mirshinelt ยท 1 year
Listen to Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins on Audible.
In the past I was never really keen on reading self help books. I always felt like there was no point on reading them because I knew what I needed to do but instead I choose to make excuses to procrastinate or not do it. But this is why I think this book by David Goggins has become a favorite of mine at least enough for me to recommend the book. A part of me felt like or rather had grown comfortable in making excuses and using the trauma I went through growing as a crutch. Meanwhile what I needed was a wake up call and stop making excuses for myself. In truth I had started my journey or rather my redemption arc months before I even found out about Goggins's book but after having gone through 2/3 of the book already I have to say this book is just the right thing I needed to push myself off the edge. I also like the inclusion of the task he gives at the end of each chapter it felt interactive and it gave me a goal to get to it got me thinking about things a lot and it got me realizing or rather accepting that I can't keep making excuses I can't use my situation as a crutch if I intend to live the best life I should walk the talk I gotta just do it no ifs or buts about it. So for any of you trying to pick yourself up and wanting to change your life for the better I highly suggest that you pick this book up. Personally for me I much prefer the audiobook as it's set in a semi podcast format so you can actually hear Goggins himself add context and more advice to it. Personally I'm more of a listener then a reader. However if you can't get the audiobook then getting the text is also just as good and still leaves a lasting impact. Or if you have the time then do both have the audiobook playing as you are reading the text and fully immerse yourself in Goggins's work of art which is what I choose to do and when I tell you it left a lasting effect it sure did.
Side note: if you don't do well with strong languages the text version also comes in a more softer toned down one. Though personally I'd rather take in the raw unfiltered one strong language and all. Because quite honestly it leaves a lasting effect and you actually feel the emotions rushing through. But that's just me though everyone has their own preference. Unfortunately the filtered version does not have an audiobook so you're going to have to just settle with reading the text. Again still worth the read and it'll leave you facing yourself.
Months ago I was convinced that I was a healed girl I'd overcome my traumas and all. But when I tell you this book had proven me wrong it did. The effect each chapter leaves on you forces you to reevaluate your life, what you've gone through and what you're goals are even who you are as a person. With the passing of every chapter I felt myself more and more enraged at the life I've let myself go through all in the name of being the victim. You are going to cry a lot you are going to feel angry a lot you might even feel a little anxious needless to say this book will literally leave you feeling like you've taken yourself apart inside out part after part and it's not going to be fun all rainbows and sunshine and it's the furthest from feeling comfortable. But you know what they say success begins at the end of your comfort zone if you're feeling comfortable you're not thriving. Self improvement is not for the weak of hearts you need to be brave to leave behind your comfort zone. I haven't gotten to the end but if it's anything to go by I don't want to live like the me in the past. I had always told everyone how I was a warrior a fighter but in truth I was playing a victim making excuses after excuses. It's time I walk the talk I didn't want to be know as who I was in the past I want to strive to become the warrior the fighter I had been saying I was. With that said if you're wondering what book to pick up on I'd say your best bet is to pick up this book. It's quite literally life changing.
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