sargeantsarmy · 3 months
A very specific headcanon ask for the entire The Quarry gang, but what is their bedtime routine (do they even have one, or like what kind of "pyjamas set" do they like to go for) ?
Realized this is less routine and more habits but erm here you go
Abi: She does have a pj set, very princesscore, fluffy and soft, and she sleeps with a million pillows and a million plushies, and bundles up in blankets like she’s going to die from frostbite. When she’s sleeping with her bfs, she uses less blankets but thats just bc Jacob is practically a portable heater and she’s usually stuck in between them
Emma: Usually sleeps in her bra(sometimes she’ll swap it out for a tank top bc ow) and underwear bc she doesn’t care enough to have pjs, but if she has friends over, she’ll add a tank top and shorts. She sleeps either with the windows open or a fan running just to have some breeze on her
Kaitlyn: she is the biggest night owl, mostly due to her caffeine intake throughout the day. Girly is so tired, Emma needs to force to her to sleep sometimes. She wears an outfit similar to her workout outfit, just optimized for sleep so her tibbies aren’t in pain
Laura: No routine. Sometimes she just forgets to sleep until the sun comes up. Esp post-game, she’s tried medication to help her sleep, and usually just takes a couple melatonin before bed, hoping that it works. She wears nightgowns, owns dozens of them
Max: Bro cannot stay up for the life of him. Occasionally he’ll try to stay up with Laura, but she sends him off before he passes out. He sleeps with a quilt that his grandma made him, and sleeps with socks on, much to all of his friends(excluding Jacob) horror. He’s a little spoon but only because he’s already asleep when Laura lays down and is usually facing the wall
Jacob: sleeps in nothing but boxers. He doesn’t care who he has over, he’s not sleeping in a shirt(not that his partners mind). Little spoon in a big spoon’s body. Bro just wants to be held but wtf is abi supposed to do??? she can’t even get her leg over his torso. Nick will gladly spoon him tho. He is known for moving around and hitting people in his sleep. Also sleeps in socks regularly
Nick: I’m sorry but he has one of those blue and white striped pj sets with the fucking lil hat and matching slippers. He goes to bed whenever he wants, but no later than 2 am. He falls off the bed haha idiot
Dylan: He has a pj set, matches with Ryan’s, he just forgets to wear it. Sometimes he’ll go to bed in jeans bc if he’s worn them all day he doesn’t even think about it, they’re just part of him now. Is cursed with night owl and early bird tendencies, and really only goes to bed on a decent time bc of Ryan. Would rather die than go to bed without his teeth brushed, he just feels icky if he doesnt. A total little spoon
Ryan: Has an entire routine, times for everything, etc etc. If even one thing is changed he will be upset and he will probably cry a little. Goes to bed early and forces Dylan to join him bc he can’t go to sleep without cuddling him. Refuses to ever sleep in socks or anything heavy/thick. Wears his matching pjs sometimes but thinks they’re kinda goofy. Also shares a weighted blanket with Dylan
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sargeantsarmy · 12 days
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I lub them <3
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