#Nikolai kungurov
storja-historja · 4 months
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Три товарища + 🐶
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deceptigoons-attack · 7 months
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At Home Among Strangers | Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих (1974)
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pollenprince · 7 years
Lecture Time!
// okay i am home and i am too sleep deprived and exhausted to do anything productive so
I really like those, because they are small and neat and complete. Patty poems, or, in Russian, “пирожки” (peerojk’ee), were supposedly born in 2003 on a site stih.ru (a branch of another site hosting Russian hokku poetry) when a poet Vladislav Kungurov posted a number of poems written in blank verse, in iambic tetrameter, without any capital letters or punctuation (which is pretty much an act of anarchy for Russian language, especially since its punctuation is rather strict and abundant). The cycle was called “Patties”, because many poems were actually about food. The best type of poetry, if you ask me.
Even though the site itself and other types of poetry there soon faded away, those patty poems actually proved to be quite enduring. By now, they are extremely popular in Russia, and some collections of patty poems have even been printed out as books.
Patty poems have rather strict meter, consisting of 9-8-9-8 syllables, and they only use the iambic tetrameter, but other than that there are no rules. Sometimes those poems even go against the rules of the language, denying, for example, orphography, when the authors add vowels to closed syllables for the sake of the rhythm, punctuation, when they get rid of periods and commas, and stylistics, when they mix up slang and official speech. Also they are very memeish and usually circulate around the Russian social sites like migrating birds, their author almost always unknown or only known by a nickname.
All in all, patty poems are short, complete, rich in wordplay, extremely ironic to the point of verging on black humor, and playful, because often the last line serves as the punchline as well, leading to a rethinking of the first part of the poem. Often they deal with well-known historical figures, stories and characters, showing them in a comical way. Patty poems are said to express a playful approach to the absurd and tragic human life. Which is quite relevant, I guess.
Here are some patty poems I translated into English (O’leg, I’lya, Gen’nadiy and  Se’mion are all Russian male names):
oleg is handling things with vigor things go to shit so very quick and when he starts with shit already less efforts simply go to waste
ilya takes pains to balance quickly the evil with the nice and good he sees a kid is being beaten he does a pretty dance nearby
gennadiy was so metaphoric that when he uttered "pyzdetc" it actually meant "cacao" or "it is gonna rain today"
semion has pondered over life and is sad and drinking every day in contrast nikolay's amusive he always thinks about death
i've never slept with men i swear well no i mean of course i did but i just slept without sex well depends on what you call a sex
Also there is a variaton of patty poems, called “powder poems” (”порошки”), which employs the same iambic structure, but its last line is reduced to 2 syllables and rhymes with the second line:
a weird small package to bethoven was mailed a little while ago the note says here you need that better van gogh
That concludes my lecture on Russian memeish hokku-like pie poetry, thank you for attending.
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storja-historja · 8 months
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storja-historja · 7 months
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storja-historja · 7 months
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storja-historja · 7 months
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what desk job did to mfs
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storja-historja · 7 months
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deceptigoons-attack · 7 months
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storja-historja · 7 months
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Obligatory GK panel redraw ft. Три товарища
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storja-historja · 7 months
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