#My beloved wet scrunkle
lilsoni3xx ยท 1 year
Saw some incorrect quotes so I thought id do it with my favorite blorbos, which i have affectionately dubbed "the oligarchy", or the og's for short. (There are multiple jokes in that name, see if you can spot them all lmao)
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everlasting-elegy ยท 2 years
hellio I am here to cry about my devastating afternoon,
I was promised a date with my special scrunkly pookie bae today since scrunkly bae was finished with exams fiNally ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„ torturing my scrunkly pookie baobei ๐Ÿ’ชโ˜น๏ธโ˜น๏ธ
So it was supposed to be thirty minutes ago already while I'm writing this,,๐Ÿ‘ฌ my scrunkly prinkle pookie wrinkle milf,,bae said a few minutes before it'll be in the location..........๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”
I was standing there,,,dark pathway, alone and coldly isolated. Cars passing by, dull faced bean-like people crossing directions on the other side of the street I face. Here I am, fe3t aching as I ignored all my bodily pains..to wait for my scrunkle berry pookie pie lover.
"We'll be having the date here" my pookie asshat said with a loving sing song tone only just yesterday ๐Ÿ˜”
Felt like i've been waiting all my life for this date since our last,, as you've (bae) been..busy with work. Perhaps you're doing this purposefully, to finally get rid of me..but I won't,,I can't, I JUST CAN'T So please, hurry tf up and arrive so we can spend this long awaited bonding time that YOU'VE promised, that YOU'VE said will happen, because YOU'VE said you're done with work..or are you cheating on me again,,with that woman.......
SKILLSHARE YOUR SECRETARY. I have long forgiven you for what you've done, fooling around with this app woman..You SAID you were sorry, begged for my love back as it was already fading in that moment. Were those just empty lies you fed to keep me around..To use my no homo love? I can't believe this,,perhaps I am wrong about this..maybe you're just ONE HOUR late?....Yes that might be it, so please hurry and rush to me with pure joy saying how much you've missed me ๐Ÿ˜”
As I spun my head left and right,,no one was to be seen on that lonely desolate street. I've gotten my nagito komaeda hopes up again..For all I know, you might just never turn up. Leaving me to drown in my sorrows of waiting for you..
A drop of rain, then wet droplets falls, setting the perfect gloomy bailed date night..Just as I gather my mind and belongings to head inside a cafรฉ to take shelter.....
I hear,,a honk. I turn around thinking, fucking finally...only to be disappointed again, it was in fact not my beloved. It was just a clown car, the driver explained that he has seen me standing in the same spot for an hour now..questioning whether I was alright. I said "Yes,,I am quite joyous today because I had a date arranged with my beloved lover"
He smiled warmly, in which melted the coldness I felt drenching in the rainfall. He asked a final question, "Do you need a ride?" I politely declined saying I was just heading into the cafรฉ, he understood and waved goodbye. Indeed I was joyous, because it was excitement holding me up the whole day at my tiring bustling workplace..to only be let down by my scrunkly lover.
Anyways hoebae said she'd play IDV with me which was the "date" location lol ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜ญ I'VE BEEN WAITINT AN HOUR WHERE IS SHE ๐Ÿ‘น๐Ÿ‘น SHE TEXTED A HOUR BEFORE THIS ONE SAYING IN AN HOUR WE'LL PLAY TOGETGRR I've been stood up by my scrunkly pookie hoebae ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃโ“โ“โ“โ—โ“ nvm she just called me as I finished typing this
- ๐ŸŽŽ/Ko
KO THAT WAS A WILD RIDE SKDJKSDF that was a roller coaster of emotions. I'm glad to see that it was resolved??? I hope she texted something decent in return and made it up to you omg. Even if it all works out, I know what it's like being in that hour just waiting and not getting anything back from them, it's super daunting especially if it was a trek to get to where to meet up ;-;
I have a friend who also consistently shows up late by hours. Luckily I always catch up with them with a group of friends but I have friends who had to wait for like... 3 hours all alone ๐Ÿ˜” Hopefully it never gets that bad for you DDD:
Also IDV, that's Identity V right?? I saw some game play of it, looks kinda fun~ I hope you enjoyed it!!
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