#Like on one hand you’ll find people call Wild Kratts an underrated gem with more than enough existing evidence to verify that statement
kaythefloppa · 10 months
I love how Wild Kratts lies on both ends of the spectrum of cultural relevance; On one end it raised a decade’s worth of an entire generation on biology knowledge, its animal activism inspired a scientist to name an insect after the Kratt Bros, is part of a quarter-century line-up of several different shows which have paved the path for the Kratt Brothers’ cultural impact on of itself, inspired a lot of furries, has a massive online following, and is one of the most top-rated PBS Kids shows to date; On the other end, it’s on a smaller network, is incredibly hard to pirate, is overlooked massively due to being a part of an ‘edutainment‘ channel aimed towards younger kids, has a fandom which, whilst big, can be very hard to find, and overall has less mainstream appeal in comparison to shows like SpongeBob, My Little Pony, or even The Simpsons.
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