#Mahalo!Sweetling <3<3
brooklynislandgirl · 7 years
Grass, forest, bug, saltwater, tide, bubble, balloon, space, smoke, mist
Grass: Do you prefer to be outside or inside?“When dere’s light, outside, feelin’ da kiss of sun on ya skin, baskin’ in da heat and da happiness, feelin’ da earth alive unner ya feet. Sky above ya endlessly blue. I also like for sit outside coffee shops an’ watch people come an’ go, imagining what lives dey lead. But once da sun sets, raddah be inside. Safe behind doors an’ walls, an’ where I can keep lights burnin’ alla time.”
Forest: Where are you most calm?
“Wrapped in his arms.”
Bug: What’s your most irrational fear?
“It’s no exactly irrational, is it, when it comes true every time. But...bein’ lef’ behind. Not bein’ wanted.  Not bein’ good enough. And it’s like I know, no maddah what dey say, no maddah what promises dey make, it’s bound for happen sooner or later. An’ all I can do is hope dat it no hurts dis time. It always does.And den dere’s da dark. Been afraid of it my whole life. Not jus’ absense of light, but da depth of it. What lives inside it. Da way shadows move almos’ unseen, unheard. How ya fight dat? How ya escape it?”Saltwater: Cold showers or hot showers?Hot. More hot, more beddah. Lettin’ it sluice down my shoulders. Not just for be clean, but it eases tension, an’ sometimes, da humidity...reminds me of home.Tide: Can you swim/do you like to swim? “I’m Hawaiian, tita. ‘Course I can swim. Born for it, really. No can remembah a time when I wasn’t able to, learned it almos’ from da time I start for walk. Was surfin’ by da time I was five, with help of course, but it’s somethin’ I love all my life. Dunno what I would do, if made stop.”Bubble: Do you live near the water?
“Everywhere I’ve live, dere’s been water. Everywhere I’m drawn, dere’s islands. Dunno if it’s subconscious, or if dere’s a reason for it. No hassa be oceans, can be lakes or rivers. I need it, for live, I think, it’s my mother, my blood. Live in N’York righ’ now, and ya can see da bridge from my window. So, yes?”Balloon: What’s your favourite carnival ride?“I....I dunno. Before I was seventeen, I wasn’t actually tall enough for mos’ of da rides. After...dere was never really any time for stuff li’dat. So mebbe da merry-go-round? Mebbe ferriswheel? No can say.”Space: Have you ever seen an eclipse?“Oh yeah. I remembah lookin’ t’rough one dem lil boxy kine, with da mirror in dem, for a solar eclipse. I can still feel da way da sky darken almos’ like night fall, only no really. An’ I’ve seen a few lunar ones, but I no wanna. My brother always like da skies an’ use ta make me go with him to stare at dem with his telescope.”
Smoke: Who’s your favourite artist?“Ho, dat one’s easy; my favourite t’ree artist are Raphael da Urbino, Vincent Van Gogh, an’ Noe Tanigawa.”Mist: Do you like fairytales?“Yes, of course. Who doesn’t? Fairytales, an’ stories in general, tell us who we are, where we come from, da kine most important for us. Dey explain da world an’ oddah kine, where science fails. Dey tell us how be heroes, how for find our way t’rough da ugliness of life. And how for no give up on love, no maddah how bad it seems. My favourite always be ‘La Belle et la Bête’ by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve.”
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