bleeding-ambrosia · 1 month
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not sure how much i like how this turned out but I’ll definitely draw more dbd art at some point this was just something for my hands to do while i did my third rewatch aaaa!
I’ve never had a character that i’ve “kinned” but Edwin is so me 😭
I NEED A SEASON TWO SO PLEASE STREAM THE FUCK OUTA THIS (i just have it going on my tv on mute all day i won’t lie)
I think so far my favorite ship is payneland/painland i love a good slow burn! i’m not opposed to Edwin being with anyone else in between but i NEED a payneland endgame 🫶
I think it’s an unpopular opinion? but i rlly don’t like Cat King (IM SORRY) he just rubs me the wrong way thus far ✋😟 AND SOMEONE GIVE MY SON MONTY A SECOND CHANCE AT BEING HUMAN PLEASE please bring my crow son home🧎‍♀️
My biggest hope for this fandom (so long as we get green lit for season two) is that we don’t get into Voltron level ship wars bc i can’t go back and y’all can’t make me!
ty for coming to my ted talk 🫶✨
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thoughtfulpaperback · 5 years
TV show quiz
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag 10 peeps. 
1. Ugly Betty
2. Single Parents
3. Charmed (Reboot)
4. Big Little Lies
5. Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
1.  Who is your favorite character in 2?
Omg. This is actually really difficult because I loved all the characters, but if i have to pick a favorite it would be Douglas Fogerty. He tries so hard to be a caricature of this "old school macho man" but her just cant hide the fact that he is more complex and sensitive than he let's on and he is too hilarious. Brad Garret in my opinion is just one of the funniest actors without trying. Loved him since Everybody Loves Raymond.
2. Who is your least favorite character in 1? Oh super easy! Matt Hartley. He was whiny, a complete jerk, and completely unfocused as a character. Like he was never a good boyfriend or standout the way Gio or Henry were. And I mean the henry relationship was problematic and Gio was never actually Betty's boyfriend. So Matt is really the only romantic relationship (not prepared to end or started in the after math of a breakup) that we see and to me he is absolutely meh and just an asshole at his worse. A lot of people compare him with Daniel but again maybe because of the way Daniel is written or because of how Eric played him I just never felt so absolutely disgusted with Daniel the way I was with Matt at certain points in the series. I was unhappy that betty got back with him after everything he had done to her.
3. What is your favorite episode of 4?
Oh hands down season 1 episode 7. The season finale. As much as I love and respect Renata Klein's season 2 melt downs and every episode she just let's people have it. I will always have the scene of Perry's attack and death imbeded in my minds. It was so beautifully done. Which seems wierd because death scenes are usually supposed to be violent or sad not beautiful. But the scene managed to still be violent and even a little sad (mostly because of the aftermath and shock that that happened and the characters went through that), but the was something about the scene cutting between the attack and images of the ocean beating waves against the rocks that just made it so powerful along with september song playing in the background. I mean it was just beautiful I cannot use that word enough.
5. Who is your favorite couple in 3?
Like actual couples or the ones in my mind? Lol. Sticking with canon then I would say Mel and Niko. In spite of everything they cared and loved each other and it was sad that Mels decisions and life changing dramatically got in the way of that.
6. Who is your favorite couple in 2?
Poppy and Douglas. Hands down since they are the only official couple so far.
7. What is your favorite episode of 1?
This is terrible I cant just pick one, but I guess if I have to it is a toss up between the very first episode and the last episode of the series. Both were done so well imo and ugh both gave me feels. So. Many. Feels.
8.What is your favorite episode of 5?
The Passion of Sabrina Spellman. Madam Satan. Nick. A Play and the devil on your shoulder. Everything I wanted in one episode.
9. What is your favorite season of 2?
Only one season in the series so far.
10. How long have you watched 1?
From the beginning (2006) and every year since it ended (2010). So over 10 years now.
11. How did you become interested in 3?
Fan of OG. Thought it was gonna be cool to see POC leads and new magic outside of white eurocentric magic and history. I do not regret it. I love it.
12.   Who is your favorite actor in 4?
Laura Dern. No contest even though I love them all.
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Ugly Betty is probably my first love in terms of TV show infatuation. I have loved many shows and even ones before Ugly Betty. But It was my first real love. And I will always be my preference. It has everything, personal and political messages, comedy, drama, and some borderline mystic moments (see mexico trip and subconscious manifestations of guilt as a reference).
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ?
Obviously, Ugly Betty since it has more episodes than the Charmed Reboot, but I've watched all the episodes of both series.
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Madeline because even though she got those personal demons. Her husband (imo) is the best and even when he is a snarky passive aggressive jerk I still would want to be with him and find him just lovable. Also chloe is a pretty great kid. Yah the eldest daughter kinda sucks, but you know I feel like domestic life wouldnt be so bad. If I got to keep my personality. But I mean If i had to become the character fully and make the same decisions then none of them.
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
No. They are way to different in styles, genre, and filming.
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.
Detty is canon as far as I am concerned and so right that I wont list it even though my sister suggested it (mostly to be spiteful :p). You know I just cant think of one. Not one I would be okay with at least. Sorry.
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
Oh CAOS. No competition. I prefer Charmed and its characters, but COAS has a clearer and obviously well planned direction. Everything that they did had purpose and intention and it didnt feel as if there were dropped characters or plot points imo.
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
Ok so what do we mean by theme music? Like opening main title song or like score, or song choice in between score and silence? If it is main title song then for sure BLL. Michael Kiwanuka is amazing. I loved the cover of "sometimes I feel like a motherless child" that he did for the Man in the High Castle Resistance Radio Album. And his song Cold Heart is amazing and I am glad BLL used it. Single parents doesnt have a main title song so BLL would win by default even if they hadn't used Cold Heart but hey still glad they did.
Alrighty gonna randomly tag some peeps and see if they want to play along.
Soo.... @gellsbellshead @scousesal @charmedbrujas @charmedlifesworld @brujeria-histeria @charmedwhitelighter @autistic-witchlighter @theballetslippertheblackhoodie
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