if you were going to be useless, you might as well be useless by yourself. So that your lover wouldn’t have to keep seeing you in this pathetic state.
Although it was a dumb idea, you couldn’t help but think about leaving this place sometimes. Of course you wanted to stay. But just to relieve Dottore of you. You didn’t really know how it’d work out but you were seriously considering it after everything. And you did. You were kind of surprised at how easy it was. Probably because never in the countless years you spent with them, no one expected you to run away of all things.
The clones have never felt such pure panic in their whole lives. And many of them have been alive for a long time. The whole lab is being torn apart, the regular Fatui workers are shocked at the current state of the lab, and as soon as Zandik sees how frazzled his clones he instantly knows something was wrong. But he would have never expected this. For you to leave him.
The clones knew better than to comment on their creator’s state. Although he looked the same to everyone else, they could see the tightened fists, clenched jaw. Dottore was upset. Upset for not paying attention to you more. For not noticing. For not being able to prevent everything in the first place. He rarely made mistakes. But this was his biggest one.
Seeing you lying on the same bed once again made your reality hit him harder. The lab would be quiet once more for a long time. But this was how it must be. Besides, it was nothing he wasn’t used to. When he cures you’ll, this would all be in the past. Nothing to worry about. But until then, he shall continue to search for a cure. To watch over you.
Nothing shall ever harm you. 
If you woke up, facing Zandik after your little unsuccessful stunt was possibly one of the hardest things you did in your life. The clones were smart enough not to bring it up (they didn’t want to stress you out more) but of course you’d need to explain yourself to Zandik. The room was completely silent, save for the beeping of machines and scribbling of pen against paper from Zandik. You knew he was waiting for you to start the conversation first. You only meant to severely apologize and give a short reason of why you did what you did, but the more you spoke, the more you spiraled into your self doubt and negative feelings about your current state, as Zandik held you to his chest and you gripped his shirt tight. He didn’t say anything until you were done blubbering and stroked your hair. Of course you weren’t expecting sweet words from him. He was always straightforward and said exactly what thought. No sugarcoating. That you were an idiot (affectionately) and you would never be a burden to him. He wanted you by his side. No matter what happens.
I hear you out loud and clear nonnie 😭 I live for angst with fluff so the alternative ending saved me but THE ANGSTY ONE WAS STILL SO GOOD?? Im a sucker for when a character doesnt care how long they have to wait as long as they get to be with you in the end. And the idea of Dot being willing to wait an eternity for you is just so 🧎‍♀️But also the clones being literally at your beck and call after but also being awkward af because they really don’t know how to comfort you verbally… so you just have a bunch of teal floof surrounding you waiting for you to say something. Welp needless to say you have hawk eyes on you at all times now
Make sure to stay hydrated this summer too! Summer is my least favorite season since I really cannot handle the heat… I have no motivation to do anything when its hot 🚶‍♀️ But I will try my best once again (im already looking forward to fall) MWAH MWAHS HUGS FOR U TOO 🎐 ANON!! TAKE CARE OF URSELF TOO!
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fatuismooches · 11 months
SMOOCHES!! Okay okay!! Hii sweetheart!!! ౨ৎ
So to answer your small question honestly I feel like Zandik likes (maybe loves) sweets. Especially since (just a small little thought I tend to have) fragile!reader who likes to bake and always makes the sweetest treats! Are they sometimes burnt or look a little uneven? Yeah maybe, but Dottore knows how much time and effort you put into them (even though little bb Zandy or another clone helps you) he loves your display of affection of baking him treats bc you know how much he likes them. 😭 💕 I know you were just looking for an answer I’m so sorry this random idea just popped into my head just now and I was too excited to share ʚ₍ᐢ ›̥̥̥ ༝ ‹̥̥̥ ᐢ₎ɞ make sure you’re taking breaks and staying happy!! Big hugs and kisses and lots of chu chus n cuddles!!!
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon! ʚɞ
RAHHHHH I LOVE UR IDEAS!!! 💖 Aww im currently brainrotting about him having your sweets next to him nibbling on em while he does work. It makes him feel a bit relieved that you're still able to do things you enjoy ;( (Cue Pantalone and Columbina coming across your not-so-perfect treats and wondering why Dottore of all people is eating them but when they meet you they connect the dots INSTANTLY)
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fatuismooches · 11 months
Smooches!! Hello sweetie pie! ૮꒰ ˶´ ꒳ `˶꒱ა ♡
I just thought this out of nowhere and honestly it may not work but basically, reader (maybe even fragile!reader I’m just a complete sucker for fragile!reader) and Dottore going out of the laboratory and into the icy land that is Snezhnaya to get some materials Dottore needs. But while you two are out, suddenly (somehow) you two get ambushed by maybe some treasure hoarders or perhaps some more elite enemies. And you end up getting hurt in the process. Maybe even to the point you end up bleeding. (Would this actually happen? Probably not bc let’s face it, Dottore is so intelligent and strong like you’ve said before even if this did happen the only other situation I can think of is the Traveler 😭) I also just want to see Dottore be like angered and pissed off at whoever dared to hurt his darling. (Like yes come be my protector Dottore boo boo 😭 💕)
But yeah this may not make any sense or even work but it’s okay!! As I’m writing this we finally got rain here!! And it was a thunderstorm to top it off so hopefully this heat goes down soon. Also to answer your question about my baby <333 (dog) we actually don’t know since we’ve never gotten her tested and we had originally gotten her from the middle of the street. She’s a small dog and a creamy colored with a few darker patches. Although she does look to be like a shih tzu! Okay I should stop talking about my baby 😭 if I could send pictures I would!!! (Also if it’s okay with you: I have a bunch of ideas that I hope to send before I have to inevitably start school, so if you see me spam your inbox I’m so so sorry :c )But I hope you enjoy your week and also enjoy this last week of July!! May all your days be filled with love and happiness, as I give you lots and lots of kisses on your cute cheeks and forehead. And a bunch of cuddles too! Please make sure you’re staying well and not tiring yourself with writing. I love you loads and so does everybody else!!! Mwa mwa!!
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Dottore's lover getting hurt by someone else always fills my brain with too much brainrot 🚶‍♀️ I too love the idea of a cold "i don't care what happens to anyone + I'm too strong to be hurt" character becoming uncharacteristically angry when someone they care for gets hurt. And yes as you said the chances of you getting hurt are practically in the negatives since he plans for every possibility and circumstance... if there's even the slightest chance you can get hurt he won't do it (ESPECIALLY if it's fragile reader, that's a no-no) but for the sake of fanfiction 🥰 if you do get hurt, oh boy. He doesn't show much emotion on his face other than that cocky smirk usually. But when you get hurt he just has no expression at all, and speaks with absolutely no emotion, no mocking, nothing. And that's how you know he's upset. Now we know that Dottore really doesn't care if his experiments suffer or not, but when he gets the people who hurt you, he'll make sure to conduct the most brutal experiments possible. Not caring when they cry and beg for forgiveness. Debating whether he should kill them or forever drag out their suffering.
...Moving on from that- at least you get the most advanced possible treatment in Teyvat, which means you won't be hurting for too long. And ahh I'm glad you got some rain 🌧 ! Hopefully things cooled down over there, I cant imagine how hotttt it is for you 😭 And omg your baby sounds so cute!! 💖💖 And of course I will always welcome your brainrots! I don't mind the spam at all! Good luck in school too, I know its hard but you got this 💞🥰 Make sure not to push yourself too! Hehe I'm giving you more kisses and smooches! I will enjoy this last week of July, we're one step closer to the fall haha. Ily too!! Make sure to take care of yourself as well 🫶🫶
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fatuismooches · 1 year
SMOOCHES HII MY CUTIE PIE!!! ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ʚ🍓ɞ
HAVE YOU SEEN THE LEAKS OF DOTTORE AND ARELCCHINO??? SHE BEAT THE DEAD ALLEGATIONS AND APPARENTLY BOTH HER AND DOTTORE MAY ACTUALLY BE PLAYABLE 😭!!!! I HAVE BEEN LOOKING AT EVERY CONCEPT ART ON TWITTER JUST HYPING MYSELF UP FOR FONTAINE. My motivation to finally finish exploring the desert just went up so much !!! I’m not sure if you’ve seen but there’s a Dottore concept art of him wearing different colored masks! (Which is most likely to differentiate the clones to Prime) AND THERE WAS EVEN A LEAKED CONCEPT OF ALL THE HARBINGERS STANDING SIDE BY SIDE AND PIERRO LOOKS SOOOOO!!! AND CAPITANO TOO AHHH !!!! AND PANTALONE WEARS PANTS LMAOO (I’m sorry I’m literally frothing at the mouth I’m such a simp for all the Fatui Harbinger men. Yes I love all of them not just Dottore) N I THINK PANTALONE HAS A CANE TOO ALTHOUGH IM NOT SURE IF UTS PART OF SIGNORA’S DRESS OR SMTH either way even if he’s a grandpa I’ll still love him. And don’t get me STARTED on Fontaine’s concepts for the map it’s so blue n vibrant n green!!! It’s honestly giving monstadt vibes n reminding me of when I first started playing genshin back during launch 😭 I’m so excited for Fontaine i really hope it lives up to its hype since sumeru disappointed me a lil but seeing Omega made it 10/10
But I hope you have an amazing week/year!! I give you many many chu chus n kisses n hugs n cuddles!!! I’m sorry I haven’t sent any brainrots I’ll try to come up with some tonight!! (I unfortunately didn’t sleep well last night since there was a roach and it went up my foot and I’ve been traumatized since!! I DONT know if it’s still in my room or not waaa) ໒꒰ྀི ◞ ◟꒱ྀིა
From your very excited boo boo bear 🎐 anon ♡︎૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
NO CUZ SAME. I literally sat on twitter and reddit just scrolling and refreshing at all of these leaks cuz WTF HAPPENED ON JUNE 19 2023?? like MY GOSH IT WAS SHOCKING AND AMAZINg. ALL OF THE DESIGNS LOOK SO GORGEOUSSSSSS AHHH AND EVEN OLD CONCEPT ART OF THE OTHER CHARACTERS?? we were robbed.
I'm super excited for Fontaine 🥰🥰 And i feel you with the desert exploration! Really wish we had more forest than desert in Sumeru. Good luck on it 🎐 anon!! Dottore mains us soon 🥰
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