#Not gonna tag this with Roblox cause I dislike Roblox
rei-makes-big-robo · 7 months
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GUNNNNNNNNN, a Scifi heavier pistol for a Roblox (Gamemode?) I've been hired to do most of the art for. Probably will reuse in other stuff later, maybe add some decals and stuff. It's meant to be a railgun that has some questionable design choices such as yeeting the entire bullet for reasons and being a "Smart" gun that keeps track of how much ammo it has promptly yeeting the magazine out the bottom the second it's empty (Steel toe boots advised).
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roseynights08 · 5 months
I hate being affected by twitter and other social medias
Ok so like, yknow how in my posts i'd be all like "stab me w/ pitchforks but i rlly like:" yknow right? well thats bc of the stupid affect I got from being on other social media, or hell games (Twitter, Tik Tok, Roblox) Like hell it might've not been me ever but I saw people get bullied on these platforms and I always just was like anxiously twiddling my thumbs all like "erm.. what if that happens to me.." LIKE I DONT WANNA FEEL THAT WAY!! wWWAAAAA!! sothats kinda why I was always so anxious when I posted Polyblank x Agent Phoenix, its actually just probably one of my top fav ships but I called it a "Joke ship" at first cause if I thought if people knew it was a genuine ship I would be just laughed at for it lol, I DONT FEEL THAT WAY ANYMORE ACTUALLY!! Ive gotten way more proud at posting the things I like and being confident!! And even if someone dislikes it and goes out their way to comment it, Ive just been reminding myself that its MY account, MY page, Im supposed to be able to express myself on here, it doesnt matter HOW embarrassing it is, I plan to just act a lil more confident on my posts!!
Im not gonna add any tags to this cause theres really no reason to, I think I'd just want to like put that out there!! and yea if ur reading this stay confident!! Just do what YOU LIKE!! its YOUR ACCOUNT!! if someone judges you for what you like, thats ok1! Everyone finds enjoyment in other things. Just ignore the person and continue doing what you like! (but just to clarify maybe dont do problematic stuff..?) X]
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