#My fave warrior names for him are Ravenflight Ravencall and Ravensong. Or Ravenwing tho that’s another cats name lol
nightly-ruse · 1 year
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Finally a Ravenpaw/flight design! I sketched a few concepts yesterday and ended with his fluffy back legs to bring more bird rep to them. They resemble Scourge a lot so go check it’s design out. So here’s my design and how he looks in new au I’m making!
-They have a sorta shag cut that covers most of the left side of his face. Also various wing markings on the left side of their face and on their back. His left paw is also white, which will be important to another post in finishing up
-The second image is with his bandanna which he’d have for canon Raven. I hc they just dropped his paw suffix when they left so he’s hair Raven with Barley.
-Purple toned black with darker coloring on their back legs, hair, and ears. I think he’s a little taller then Fire and Gray but still pretty small for TC cats
-Raven in the Mirror (name pending) au is called Ravenflight when he joins back into TC. They cry when Squilf is named after him (credit to @doritopaw101 for putting this idea in my head)
-Hc wise in both canon and the au they are non-binary using he/they and gay ace. While in the au Squilf and Leaf are both his, Sands, and Fire’s kits they are still ace. For the au they are also a kittypet born cat that was taken in by some TC queen after he was found all alone, Dustkit being his adopted littermate tho the two weren’t close ever
(ID- Raven is a standing to the left, their head slightly tilted to the right with eyes round and face sorta off putting. He is a black cat with purple toned colored and white markings. His eyes are round and purple with yellow sclera and dull purple inside their ears and nose. Black goes on their hair, mullet, ears, down his back, chest, back legs, and under their left eye in a small wing pattern. White is under his right eye in a hidden wing shape, on the left side of their face in a wing marking, tail tip, back of their front paws, whole of their left leg, toes of his back paws, and on their back in a wing pattern. They are sleek with patches of very ruffled messy fur on their neck, tail, back end, and paws. In the second image they have a purple bandanna and beside him is how their left leg looks. The faint signature “Nightly Ruse” is on his side. End ID)
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