#One day I will make a proper header image for this thing but it's surprisingly difficult to separate fanart from official art
thorst · 9 months
Tumblr media
Tea and Tinctures (rewrite).
I went and rewrote my /reader Witcher fic into a first-person POV, and posted it on AO3. I also sorted out some things I had niggling issues with in the previous version and added a bit more ~flavour~. If you asked to be tagged for updates last time, I've tagged you here. Please let me know if you'd like to be tagged (or untagged!)
Fandom: The Witcher Warnings: Canon-typical violence, animal death, wounds Pairing: None yet, eventual Geralt / Female OC Excerpt:
He burst from the wood, all dark leather, steel and muscle. Eyes glowing gold only round the rims, pupils blown to inky black in the darkness, the backs reflecting moonlight like a cat’s. The sword in his hands gleamed the sharp white of snow; it couldn’t be anything but silver. At first I was relieved that the figure belonging to those startling eyes was that of a man; though a chill ran down my back as I noticed his hair, white as the moon above. The White Wolf. Reflexively, my fingers tightened around my branch. The butcher of Blaviken.
Tags: @ab-haya @consultingdetextive <3
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raendown · 3 years
Pairing: MadaraTobirama Word count: 2255 Summary: The one where you feel aroused whenever your soulmate does
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the header!
Chapter 223
Madara was halfway through the speech he’d spent hours preparing, in full view of the entire council of advisors, when his words stumbled and his entire body grew warm. From the other end of the table Hashirama and Izuna gave him looks of great concern. He avoided both of their gazes. After clearing his throat he cast around trying to pick up the threads of his carefully laid arguments and continue on but the stride had been broken, the careful build up he’d been relying on interrupted by an untimely wave of something he really didn’t want to think about in a room filled with stuffy clan heads. 
“We’ll have to think on this matter a little more,” Yamanaka-san told him when he stuttered to a halt for the second time. 
“Don’t give me that,” Madara snapped. He knew as well as everyone else in the room what that meant. It meant no. “I haven’t even gone over-”
The words failed on his tongue as another wave of heat washed over him. Whatever his soulmate was doing at the moment he hoped someone came along and interrupted their fun at just the wrong moment. If his day had to be ruined by their untimely lust then it was the least they deserved in return. 
At the very least a careful look around the room showed that no one seemed to have noticed exactly what was bothering him. Hashirama’s gaze had already fallen back in to a bored, empty look. Izuna was frowning with open concern. Most of the advisors were either drumming their fingers with impatience as they waited for their own turn to speak or jotting notes down on the papers in front of them. Out of everyone in the room Tobirama was the most likely to notice, his eye for detail surpassed by very few, but the intensity of his gaze hadn’t changed in the slightest and despite how closely he’d been watching since Madara stood up from his chair the man’s expression hadn’t so much as twitched. 
They weren’t exactly very close but Madara knew Tobirama well enough to know he would have at least some sort of reaction to seeing the head of the Uchiha clan grow hot with lust in the middle of addressing the council. 
“I have a few thoughts on this matter myself,” Hyuga-san piped up and that was when Madara realized that he'd lost this argument. It didn’t matter whether the points he’d been trying to make were good or valid or benefited the village as a whole. The Hyuga clan head would always stand in opposition to him and somehow the man had wheedled himself in to better graces with the others than Madara would ever be able to with his naturally caustic personality. They would side with Hyuga-san as soon as he finished speaking. Just because he already knew it would happen, however, didn’t mean he had to like it. 
For the rest of the meeting Madara slumped in his chair with arms crossed and jaw rigily set, doing his best to project as much insult and anger as he possibly could. Partly because he really was feeling that way and he wanted the rest of the council to understand how much he did not appreciate their favoritism. It was also partly to cover the gentle waves of arousal that continued to wash over him from time to time like the other half of his undiscovered bond were being continually distracted by something they found pleasing in all the right ways. If he wasn't so irritated he might have been grateful, actually. Shameful as it would have been to admit to anyone, Madara had been so busy lately that he couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a few minutes to take himself in hand let alone the last time he’d been able to seek out any form of relationship, temporary or not. Having the time to follow up on the echoes of someone else’s lust would have at least been a great stress relief. 
Unfortunately the hardness inside his clothing did nothing to make the mountains of paperwork on his desk go away. Madara adjusted himself as discreetly as possible before standing up at the end of the meeting, stomping his way out of the room in the hopes he could turn the fire in his blood to a different kind of energy. It sort of worked. He always had been quick to anger, though it was difficult to stay truly angry now that his mind had been thoroughly distracted, supplying him with all sorts of interesting images from the last relationship he’d actually had time for. They hadn’t lasted very long but by all the gods that man could bend. 
When he realized he was contemplating the risks of slipping down in to the archives and hoping no one would follow, Madara shook himself, determined to be productive. The village needed him to do his work and none of the papers on his desk were going to get done any faster if he was off somewhere indulging pointless bodily needs. He would have to soldier on. 
The first thing on his to do list was to pick up the information packet he’d been too distracted to take with him after the meeting, necessary to have with him if he wanted to get anything done on the academy project. His nose wrinkled. Fetching that meant going down to Tobirama’s office since he was the one who’d been handing them out and he was the one who would have gathered up any left behind. Madara was grateful they’d been getting along better over the past few months - it was surprisingly difficult to remember when they’d last fallen in to one of them infamous screaming matches - but he really didn’t want Tobirama’s attention on him right now. Of all people to need something from, of course it had to be the one who always wanted to notice the whole room. 
Several curses for bad luck were still spilling out of his mouth when Madara found himself pounding on the door. Tobirama’s voice rumbled from inside for him to come in, sounding entirely unsurprised. Either he’d sensed Madara coming or he’d made a note of who exactly left their info packet behind. Possibly both. 
“Do I get three guesses for what you need?” Tobirama asked in lieu of a greeting. His tone was almost dry enough to cover the hints at humor underneath but it was there just enough to stoke Madara’s temper. 
“Fuck you,” he snarled without thinking.
“Now, now, Uchiha, if you’re not polite to me then I don’t see why I should need to cooperate with you.”
“Fuck you with a sharp stick!”
Madara knew he had anger problems. Knew that he tended to let his emotions get the best of him with alarming frequency. Right now when his body was fighting off the heat of another’s thoughts was not the time to think about standing down and rethinking his approach. No, he was already too much on edge to even consider the idea of self control and as much as he would later very smugly point out that it all worked to his benefit, at the moment all he could feel was exasperation for himself when Tobirama lifted one of those perfect eyebrows and Madara heard his own voice explode. 
Several months of good behavior went out the door all at once with one great roar of temper. 
Contrary to most of the fights they typically engaged in, Tobirama didn’t seem very interested in fighting back. For some reason that only incensed Madara further, driving him to scream louder, as if the man had done him some terrible wrong by not providing him with a proper outlet for all this unwanted energy sizzling under his skin. No matter how he swore and raged and shouted Tobirama did nothing but sit with his chin resting on a cushion of long fingers woven together, mouth set in some enigmatic line, eyes dark and intense as they watched Madara’s every movement. It was almost creepy how closely he watched without ever engaging. 
Yet worse than being stared at like some freakish zoo exhibit were the constant waves of increasing lust. Madara wished he could say that his anger was burning it away like he’d hoped but it only seemed to make it worse. The more he let himself get riled up the more his belly roiled with fire, body almost aching to be pressed against whatever hard surface was most convenient and fucked within an inch of his life. It really had been too long.
If he’d been allowed to run the course of his little temper tantrum and storm off immediately afterwards the way he normally did Madara wasn’t sure he ever would have figured it out. The vicious snarl he let out when someone opened the door unannounced was accompanied by a sharp spike of want that absolutely did not match the face that stared back at him in surprise. Izuna blinked at him once, spared his best friend the same baffled look, then looked at the door he was still holding open. 
“Damn, I need you to add these seals to my office sometime. I didn’t hear a damn thing from out in the hall.”
Madara growled to have his beautifully crafted insults cut off when he was in the middle of a really good stride. His jaw opened to demand that Tobirama do no such thing only to snap shut when he caught sight of the man he’d just been abusing for who the hell knew how long. Of all the expressions he might have expected to see, shame was not one of them. He wouldn’t have guessed Tobirama even knew what shame felt like but there it was in the faint twist of lips and the guilty shifting of weight. It wasn’t until he realized one of Tobirama’s hands was out of sight under the desk that his brain made a leap from Point A to somewhere along the lines of Tab C, sub-paragraph ninety-eight, and then he was left standing just a little outside of his own body, entirely unaware of the world around him. 
By the time his unsuspecting brain had finally accepted the idea that just occurred to him he came back to himself to realize the door was shut, Izuna was nowhere in sight, and Tobirama was staring at him again with something like faint worry hanging between the creases of his brow. 
“Are you hot for me?” Madara demanded with every ounce of tack in his body - which was to say absolutely none. 
“I...beg your pardon?”
“You were watching me just like that while I was making my presentation during the meeting.”
“Failing to make your presentation,” Tobirama corrected him. 
And then he seemed to fall still in anticipation and Madara could only stare as the whole world crashed down around his ears. 
“You do it on purpose,” he breathed. “You make me angry on purpose because you like it! You fucker!”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Tobirama protested. His voice was steady enough to give the words credence and it would have been entirely believable if not for the sudden bright red color staining his ears.
Madara stomped a little closer to slam both hands down on the desk and shove his face right up to the other man. “Don’t fucking lie to me. You’re hot for this disaster, I can feel it. Every time I get louder you get hornier.”
Watching Tobirama’s eyes blow wide was satisfying but seeing him drop his face in to both hands with the mortification of getting caught was pure gold. Madara enjoyed it very smugly even as he raced to catch up with the true meaning behind his own discovery. In an effort not to flail his way through a moment he’d been dreaming of since the day his mother explained the concept of soulmates to him as a wee little preteen, he cast about for something else to say.
“The only thing I don’t get is what got you hot in the meeting of a fucking council meeting.”
“I like your confidence,” Tobirama’s voice admitted from behind pale fingers. “It’s competent. And attractive.” He could not have sounded more strained if the words had been tortured out of him. Madara chewed that over for a minute before deciding he liked it. This he could definitely work with. 
“Right. Well, I am going to get absolutely nothing done until I can think straight again so here’s what is going to happen. You want confidence? Good. Then you’re going to follow me home, you’re going to follow me in to my bedroom, and then you are going to follow every single order I give while you rail me in to the mattress. Are we in agreement?” 
He’d never seen Tobirama move so fast in his entire life. One second they were separated by the very solid wood of a sturdy desk and the next he was standing in a six foot shadow blinking at surprisingly delicate collarbones. He grinned to see the blush revealed now that Tobirama wasn’t hiding behind his hands. It had been far too long but it wouldn’t be too much longer. Madara freely gave in to the urge to cackle as he led his soulmate away to go work off a little energy before they could talk about this with level heads. 
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hydrus · 5 years
Version 365
os x
I had a good week. The new repository processing works faster, and collections have a neat new collect/separate option.
repository processing
The non-interrupting repo processing from last week went well! There don't seem to be any big problems, and speeds were ok. As I hoped, I have improved how it 'throttles' itself, letting it speed up and slow down depending on how busy the rest of the client is, so all users should see significant speed-up in most situations and also have smoother browsing and tagging when you want to do something else.
I would like to copy this nicer synchronisation workflow to other large jobs such as Hydrus Tag Archive import and export.
collect and other things
For a long, long time, the 'collect by' dropdown on search pages has been some hacky ancient code. I have updated it all this week, bringing it in line with other systems in the program, and have added a second dropdown that chooses whether to collect or leave separate 'unmatched' thumbnails.
This means that if you collect by 'creator', you can now choose whether files that have no creator are all collected into one thumbnail collection or left as separate thumbs. You can switch back and forth quickly. A related change here is that files that do 'match' will always form a collection even if they are on their own--they will have the little collection icon and "1" count on their thumbnail--whereas previously they would be come out as uncollected, single thumbnails. If you are into collections, you'll soon notice this. It isn't a super-big change, but it does look different, and right-clicking on a one-file collection doesn't give you detailed file info. I am not sure if it is annoying or not for IRL workflows, but now that I can update the collections object easily, I think I will add another option to change this behaviour back to the old system if you want.
Otherwise, I added and fixed some small things. The filename tagging panel--that launches when you add some tags to files you are about to import from your hard drive--now pushes tags to the 'recent' tags list. An issue where a media panel (usually an importer) could rarely get duplicate thumbnails should be fixed. I also started a framework to pre-sort results before system:limit is applied, so we'll soon have some support for saying 'show the 64 largest files in this search' if you system:limit=64 and have 'sort by largest filesize first' set. And I updated the Deviant Art file page parser again to fix 'embed' file url links and title tags. The new Deviant Art login script breaks for some users but works for others, so I think they are still serving up the old layout to some sessions--if you have trouble with it, check out the Hydrus Companion to copy your web browser's cookies over.
client api
Searching files with /get_files/search_files now sorts the results by import time, newest to oldest! If you have been writing a booru wrapper or similar and want easy pagination, let me know how this works. It is hardcoded for now, but I expect to add some options here as I improve support for search-sorted on the UI side as well.
I also added a prototype for /manage_pages/get_page_info. This can give a whole bunch of data for import pages, including down to the individual file import url status level. If you have wanted to queue up new downloads to individual pages or change highlights or similar, have a play with this first 'what's the current status' part and let me know what you think. It may throw some errors! I will put some more work into it, expand the help about it, and round it out with some proper unit tests. Once we are happy, I'll start adding some actions to alter page info.
full list
new repo processing:
improved the new asynchronous repository processing system in several ways:
- it now uses the time it is allotted more accurately. when it has 0.45s to work, it hits this mark more often, especially on slower machines
- it is now politer to the ui if plenty of other work is going on--if the db is loading search results or you are viewing video, it should pause for milliseconds as needed
- it can now work up to 90% of the time during a manual 'process now' run
- when it is working faster than expected, it accelerates its load to operate more efficiently
as a result, the new system should now have faster rows/s and lag out the ui less
client api:
improved how parameters are fetched and tested against expected type and given default values if appropriate, and updated all client api code to use this new system
added /manage_pages/get_page_info, which gives simple or detailed info on a given page, found by page_key
added page info response to hdd importers, simple downloaders, url downloaders, gallery downloaders, watcher downloaders--they say their pause status and file/gallery import info as appropriate
added page info response to file import caches--they say their status and num_done/num_to_do, and in detailed mode report file import item info, which is url/path, created, modified, and source times, current status, and any note
added page info response to gallery logs--they say their status and num_done/num_to_do, and in detailed mode report gallery log info, which is url, created and modified times, current status, and any note
added page info response to thumbnail panes--they say their total num files, and in detailed mode list their ordered hashes
started some help for this expansion, but it will need some feedback and more work to finish
the client api now sorts /get-files/search_files results by import time, newest to oldest. this first hardcoded sort comes to help implement booru-like pagination, but will be expanded to support more types as I flesh out the ui side (as below) as well
hydrus services, including the client, should now be able to handle larger request header+path total size (16KB->1MB). this helps some larger GET queries in the client api. let's see how this goes
client api is now version 11
collect improvements:
the collect data attached to pages is updated to its own object. the default value and existing page settings should update. all ui now handles the new clean object, rather than the old messy list
the new collect object supports an option for whether to collect 'unmatched' thumbs or to leave them separate. this displays in the ui as a dropdown beside the collect-by checkboxlist
to better distinguish between unmatched singles and matched collections with just one item, all one-item collections will now act as collections, with the little '1' collection icon in their corner (previously, they were split into singles). if this is annoying, I will add another option to control whether this occurs
removed some old 'integrate media into existing collected structure code' that was complicated, never used, and now broken
misc sort/collect refactoring
deleted some old unused collection code
the rest:
entering tags in the filename tagging panel, either for all or just selected, now pushes those tags to the 'recent tags' list in later manage tags dialogs
added a framework to start sorting search results before the system:limit is applied--I will soon extend this to start catching the current ui sort (say, 'largest files first', and cut a system:limit appropriately, rather than the current random sample)
added a faster table size check on the analyze maintenance call that will recognise fast-growing tables (e.g. initially empty/tiny repository processing tables that may have seen a ton of recent work) and schedule them better (this was previously potentially hanging certain maintenance checks/shutdown by several minutes when hitting a surprisingly giant table)
reduced the analyze frequency for established tables
the client will now explicitly count as 'idle' and 'very idle' during shutdown maintenance time, in case any shutdown job is considering that for how greedy it should be with work time
fixed an issue where appending new media (thumbnails) to a page that already had that media but within a collection could create a duplicate media entry and invalidate some internal data links to the old media
subscriptions will no longer print full traceback information when a network error causes a sync fail
updated to yet another deviant art file page parser. title tags and embedded image links should be fixed again, post/source time is not fixed
the deviant current art login script is confirmed to work for some users. my guess is certain people are getting cloudflare blocked or aren't being shown the new login page all the time yet, please send in any more info you discover
the client will now recover from a missing options object by putting in a fresh one with default values, including a popup notifying you of the error and giving you a chance to bail out
added a warning and link to the quicksync to the access_keys help page
if the os commands the client to close due to a log off or system shut down, the client will kindly ask for a bit more time do to so if it is available
updated the WTFPL license to v3
next week
Next week is a cleanup week. For the big tags job, I would like to improve importing and exporting tag data, perhaps making a Hydrus Sibling/Parent Archive, and otherwise I will do some boring but important code cleaning and updates.
Unfortunately, endchan is down right now as they undergo some migration, so I am only posting a release post here this week. If they come back in a few days and seem stable, I will post there again, but if not, I may make a new board on another bunker or I may wait until we know more about 8chan after September 5th before I make any decisions. I do want to have an imageboard to discuss hydrus issues, so if you have opinions on a good place for us to be as these events go on, I am interested to hear them. Otherwise, I will keep working as normal.
0 notes
raendown · 5 years
Pairing: MadaraTobirama Chapter: 5/7 Word count: 1811 Summary: Now attending the university here in their hometown as he begins his Master’s, Tobirama develops a problem with falling asleep in the strangest of places. Madara, poor innocent never-deserved-any-of-this Madara, gets mistaken for a mattress one too many times. All he wanted to do was focus on his career but instead he finds himself forcibly tasked with herding his secret crush towards better sleep habits. It’s driving him up the wall.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI in the blog header!
Chapter 5: Who Needs Sanity Anyway?
“Where do you eat if you never go home?” Madara furrowed his brows as he watched the man across from him pack away his third portion of fish and rice. It wasn’t even that great; he’d been eating his own cooking long enough to admit he was no world class chef but it was disappearing from the man’s plate so fast he started questioning if it had ever been there at all. Tobirama shrugged and patted his mouth daintily with a napkin.
“A lot of my professors buy me meals between classes,” he said, already dragging his textbook closer from where he had shoved it out of the way for dinner.
“Huh. What, just out of the goodness of their hearts?” That seemed unlikely. And suspicious. Madara narrowed his eyes at just the thought of a teacher making advances on their student. That was the sort of thing that got people fired – and he was the kind of man who reported this sort of stuff.
“It pays to take an interest in one’s own education, I suppose.”
Madara let his suspicions fall away and sniggered openly when he saw the tiny smirk curling one corner of Tobirama’s mouth. There was nothing to worry about, apparently. It was not the teachers who were taking advantage of anyone here.
Since he wasn’t even done his first plate yet Madara was content to just sit quietly and watch Tobirama work while he picked at his own fish. It was surprisingly relaxing to take a few moments and watch the way his face moved as he read over his class notes, wrinkling with distaste when he couldn’t read his own writing, lighting up with excitement as he lunged forward to jot something down in the margins of one of his textbooks. For someone whose job was so full of stress during the day Madara was grudgingly grateful to have such a pleasant stress reliever in his home so often now.
Which brought to mind something else he’d been meaning to bring up since Mito had summarily dumped couch and couch potato in his apartment a couple weeks ago.
“You scam free meals off of people between classes. You fall asleep behind the printers at school whenever you please. Are you ever planning to go back to your apartment longer than it takes to get changed?” He was reveling in his own amusement until Tobirama responded with a hum and a thoughtful face.
“I guess I live here now.”
“Wait, what?”
With an easy shrug and nothing more on the matter Tobirama went back to his books. Madara was left to stare with his mouth wide open and his brain screaming louder than it ever had before. Live here? When did they agree on that? It was just supposed to be him helping a poor struggling student to get some better rest so he would stop falling asleep on park benches and the like. Nowhere in any of their conversations could he remember there being any mention of permanent living arrangements.
Gathering himself and trying his best to ignore the way he was spluttering indignantly, Madara opened his mouth to let this perma-guest know exactly what he thought about that plan. He was cut off before he could start when Tobirama looked up again to level him with an analyzing stare.
“You know, you’re actually quite attractive.” His tone suggested he was only just noticing for the first time. “If you ever wanted to do something other than sleep on that couch I would not be opposed.”
Madara was rendered stupid for the second time, barely able to keep breathing.
“Did you just…”
“A little quiet, if you please, I’m trying to design an experiment here.”
“But you…?”
“Is this important?” Tobirama sighed, then paused when he looked up and saw Madara’s expression. “Hm. You’re as pale as a sheet. Is something wrong?”
Rolling his eyes impatiently, he said, “Yes, you look unwell.”
“I’m–! Well you can’t just drop something like that on people without any warning! And without being clear on what you mean!” He paused to clear his throat and meet Tobirama’s eyes before looking away awkwardly. “Because what you said could mean a lot of things and I would hate to, uh, misinterpret that.”
“What is there to misinterpret? All we do is sleep. I would be open to making out sometimes if you have an interest.” Surely there had never been a more casual solicitation.
“Just making out?” Madara ventured. Tobirama lifted one shoulder.
“I wouldn’t turn down sex,” he said.
Madara spluttered again. That wasn’t at all what he had been getting at but he supposed for someone who consistently lived with their head up in the clouds like Tobirama did, lost in his own world away from the rest of humanity, it probably seemed like a perfectly logical conclusion to come to. In the part of his mind that wasn’t screaming loudly enough to wake the neighbors he wondered what had really sparked this sudden offer. They had been spending a lot more time together since that infernal couch had been delivered, actually doing more than falling asleep the moment they were in the same room together.
None of that clarified whether Tobirama was only looking for something physical or if he had finally noticed the fool that fell for him a long time ago. Sadly, Madara was willing to bet on the first option.
“Right,” he said faintly. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Do. Now, may I get back to what I was doing?” Tobirama waited but when he got no reply he simply bent his head and did just that.
Madara forced himself to stand up and collect the dishes, his appetite entirely gone. Or, more accurately, it was no longer food that he had an appetite for. All sorts of images chased each other back and forth across his brain until he was afraid that he might tackle the other man away from the table and commit several unspeakable acts right there on the kitchen floor.
To distract himself he did the washing up and then turned his attention to the rest of the apartment. Chores had never been his favorite thing but they did need to get done and he had learned from his very first job how to take proper advantage of his days off. When the week was over he spent his first day off in a whirlwind of cleaning and got everything done at once, leaving the second day free for lounging and general laziness. Most of the gross chores like cleaning bathrooms had been done earlier in the day. Now that dinner was over and the dishes were taken care of his next target was to clean the floors.
After vacuuming, mopping, and tossing in a load of laundry Madara drew an arm across his forehead and turned towards his bedroom out of habit. Then he stopped and floundered because there wasn’t much of a need to make his bed when the blankets hadn’t been disturbed in weeks. Feeling a little off balance, he made his way back out to at least straighten the blankets they’d been using on the couch instead, fluffing out the extra pillow he’d taken from the linen closet. They only needed one since Tobirama always ended up curling on top of him anyway
He started these shenanigans as a glorified space heater and somewhere along the way he’d been upgraded to human pillow. Madara honestly wasn’t sure if that was worse or better.
By the time Tobirama resurfaced from his papers Madara was showered and sitting on the bed-couch with his legs crossed in front of him on the cushion like a child, eyes trained on the television to watch some mind-numbing comedy show. He wasn’t at all surprised to be shoved over sideways for a hand to tug at his legs. Madara rearranged himself to where he was usually wanted and kept his eyes on the TV, expecting Tobirama to simply collapse on top of him and fall asleep like always.
What he did find surprising was the pair of lips that attached themselves to his own without any warning. Tobirama was warm above him, thighs sliding over to encase his own and hands braced against the cushions beside his head. Madara groaned. Not for a moment had he forgotten their conversation from earlier but he’d hardly expected anything to come of it so soon. If anything he would have thought Tobirama would be the one to forget about it or wait for Madara to make a move, too caught up in his own world as usual to seek out anything other than his books and sleep.
One hand lifting up to slide down his chest jolted Madara back to reality and he groaned again when Tobirama tilted his head to get a better angle. The taste of mint toothpaste was light on his tongue and he wondered when the other man had slipped away to brush his teeth.
Then it was over as quickly as it began, Tobirama sitting upright where he was straddled over Madara’s hips. Madara gaped up at him, watching those pretty pink lips smack together thoughtfully.
“Hmm yes. An excellent experience. I would certainly not be opposed to doing that on occasion.” He nodded to himself decisively and then collapsed forward to bury his face in Madara’s neck, melting over top of him in the way that meant he had every intention of being asleep within the next ten seconds. It was safest not to disturb him at that point.
Not that Madara could have even if he wanted to. Shock had once again rendered him completely still; by the time he gathered his flustering thoughts he looked down to find Tobirama completely at peace, far away in dreamland.
This was probably what it was going to be like every time, he realized distantly. Without a doubt this is what he had to look forward to. Tobirama was going to maul him at random until the man had found whatever satisfaction he was looking for and then he would be left reeling in the aftermath, aroused and frustrated and completely unable to fulfil his own sudden needs, not unless he wanted to reach between their bodies while trying not to disturb his companion.
Something had to give. Madara closed his eyes and let his head fall back with an explosive sigh. There were a lot of things he could live with for Tobirama’s sake but he wasn’t sure he would survive this latest development in their very weird relationship.
Maybe Mito was right to force a little privacy on them. He definitely didn’t want any witnesses here when he finally got up the courage to confront Tobirama – or when he crumbled afterwards in the wake of the inevitable rejection.
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