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Mrs. GREEN APPLE × NiziU 初対バンに反響 4年半ぶり「点描の唄」に悲鳴に似た大歓声「涙が止まらない」
Source: https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2322792/full/
Mrs. GREEN APPLE × NiziU 初対バンに反響 4年半ぶり「点描の唄」に悲鳴に似た大歓声「涙が止まらない」
Mrs. GREEN APPLE × NiziU's first joint performance is a sensation! After 4 and a half years, 'Tenbyou no Uta' (Sketching song?) receives cheers that sound like screams of joy, 'Tears won't stop.
 3人組バンド・Mrs. GREEN APPLEが、12~14日にKアリーナ横浜で開催されたテレビ朝日開局65周年記念のグローバルミュージックフェスティバル『The Performance』に出演した。
The 3 person band, Mrs. GREEN APPLE appeared at the K Arena for 'The Performance,' a global music festival commemorating the 65th anniversary of the TV Asahi network.
The joint collaboration with NiziU was held on the 12th and the 13th. During NiziU's time on stage, Motoki Oomori (Vo/Gt) made a surprise appearance during the song 'HEARTRIS,' and the venue erupted with surprised cheering. Oomori, along with NiziU, presented the 'Tetris Dance' and synchronized formation dances, thrilling the audience."
For Mrs. (GREEN APPLE)'s stage time, during the guitar break of "Dance Hall", the 9 members of NiziU game out on stage. Together with Oomori, the group of 10 people had turned the stage itself into an even more gorgeous "Dance hall".
On the opening day, the 12th, they also made a live broadcast appearance on TV Asahi's "Music Station" from the venue. They debuted their brand new song 'Lilac' on television for the first time. The music video, which was released on YouTube after the 'Music Station' broadcast, also received a huge response, breaking past 2 million views in just two days.
2日目の13日公演では、「ダンスホール」のコラボ後に、人気曲「点描の唄」のイントロが流れ始めた。『The ROOM TOUR』以来、実に4年半ぶりのライブでの披露となることから、予期せぬ展開に異様なざわめきが起こった。NiziUのRIKU、MIIHI、NINAが歌い始めると、悲鳴にも似た歓声が響き渡り、大森とのコラボ歌唱に観客は息を呑んで聴き入り、静寂ののちに大歓声に包まれた。
On the 13th, the second day of the performance, after the collaboration of 'Dance Hall,' the intro of the popular song 'Tenbyou no Uta' began to play. It had been a staggering four and a half years since it was performed live during 'The ROOM TOUR,' so an unusual amount of excitement erupted. As RIKU, MIIHI, and NINA from NiziU began to sing, screaming cheers rang out, and as the collaboration singing with Oomori began, the audience held their breath and listened intently, followed by a burst of loud cheering.
SNSでも「点描の唄が素晴らしすぎた」「点描の唄が忘れられない泣」「改めて聴いて素敵な曲で 涙が止まらない」「点描の唄は何らかの形で映像化して欲しい」「NiziUコラボの点描の唄音源化希望切実!!!!」と大きな反響を呼んだ。
Even on social media, this made a splash, with people writing: "I will never forget my tears from The Sketching Song", "I listened again and it was such an amazing song I can't stop crying", "I want a video version of the Sketching song!" and "I really, earnestly hope they release an audio version of NizuU's collab of the Sketching song".
 最終日の14日では、若井滉斗(Gt)が、韓国のボーイズグループ・RIIZEのステージに登場。RIIZEのデビュー曲「Get A Guitar」でコラボレーションして会場を沸かせた。
On the 14th, the last day, Hiroto Wakai (Gt) appeared on stage with RIIZE, the Korean Voice group. The crowd was excited by the collab for RIIZE's debut song "Get a Guitar".
Mrs. GREEN APPLEは、5月21・22日に横浜アリーナでも対バンライブを行い、『Mrs. TAIBAN LIVE 2024』を開催し、21日に乃木坂46、22日にキタニタツヤ、imaseをゲストに迎える。その後、7月にはノエビアスタジアム神戸と横浜スタジアムでスタジアムツアー『ゼンジン未到とヴェルトラウム~銘銘編~』を開催することが決まっている。
"Mrs. GREEN APPLE will hold joint live performances at Yokohama Arena on May 21st and 22nd, hosting 'Mrs. TAIBAN LIVE 2024,' with Nogizaka46 as guests on the 21st, and Kitani Tatsuya and imase on the 22nd. Following this, they have decided to hold a stadium tour titled 'Zenjin Mitou to Verutoraumu ~Meimei Han~' (Not yet a Saint and Space (In German) ~individual version~?) at Noevir Stadium Kobe and Yokohama Stadium in July."
初対バン (はつたいばん): First collaboration or joint performance
反響 (はんきょう): Response or reaction.
歓声 - Loud shout of excitement
息の合った (いきのあった)- In good coordination, synchronized
沸かす (わかす)- To heat, boil or excite
総勢 (そうぜい)- all members
華やかにする (はなやかにする)- Make showy or gorgeous
披露 (ひろう)- To announce
反響を呼ぶ (はんきょうをよぶ)- Make a splash
予期せぬ (よきせぬ)- Unexpected
歌唱 (かしょう)- Singing
聴き入り (ききいる)- To listen attentively to
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juicyhammburger · 15 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Authentic Celine Macadam Navy Blue Fold over Large Tote Clutch Promo bag 16x15.
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trend-q · 5 months
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ヴィッセル神戸 (Vissel Kobe)
2023年12月04日 ヴィッセル神戸は、日本の兵庫県神戸市を本拠地とするプロサッカークラブです。 Jリーグに所属し、ノエビアスタジアム神戸をホームスタジアムとしています。 クラブは2004年にヴィッセル神戸として設立されました。 過去にはスペインの名門クラブであるFCバルセロナから選手を獲得するなど、国際的な注目も集めています。 チームカラーは紫で、マスコットキャラクターは「ラヴィ」です。詳細な情報は公式サイトをご覧ください[1][2]。 December 04, 2023 Vissel Kobe is a professional soccer club based in Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. They belong to the J League and their home stadium is Noevir Stadium Kobe. The club was founded in 2004 as Vissel Kobe. In the past, the club has attracted international attention, having acquired players from the prestigious Spanish club FC Barcelona. The team color is purple and the mascot character is "Ravi". For detailed information, please visit the official website [1][2]. Citations: [1] https://www.jleague.jp/sp/club/kobe/day/ [2] https://www.vissel-kobe.co.jp [3] https://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000203166/ [4] https://kotobank.jp/word/%E3%83%AA%E3%83%90%E3%83%97%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB-149219
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footballciub · 9 months
เจลีก 2023 | วิสเซล โกเบ ไล่แซง ซากัน โทสุ 2-1 ขึ้นจ่าฝูง
เจลีก 2023 | วิสเซล โกเบ ไล่แซง ซากัน โทสุ 2-1 ขึ้นจ่าฝูง
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รายงานผลฟุตบอล เจลีก 2023 วิสเซล โกเบ พบ ซากัน โทสุ
เกมที่สนาม Noevir Stadium  ในช่วง 45 นาทีแรก วิสเซล โกเบ ครองบอล 55% พร้อมโอกาสโจมตีจาก ยูยะ โอซาโกะ (2 ครั้ง) โฮตารุ ยามากูชิ (1 ครั้ง) และ โยชิโนริ มูโตะ (1 ครั้ง) แต่ยังขึ้นนำไม่ได้ ฟากฝั่ง ซากัน โทสุ ได้ตอบโต้จาก เคนทาโร่ โมริยะ กับ ยูโตะ อิวาซากิ ก็ยังไม่ได้ประตูเช่นกัน
ครึ่งหลังนาที 51 คายมัน โตกาชิ ซัดจุดโทษให้ ซากัน โทสุ ขยับออกนำ 1-0 แต่ให้หลังแค่ 2 นาที ไดจู ซาซากิ ก็จ่ายให้ ยูยะ โอซาโกะ ใส่สกอร์ให้ วิสเซล โกเบ ไล่ตีเสมอเป็น 1-1 จากนั้นยังบุกแบบได้ใจ พร้อมโอกาสยิงจาก ไดจู ซาซากิ, ฌอง แพทริค และ ธูแลร์ แต่ยังแซงนำไม่ได้
เข้าสู่นาที 77 วิสเซล โกเบ ปรับแผน 2 ตำแหน่ง นานาซาอิ ลิโนะ กับ เลโอะ โอซากิ ถูกส่งลงมาแทน ไดจู ซาซากิ กับ ยูกิ ฮอนดะ แล้วเป็นฝ่ายขึงเกมบุกต่อ ผ่านไปถึงนาที 82 ฌอง แพทริค ได้ยิงที่หน้ากรอบ 6 หลา เป็นประตูให้ โกเบ แซงนำ 2-1
ช่วงเวลาที่เหลือ ซากัน โทสุ พยายามเร่มเกมเพื่อเอาคืน พร้อมโอกาสยิงจาก โยอิจิ นากานูมะ กับ อกิโตะ ฟูกูตะ แต่เปลี่ยนเป็นประตูไม่ได้ ส่งผลให้ วิสเซล โกเบ เข้าวินเกมนี้ 2-1
วิสเซล โกเบ ขึ้นจ่าฝูง
หลังผ่าน 20 นัด วิสเซล โกเบ เก็บเพิ่มเป็น 43 คะแนน (ชนะ 13 เสมอ 4 แพ้ 3) เท่ากับ โยโกฮาม่า มารินอส (21 นัด) ขึ้นนั่งจ่าฝูง ด้วยผลต่างประตูที่เหนือกว่า โดยเกมที่ 21 พวกเขาต้องรับมือ คาวาซากิ ฟรอนตาเล่ วันที่ 22 กรกฎาคม
Vissel ครองบอล 54% จ่ายบอล 426 โอกาสยิง 13 (เข้ากรอบ 4) เตะมุม 6 ฟาล์ว 6
ธูแลร์ เคลียร์บอล 7 ตัดบอล 2 ชนะลูกโด่ง 3 บล็อก 2 จ่ายบอลแม่น 47/50 (8.0 คะแนน)
มิซึกิ ซาอิโตะ ตัดบอล 3 แท็คเกิล 2 เคลียร์บอล 2 เลี้ยงผ่าน 2 (7.5 คะแนน)
ยูยะ โอซาโกะ เจ้าของสกอร์ 1-1 โอกาสยิง 4 เรียกฟาล์ว 2 สร้างโอกาส 1 ครอส 1 (7.5 คะแนน)
ซากัน โทสุ นั่งที่ 9
หลังผ่าน 21 นัด ซากัน โทสุ เก็บได้ 29 คะแนน (ชนะ 8 เสมอ 5 แพ้ 9) นั่งที่ 9 ร่วมกับ อวิสป้า ฟูกูโอกะ (21 นัด) ตามหลังที่ 8 ซานเฟรซเซ่ ฮิโร���ิม่า (21 นัด) 1 คะแนน โดยเกมที่ 22 พวกเขาต้องรับมือ อวิสป้าฯ วันที่ 6 สิงหาคม
Sagun ครองบอล 46% จ่ายบอล 370 โอกาสยิง 8 (เข้ากรอบ 3) เตะมุม 6 ฟาล์ว 8
เคสุเกะ ยามาซากิ เคลียร์บอล 6 ชนะลูกโด่ง 4 แท็คเกิล 2 โอกาสยิง 1 ตัดบอล 1 (7.5 คะแนน)
ติดตามข่าวได้ที่ :: ดูบอลสดพากไทย
อ่านข่าวได้ที่ :: เว็บข่าวฟุตบอลออนไลน์
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angelinaaabn · 1 year
Never be lazy in lip care, have healthy lips in a few minutes
Do you have lip aging problems such as deep lip lines, thinning lips, and sagging corners of the mouth? In fact, lip care only takes a few minutes and can be done easily anytime, anywhere. I have had many lip problems, but I have been diligent in recent years to make up for lost time.
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If you have lip inflammation, it can be repaired overnight. I usually apply a thick layer before going to bed, and the cool mint feeling makes my lips feel light. Its other functions may not be very strong, but its repairing power is indeed powerful, and it is worth stocking up.
The texture of the balm is very oily, soft and lightweight, and the moisturizing and hydrating effect is pretty good. It needs to be thickly applied overnight to show its repairing and sealing power. The dead skin can be easily wiped off in the morning, and the lip lines and lip color improve significantly. The condition is quite good.
If you're into aesthetics, you can't miss it. I've had it for a long time and I'm reluctant to use it because it's so pretty. The gold leaf takes a while to massage to dissolve, so I don't have the patience to use it during the day. I mainly use it as a lip mask at night. It slightly reduces lip lines, makes the lips full and soft, but doesn't remove dead skin well.
The minty cool feeling on the lips is comfortable, slightly sticky, and has a slight waxiness, but its repairing and moisturizing effect is pretty good. A small amount is enough during the day, and thickly applied overnight makes the lips full and soft, and the dead skin easily falls off. Moreover, the lip lines and lip color improve significantly, and it has a high cost performance ratio, which can be a substitute for Lamer.
First of all, the packaging is of good quality, with a heavy glass jar, frosted gold bottle body, and full of golden sand under the flowing light, shining beautifully in the sunlight. The texture of the balm is delicate and soft, and it melts instantly. However, its performance is mediocre and I won't repurchase it.
The bottle is simple and exquisite, and the matte powder is clear and high-end, which really appeals to me. The texture is thick and fortunately quite soft, making it easy to apply. It is slightly sticky on the lips at first, but after it's spread out, it's not sticky anymore. It's oily but not heavy, and has a decent long-lasting moisturizing effect. It slightly reduces lip lines and lip color, but its sealing power is not strong enough. As a lip mask, its effect is average, but it is not a burden to use during the day.
It's okay, but the feeling of use is a bit worse, and it's relatively heavy. It turns white when applied and takes a while to absorb before it's not noticeable. It has a stimulating lip-plumping sensation, so don't use it if you have lip inflammation. However, it visibly smooths lip lines, increases lip thickness, and fades dark lip color significantly. It is more suitable for thickly applied as a lip mask before sleep. The condition of the lips in the morning is very good, but it doesn't remove dead skin as efficiently.
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vk-ento · 1 year
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昨夜のビール オリオンビール ORION BEER ルヴァン・カップ グループステージ開幕戦へ行ってきました。 結果は惨敗。 逃げ切りや引き分け狙いの前にやられました… 七聖君は大丈夫だろうか。 今年初の敗戦。 なので珍しいものを見せていただきました、としときます。 ポスターの5人は出場していませんでした。 帰りに寄ったスーパーで余市を見つけたので、衝動買いをしてしまいました笑 #ビール写真 #beerstagram #beer #japanbeer #オリオンビール #ゆうべのビール #乾杯 #kampai #orionbeer #ビール #沖縄ビール #cheers🍻 #bière #bier #santé #prost #アサヒビール #飲酒タグラム #スタジアム飲み #ヴィッセル神戸 #名古屋グランパス #ルヴァン杯 #敗戦 #作戦負け (Noevir Stadium Kobe) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpimFnoynwX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dailyrugbytoday · 1 year
2023 Japan Rugby League One fixtures & how to Watch
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/2023-japan-rugby-league-one-fixtures-how-to-watch/
The Daily Rugby
2023 Japan Rugby League One fixtures & how to Watch
The 2022–23 Japan Rugby League One – Division 1 season is the twentieth top flight league season scheduled to be played in December 2022 through to 2023, in the newly rebranded Japan Rugby League One. The competition consists of twelve teams, including two promoted teams from Division 2, Sagamihara Dynaboars and Hanazono Liners.
The format and schedule was announced on the 16th of September 2022. It will consist of a round-robin fixture, before entering into a knockout style play-off for the final four teams. It will feature two conferences (A, B). Teams in each conference will play the teams in their respective conference twice (one at home, one away), and six matches against all the teams in the other conference, three being at home and three away. Each team will play a total of sixteen seasonal fixtures, plus additional play-off matches, including relegation play-offs.
2022–23 Japan Rugby League One – D1 Countries  Japan Number of teams 12 Date 17 December 2022 – 20 May 2023 Promoted Hanazono Liners Sagamihara DynaBoars Matches played 42
Japan Rugby League One Teams
Club Prefecture Coach Stadium Capacity Black Rams Tokyo リコーブラックラムズ東京 Tokyo  Peter Hewat Komazawa Olympic Park Stadium 20,010 Green Rockets Tokatsu NECグリーンロケッツ東葛 Chiba  Robert Taylor Kashiwanoha Stadium 20,000 Kobe Steelers コベルコ神戸スティーラーズ Hyōgo  Dave Dillon Noevir Stadium Kobe 30,132 Spears Funabashi クボタスピアーズ船橋・東京ベイ Chiba  Frans Ludeke Edogawa Stadium 6,950 Red Hurricanes Osaka NTTドコモレッドハリケーンズ大阪 Osaka  Johan Ackermann Yodoko Sakura Stadium 25,000 Saitama Wild Knights 埼玉パナソニックワイルドナイツ Saitama  Robbie Deans Kumagaya Rugby Ground 24,000 Shining Arcs Urayasu NTTコミュニケーションズ シャイニングアークス東京ベイ浦安 Chiba  Hugh Reece-Edwards Chichibunomiya Rugby Stadium 27,188 Shizuoka Blue Revs 静岡ブルーレヴズ Shizuoka  Naoya Okubo Yamaha Stadium 15,165 Tokyo Sungoliath 東京サントリーサンゴリアス Tokyo  Milton Haig Chichibunomiya Rugby Stadium 27,188 Brave Lupus Tokyo 東芝ブレイブルーパス東京 Tokyo  Todd Blackadder Ajinomoto Stadium 49,970 Toyota Verblitz トヨタヴェルブリッツ Aichi  Simon Cron Paloma Mizuho Rugby Stadium 15,000 Yokohama Eagles 横浜キヤノンイーグルス Kanagawa  Keisuke Sawaki Nissan Stadium (Yokohama) 72,400
Read more: 2023 japan rugby league one fixtures
how to Watch 2023 Japan Rugby League One 1
Watch the full match replay of the competition of takes place within the tournament of Japan Rugby League One. Japan Rugby League One (JRLO) 2022-2023 season kicks off in Tokyo on Saturday 17th December 2022 in round 1 with several of the title-contending teams squaring off in Division 1, but there is action across all three divisions this weekend.
There are three matches in Division One on each day of the opening weekend, with Divisions Two and Three also kicking off.
Asian Rugby Tournaments 2022-2023
Hong Kong Women XV Looking For Series Clean Sweep Over Kazakhstan.
Chinese Women’s Sevens Rugby Aiming For A Strong 2023.
Hong Kong and Chinese Taipei To Play For U19 Silverware.
HKRU 2023 New Year’s Day Youth Rugby Tournament.
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sportsdayonline · 2 years
Japan coach, Ikeda thrilled with win over Super Falcons
Japan coach, Ikeda thrilled with win over Super Falcons
Nadeshiko of Japan head coach, Futoshi Ikeda has expressed his excitement following the team’s win against the Super Falcons of Nigeria on Thursday. The former world champions defeated the Super Falcons 2-0 in their friendly encounter at the Noevir Stadium, Kobe. Mina Tamaka opened the scoring for the Asians four minutes after the hour mark. The forward added the second from the penalty spot in…
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latestupdates2022 · 2 years
Friendly: Waldrum Anticipates Tough Duel against Japan
Friendly: Waldrum Anticipates Tough Duel against Japan
Friendly: Waldrum Anticipates Tough Duel against Japan Super Falcons head coach, Randy Waldrum says coming up against top sides will only make his team better ahead of the FIFA Women’s World Cup. Waldrum’s side will face the Nadeshiko of Japan in a friendly at the Noevir Stadium, Kobe on Thursday. The Super Falcons test their might in two friendlies against current world champions, United States…
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thesportsbay · 2 years
Super Falcons arrive Japan for friendly with Nadeshiko
Nadeshiko Japan, which is the alias of the Women National Team of Japan, are rated 13th in the world.
All is set for Nigeria and Japan to clash in a senior women international friendly match in Kobe on Thursday. The delegation of Super Falcons, which left Nigeria on Friday, has arrived in the Japanese town of Kobe, where they take on 2011 world champions Japan at the Noevir Stadium, Kobe on Thursday, 6th October. The date falls within one of the FIFA Women International Windows for this…
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jiokcareers · 2 years
SPORT: Waldrum calls Ajibade, 21 others for Japan friendly
SPORT: Waldrum calls Ajibade, 21 others for Japan friendly
Publish date: 2022-09-16 23:23:48 | Author: Johnny Edward | Source: punchng.com Super Falcons coach, Randy Waldrum, has called up 22 players for next month’s international friendly match against the Senior Women National Team of Japan, Nadeshiko, in Kobe. The match holds at the Noevir Stadium, Kobe on October 6. The team is dominated by regular players and also welcomes four members of the…
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juicyhammburger · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Authentic Celine Macadam Navy Blue Fold over Large Tote Clutch Promo bag 16x15.
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teesfortims · 2 years
Kyogo Receives Rapturous Sunday Morning Applause
HOOPS FORWARD KYGOO FURUHASHI returned to his former club this week where took part in a training session with his old teammates. The Celtic striker then took to the mic at Noevir stadium where he was treated to a massive applause. It’s customary for players how have left the club to come back and say a proper goodbye to the support. We saw it earlier this summer with Maeda and Hatate both…
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nhandinhbongda3s · 2 years
Trực tiếp Vissel Kobe vs Urawa Reds ở đâu, kênh nào?
Trận giao đấu giữa Vissel Kobe vs Urawa Reds được trình chiếu vào lúc 16h00 chủ nhật ngày 26/06 trong khuôn khổ vòng 18 thuộc giải đấu J1 League. Thi đấu tại sân vận động Noevir
Link trực tiếp phát sóng trên Bóng đá 3s https://bongda3s.net/truc-tiep-vissel-kobe-vs-urawa-reds-o-kenh-nao/
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youthsloadedmedia · 2 years
Super Falcons To Face Japan In Friendly October 6
Super Falcons To Face Japan In Friendly October 6
Nigeria’s Super Falcons will take on Japan in a friendly at the Noevir Stadium, Kobe on Thursday, October 6, reports Completesports. Randy Waldrum’s charges have in recent times engaged in high-profile friendlies against World champions, United States of America and Olympic champions, Canada. Japan who have won the FIFA Women’s World Cup once are ranked 13th by FIFA while the Super Falcons ranked…
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abrantepakjunyor · 2 years
Watch the Black Stars' 4-1 loss to Japan in the Kirin Cup opening in 2022.
Watch the Black Stars’ 4-1 loss to Japan in the Kirin Cup opening in 2022.
On Friday, Ghana’s Black Stars were defeated 4-1 by Japan in the Kirin Cup. In front of their home crowd at Noevir Stadium in Kobe, the Samurai Blue were clearly superior and deserved to win. Ghana did not show up for the match, with players who did not appear to be in excellent physical shape. Players, particularly on defense, spend the most of their time running about as the Japan assault takes…
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